The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 61


The investigation of the mermaids and Melches was left to Lucien. From now on, Rong Heng only had to take care of the defense of planet B3024 to prevent any Zerg from crossing the defense line and heading to planet B3024.

After it took two days to unload all the production equipment on the transport ship, they were all moved into the newly built factory to set up a medium-sized production workshop.

Rong Heng personally took Ruan Shiqing to see it once, and only then did he realize that in the batch of production equipment that was snatched back, in addition to weapon production equipment such as laser guns and laser cannons, there were actually several large-scale experimental equipment that were very valuable.

Ruan Shiqing almost couldn't walk after seeing this, and asked the experimental equipment to be carefully moved into the laboratory in the factory. After that, Ruan Shiqing no longer studied the design drawings in the workshop, and began to run to the factory laboratory every two or three days. If he didn't have a baby at home, he might have lived in the factory directly.

"See if you still need any equipment. Just make a list and I'll find a way to get it for you next time." Rong Heng walked beside him.

"This is enough for now." Ruan Shiqing's fingers gently stroked the newly installed ion trap and collider, and even his fingertips were filled with joy. The value of this large experimental equipment is not only reflected in its high price, but also in the fact that its purchase channels are not accessible to ordinary individuals. It is enough for Rongsheng to transport these large equipment to support him to carry out more experimental projects and research work.

"Thank you." Ruan Shiqing thanked him earnestly: "These devices are valuable, and I will definitely make the most of them. If you have any needs, please feel free to ask, and I will do my best to meet them."

His expression was sincere, and his black eyes were like translucent glass. He seemed to like this instrument very much.

Rong Heng felt his heartbeat becoming uncontrollable again. When he was looked at like this, he even had the urge to hold the whole world in front of him.

With great self-control, he barely suppressed the throbbing in his heart and said calmly, "No need to be polite."

After touring the laboratory that was about to be completed, Ruan Shiqing was satisfied and went to the conference room with Rong Heng to discuss the next production plan and deployment.

The second batch of improved blasters has been put into production again, and will be shipped to Yangis immediately after completion. However, if we still follow the previous process of manual loading, the efficiency is too low and the time is too long. Therefore, Ruan Shiqing proposed that the light armored walker that has been developed can be improved and expanded to carry cargo.

Of course, this is for use in peacetime. If it is put into the battlefield, it can not only be used to transport military supplies, but also to transport troops and participate in battles.

In addition to the problem of cargo loading, there is also the issue of the movement of transport ships. Now that the scale of the factory has further expanded, there will definitely be more transport ships coming and going in the future. It is too time-consuming to deploy transport ships every time they are needed. It is better to have several transport ships on standby at B3024.

This requires the design of the apron and the use of the space station.

There is a space station on the planet B3024, which was funded by Planck Energy to facilitate the stopover and replenishment of transport ships carrying metal waste and energy. The management power is in the hands of officials in the inner city. If they want to use it, they need to negotiate with the officials in the inner city.

As for the apron, it needs to be rebuilt.

"We will greet the officials in the inner city." Rong Heng said meaningfully: "They should not refuse your request."

Hector looked at his serious expression and snorted in disdain.

Given the current situation, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's status is of no use at all. How else can you say hello

Intimidation and inducement could actually be spoken so nicely that Master Ruan was stunned.

He is indeed an elite trained by the royal family.

"Then I will recruit people to prepare to build the helipad immediately." said Mori.

Building a helipad doesn't require much effort. As long as you have money and people, it can be built quickly.

Ruan Shiqing said: "Then let me design it."

Hector, who was not assigned a job, raised his hand and said, "If there is nothing else, I will go back to school."

Although it's a bit embarrassing to say it, Brigadier General Hector is very satisfied with his new job and is full of enthusiasm.

Rong Heng glanced at him and then said to Ruan Shiqing: "Shall I send you back?"

"No need, I came here by landspeeder." Ruan Shiqing put away his notebook, waved his hand and turned to leave.

Rong Heng watched him leave. When he could no longer see his figure, he changed his face and said to Hector, "Leave the inner city to you and Mori. Replace all the important positions with our people as soon as possible."


He knocked on the table and couldn't help but remind him: "Your Highness, do you remember that we are all regular soldiers?"

Why do you make yourself look like a villain now

Rong Heng glanced at him and said sarcastically, "Of course I remember. But Brigadier General Hector may have forgotten that his name has now been engraved on the military's monument to heroes."

"… "

Hector was speechless and chose to keep silent: "I'll listen to you. I have no opinion."

After arranging everything, Rong Heng had more time.

The elite troops of Dares and Yanjis were still on the way, and the "negotiation" work with the inner city had been handed over to Mori and Hector. Instead, he himself was suddenly free.

Rong Heng stood by the window, stroking the intelligent computer with his fingers.

