The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 81


After ending the call, Rong Heng came out of the bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a few cubs sneaking around the door.

When they saw him coming out, they ran away in panic.

"Come back." Rong Heng frowned, took two steps forward to pick up the slow-running Ruan Jiao, and then looked at the other kids: "What are you trying to do secretly?"

Ruan Jiao slapped his hand that was holding his collar.

The little dragon cub moved back slowly and looked at him carefully: "Are you feeling better?"

"Why am I in a bad mood?" Rong Heng raised his eyebrows, looking puzzled.

Of course it’s because your father doesn’t want you anymore.

But he couldn't say it so directly, so the little dragon boy stammered, "If you say you're not unhappy, then you're not unhappy." He began to change the subject awkwardly: "Will you sleep with us tonight?"

Since Brother Rong didn't want people to know that he was unhappy, they should just pretend not to notice.

But you can comfort him!

"No." Rong Heng frowned in disdain: "There are so many people here, you still need someone to sleep with you."

The little dragon cub's eyes widened with anger as his kindness was taken for granted.

Finally, the little fox and the little mermaid pulled him away. When Ruan Jiao saw the three cubs running away, he finally broke free from Rong Heng's hand, turned around and glared at him, then hurriedly chased after them.

Looking at the happy backs of the cubs, Rong Heng chuckled and felt his heavy mood become lightened.

Five days later, we learned from the news that Sikkim had entered a state of war preparation, and the people of Sikaran Star had obviously realized that Si Yan was deliberately taking advantage of the situation. The incident on Galenka Star had indeed aroused public indignation, and they were exhausted from dealing with all parties, and finally could no longer care about Balem Star and B3024 Star.

Rong Heng arranged for Hector and Mori to stay on the planet Balem with their men, while he and Melaire returned to the planet B3024 with the cubs.

They had been away for half a month and now they could finally go home. The cubs were very excited.

Rong Heng stood by the porthole and looked at the stars.

According to the original plan, he should have transformed into Snowball at this time and returned with the cubs legitimately.

But for some reason, this time he suddenly wanted to see Ruan Qing.

Not as Snowball, but as Rong Heng.

So even though he knew that Snowball's absence might arouse suspicion, he finally made this somewhat willful decision.

The little ones ran past him with a "dun dun dun" sound, and after a while, they ran back with a "dun dun dun" sound.

After searching every possible place in the lower cabin, the cubs still couldn't find Snowball, so they had to run to find Rong Heng. When they left planet B3024, Rong Heng told them that Snowball was injured and recuperating in the treatment cabin, and that he would be able to come out of the treatment cabin and go home with them once they returned to planet B3024.

So as soon as they got on the battleship, the kids couldn't wait to find Snowball.

Only the little mermaid, who had known for a long time that Snowball and Brother Rong were from the same family, tried hard to act in order to appear sociable, and followed the cubs in the search.

Facing the puzzled looks of the kids, Rong Heng frowned and said perfunctorily, "His injury has healed ahead of schedule, and he has already gone to participate in training."

The cubs immediately showed disappointed expressions.

The little fox and the little dragon were about to say something, but the little mermaid pulled them back and said, "Snowball may be back in a few days. Mr. Mellaire's fighting class will be suspended soon."

When they heard about the new class, the kids immediately stopped moving and followed the little mermaid to the training room.

Only Ruan Jiao followed beside them with a frown, listening to their words with confusion.

The snowball is right here, why are you looking for it

The battleship sailed for two days before reaching planet B3024.

Ruan Qing received the news early and waited at the tarmac for the first time.

After half a month, the Zerg on planet b3024 had been basically cleared out, and there was no longer a steady influx of Zerg. However, Zerg corpses were still piled up everywhere, and the residents, in accordance with Ruan Xingqing's request, transported the Zerg corpses to designated locations and piled them up for unified treatment.

Although we encountered difficulties, everything started to get better after we got through it.

The cyan battleship landed on the helipad.

The elevator ramp was slowly lowered and the cubs rushed down impatiently.

The little dragon and the little fox rushed into their father's arms and rolled around. Ruan Jiao, who came out a step behind, hugged his father's legs tightly, his tentacles waving happily. The little mermaid in the cart was the last to come out. He stood in front of Ruan Xinqing, his eyes bright and he looked calmer and calmer.

"Welcome home." Ruan Xinqing rubbed the cubs and looked at Rong Heng, with a hint of doubt: "Why didn't Xueqiu come down? Is his injury not healed?"

Rong Heng pursed his lips, and suddenly some dissatisfaction arose in his heart.

But he didn't say anything, just hummed softly.

Ruan Xinqing was slightly disappointed, but he did not show it. After all, Xueqiu was Mr. Rong's younger brother, and he had known him for so long that he did not doubt Mr. Rong's character. He was also afraid that if he asked too many questions, it would cause trouble to him.

So he considerately changed the subject: "Today, my family has prepared a meal to welcome you home."

So the group got on the speeder and returned to the repair shop.

