The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 5


The aircraft cabin is semicircular and white inside and out. Apart from a few damaged areas and severe scratches on the exterior paint, the overall condition is relatively intact.

The two brothers worked together to turn the cabin upside down on the ground, and it became the simplest tent.

Ruan Shiqing walked around the new home and was quite satisfied. Although it was a little shabby, from now on, at least he had a place to stay.

"That's it for now," Ruan Shiqing handed two hundred star coins to the brothers and said seriously, "If you find anything useful in the future, you can bring it to me first. I can take anything that others won't take."

"Then we won't be polite." Xiong Fangfang scratched his head, took the star coin and put it away with some embarrassment, and then said: "When we found it for you, we also found a flying cabin and put it next to you, okay? If you need any help in the future, just come to us." He paused, realizing that this was as if he was relying on Ruan Shiqing, and waved his hand shyly: "You don't have to pay for your help, we are friends."

Ruan Shiqing smiled, responded loudly, waved to the two of them, and then turned and went into the cabin.

The space inside the cabin is about ten square meters, which is not really big. Ruan Shiqing thought about it and decided to add a bed, a table, and two chairs first. If possible, he could also add a shelf to store miscellaneous items in the future.

Naturally, I had no money to buy these things, so I could only find the materials and make them myself.

Looking out the window at the huge garbage dump, Ruan Shiqing had an idea in mind, so he sat down on the spot without rushing. He took the kid out and put him on his lap, took out two tubes of nutritional supplements, and shared them with the kid.

The taste of the nutrient supplement was not very good, but it made one feel full. Ruan Shiqing finished it quickly, and saw that the little guy was holding the nutrient supplement with his paws but did not move. There were two slight bite marks on the lid of the nutrient supplement.

Ruan Shiqing: Phew.

"Sorry, I forgot to open it for you." He held back his laughter, took the nutrient solution, unscrewed it, and fed it to his mouth.

Rong Heng: …

Don't think I don't know you laughed just now.

He bit the bottle of nutrient solution unhappily, stood it up, and gulped it down in one gulp.

The bad taste of nutritional supplements was not unfamiliar to him. When he was stationed in the front-line area, he had been taking nutritional supplements for convenience, so he was very used to it now.

Seeing that he finished eating obediently, Ruan Shiqing sighed that he was really easy to feed and reached out to wipe the residue from the corner of his mouth.

Rong Heng subconsciously extended his tongue and licked the tip of his finger.

The warm and wet feeling disappeared in an instant, leaving both of them stunned.

Ruan Shiqing didn't care much about it. He smiled and rubbed his little head: "Be good, I'm going to apply medicine to you next."

On the contrary, Rong Heng's body was stiff, with his paws straight, allowing him to turn him over, but the tips of his ears covered with fur turned red.

He has never licked anyone in his life.

For the proud Ymir, the beastly nature in his body is shameful. Only in front of the closest and most beloved people will they show it unscrupulously. For example, such intimate things as licking fur will only be done with people who are very close to them.

Letting the people you care about be scented with your own scent is a way of expressing your love, and it is also a form of protection within a certain scope.

Rong Heng raised his eyelids to take a look at the young man who was applying medicine to him and snorted coldly.

It’s a good deal for you.

Ruan Shiqing didn't think he had taken any advantage, and was concentrating on applying medicine to the kid. The wound on his abdomen was too large and had not yet completely scabbed. Although it had been cleaned once before, there was still a little blood seeping out. He could only bear the pain and clean the wound again, then carefully apply the medicine evenly, and then rebandage it.

When it was finally completed, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Holding the kid's head with one hand and tapping his abdomen with his fingertips, Ruan Shiqing asked softly, "Does it still hurt?"

That's what I asked, but the kid can't speak, and I can't tell him that it hurts.

She could only blow gently on his wound with a distressed look on her face, and coaxed him in a gentle voice: "The vendor selling medicine said that this medicine is very effective for external injuries. It will definitely stop hurting in a few days."

Fool, that man lied to you.

Rong Heng's ears trembled slightly, and he turned over suddenly, hiding his soft and fragile belly.

And I don't feel any pain.

As the crown prince of the empire, he is stationed on the front line, fighting for the glory of the empire and for the people of the empire. It is an unshirkable responsibility and he never cries out in pain.

The kid turned over, rested his head on his paws, and dozed off on Ruan Shiqing's legs.

Ruan Shiqing gently stroked his fur until he heard a soft snoring sound, then he picked him up and placed him in the small nest made of his coat beside him.

He rested his arms on his head, looked at the sky through the skylight above his head, and thought about his next plan.

With the little robot, language communication is no longer a problem. The most urgent thing is to find a buyer to sell the engine and drive as soon as possible. After I have money, I can move to a better place to live, and then find a doctor to check the little guy's injuries...

As I was deep in thought, there was a commotion outside.

Ruan Shiqing walked to the door vigilantly and looked around.

In the little nest, Rong Heng, who was sleeping soundly, raised his head at the same time with an alert look. After hearing clearly what the noise was outside, he lay back lazily with a sleepy look.

At this time, Ruan Shiqing came over, picked him up, put on his coat, and then put him back into his clothes.

There seemed to be a big mess outside, and he had to go and check it out.

When I took the little robot out, I ran into the two brothers from the Xiong family.

"It seems that Hornik and Marin are fighting, and now everyone in the North District is clamoring to go and help the boss." Xiong Yuanyuan said, still feeling incredible: "Why did they suddenly fight?"