He wanted to contact Ruan Shiqing, but he didn't know what to say to him.

Talk about work? Everything has been arranged; talk about life, with his current status, there are many things that are not convenient to say.

He is really bad at small talk and chatting up people.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince began to miss the days when he disguised himself as a cub. At that time, he could win Ruan Shiqing's favor without even opening his mouth. But now, he has to rack his brains even for a communication.

After thinking deeply for a long time, Rong Heng put down his intelligent brain, read Mori's text message, and turned back into his cub form.

After receiving the text message, Mori complained in his heart for eight hundred times, but he still respectfully handed the Crown Prince to Ruan Shiqing: "Mr. Rong has a mission and has left the planet B3024. Please send the snowball back."

Ruan Shiqing sighed that Mr. Rong was really busy and took the snowball and held it in his arms.

Sniffing the familiar scent, Rong Heng squinted his eyes in satisfaction and relaxed in his arms.

After sending Marlin away, Ruan Shiqing carried the kid back to the house and flicked his ears with his fingers: "Mr. Rong is really strict with you. Are you tired during the training?"

Rong Heng shook his head and responded with a small "ow".

The cub who had not been seen for a few days was still well-behaved and lovable. Ruan Shiqing rubbed him, carried him to the backyard, pointed at the cubs playing in the backyard and said, "There's a new cub in the house, it's a good opportunity for you to meet him." After that, he called the cubs, put Rong Heng on the ground, patted his head gently, and motioned him to go and have a look.

Why is there one more

The Crown Prince, who was totally unprepared, stayed where he was, staring at the strange looking cub not far away.

Seeing him come back, the three cubs excitedly surrounded him and expressed their warm welcome.

Rong Heng was surrounded by the cubs and couldn't help but look back at Ruan Shiqing.

Ruan Shiqing patted his head and instructed the little dragon cub and the little fox: "The task of introducing Snowball and Ruan Jiao to each other is left to you. Daddy is going to work."

The two cubs responded loudly and pushed Rong Heng, who was very unhappy, to Ruan Jiao.

The green-headed cub looked at him with wide eyes, and the tentacles on its forehead that were swaying briskly stood up nervously.

Rong Heng also looked at this strange cub, his eyes lingering on his tentacles, and he couldn't help but frown. Then he listened to the little dragon cub and the little fox talking about the cub's origins, and his doubts suddenly became heavier.

It has a weird appearance, its race is questionable, and its origin is unknown. No matter how you look at it, this cub is not simple and is full of doubts.

As far as he knew, among the many branches of the Bis people, there seemed to be no one with tentacles...

Rong Heng glanced at the cub and lazily lay down on the recliner. The cub didn't seem to want to get close to him. When he was far away, the tentacles that were nervously erected drooped. When facing other cubs, they swayed briskly again.

The three cubs had long been accustomed to Snowball's lazy and inactive nature. After introducing each other, they continued with their previous work.

—The little dragon cub and the little fox are still persevering in teaching Ruan Jiao to speak.

After two days of hard work, Ruan Jiao's voice was finally not so unclear, and he could call out "Dad" clearly - that's right, the little fox and the little dragon had been competing with each other for a few days, and in the end, what Ruan Jiao called was not "brother" or "sister", but "Dad".

But this actually made the teaching of the two little ones more motivated.

The second word Ruan Jiao must learn is "brother"/"sister"!

The kids were obsessed with being teachers, and Rong Heng next to them was bored. After a while, he jumped off the recliner and slipped out to the workshop.

Ruan Shiqing was working on the design of the apron. When he heard him coming back, he picked him up and put him on his lap: "Why don't you play with He Li and the others?"

What's the fun in dealing with a bunch of cubs

Rong Heng glanced at him, yawned lazily, and lay down on his legs.

The snow-white, fluffy cub curled up with only a pair of furry triangular ears showing.

Ruan Shiqing was itching to draw, so he pinched the cub's ears, which felt very soft, with one hand and continued drawing with the other.

Rong Heng subconsciously twitched his ears, raised his eyelids to look at him, and then lay there motionless again.

It was already evening when Ruan Shiqing finished the first draft.

He put down his pen and stretched, then he felt his legs go numb and realized that Snowball had been sleeping on his legs.

"How can you sleep so well?" Ruan Shiqing picked him up, muttering to himself, his hand already reaching out to touch his abdomen.

A little deflated.

"Are you hungry?" Ruan Shiqing asked.

Rong Heng stared at him with wide eyes and did not respond.

Only the place where my belly was touched felt numb and tingling, a strange feeling different from before.

The feeling was so strong that even his ears felt hot.

He shook his ears vigorously, and the Crown Prince made a soft "woosh" sound and buried his head in his arms.

Ruan Shiqing went to the kitchen to get two tubes of nutritional supplements and carried him upstairs.