The repair shop was not seriously damaged because of its protection system. Everything remained the same, and the Fallen Star vines, which were carefully cared for by the small robots, were flourishing.

Dares had already arrived at the repair shop and was squatting on the side watching the Xiong brothers repair the racing car, chattering with questions.

Not until he saw the landspeeder at the door did he finally shut up, stood up and greeted the few people.

The little robot that hurried out from the backyard heard the noise and exclaimed, stepped forward to look at the cubs one by one, picked them up and weighed them, and said with a distressed look on his face, "They have lost weight."

He waved his arms and quickly cheered up: "But it doesn't matter, my husband and I prepared a lot of food today, and we will definitely feed you all fat!"

Melaier moved her nose and smelled the rich aroma of food. She looked at Ruan Qingqing in surprise, her eyes gradually brightening: "Chef Ruan Qingqing actually knows how to cook?"

Rong Heng, who was very familiar with her character, frowned slightly and subconsciously stood between her and Ruan Qing, saying in a stiff tone: "Let's go in first."

Melaire, whose sight was blocked by him, didn't care. He changed his direction and looked at Ruan Xiqing with burning eyes: "It seems strange to call you Master Ruan Xi. Can I call you Xiqing?"

Ruan Qing smiled and nodded: "Whatever you like."

Mellor smiled brightly, leaned against him affectionately, and called Fang Fang "Xiaoqing".

Rong Heng, who fell behind, had a slightly green face, and his gaze at Mellor could almost burn two holes in her back.

‌ Green.

He and Ruan Xinqing had known each other for such a long time, but he had never called the other party like that.

Why did Melaire get there first

His Royal Highness was very unhappy.

There is also a subtle bit of jealousy.

He repeatedly smacked the two words in his mouth, trying to imitate Mellor and call her in a familiar and natural way, but in the end he could only keep a stiff face and couldn't utter a word.

Ruan Qing was unaware of his dilemma and led the group to the restaurant for dinner.

The gray and white marble dining table is filled with freshly cooked, fragrant meals.

The kids immediately sat down in their own little chairs and looked at the dishes with shining eyes, but they were very polite and did not start eating right away, but waited for the guests to take their seats first.

Ruan Qing asked everyone else to take a seat.

Dares and the Xiong brothers sat together, and Melaire sat next to Dares. Ruan Xiqing was about to lead Rong Heng to sit next to her, but Melaire said, "Xiqing, sit next to me, and let Mr. Rong sit in the main seat. This way we can chat."

Ruan Qing was originally going to sit next to the cubs, but when Melaire spoke, he didn't insist and just sat down.

Rong Heng sat alone in the main seat, staring at Mellaire with cold eyes.

Mellor was unaware of this and she enthusiastically started a conversation with Ruan Qing.

Although Colonel Mellor is always decisive and ruthless when facing enemies, she is a very talkative and enthusiastic person in her daily life. Her straightforward and straightforward personality, coupled with her bright and beautiful appearance, makes it easy for her to gain the favor of others.

Therefore, Colonel Meler is a well-known sea king in the Yengeis area.

Her ex-boyfriends could fill a battleship, and even after breaking up, she still praises them and can't forget them.

And now, she was obviously interested in Ruan Qing.

When she approaches someone with her heart, it is usually difficult for the other party to refuse her approach. Ruan Xinqing chatted with her very congenially, answering her with her head tilted to the side, with a smile on her face, and it was obvious that she was very happy.

The happier he was, the more uncomfortable Rong Heng felt.

Fang had never been so relaxed and happy with him before. When they talked, it was always polite and unfamiliar, even though they could be called friends now.

His Highness felt as if there was a handful of dogtail grass in his chest. The furry grass tickled his heart. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't itchy either. However, it made him feel uneasy and his whole body was itchy.

Then the look in his eyes when he looked at Mellor became colder and colder.

After finally waiting until the welcoming banquet was over, Mellor was ready to exchange contact numbers with Ruan Qing. This time, Rong Heng finally couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up abruptly and called Mellor out with a sullen face.

The pleasant dinner was interrupted, and Mellaire looked in confusion at the furious Prince who looked as if he had eaten explosives.

"I didn't provoke you tonight, did I?"

If I remember correctly, she didn't even say a word to him.

Rong Heng pursed his lips and lowered his voice, "You shouldn't have set your sights on Ruan Qing."

"Why? I've already asked, Master Ruan is single." Melaire did not hide her intentions. As for the people she likes, she always holds the attitude of pursuing them if she likes them.

Ruan Xinqing is capable, has a good personality, and his dishes are to her taste. The most irresistible thing is that he can actually cook!

Mellor was instantly moved.

This excitement even made her ignore the nearly 20 centimeters height difference between them.

Her attitude was frank and natural, which made Rong Heng speechless.

Why, of course, because I don’t allow it.

But why he didn't allow it, he couldn't tell.

So His Royal Highness the Prince was silent for a long time, and finally he could only come up with a reason that was not really a reason: "He is not an adult yet."