The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 65: (Second update)


After Lansing left, the little mermaid returned.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw Dad, 09 and the kids waiting there.

Seeing him come back, the little dragon cub and the little fox rushed up first, one hugged his arms and the other hugged his legs.

The little dragon boy raised his head and shouted loudly: "If that bad guy dares to come to you again, we will beat him out."

"That's right!" The little fox echoed, "There are so many of us! We'll beat him till his teeth are all over the ground!"

The two cubs were aggressive, and Ruan Jiao, who was always slow to react, looked at him for a while, then walked up slowly, hugged the other arm of the little mermaid like them, and uttered an unclear sentence: "Brother... Brother, hug me."

The tentacles on the cub's forehead drooped down and swayed gently, as if sensing his emotions.

The little dragon cub, who was originally yelling about beating up the bad guys, was startled and his attention immediately shifted: "Jiaojiao was the first to call me brother! I won!"

"I didn't call you." The little fox was dissatisfied: "You don't win."

The little mermaid pursed her lips and smiled, and was surrounded by the noisy cubs and returned.

Having solved a big problem, the little mermaid slept very soundly that night.

A large imitation shell bed was placed at the bottom of the clear pool. The beautiful little mermaid was holding her tail, sleeping with her body curled into a semicircle, her ear fins opening and closing.

Two little rubber ducks float quietly on the calm water.

Rong Heng stood by the pool and looked at him for a while before he nimbly jumped over from the balcony on the first floor.

He went to Fita Manor first.

Mo Xin had received his message long ago and was already waiting in the reception room.

"Have you found out everything?" Rong Heng went straight to the point and didn't want to waste time.

"We have found out part of it. The middle-aged man is called Light Libyan. He is the son of Berman, the great elder of the mermaid tribe. He has been very favored by Berman since he was young, but he is a playboy. He has achieved nothing at the age of over 30 and can only rely on Berman to pave the way for him. This time he followed Lansing to planet B3024, probably just to gild himself. He and Lansing Libyan are cousins. Lansing is the only son of the chief of the mermaid tribe, but because he has received strict training since he was a child, he has hardly appeared in public. Lansing has been worshipped as the Son of God since he was born. He is the first heir of the mermaid tribe and the first governor of the planet Sijialan."

The Galactic Empire has nine administrative regions, spanning fourteen star systems and more than three hundred habitable planets. The local culture on each habitable planet is different, and the management system is also different. But since the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the nine administrative regions have recognized Sikkim as the capital planet and respected the emperor of the empire. The top managers or rulers of other planets have been granted the title of governor.

The governors of the Sijialan Star have all been the chiefs of the mermaid tribe. It is said that the son who succeeded the chief was born with a power strong enough to make all the tribe members submit.

"But judging by the laboratory that Ruan Yuebai mentioned, this generation of Saints is clearly not very good."

If they really had such a powerful force, the mermaids wouldn't have set up a secret laboratory to create countless identical test subjects. It was simply that something went wrong with the Son of the Mermaids, so they created countless copies to make up for it.

Even later on, Lansing was introduced as an experimental subject.

"But there is something strange." Mo said: "According to the information we found, whether it is the leader of the mermaid tribe or other elders of the mermaid tribe, they all really protect Lansing, the Holy Son, and have high hopes for him. People like Berman who protect his shortcomings always scold Wright when Wright repeatedly makes trouble for Lansing, and try their best to put Wright next to Lansing, his cousin, and he does not have any dissatisfaction with Lansing. Logically speaking, Lansing is just a selected experimental subject. I don't think those aquatic people with eyes on the top of their heads will really support an artificial mermaid."

It would be fine if it was just one or two people, but even the mermaid leader is the same.

This is where it gets really confusing.

"We can investigate these things later." Rong Heng asked, "Where are they now?"

"The two are currently staying at the estate of a wealthy businessman in the inner city. However, the relationship between the cousins, Wright and Lansing, is obviously not very good. Wright rarely goes back to that estate. He spends more time hanging out in the brothels in the inner city."

"I understand." Rong Heng nodded and turned away: "Just keep watching."

After saying this, the man disappeared into the living room again.

Hiding his whereabouts in the shadows, Rong Heng successfully sneaked into the inner city and found the manor that Mo Xi mentioned.

