The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 79: (Second update)


When Sijia Lanxing sent the sixth communication request, Rong Heng finally connected the call.

He put on the pure white smiling mask and a wrinkle-free white military uniform. He sat in a wide swivel chair, his long legs crossed, his hands placed in front of him like a tower, his body slightly leaning forward, looking at the communication camera.

He already knew why Star Scarlan was so eager to contact Star Balem.

Planet Scarland obviously doesn't know the current situation on Planet Balem.

After Rong Heng's virtual image appeared, his strange attire made the people in the base very confused. After a while, the base commander asked, "Who are you? Let Manson Belloc come out to talk."

"Manson Belloc?" Rong Heng turned his head, clapped his hands, and said to the robot on duty: "This gentleman wants to see Manson Belloc, go and bring him over."

A moment later, Manson Belloc, who was locked in the warehouse and looked disheveled, was brought in.

He is the person in charge of the ground control center and has the highest authority in the entire control center; but now, he is just a prisoner.

Although Rong Heng did not abuse or harm the prisoners, being detained in the warehouse for several days was enough to make the person in charge, who was used to giving orders, become mentally depressed.

Seeing the other party's situation, Sijia Lanxing finally understood what Balem Star might have encountered. Based on the other party's strange dress and impolite words, they immediately thought of rampant interstellar pirates.

These bandits wandering around the universe won't be polite to anyone.

The mermaids never suffer in silence. Chief Harman raised his hand to stop the commander from finishing his words, walked forward, stared at Rong Heng, and asked, "Did you intercept the neutron beam near the Balem star?"

"That's right." Rong Heng supported his chin with one hand and spoke in a nonchalant tone.

He had disliked Harman for a long time. Although the other party was actually an extraordinary person, he was arrogant and conceited, and was also a veritable supporter of racism.

In the past, the four ancient clans had to maintain a friendly appearance in name only. Although Rong Heng liked many of his things, he just turned a blind eye. Now that he has the identity of an interstellar pirate, it is natural for him to be as polite as possible.

"You are just interstellar pirates. I'm afraid you don't know who you have offended?" Harman said coldly with a solemn expression: "Sika—"

"Of course I know." Rong Heng raised his hand and interrupted him without any politeness: "The seafood from Sijialan Star, even if it is countless light years away, I can still smell the pungent smell of the sea."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and fanned his nose, as if he was really being smoked.

"You!" Haman had never been humiliated like this before. His face turned from blue to red, and his elegant face twisted slightly: "Since you know this, you still dare to do this... Do you want to declare war on Sijia Lanxing?"

Rong Heng sneered, and leaned closer to the armchair, still speaking in that casual tone: "If you want to fight, then let's fight."

Obviously, he did not take Scarlet Star seriously.

The communication was cut off without any warning, and the other party was obviously very angry.

Rong Heng was refreshed. He signaled the robot to lock Manson Belloc back into the warehouse. He took off his mask and said to the others, "Given Harman's temper, he must be preparing for a second launch."

But they don't care now. The Dyson sphere uses stars as energy supply, and they also have a whole resource star as a backing. If the two sides fight head-on, the only one who will suffer is the Sijialan Star who wants to secretly destroy the evidence.

He smiled softly and woke Noah up: "Turn on defense mode, lock onto the Sijialan planet, and prepare for the first attack."

The second launch of the Skylanders satellite took place four days later.

Two neutron beams carrying huge kinetic energy came one after another and separated in the Barham star field, one beam rushed towards the more distant b3024 star, and the other beam went straight to the Barham star.

Rong Heng had been prepared. He fired three neutron beams at the same time. Two of them intercepted the neutron beams of the Sijialan Star and exploded in the uninhabited star area, while one beam rushed towards the Sijialan Star as a super beam.

The defense system of the planet Sgarlan is quite powerful. The neutron beams that have traveled millions of light years will certainly not threaten the stability of the planet. Rather, they are more of a humiliation than an attack.

Rong Heng could even imagine Harman jumping up and down in anger.

Three hours later, the main control room received news that the neutron beam had hit the target.

Five hours later, news appeared on the holographic network that the planet Sjialan was suddenly attacked by a neutron beam, causing the planet to shake and trigger several tsunamis.

Although the tsunami did not pose much of a threat to the mermaids living in the sea, the attack on the planet Sijialan was unprecedented big news!

Everyone on the Sijialan Star was shocked. For a moment, the entire holographic network was discussing this matter, speculating that the neutron beam that attacked the Sijialan Star was launched from somewhere.

The mermaid chief, who had known the truth for a long time, was so angry that he smashed the table.

A mere space pirate dares to be so arrogant! He is really arrogant!

But this is not the end, it's just a beginning.

What set off the entire holographic network was a live broadcast.

On an inconspicuous live broadcast platform, a group of interstellar pirates wearing strange masks, calling themselves the "Eastern Alliance", claimed responsibility for the attack on the planet Sgarlan.

In the past two days, there have been many people who claimed that they were the ones who launched the neutron beam to attack the Sijialan Star. This has become nothing new in the holographic network.

What really attracted attention and made the live broadcast the focus of everyone's attention was the video released by this group of star pirates.

In the video, the Zerg are overwhelming, but among the Zerg tide, the landmark building of the energy center is still eye-catching and can hardly be mistaken.