Ruan Shiqing kept his achievements and fame to himself, and said calmly, "Let's go over and take a look."

Most of the people had already picked up weapons that suited them and rushed to the battlefield. The three of them followed behind, and one of them found a stick and held it in his hand to make up the number so as not to be out of place.

When the crowd arrived at the place in great excitement, they found that they could not do anything.

Hornik and Marin have already started fighting, first in human form, then both transformed into beast form and started a more intense fight.

The Alda Eagle swooped down from mid-air, but the black mamba snake was not afraid at all. It flicked its tail, stood up, and showed its sharp teeth to the hunter in the air...

Ruan Shiqing stood at the end of the crowd, but could still clearly feel the awe-inspiring power.

If he had only a vague idea of the strength of Hornik and others described by Xiong Yuanyuan before, now, facing the brutal fighting on the battlefield, he finally deepened his understanding of this concept.

The gap between him and Hornik now is like that in primitive times, when humans fought against prehistoric beasts with bare hands.

Under such pressure, Ruan Shiqing's body instinctively tensed up, his eyes fixed on the battlefield, but his mind was racing, thinking about how to use existing things to create weapons that could resist Hornik as quickly as possible.

You can’t defeat the prehistoric beast with bare hands, but what if you use hot weapons

As an outstanding researcher and one of the top ten outstanding engineers in the institute, the thermal weapons drawings stored in his mind are enough to arm a powerful army.

While he was distracted, the fight between Hornik and Marin had already been decided.

Half of Marlin's wings were injected with snake venom and he could not move, but Hornik had half of his body torn off and his internal organs were scattered all over the ground. He was obviously the loser.

"I told you, I will kill you sooner or later." Marlin walked closer, inserted his palm into Hornik's chest, stirred it, and put it into his mouth, sucking it for enjoyment.

Behind him, North Side residents raised their arms and cheered, while booing across the street.

Seeing Hornik defeated and killed, the South District could only carry his body away in shame.

Seeing this, Ruan Shiqing breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not feel relaxed.

Here, the majority of people are undocumented and do not have identity cards. The personnel composition is complex, and everyone speaks based on their strength. Chaos and fighting are the norm.

If he can't make himself stronger as soon as possible, he will have to face an endless stream of Zhang Nick and Zhao Nick in the future...

Rong Heng had no interest in the fighting outside, and such a fight was a trivial matter to him.

But Ruan Shiqing's accelerated heartbeat and tense body forced him to divert a little of his attention and look outside.

There's nothing scary about it.

He looked up at the thin boy in confusion and found that his lips were slightly pale.

You were quite brave before, so why are you scared now

Rong Heng snorted and was about to withdraw his head to continue sleeping. But before he lay back down, he somehow pulled Ruan Shiqing's clothes and rubbed it gently. The boy's thin chest was stained with the unique scent of Ymir.

After realizing what he had done, he quickly lay back down and buried his head under his belly.

After a while, he couldn't help but stick out one eye to observe.

This way you won’t be scared anymore, right

Tsk, coward.

Ruan Shiqing accepted the boy's silent comfort, and couldn't help but pinch the boy's trembling ears with joy.

Fortunately, in this strange world, there is such a soft little thing to keep me company.

On the way back, Ruan Shiqing mentioned the engine matter to the Xiong brothers and asked them to help find a reliable seller.

After Ruan Shiqing returned, he began to study the interstellar universal language with the little robot. He had a strong talent for languages and a good memory. In addition, the universal language and English had something in common. After practicing with the little robot for three days and three nights without sleep, he was able to have daily conversations fluently.

At this time, the Xiong brothers also brought back good news—two days later, there will be a free auction at the underground market.

The auction is anonymous. When participating, everyone must wear a mask and a cloak to hide their identity as much as possible. Whether it is a seller or a buyer, you only need to pay a small amount of star coins to get a unified black box. In this way, the auctioned items are placed in the black box, and no one will know what you have bought, which can ensure the safety of participants to the greatest extent.

The reason why it is called a free auction is that in addition to the fixed items for auction, participants can let the auction auction their own items as long as they pay a fee.

For Ruan Shiqing, this auction was like a timely relief.

He immediately made an appointment with the two brothers to meet the day after tomorrow - before the auction, they would go to retrieve the hidden engine and drive.

After the deal was made, Ruan Shiqing suddenly felt much more relieved and asked the two where he could buy the book.

Xiong Fangfang was stunned: "What book?"

Ruan Shiqing hesitated: "Just... Physics, Chemistry?"

Seeing that their expressions were becoming more and more confused, he could only say, "I want to learn about the current level of technology, just... related books are fine."

The Xiong brothers:

"Who would buy this kind of book?" Xiong Yuanyuan scratched her ear, puzzled: "No one on planet b3024 would read this kind of book, and I've never seen one for sale."

After all, even repairing aircraft is done by word of mouth.

Xiong Fangfang said, "There should be one in the inner city. There is a school there." He spread his hands and said, "But we can't get in."

Ruan Shiqing felt a little disappointed when he heard this, but he didn't take it too seriously. If he couldn't buy a book, he could only rely on himself to study more and ask people. There were so many repair shops around here, and he could learn something by watching outside for a day.

So I dropped the topic and started talking about other things with the two brothers.

But Rong Heng in his clothes moved his ears: Want a book

Tsk, he ignored him and asked these two idiots instead.