He came here with the intention of warning Lansing, but what happened in front of him temporarily changed his mind. Hiding in the shadows, he watched the show leisurely.

In the courtyard, the drunk Wright stared at him with an arrogant look: "Ha, I finally caught you with my hands, didn't I?"

"If you discover the experimental subject who escaped but don't report it, and the clan leader and my father find out, you will suffer the consequences."

"What experimental subject?" Lansing said indifferently.

"The mermaid in the repair shop. Don't think I don't know your troubles. If it weren't for the clan leader who spent a lot of effort to find a suitable body for you, you would be a sickly person now. What can you use to compete with me?" Wright smiled proudly: "I have seen everything today. You have a good relationship with that experimental subject, right? Do you want to protect him and don't want him to die?"

He raised his intelligent brain and said with a malicious smile: "Why don't I help you make a choice? You go and kill him now, or I will communicate with the clan leader and tell him everything."

"Did you see what happened this afternoon?" No matter how excited Wright was, Lansing always looked calm and fearless.

Wright hated his pretending to be calm, and gritted his teeth and said, "Of course, I still have the video. Do you want to see it?"

"That old fox of Behrman actually raised a fool like you." Lansing sneered contemptuously and slowly took out the blaster: "But you are right, he should be killed."

"Go ahead and kill that experimental subject with your own hands." Wright smiled proudly, but within a second, his smile froze on his face.

The blaster was pointed at his head, and Lansing's smile grew wider. "But the person who should be killed is not 047, but you."

After saying that, he pulled the trigger within a second.

The high-temperature energy beam exploded Wright's head, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Lansing bent down nonchalantly to pick up Wright's blood-stained computer, found the video archive and deleted it, then pulled out the built-in identity card and shot the computer to pieces with another shot.

The noise in the courtyard finally alarmed the owner of the manor.

The person who came out to check was a fat middle-aged man. His bloated body wrapped in silk pajamas looked extremely funny.

Looking at the head-blasted corpse on the ground and the young man standing leisurely in the courtyard, his lips trembled for a long time before he uttered a complete sentence: "Master Li, Master Libian, I, I didn't see anything."

Lansing looked at him with a smile, and without waiting for him to escape, he shot him dead without hesitation.

He walked over to the other person's body and whispered, "I'm sorry, I think the dead can keep secrets better."

Then he rushed into the manor in advance and killed everyone in it.

When he returned to the courtyard, he had already changed into another clean suit. He glanced at the place where Rong Heng was hiding and asked loudly, "My dear guest, how long will you stay here?"

Rong Heng walked out from his hiding place and glanced at the corpse on the ground: "Those brainless fish actually raised a vicious wolf like you."

It's really interesting.

Lan Xin was a little surprised to see him: "This inconspicuous garbage planet is actually full of hidden talents. I didn't expect that the former crown prince of the empire would be here."

He deliberately emphasized the word "front" and spoke in a mocking tone.

"I'm not here to argue with you." Rong Heng ignored his sarcasm, stared at the crushed intelligent brain and changed his original plan: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Since we have a common enemy, why not do a business?"

Lansing was very interested: "I'd like to hear more about it."

The two talked in the courtyard for a long time, and then Rong Heng left. A big fire broke out in the manor, burning all traces left from last night.

The fire in the inner city caused quite a stir, and even the outer city heard the news.

"It is said that the fire was so big that it burned for five hours before it was put out by an emergency fire-fighting robot." Xiong Yuanyuan reported the news with saliva flying.

"It seems that some noble person was burned to death. Now the entire inner city's guards have been mobilized, searching for the arsonist. I guess they will come to the outer city after they finish searching the inner city."

"I don't know if it will affect us." Xiong Fangfang said worriedly.

The residents of the outer city didn't care much about what happened in the inner city. The fire and the nobles who died in it were just new and unusual news to them, more of a topic for after-dinner talk. But once the inner city increased its manpower to conduct a search, it would likely affect the daily life of the outer city.

"Even if we're searching for the arsonist, it'll only be for a while. Just stay out of trouble and avoid them during those few days."

Ruan Shiqing spoke while concentrating on the work at hand.

—He is concentrating on lubricating and maintaining the joints of the small robot.

The little golden robot sat comfortably on a small stool, holding the lubricant needed for maintenance in its hand.

And a person who was in the know was lying on a recliner beside them, basking in the sun leisurely with his eyes closed.