The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 1: Travel through the world


As soon as Yu Qingze regained consciousness, he noticed that a warm, bitter liquid had been poured into his mouth. It was bitter, like Chinese medicine. He subconsciously frowned and turned his head.

The next moment, a crisp young voice came from his ear.

"Hey, brother, look, is he awake?"

Yu Qingze didn't hear the answer, only felt that the neck and cheeks were wiped clean by a slightly rough cloth.

"Hey, big brother, wake up?"

The arm was shaken, Yu Qingze opened his eyes, and in front of him was the enlarged face of a young man, about eight or nine years old, bending over to look at him. Dark skin, round eyes, two small bags on the top of his head, the kind of bun of ancient teenagers, he is also wearing a gray period clothes, very thin.

what happened? Yu Qingze blinked and saw the boy grin at him.

Yu Qingze was a little confused. He remembered that he went back to the countryside to visit his grandfather's grave. He encountered a heavy rain and landslide on the winding mountain road. He seemed to be buried by...

Buried? !

Yu Qingze sat up in shock, and stared at the gray-white shorts and blue trousers for a while. He still remembered the feeling of despair when he was buried and suffocated by the mud. At that time, because there were no vehicles passing by before and after the rainstorm, he should have been… dead.

So what's going on now? Are you... alive again

He felt the condition of his body, and there was a tingling pain in his bare left foot, which was wrapped in a cloth, and some traces of herbal leaching could be seen on the edge. It appears to be twisted. There are some scrapes on the arm and body, other than that, there is no other serious problem, just a little weak and lack of strength.

"Ouch, you startled me." Yu Qingze sat up suddenly, the boy was startled, his body bounced back suddenly, then he turned his head and said to another person beside him: "Brother, he really woke up! "

elder brother? Hearing the young man's words, Yu Qingze noticed that there was a young man sitting next to the young man.

The young man is about 20 years old, very thin, with long and thick bangs on his forehead, almost covering his eyes, and his hair is tied behind his head at will, revealing a handsome face. He was opening his lips slightly, looking at Yu Qingze with wide eyes, also with a surprised look, holding a gray-white cloth in his hand, and holding a bowl of medicine in the other hand, and there was only a little bit of the liquid in it .

Seeing Yu Qingze looking over, the young man quickly looked away as if embarrassed, pursed his lips slightly, put down the cloth towel and medicine bowl, pointed at him with one finger, then rubbed his hands together to make a gesture, a pair of dark eyes pierced through the thick long The bangs looked at him with gentle concern.

Yu Qingze blinked and looked at the young man for unknown reasons.

"My brother asked how are you? Is there any discomfort?" The boy turned his head and said.

"..." It turned out that the young man couldn't speak. Yu Qingze quickly suppressed the surprise in his eyes and said to the two: "I'm fine. Did you save me? Thank you."

The young man quickly replied: "My brother saved you. You don't know how dangerous it is. It rained heavily, and a landslide collapsed in the back mountain. When my brother found you, you were stuck on two rocks of this size. In the middle, only one head was buried. If my brother hadn't pulled the stone out with great strength, you would have died!"

Saying that, the boy opened his hands and compared the size of the stone. It looked really big. The two hands were separated by more than one meter, and they were almost 180 degrees.

Yu Qingze knew the size of the stone, but, little boy, wouldn't you be exaggerating, if the stone is really that big, with your brother's small body, are you sure you can move it away

It's no wonder Yu Qingze complained in his heart. The young man was so thin that it looked like he could be blown away by a gust of wind. He couldn't imagine the picture of him removing the two stones as big as described by the young man by himself.

Of course, he naturally wouldn't say these words, the grace of saving lives is beyond doubt. It's just that he didn't know that the little boy really didn't exaggerate.

He turned his head and sincerely thanked the young man: "Thank you for saving me. What's your name?"

The young man couldn't answer, so the young man replied naturally instead of his brother: "My brother's name is Chang Le, and my name is Chang Hao."

"Thank you very much." Yu Qingze sat down and thanked again, and then introduced himself: "My name is Yu Qingze, Qing of Qingshui, Ze of Huze."

Chang Hao changed his tune very smoothly and shouted, "Big Brother Yu."