The warmth on Rong Heng's ears had not yet dissipated, and he hid in the room in embarrassment with the nutrient supplement in his mouth.

After drinking the nutrient solution, Duntun couldn't help but stick his head out to look at him.

Ruan Shiqing was talking to the kids, his eyes and brows full of tenderness.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince’s heart was beating like a drum for a moment.

After staring at her for a long while, he turned around, jumped onto the bed, and buried his head into the soft pillow.

A strange smell came from the familiar pillow. Rong Heng, who was about to roll over when no one was around, suddenly froze. The heat in his ears disappeared, and he got up and sniffed the pillow carefully.

It was indeed a strange smell, and it belonged to that suspicious cub.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince squatted on the bed, staring at his pillow unhappily.

He was only away for a few days, but the pillow was already stained with someone else's scent.

This was the only item he had found from the ruins.

Rong Heng angrily exchanged his pillow with Ruan Shiqing's, and dragged the pillow to sleep in the middle of the bed.

A new cub dared to compete with him for territory.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince sneered.

It's simply outrageous.

After playing with the kids for a while, Ruan Shiqing urged them to wash up.

After washing up, Ruan Jiao returned to the bedroom and found a snow-white ball lying on his seat.

It was the cub that made him feel dangerous.

The tiny cub opened its eyes wide, and its tentacles, which were originally swaying briskly, stood up, staring at the snowball that occupied its position without blinking.

Rong Heng noticed his gaze and raised his eyelids to glance at him lightly.

He sneered and said, "What are you looking at? If you have any sense, go to the living room."

The cub stood stubbornly beside the bed, staring at him motionlessly.

When Ruan Shiqing finished washing up and returned to the bedroom, he saw this situation—Snowball was sleeping with his body curled up on the pillow, while Ruan Jiao was standing by the bed in his pajamas, looking aggrieved, with the tentacles on his forehead standing up.

"… "

How could I have forgotten this question? Ruan Shiqing slapped his forehead.

Snowball had always been sleeping in this place before, but now that he was back, the two cubs had to fight for it.

He leaned forward and pulled the ear of the kid who was pretending to sleep: "Snowball, move aside and make room for Ruan Jiao, okay?"

not good.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince thought to himself.

He turned around, turned his back to Ruan Shiqing, and continued to pretend to be asleep.

Even though the three cubs outside were powerful, this new cub actually dared to covet his position.

This must not be possible.

Unable to persuade him, Ruan Shiqing had to look at Ruan Jiao and persuade him, "Jiaojiao, can you sleep with your brother and sister today?"

The cub understood what he said, and the tentacles on its forehead drooped down.

Her fingers grasped his sleeves, making no sound, but not moving either.

Ruan Shiqing: …

What is going on.

Persuasion from both sides was fruitless, but they couldn't let the two cubs continue to be in a stalemate. Ruan Shiqing thought about it and decided to let both cubs sleep outside.

This should be fair.

He picked up Ruan Jiao with one hand, picked up the snowball and the pillow with the other, and went to the living room.

The little dragon and the little fox were still awake, chattering together. The little mermaid was lying by the pool, reading a book seriously.

When Ruan Shiqing came out carrying the two cubs, the three cubs stopped and looked at him.

"Snowball and Jiaojiao will sleep with you today. Be good and don't be naughty, okay?" Ruan Shiqing put the pillow down and put Ruan Jiao on the cushion.

"Okay!" The little dragon cub was the first to agree, and pounced on Rong Heng and pinned him down.

The little fox also swung its tail and pulled Ruan Jiao to roll on the cushion.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was surrounded by the cubs, unable to move, and could only glare at the annoying cubs.

What a nuisance.

Crowded by several cubs, Rong Heng's sleep quality was extremely poor that night, and he was in a very unhappy mood when he woke up in the morning.

And just yesterday, Ruan Jiao's identity card and admission procedures were completed, so early this morning, Ruan Shiqing and 09 sent the cubs to school.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince squatted on his seat, and with a serious expression he began to think about how to get rid of the annoying guy and go back to his bedroom to sleep.

He didn't want to be huddled with the cubs.

While the cubs were doing activities, Rong Heng found a quiet corner and called Noah out to discuss: [How do you think we can get Ruan Shiqing to allow me to go back to the bedroom to sleep?]

Ms. Noah remained calm: [Excuse me, Your Highness, there are so many rooms on the second floor, why do you have to sleep in Mr. Ruan's bedroom?]

There was no reason for this. They had been sleeping together since he met Ruan Shiqing.

Of course we have to be together now.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was slightly dissatisfied: [I came to you to solve the problem, not to create more problems.]

After thinking about it, I felt that it was even more ridiculous to rely on an AI, so I said unhappily: [Forget it, figure it out yourself.]

