The Cubs Picked Up Are All Villains

Chapter 97: (Second update)


The next day, Luther arrived at the hotel early to pick up Ruan Shiqing and his party.

Although his identity has been revealed, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Empire is sensitive and can only remain in the form of a cub; however, the little mermaid finally no longer has to sit in the cart, and has transformed into a complete human form.

The new clothes that Ruan Shiqing bought for him came in handy. The slender boy changed into a slim-cut retro shirt and overalls. His long hair was tied behind his head and embellished with a jewel bead necklace, which made his eyebrows and features look even more delicate and chic.

The little dragon and the little fox were too lazy to walk by themselves, so they simply maintained their animal form and stayed in their father's arms.

Luther, who was standing at the hotel entrance, saw Ruan Shiqing holding two children in his arms and holding one by the hand. A young man and a small robot were following on his left and right, and they were coming out of the hotel with their family.

I couldn't help but laugh: "With more people in the family, the trip will be bigger."

When they walked out of the hotel, passers-by outside the hotel couldn't help but look sideways.

Ruan Shiqing patted the kid in his arms, asked them to get in the car, and said to Luther, "I'm sorry to bother you."

Luther waved his hand to indicate that it was not a problem. After they got in the car, he started the landspeeder and took them to their first destination, the Sikkim History Museum.

As the capital city, Sikkim has many attractions. Ruan Shiqing arranged a whole week to visit various attractions and also made a travel plan. The one he was most interested in was the Sikkim History Museum.

It is said that the Sikkim History Museum records in detail the history of the development of humanities and technology of the entire Galactic Empire, and is a very suitable attraction to visit with young children.

‌It is close to the Parka Palace, so after visiting the museum, you can also take a look at this palace, which is a symbol of the royal family.

The distance from the hotel to the museum was not too far, and forty minutes later, the group arrived at the museum.

Luther drove the landspeeder to the parking lot first, while Ruan Shiqing took the cubs to wait at the main gate, which attracted a lot of curious eyes.

Their entire group, whether they were cubs or adults, were extremely eye-catching in terms of race and appearance. The museum was crowded with people, and passers-by always kept their eyes on them for a moment.

The cubs were not afraid of being seen, and looked around curiously, looking up at Ruan Shiqing from time to time.

Ruan Shiqing answered questions patiently with a smile on his face.

Only Rong Heng was not happy being held by the little robot. He glared at the two little cubs occupying Ruan Shiqing's arms with an unhappy mood.

—He was supposed to be there.

After confessing his identity to Ruan Shiqing, he felt a little embarrassed to continue taking advantage of the other person with a righteous attitude as before. When he went out this morning, he hesitated for a while, and as a result, the little dragon cub and the little fox took his throne without hesitation.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was so angry that he wanted to beat the kid, but he didn't dare to express his dissatisfaction in front of Ruan Shiqing.

So he could only vent his anger by secretly pulling the little dragon's tail, which was shaking happily, when no one was paying attention.

The little dragon cub whose tail was pulled turned around belatedly and asked: "Who pulled my tail?"

Rong Heng put his paws in his pocket and looked away, pretending not to know.

The little dragon asked in vain, and his attention was attracted by other things, so he turned his head away.

Then he got pulled by the tail.


The little dragon cub was unhappy with his eyes wide open. He looked suspiciously at the suspect who might have secretly pulled his tail: "Who pulled me?!"

The little fox pushed him in disgust: "Who is pulling your tail for no reason?"

But someone is pulling his tail!

The little dragon cub was so angry that sparks came out of his nostrils. He turned around and started arguing with the little fox about "whether someone pulled his tail".

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince watched with his paws tucked into his pockets, and his gloomy mood brightened a little.

This scene fell into the eyes of two people not far away.

Si Yan's eyes fell on the white cub. The small cub was lying in the arms of the golden robot, trying to pull the dragon's tail in a mischievous way. It was the most lively thing he had not seen in a long time.

As far as he could remember, the child had grown up very quickly since Farah left, and at least in front of him, he had never been so lively again.

His eyes did not move for a long time.

Garland followed his gaze and noticed the black dragon cub: "An ancient human with cubs of the mermaid, dragon, and nine-tailed fox tribes, how interesting."

After he ran into the other party in the hotel, he secretly contacted his confidant and confirmed that the black dragon cub was indeed not registered.

Nowadays, it is not easy for dragons to reproduce, and every cub is precious. Now that a cub of unknown origin has appeared, he naturally wants to find out the situation.

It's just that it's inconvenient for him to show up now, so he can only look for an opportunity to get close to the other party and then slowly find out.

"It's very interesting." Si Yan looked away as if nothing had happened. He didn't talk to him about this topic any more, but went straight to the point: "How are you preparing for the surgery?"

"It's all arranged."