Chang Le smiled slightly, nodded to say hello, then made a gesture to his brother, and went out with the cloth towel and medicine bowl.

Yu Qingze couldn't understand his sign language, so he looked at the boy suspiciously, waiting for him to translate for himself.

Chang Hao nodded to his brother, and then said to Yu Qingze: "My brother said no thanks. He's going to ask the doctor to come and take a look at you now. You don't know, you've been in a coma for two days, and you still have a fever. The doctor said that if you If the temperature doesn't drop today, it's dangerous."

"Thank you, I'm all right." Yu Qingze touched his forehead, he no longer had a fever, and then looked around while inquiring about the news, "Little brother, where is this place?"

Above his head is a gray bed tent, and below him are a bamboo mat and an ancient wooden bed. Old wooden doors, khaki mud bricks, thatched roofs. There is also a 'bed' on the opposite wall. There are several wooden boards of different lengths on two benches, covered with straw and mats, and two pillows. The four legs of the bench are tied with four pieces of wood. A bamboo pole with two more tied to it to hang the bed tent. There is a simple shelf in the corner with a boxy box on it.

It's very rudimentary.

Since he was born, he has never seen anyone living in a thatched hut. Looking at the dress and dressing of the brothers, it is obviously very ancient.

Everything in front of him made him feel an ominous premonition in his heart. A very absurd thought even flashed in Yu Qingze's mind.

Did he pass through

"Hey, don't you know this place? Then how did you get to our back mountain? We are Niutou Village, which belongs to Tongshan County. Tongshan City is twelve or three miles away from here, not very far, and it takes more than half an hour to walk. It's here." Chang Hao opened his round eyes and said to Yu Qingze.

The boy's answer undoubtedly confirmed part of Yu Qingze's conjecture. He was silent for a while, then he started chatting with him, taking his words.

By the time Chang Le brought the doctor in, Yu Qingze had already packed a lot of information and knew that this was a country called Dasheng, which had just been founded fifteen years ago. Then there are forty or fifty families in Niutou Village, and there are two surnames in the village, Yu and Chang. The parents of the two brothers Chang Le who saved him passed away when Chang Hao was two years old, and there is still a grandfather at home.

Chang Hao was still young, so he only knew some things in his village. If he was further away, he only knew that there was Tongshan City, there was Yunzhou above Tongshan City, and there was a capital above it, but he didn't know anything else.

Yu Qingze is not in a hurry, the news can be inquired later, the more important thing is obviously how to explain his identity to the Changle family.

Unidentified strangers are a disturbing factor in any age.

After the doctor's inspection, he determined that Yu Qingze was fine, he explained that he should pay more attention to rest in the past few days and left.

Yu Qingze was still thinking about making a speech in his mind, but neither of the brothers asked him where he came from or what he did here. Chang Le sent the doctor away and went to cook. He never came in again. Chang Hao was sent by his brother to do something.

Yu Qingze breathed a sigh of relief, then thought about going out to have a look. There were a pair of clogs and a pair of straw sandals on the ground, and he felt a little warm in his heart, presumably because the host didn't know his preferences, so he put them all.

He put on his straw sandals and moved to the door step by step. The left foot was twisted so badly that even the entire instep was swollen.

As soon as he walked to the door of the room, Chang Hao came back with a split branch. When he saw him, he hurriedly said, "Hey, Big Brother Yu, why did you come out? Here's a wooden crutch, my brother just cut it."

Yu Qingze took the simple wooden crutch and thanked him with a smile: "Thank you, I took the trouble."

Changle's house is not big, with the main room in the middle, two rooms in the east, a kitchen in the west, and behind the kitchen are the pigsty and the bath room.

Yu Qingze came out of the room to the main room. To the north of the main room is an offering table with two tablets, and a clay incense burner in front of it. Looking at the words on the tablet, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the words here were the same as those in his world, but some were in traditional Chinese.

There is a square table and four wooden stools on one side of the wall. On the other side of the wall stood a load of rice grains with grass clippings inside, which should have just been harvested before they could be dried and put into the warehouse. At the foot of the wall was an unfinished straw mat and some bamboo strips.

Simple and obvious.