"The Zerg have invaded the entire Galactic Empire. Perhaps even as you are watching this live broadcast, some remote planets have been quietly swallowed up by the Zerg. The source of all this is the planet Sjarlan. They colluded with the Zerg, transported a group of dormant Zerg back from the Melches region, and allowed them to leave, opening up a passage for the Zerg from the frontline region's defense line to the rear of the empire. Now, these Zerg have begun to invade the empire's star region, and the planet B3024 that was attacked may be the first planet, but it will definitely not be the last."

At the end of the video, a man wearing a mask with a pure white smile said in a deep voice: "The era of peace has come to an end, and war is about to begin."

The number of people watching the live broadcast online is rising steadily. Some are questioning, some are cursing, and some are feeling panic. The live broadcast interface is covered by dense subtitles.

This group of masked people did not give any explanation, they just cut off the live broadcast and then went offline.

Some people complained that the live broadcast was maliciously creating panic and chaos, and the live video was removed from the shelves. Only the audience's recording is still being circulated on the holographic network.

The "Eastern Alliance" and the Blue Star of Sijia have become new hot topics on the Internet. Countless people have participated in the discussion, but few people really take Rong Heng's warning seriously.

Everyone looked as if it was none of their business.

The soldiers in the front-line area kept the Zerg outside the defense line. The rear of the empire had been peaceful for too long, and everyone had forgotten the fierce battles their ancestors had fought against the Zerg, as well as the belief of the various planets of the empire to unite and fight against foreign enemies.

No one thinks that the flames of war will affect them, and they have become accustomed to turning a blind eye to the suffering of others.

Until someone asked for help on the holographic network.

He was a young Bis man in his early twenties. He used a neural connection helmet to enter the holographic world and shouted loudly for help in the news section where the crowd gathered.

His mental state was extremely unstable. He knelt on the ground and begged for help, crying, to save Lenka Star and save him.

And showed everyone the current situation of Lenka - overwhelming Zerg, destroyed buildings, the retreating army, and corpses all over the ground.

"Save us, please save us." The young man's spirit body became distorted, and then disappeared as if it had never appeared. The last words he left were: "They blocked Lenka and did not allow us to leave."

No one who enters the holographic world will understand what it means when the spiritual body is distorted and disappears in the holographic world - it means that the other person's real body is dead.

Perhaps the extremely unstable spiritual body they saw was just a trace of consciousness left after the other party's body died after entering the holographic world.

The tragedy happening right before their eyes finally made the Zerg invasion feel real to some people.

And what happened on Lenka was soon confirmed.

At 5:43 pm on March 26, the Sikkim Daily published a mourning article - the planet Lenka in the Caesarea region suffered a devastating blow due to a leak in the giant tokamak reactor, which detonated the energy station and caused a chain explosion. No one survived.

The Sikkim Daily reported the incident in an entire page, but made no mention of the young Bisi from Lenka who had sought help through the holographic network.

Such reports that tried to cover up the truth finally aroused public anger.

It reminded people of what the pirates had said during the live broadcast: "Perhaps while you are watching this live broadcast, some remote planets have been quietly invaded by the Zerg."

People used to treat it as a joke.

In the interstellar age when holographic networks are common, no one believes that a planet will disappear silently.

The current ending of Lenka Star has slapped everyone in the face.

Lenka did not disappear quietly, but its ending was more horrifying than disappearing quietly.

The Zerg invasion is real, and the Empire will not save the invaded planets, but will blockade the entire planet and let it disappear "reasonably".

This time it was a reactor leak. What high-sounding excuse will be given when it’s your own planet’s turn next time

Everyone shuddered.

The urgent sense of crisis and the anger of being fooled caused many people to spontaneously denounce the Imperial government on the holographic network and demand the disclosure of the truth about the destruction of Lenka.

Even in front of the Parka Palace, people began to march and demonstrate, demanding the truth.

After two days of public outcry, the current emperor of the empire, Si Yan, held a press conference to reveal the truth about the destruction of the planet Lenka.

He publicly admitted that Lenka had been invaded by Zerg, and because the local government did not respond in time and the armed defense was weak, they suffered a devastating invasion less than 24 hours after sending out a distress message. The high-ranking officials who received Lenka's distress message did not pass it on to the central government, but intercepted it privately and secretly sent the message to Sijialan.

The so-called reactor explosion detonated the entire energy station, leading to the destruction of Lenka. It was used by Sjialan to cover up its use of planetary weapons to attack Lenka.

"Before I ascended the throne, I knew that the Empire was divided by racism. I never expected that when facing the Zerg, we would choose to turn our knives against our own people. As the Emperor of the Empire, this is my dereliction of duty."

The elegant and handsome emperor stood in front of the stage with a sincere expression and earnest words. He even took off his crown and bowed deeply.

The reporter asked: "Then how does Your Majesty plan to deal with the Sijialan Star?"

Si Yan stood up straight, his apologetic expression turned cold: "I will declare war on Sijialan Star for treason! The Governor of Sijialan Star, Haman, will be tried in the military court!"

On that day, the front page of the Sikkim Daily News read in bold font "Sikaram Singh is guilty of treason" and "Governor of Sikkim Singh will be tried".

And Si Yan's declaration completely ignited the anger of everyone who was paying attention to the Lenka incident.