Speaking of experiments, Garland's face darkened slightly: "But Your Majesty, are you sure that old Bart is willing to undergo the operation? These old foxes are more timid and cherish their lives than anyone else."

"Haven't you witnessed the results of the experiment?" Si Yan lowered his eyes and tapped his fingers on the console: "Such a great achievement, no one would not be moved."

Garland frowned: "It is indeed very successful at the moment, but the hidden dangers of the experiment..."

"This experiment has no hidden dangers." Si Yan interrupted him and chuckled, "The mechanization of the human body will be the greatest medical achievement of the Galactic Empire. With 20,000 experimental samples and a mortality rate of only 0.0005%, no one would be uninspired."

"Are you right?" Si Yan stared at him with a smile.

Garland looked at him for a moment, his frown relaxed, and he shrugged: "I understand what you mean, I hope you can convince them."

Si Yan smiled but did not explain further: "Just prepare for the operation. Old Bart has agreed. The four major chaebols are at my disposal. It is only a matter of time before we take over Sijialan Star."

Hearing him mention Sijia Lanxing, Garland's eyebrows became more sinister: "I hope that your majesty's work will be as beautiful as your words."

Si Yan ignored the doubt in his words, and seemed to remember something, looking at him from the side: "Also, if Old Bart's operation goes well, I will tell you a piece of news about Hector later."

Garland suddenly raised his eyes to look at him, and said coldly: "A dead person is not worthy of being used as a bargaining chip by Your Majesty."

Si Yan smiled meaningfully: "How do you know someone is dead?"

Garland's expression froze for a moment, his eyes sharp as a knife: "What do you know?"

According to the news from the Ota line, Hector died in the Zerg siege, and their complete body was not found afterwards. Only pieces of clothing, a pistol, and their tokens of love were found.

The dragon race has always been tough, and he didn't believe at first that Hector would die so easily in the insect swarm. But after several investigations, he found that Hector's accident was closely related to the planet Sijia Lan.

Hector is indeed strong enough, but he may not be able to prevent the conspiracy of those with ulterior motives.

He now had to accept the fact that the other party was dead, and he roughly guessed why the mermaids attacked Hector.

Not wanting to drag the entire dragon clan into the water, he turned to Si Yan for cooperation.

"I don't know much." Si Yan refused to say more: "Our previous cooperation has always been pleasant. If nothing unexpected happens this time, you will know everything you want to know."

Garlan gritted his teeth, suppressed the rage in his chest, and looked at him deeply: "I hope Your Majesty will keep his promise."

Si Yan chuckled and nodded, then watched him open the door and go out.

When only one person was left, the fake smile on his face gradually faded. Turning his head to look at the main entrance of the museum, the family was nowhere to be seen, and they must have gone in.

Realizing that the white cub was no longer in sight.

He stopped smiling and returned to his expressionless face.

After sitting quietly for ten minutes, he started the speeder and went to a cake shop on Julian Street and bought two boxes of exquisitely shaped cloud cakes.

When they returned to the Parka Palace, Queen Seya and her maids came to meet him hurriedly, took his arm and asked worriedly: "Your Majesty, why did you go out without guards? How dangerous is that?"

"Didn't you say you had no appetite yesterday? I went to Julian Street and bought you your favorite cloud cake." Si Yan looked gentle and handed two boxes of cloud cakes to the maid beside her.

The cloud cake from Julian Street was her favorite dessert in the past.

Seya opened her eyes slightly wide, and couldn't help blushing in surprise: "You can ask the maid to buy these, why does Your Majesty have to go in person..."

"How could what I bought be the same as what the maid bought?" Si Yan put his arm around her shoulders and led her back to the room: "You must have missed your nap for me, right? Pregnant women need plenty of sleep. Go take a nap first. When you wake up, I'll have afternoon tea with you."

Seya hummed softly, looked at him lovingly, reluctantly let go of his arm, and went back to the bedroom for a nap.

After watching her enter the room, Si Yan went to the study.

He waved away the waiter and closed the door, and the gentleness he pretended to have on his face disappeared in an instant.

He walked quickly into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and rubbed his hands over and over again until his pale skin turned red, and then he gradually stopped.

He raised his head and the person in the mirror was also looking at him.

The face was pale and gloomy, like a demon, without any trace of the gentleness and kindness that he had pretended to have.

After a long while, he withdrew his gaze, slowly dried his hands, repeatedly sprayed them with disinfectant, and walked to the portrait of the first Queen.

The girl in the portrait smiled brightly at him.

He touched the corner of his mouth, slowly revealed a sincere smile that was not very skillful, and murmured softly: "Fara, I'm almost there."

No one who participated in what happened back then can escape.

He will use the flesh and blood of his enemies to sacrifice his lover, and pave a smooth road for his and Farah's children.