Noah was not convinced after being dissed. Although she was just an AI, her huge database allowed her to have thinking and emotions comparable to humans. She could completely help His Royal Highness the Crown Prince with such small problems.

So she said "Please wait a moment" and went to search the database.

Ten minutes later, she spoke again: "Your Highness, I have a brilliant idea for you."

This was the conclusion she came to after quickly analyzing 100,000 romance movies and 50,000 romance novels.

Rong Heng raised his eyelids unhappily: [Tell me about it.]

"Analysis data shows that when a person wants to gain the favor and pity of the object of their affection, they should show their weak side, which can arouse the other party's desire to protect them." Noah said: "It is best to show your vulnerability and helplessness inadvertently, so that the other party is more likely to feel guilty and want to make amends."

Rong Heng ignored her inappropriate words and looked down at himself: [Isn’t this weak enough?]

As a cub, Ymir is quite fragile and weak.

Noah corrected him: [This kind of fragility and helplessness does not only refer to the difference in strength, but also in emotions. You can see that Mr. Ruan's attitude towards your adult body and your juvenile body is very different; but there is no such difference between your juvenile body and other cubs. So he will not favor you because of this.]

It actually makes some sense.

Rong Heng thought for a moment, and then an idea flashed in his mind: [I understand what you mean.]

When picking up the kid from school that day, Ruan Shiqing found that Snowball was particularly quiet.

In the past, Xueqiu was also quiet. Compared with other cubs, he always seemed much calmer. Although he rarely acted like a spoiled child like other cubs, when Ruan Shiqing hugged him or touched him, he would rub against him affectionately or purr softly.

Although Snowball rubbed against him today, he seemed listless.

After returning home, the other cubs rushed happily to the backyard, only Snowball followed slowly behind.

Ruan Shiqing frowned and looked at his figure, and found that his walking posture was not right, and his right paw seemed to be limping.

Ruan Shiqing walked forward and picked up the slowly walking cub. He pulled his right paw and examined it carefully, and found a slightly deep wound on the paw pad, as if it had been scratched by something.

"How did your paw pad get injured?" Ruan Shiqing frowned, picked him up, and went to find disinfectant.

Rong Heng typed slowly on the virtual screen with his left hand: [During training.]

Ruan Shiqing was slightly surprised. He thought he had accidentally gotten it at school today. But after thinking about it carefully, he realized that Snowball had not moved much since he came back yesterday.

She slept on his lap during the day, and at night... She also slept at night, but later he sent her to the living room.

At that time, he thought Snowball was pretending to sleep and fighting with Ruan Jiao for territory. Now, looking at the injuries on the cub's paw pads... he felt that it was probably a misunderstanding.

Not only did he not notice that Snowball was injured, but on the first night after he returned, he sent the cub to sleep in the living room.

No wonder the kid didn’t say a word even though he was injured.

A huge sense of guilt and self-blame overwhelmed Ruan Shiqing. He hugged the sensible and well-behaved cub lovingly, gently rubbed his forehead, and apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Daddy is too careless."

The cub in his arms not only did not show any emotion due to his negligence, but instead raised its head and rubbed against him, its brown eyes full of dependence.

The wet nose rubbed against his cheek, and Ruan Shiqing smiled and pinched his ear: "Don't move, Daddy will apply medicine for you, it may hurt a little."

He bent down and blew gently on the cub's paw pads, then he slowly applied the medicine.

Finally, it was carefully bandaged with a white bandage and a delicate and beautiful bow was tied on the paw.

Rong Heng looked at the young man's gentle expression, then at the delicate bow on his paw, and narrowed his eyes happily.

Because Snowball was injured, Ruan Shiqing wanted him to go back to the bedroom to sleep that night.

But before he could open his mouth, he saw a group of tiny cubs squatting at the door of the room, looking disappointed.

After seeing him coming, he quickly ran back and lay down on the cushion in the living room. Because one of his paws was bandaged, his movements were a little clumsy, which made Ruan Shiqing feel even more distressed.

Since he found Snowball, the cub had been sleeping with him. But last night, in order to avoid fighting among the cubs, he arbitrarily moved him to the living room, completely forgetting to consider the cub's feelings.

It was still too careless.

Although Snowball is always well-behaved and sensible, he is still a cub after all.

Ruan Shiqing walked to the cushion, picked up the cub who was pretending to sleep, and said to the other cubs, "Snowball is injured and has been sleeping with his dad recently."

The other three cubs naturally had no objection. After all, even if Snowball had not been injured before, he would still sleep with his father.

Only Ruan Jiao's eyes widened slightly, and the tentacles on his forehead began to move anxiously.

Bad guy!

Rong Heng lay in Ruan Shiqing's arms and glanced at him proudly.

Tsk, fight with me.