The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 51: (Second update)


The little ones who moved into their new home are like fish in water, playing happily every day.

Every corner of their new home has been explored by them, and as long as they are not in school, the house can always be filled with the chirping sounds of the little ones.

But happy times are always short-lived. When the first exam began, the little fox began to panic.

She was so busy playing that she even forgot to ask Ruan Yuebai to give her some intensive tutoring!

When the exam began, the little fox was filled with panic.

In fact, the exam questions in school were not that difficult, but no matter how simple they were, the kids didn't like to study. They listened to the lectures, but didn't take what the teacher said to heart.

The exam was over that day, and when the little fox came out of the examination room, he looked like a wilted cabbage that had been soaked for too long, limp and listless.

She seemed to have seen those questions before, but when she tried to do them, she didn't understand any of them.

She looked at the little dragon expectantly: "Is this exam difficult?"

The little dragon scratched his head and hesitated: "It's not that difficult...?"

As a little dragon cub that has matured in all aspects, Heli now has a very strong learning ability. With the help of inherited memory, the courses in the cub school are considered very simple for the cub.

The little fox turned to look at the little mermaid, but then he remembered that he had always loved learning and the exam should not be difficult for him, so he drooped his ears disappointedly.

She pulled Snowball's fur and said dejectedly, "I hope I don't really get last place in the exam."

Rong Heng raised his eyelids, glanced at her, and snorted.

If a strong man doesn't work hard, he will become a loser.

What were you doing when I asked you to study

Do you regret it now


The little fox spent three days in anxiety. He had no appetite and no interest in playing.

I finally made it to the day when the report cards were issued.

She tightly grasped the blue star necklace around her neck, praying that she would not be the last one.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. The teacher announced the results of the cubs' first exam in class.

Snowball and Soft Moon White tied for first place, and He Li ranked second.

The little fox is last.

This result was not unexpected at all. When the little fox got the report card, he was completely depressed.

She looked so worried that she didn't even look forward to school being over.

"What should I do?" The little fox frowned: "Will Dad be angry with me?"

The little dragon cub thought for a while and gave her an idea: "Why don't we not tell Dad about the test results? That way he won't know that you ranked last. Wait for the next test, when you do well, then tell Dad!"

Although he really wanted to show off his report card to his father, after thinking it over, the little dragon felt that Nota was more important than showing off his grades to his father!

The proposal was agreed by the little mermaid. He touched the little fox's head soothingly and gestured: I will give you extra lessons in the future.

Nota moved his ears and hesitated to agree to come.

She clenched her fists and made up her mind to study hard with Ruan Yuebai!

The three cubs quickly reached a consensus, and Snowball, who remained silent, was taken as the one who agreed.

When Ruan Shiqing came to pick up the kids after school that day, he discovered that something was not right with the atmosphere among the kids. There was not the usual liveliness and joy, and there was a faint sense of heaviness.

"Did something happen in school?" Ruan Shiqing asked.

"No!" The little fox was the first to feel guilty. His ears stood straight up, but he didn't dare to look at his father.

Ruan Shiqing was sure that something must have happened between the kids, but the kids also had their own little secrets that they were unwilling to talk about. Ruan Shiqing never pressed them, so he just smiled and changed the subject without asking any more questions.

He always has other ways to ask.

The tense little fox breathed a sigh of relief, then felt a little guilty.

Her father was so good to her and sent her to school, but she didn't study hard and always ranked last in the exams.

The little fox pinched his fingers and his ears drooped listlessly on his head.

But studying is really hard. The little fox has been working very hard by staying alert and listening to the teacher every day and not lying down to sleep.


The little fox looked sad and sighed.

It would be nice if I didn't have to study.

Rong Heng, who was lying on the side, glanced at her with a slightly cold look in his eyes.

When the cubs were not paying attention, he quietly opened the little fox's schoolbag.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has no intention of covering up for the little fox, and the cub's education must not be relaxed.

Today, he is going to teach the little fox a lesson—the report card cannot be hidden.

The speeder stopped in the front yard, and the kids got on with their backpacks on their backs. The listless little fox didn't notice that his bag was open, so he naturally didn't notice that the report card had been pulled out and fell lightly to the ground.

The little dragon turned around and called her, but he saw the report card on the ground and exclaimed, "Nota!!!!"

Nota looked at him inexplicably: "Hmm?"

"What is this?" Ruan Shiqing, who came down last, picked up the report card on the ground.

When the little fox turned around and saw the report card in his hand, the hair on his tail stood up in shock and he subconsciously called out "Dad".

She opened her eyes wide and stared at Ruan Shiqing nervously.

Ashamed and scared.

After seeing her report card, wouldn't her father think she was too stupid and dislike her

In fact, the moment he picked up the report card, Ruan Shiqing had already seen clearly what was on it—it was a report card, and the grades on it were not very good.

He took one look at the panicked little fox and immediately understood the cub's thoughts.

Smiling, he did not unfold the report card, but dusted it off, squatted down and put it back into the little fox's schoolbag, and zipped it up for her: "Why didn't you zip up your schoolbag? You are so careless."

The little fox looked at him in surprise, his face gradually turning red.

She put her hands behind her back nervously, lowered her head, and whispered, "Thank you, Dad."

The ten big tails that usually flew high were now hanging down weakly.

Ruan Shiqing rubbed her head and said softly, "Come in."

The little fox nodded and ran upstairs carrying his schoolbag.

She was in a mess at this moment. On the one hand, she wanted to show her report card to her father and confess to him; on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel afraid that her father would no longer like her after knowing that she ranked last in the exam.

The little fox rushed upstairs quickly, holding his schoolbag and burying himself in the small blanket.

After making sure that all the kids had gone upstairs, Ruan Shiqing murmured in a low voice: "How come he is ranked last in the exam when he is so smart and clever?"

No matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be like that.

Ruan Shiqing found the school teacher's contact number and sent a text message to the teacher to ask about Nota's situation in school.

Rong Heng, who was secretly observing at the stairs, snorted coldly. He didn't use his intelligence on studying, so of course he could only get the last place in the exam.

Such cubs lack parental education.

As a result, Ruan Shiqing clearly saw the transcript but pretended not to see it.

There is no benefit in pampering the cubs.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince thought with deep sorrow.