The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 94: (Update 1)


In the living room of the suite, the kids were unaware of anything and were busy sorting through the spoils they brought back from the mall.

The little mermaid curled up her blue tail and sat on the carpet, carefully sorting out the new clothes that needed to be washed, as well as the beautiful and exquisite little accessories that needed to be unpacked and put into her treasure box.

He did it very seriously, with a gleam in his eyes, and he was obviously very happy.

In comparison, the little dragon and the little fox are much more noisy. They are not interested in beautiful accessories and clothes, but are more focused on delicious snacks and novel toys.

At this time, the two cubs were chasing after the butt of a flying simulated bird.

The simulated bird was very intelligent, running around the living room just like a real bird. The two cubs chased it all the way, kicking over countless things. The golden robot followed behind, nagging and picking up the chair it had hit, while at the same time, it considerately moved away objects that might trip the cubs along the way, and kept saying, "Slow down, slow down, don't fall!"

The cubs, who were having fun, turned a deaf ear and continued running wildly.

The little dragon even scurried up his legs and onto his shoulders, then flapped its bat wings and leaped forward to catch the fleeing bird.

This kind of simulated bird was designed to train the hunting ability of its cubs, so it would not be caught by him easily. It flapped two feathers and narrowly escaped from the dragon's mouth.

The dragon cub fell onto the cushion, earning the little fox's laughter.

He widened his eyes in dissatisfaction, not caring about the pain from the fall, he turned over, got up and continued to chase.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the living room. The cubs, who were playing recklessly, slowed down their movements and walked around Ruan Jiao only when they passed by him.

—Ruan Jiao was quietly playing with building blocks in a corner of the living room.

He took the initiative to buy this set of building blocks. After returning to the hotel, he couldn't wait to take it apart. He found a spacious and empty corner to sit down and assembled it according to the drawings.

The cub's eyes were wide open, its lips were nervously pursed, and the whiskers on its forehead were standing straight up, looking very serious.

The Crown Prince looked anxiously at the closed door and glanced at the heartless cubs, feeling angry.

Still interested in playing!

Ever since seeing his wanted poster, Rong Heng felt like he had a branding iron in his heart, making him feel restless.

But as soon as Ruan Shiqing returned to the hotel, he locked himself in the room. He wanted to test the other party's attitude, but he didn't know where to start.

I could only look towards the door repeatedly.

The claws that stretched out unconsciously scratched the carpet beneath him.

It's very urgent.

Looking at the little kids in front of him who were not aware of the crisis at all and were not interrupting their fun at all, he just wanted to pick them up and give them a good beating.

But Ruan Shiqing was in the room, so he didn't dare.

After being depressed for nearly an hour, Ruan Shiqing's door finally opened.

Rong Heng's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously wanted to move closer, but he soon realized that this was too obvious, so he could only force himself to lie back and pretend to be playing with a doll, while actually glancing at the door from the corner of his eye.

Ruan Shiqing pushed the door open and walked out.

The simulated bird happened to run into him, blocking his way.

The little fox jumped up swiftly and slapped the yellow-feathered bird to the ground with one claw. She shook her big fluffy tail, raised her chin proudly and said to the little dragon cub, "I caught it!"

The little dragon kicked his legs on the carpet and said reluctantly: "You win this time, let's play another round!"

Upon hearing this, the little fox lowered its head, picked up the little bird, and prepared to release it in the middle.

As a result, the bird in his mouth was snatched away by Ruan Shiqing.

He took the simulated bird out of the little fox's mouth and glanced at the three cubs, taking in their expressions.

The other cubs looked confused and apparently had not noticed anything; only Snowball shook his ears guiltily when he met his gaze.

He curled his lips and showed a smile that was not really kind: "Stop playing for now, Dad has something to ask you."

The cubs looked at him in confusion, but seeing that he looked serious, obviously they had something important to tell them, they stopped acting like spoiled brats and put down what they were holding and lined up in front of Ruan Shiqing.

The people stood in order of seniority, and Rong Heng reluctantly stood at the first position with a heavy heart.

But the ignorant little dragon cub dared to ask, "What does Dad want to ask?"

This little idiot!

The stupidity of the dragon race is really determined by their genes! They still haven't learned their lesson after being taught for so long!

The Crown Prince, who was very disappointed with his friend, glared at him implicitly and did not dare to raise his eyes to see Ruan Shiqing's expression.

Ruan Shiqing didn't lose his temper. He dragged a chair over and sat down slowly. Then he opened his smart brain and showed them the wanted warrant he had found.

"This person looks familiar to me. Do you know him?"

Displayed on the virtual screen were wanted posters for "Death", "Sea Monster", "Firefox", "Dragon", and "Half-Insect Man".

In other words, it is a wanted poster for a few cubs.

Ruan Shiqing pressed his body forward, concentrating on the cubs, his expression unable to tell whether he was happy or angry.

The little guys who suddenly saw their wanted posters widened their eyes in surprise and even opened their mouths slightly.

Ruan Jiao is always half a beat slower. When his brothers and sisters have seen through everything and are clenching their paws guiltily, not knowing how to argue, he then lets out a cry of surprise: "Ah! Yes, yes—" I.

But before he could utter the word "I", the little fox next to him secretly poked him.

