The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 52: (Update 1)


The little fox buried himself in the soft blanket and rolled around wildly a few times while holding his schoolbag.

The big fluffy tail was tumbling and the fur became messy, but she no longer cared about it. Her heart was filled with her father's gentle love.

But she deceived her father.

The little fox felt extremely guilty.

When she was wandering on Tutar, she had cheated people and fought in order to get food to survive. At that time, she did not feel guilty. The only thing in her mind was to survive.

But now it’s different, she has a home and doesn’t have to wander anymore.

She is a good child that her father likes.

A good child shouldn't get the last place in the exam, nor should he tell lies.

The little fox slowly curled up in the blanket, pulling at its tail fur in an anxious manner.

If she confesses to her father now, she will have done only one bad thing; but if she continues to hide it from her father, she will have done two bad things.

After biting the tip of his claws and thinking for a long time, the little fox finally decided to confess.

By this time, Ruan Shiqing had already received a reply from the teacher.

As the teacher said, Nota is indeed a very smart cub, but perhaps because she has been wandering outside since she was very young, she is more mature and sensible than many other cubs. But at the same time, her wandering life has also made her more unruly than other cubs. In many things, she has her own set of ideas and opinions. She will listen to what the teacher says like other cubs, but she will not take it to heart.

In short, she will listen to what the teacher says, but she will dare to do it again next time.

She tried hard to act like a sensible and obedient cub, but in fact she did not love studying. The boring class could not make the lively and active cub concentrate, so her grades were naturally not very good.

But Nota's situation is not unique.

On the planet B3024, there are too many cubs like Nota, and most parents don’t pay too much attention to the cubs’ studies. As long as the cubs can grow up safely, it is a victory for the parents.

On the contrary, Ruan Shiqing's attention seemed more special, so the teacher told him Nota's situation as detailed as possible.

After Ruan Shiqing understood this, he also fell into deep thought.

Raising cubs is not just about taking care of their eating, drinking, defecating and urinating; education is also very important.

While he was thinking about how to find an opportunity to have an open-hearted talk with Nota, the little fox came to him first.

At that time, Ruan Shiqing had just finished dinner. Although he was nominally working in the workshop, he was actually worried about how to communicate with the kid.

It was at this time that the little fox knocked on the door of the workshop.

"Dad, can I come in?" She poked half of her face in from the door. She was not as impetuous as usual, but rather a little hesitant, and her ears drooped slightly.

It seems that this exam was really a huge blow to the little guy.

"Come in." Ruan Shiqing waved at her.

The big tail behind him moved slightly, the little fox closed the door, and slowly moved in front of his father.

She lowered her head, with her hands behind her back, and seemed to be holding something in her hands.

Ruan Shiqing guessed why she came.

Raising his hand and gently pressing the top of the kid's head, Ruan Shiqing asked gently: "Does Nota have anything to tell Dad?"

The ears on the top of its head moved, the little fox raised his eyes to look at him, bit his lip, and stuffed the report card into his hand with determination.

Because he was too nervous, the little fox's voice was a little sharp and loud: "Dad, I ranked last in the exam."

After the words fell, the little fox was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red with embarrassment.

Such a loud voice, as if being ranked last in the exam was something she was very proud of. She suddenly became even more depressed.

The pretty little rose hung its head, and even its leaves were curled up.

Ruan Shiqing had already seen the report card, but he still unfolded it and read it carefully. Then he folded it and handed it back to the little fox, saying gently, "It's just that you didn't do well in the exam once. You don't have to take it to heart."

The little fox looked up in surprise, its silver eyes full of disbelief.

The tail behind her moved slightly, and the little fox confirmed: "Won't Dad think I'm stupid?" Her face flushed, and she snorted: "Xueqiu and Ruan Yuebai got first place, and He Li got second place. Because of me, they didn't tell Dad about the test results."

Confessing that you have lied actually requires a lot of courage. After finally telling the truth, the little fox had exhausted all his courage and hung his head.

"Test scores cannot define whether a person is smart or not." Ruan Shiqing smoothed her messy hair. "You are not good at studying, but you may be good at other things. It's just that you haven't discovered it yet."

No one had ever said such words to her. The little fox's dull eyes brightened and its ears gradually stood up straight.

Ruan Shiqing smiled and flicked her ear: "But you are still too young now, you still have to master the most basic knowledge, you can't be an illiterate."

"Dad won't ask for your grades, but you have to study hard. If you don't like school, what are you going to do in the future?"

There are hundreds of different kinds of people in this world, and not everyone has to follow the same path.

If Nota wants to take a different path, Ruan Shiqing is willing to support her; but if the kid just wants to play and doesn't like to study, it won't work.

The little fox had never thought about such a long-term thing. She bit her lip and thought seriously for a long time before she hesitated and said, "I want to join the army!" She gestured and said, "Go to the front line to fight and kill the Zerg."

This was a wish she had when she was very young.

When she was wandering on the planet Tutar, she once met a hybrid like her.

At that time, she was still very young and did not have much experience in wandering. Because she could not get any food, she was hungry for many days and became very weak. When she thought she would starve to death, it was that person who gave her a tube of nutrition.

She survived by relying on that tube of nutrient, and later on when she was wandering around, she would occasionally run into that hybrid. Although they were both hybrids, the other person lived much better than she did.

Occasionally when he met her, he would throw her a tube or half a tube of nutrient solution.

This kind of life lasted for about one or two months. It was one of the rare and very comfortable days in Nota's wandering life. Even though he couldn't get any food, he didn't have to worry about being too hungry to walk.

But not long after that, the other party left Tutar.

The last time she saw that man, he generously handed her three tubes of nutrient solution and told her that he was going to join the army on the front line.

To this day, Nota's memory of the other person's face is actually very vague, but the other person's words are still engraved in his heart.

At that time, she wondered why the other party wanted to join the army.

The man smiled at her and said, "On the frontline battlefield, there is no race, only strength. Mixed-bloods like us must make ourselves stronger if we want to survive better. Weak mixed-bloods can't live for more than a year, so you have to work hard to survive."

After that, Nota never saw that man again.

I don’t know whether the other party survived or not, and I don’t know whether the other party has become stronger.

But those words were like a tiny seed buried deep in her heart, waiting for the right opportunity to take root and sprout.

Since he started wandering, Nota has always wanted to become stronger, just like that person said, trying to survive.

But she was lucky enough to meet her father.

Now she still has to become stronger, but not just to survive, but to protect her cherished home and family.

"Join the army?" Ruan Shiqing was a little surprised, but soon felt relieved. With the little fox's personality, joining the army would be a good choice.

He opened the virtual screen and brought up the top three military academies in the Galaxy Empire to show the little fox: "You are still too young, so you can only study in the preparatory military academy first. After passing the assessment, you can enter the military academy. After graduating from the military academy, you can directly join the army. But..." He smiled and touched the little fox's head: "Even if the military academy assessment focuses more on personal ability, illiterate people cannot pass the assessment. If you really want to join the army, work towards this goal."

When the little fox heard this, he immediately became alert: "I will study hard in the future!"

"Dad will also ask you about the military preparatory school." Ruan Shiqing put her on the ground and patted her head: "It's late, go and rest."

The little fox hummed heavily, then ran out of the workshop excitedly, with the ten big tails behind it wagging energetically.