On the other side is the kitchen, and there is the sound of firewood crackling and burning. Yu Qingze moved over, and Chang Le was cooking rice behind the stove. He saw that Chang Le was breaking a dry branch as thick as his arm casually, and the branch broke into two pieces.

"..." Yu Qingze opened his mouth to look at Chang Le's two small arms, then looked down at his own, silently. Really powerful.

Yu Qingze was stunned for a while, and when he saw Chang Le looking over, he held onto the door frame, stretched out his hand and raised the wooden crutch in his hand, and thanked him with a smile: "Brother Chang Le, thank you."

Chang Le smiled shyly, waved his hand to say no thanks, and then pointed to the door.

"My brother asked you to sit outside, there is a lot of smoke in the kitchen." Chang Hao translated in a timely manner.

Yu Qingze understood it, and didn't want to cause any more trouble for the two brothers, so he sat at the door.

Outside is a small yard surrounded by a fence. On the right side of the yard is a grass shed, which is stacked with a lot of firewood. Now that the yard has been cleaned, there are several large straw mats on the ground, on which golden rice is dried, and small waves of small waves are hung with drying rakes. On the other side are two racks for drying clothes and a fishing net.

After seeing Yu Qingze sitting down, Chang Hao picked up the drying rake under the eaves and started harvesting the millet, and while gathering it, he said to Yu Qingze, "My brother said to eat Xinhe rice today, I can already smell the fragrance of new rice! Hey, it's really fragrant~ "

Chang Hao raised his head and took a deep breath, enjoying himself very much.

It was dusk, the sun was gradually sinking in the west, and the orange-red sunlight dyed everything in its color. The young boy's face raised against the setting sun had an incredible luster, which was the taste of hope and happiness.

Very peaceful.

Yu Qingze looked at everything in front of him and had only one thought.

"Have you finished collecting the millet at home?" Yu Qingze moved over and picked up the broom beside him to help sweep the millet. Chang Hao quickly stopped him when he saw it.

"Eh, Brother Yu, sit down now, I'll be here, I'll be fine in a while." The young man grabbed the broom in Yu Qingze's hand, and did not allow Yu Qingze to refuse to help him onto the stool, then rolled up his sleeves and trousers, his hands and feet neatly Gathering the millet that was drying on the straw mat, he did not forget to answer Yu Qingze's question.

"It's not that fast, it will take many days. My family has three acres of land, and I just finished harvesting a piece of land. After harvesting, I still need to plant the seedlings. It has to be planted before the beginning of autumn. That is to say, I will finish work earlier today, and I will have to plant it again tomorrow. Get busy."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Hey, it's not hard work. After the millet is harvested, you can eat rice, and you don't have to go hungry." The young man's face was filled with contentment and yearning.

"Why don't you see your grandfather?"

"Grandpa went to the mountain to collect herbs. The herbs and medicines on your ankles were collected by Grandpa."

The two chatted casually.

During the conversation, a middle-aged man dressed a bit fancyly and with a dark red mole on his eyebrows pushed open the courtyard door and walked straight in. Seeing Yu Qingze, he was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Yo, the guy is awake?"

Yu Qingze didn't know anyone, so he nodded with a smile, and calmly looked at the strange dress of the middle-aged man.

But when Chang Hao saw this man, he immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at the middle-aged man cautiously. His happy expression just now cooled down, a look of boredom flashed in his eyes, and he frowned and shouted: "Uncle What?"

The middle-aged man responded and asked, "Is your brother at home? Brother Le, Brother Le—" He said, without waiting for Chang Hao to answer, the middle-aged man walked to the kitchen on his own.

Seeing this, Chang Hao dropped the drying rake in his hand, quickly rushed to the middle-aged man, blocked his hands, and shouted loudly: "My brother is not at home, I'm going to cut hogweed! Uncle, go back quickly!"

"Why do you talk like that, kid? I have something to do with Brother Le, so don't get in your way."

"I said my brother wasn't here! He won't marry the old widower in his fifties or sixties! He wants to marry you!"

"… "

Yu Qingze: "..." Married? what's the situation

The author has something to say: Yu Qingze: As soon as she appeared on the stage, her daughter-in-law was targeted, can it be better!

Author: _(:з"∠)_


Open a new article~~The background is empty, let's eat, drink and make money together, talk about love and raising buns~~

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