The cub paused for a moment, as if it understood something belatedly. It lowered its head but tried its best to raise its eyelids to observe his expression.

"… "

Ruan Shiqing saw it all and almost laughed out of anger.

These little brats are really deceiving him in an organized and disciplined manner!

So he really laughed, and leaned forward a little more. Although he was laughing, there was always a sense of impending storm: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

The kids shrank their necks, their eyes darting around, and no one dared to speak first.

At this time, it is even more obedient than a quail.

Ruan Shiqing looked at them and could not connect them with the vicious interstellar pirates.

How could such a good kid do such a bad thing

He couldn't help but glance at Snowball who was standing in the first place, his eyes chilly.

The Crown Prince, who was mixed in with the cubs, seemed to be worried. He shrank his neck timidly and looked up at him cautiously.

As a result, I bumped into those eyes that seemed to see through everything.

He must have known.

This thought suddenly popped up in Rong Heng's mind.

The other party was so smart that after receiving the wanted order, he must have guessed what they were doing every time they went out under the pretext of training, and he also probably guessed the truth about the cubs' growth.

But Snowball wasn't on the wanted poster... He shouldn't be able to guess the relationship between him and Snowball, right

At that time, Snowball was recovering from his injuries, and the most he could do was to keep the matter secret. If he had put the entire blame on Mr. Rong, I wonder if Ruan Shiqing would have been less angry

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince silently pondered how to deal with Ruan Shiqing's anger.

Ruan Shiqing sat on the chair, tapping the armrest with his fingers.

He waited patiently, wanting to see when the cubs would be able to bear it and confess to him.

Although I can't bear to see outsiders bullying the cubs, when it's my turn, if the cubs are disobedient, I have to educate them and not spoil them.

Silence slowly spread.

The cubs didn't dare to make a sound, they just moved their heads slightly and exchanged glances with each other.

The little dragon cub stared: What should I do? !

The little fox pouted: "Why don't we confess to Dad? At worst, we'll get a beating."

The little mermaid frowned: Then who will speak first

The three cubs shuddered at the same time and glanced at their father's face cautiously.

"… "

Dad is so fierce, they dare not

Ruan Jiao realized it later and turned his head to the side. His tentacles shook slightly and he began to get anxious: What should I do

what to do

The helpless cubs can only pin their hopes on Snowball!

A pair of eyes full of expectation stared at Rong Heng secretly.

It seems to be saying silently: I leave it to you!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's face turned dark and he cursed in his heart.

A bunch of little bastards.

But after careful consideration, he decided that he probably couldn't escape this, so he should take the initiative to face it. It is said that those who confess will be treated leniently, while those who resist will be treated severely. Taking the initiative can at least calm Ruan Shiqing down.

After he exchanged glances with the cubs, he took a step forward with a fearless attitude, carefully rubbed Ruan Shiqing's calf with his head, then raised his head and let out a soft howl.

Ruan Shiqing raised his eyebrows and stared at him calmly: "What does Xueqiu want to say?"

Rong Heng carefully considered and began to make excuses.

Oh no, it's an excuse.

[Big brother took us there, and we don’t know why there was a wanted warrant.]

He thought about it for a long time and felt that it would be safest to put all the blame on "Mr. Rong". Although he was on the wanted list, he did not lead the cubs to do anything bad. He could explain the things he did before to Ruan Shiqing slowly, and he would definitely understand.

As for the fact that the cubs had grown up but kept it a secret from Ruan Shiqing, it was entirely because the cubs were so frightened by their sudden growth that he helped to conceal it temporarily.

This wasn't really cheating, it just omitted the fact that he and the cubs kept a secret from each other.

As for your true identity, it is better not to add fuel to the fire at this time. You can wait until he calms down and then find a chance to tell him.

After making up his mind, Rong Heng felt more confident and blurted out all the words he had prepared to Ruan Shiqing.

After Ruan Shiqing finished speaking, he glanced at the cubs and asked slowly, "Is what Snowball said true?"

The cubs nodded quickly. The little dragon cub boldly hugged his legs and acted like a spoiled child, sounding a little aggrieved: "If He Li grows up, will Dad not like He Li anymore?"

The little fox and the little mermaid also looked melancholy, and their guilty consciences revealed a hint of caution.

Only Ruan Jiao, who reacted the slowest, was slow to hug Ruan Shiqing's other leg.

The little ones' aggrieved expressions were real.

Ruan Shiqing sighed and rubbed the cubs' heads: "You shouldn't have kept it a secret from Dad."

The little fox quickly said in a flattering tone: "I won't do that next time!"

The cubs who reacted began to agree.

Ruan Shiqing snorted lightly, but he didn't bother to lift it up high and then put it down gently, saying, "Let's go out and have fun now. Keep this account in mind and I'll settle it with you guys in detail when we get back."

This means that it has been exposed.

The little ones immediately breathed a sigh of relief, their expressions became excited, and they surrounded Ruan Shiqing and acted coquettishly and tried to please him.

Seeing this, Rong Heng's tense nerves relaxed; this hurdle was finally passed.

But before he could relax for two seconds, he heard Ruan Shiqing speak again: "You guys go play, Snowball, come in with me."

Rong Heng's body stiffened, and he slowly turned to him.

Why just call him

The little cubs who escaped the disaster were overjoyed and watched Snowball follow his father into the room with sympathy.