The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 111: Have?


When Master Cai and the others left, that night, Yu Qingze went to the village chief's house to tell them about it.

"Good thing!" The village chief patted his legs and got excited when he heard this.

Ordinary people in the countryside don't see any worthy people. Perhaps the biggest official in their life is to meet a county magistrate, and some people have never even seen a county magistrate. If it weren't for the prefect who came to look for Yu Qingze, they wouldn't even be able to see the prefect. Today, the prefect not only came, but also talked to them and asked them how their lives were. Moreover, the prefect is still the master Cai that the common people like very much, so they are even more excited.

Now suddenly it is said that the threshing machine can be presented to the emperor, which makes them so excited that they can't find Bei.

Dajian asked suspiciously: "That is, Big Brother Yu, can this really be seen by the emperor? To be praised by today's sage?"

Yu Qingze replied: "It depends on the Ministry of Household and Ministry of Industry. According to Mr. Cai's estimation, today's sage is very concerned about the lives of ordinary people, so this kind of agricultural tool should not be a problem."

Hearing this, the village chief and Da Jian Da Zhuang laughed. where's the king...

Yu Qingze said with a smile: "Village chief, according to my opinion, basically no farmers can afford a threshing machine. If the wind grain truck is expensive at that time, there may not be many people who buy it, and several households have to pool money to buy one. Why don't we pass the blueprint to Master Cai?"

The village chief nodded and said: "You have the final say. Originally, these drawings were all drawn by you, and we are very happy that you can discuss with us. Besides, this is a good thing, and we can make it. It can’t sell much, maybe people in other places can afford it, threshing millet is so tiring, it can make others feel more relaxed, too.”

"That's fine, then I'll reply to Master Cai."

When Yu Qingze went back that night, he drew the drawings of the threshing, and also corrected the original data according to some data when Dajian was doing it. Then he drew rice beds, windmills, wheelbarrows, etc.

At noon the next day, Yu Qingze went to the city after lunch. When he got there, the prefect didn't come home for dinner. He waited for a while before he saw Mr. Cai.

Mr. Cai and Mr. Sun were very happy when they saw the drawings. Mr. Sun took the blueprint of the wind valley car and studied it.

After clarifying the matter with him, Yu Qingze went back, and he still had to fight the grass in the afternoon.

After harvesting the rice, Yu Qingze and Grandpa Chang began to germinate the potatoes. When the buds grew, they asked the villagers to cut the seed potatoes into small pieces and help them plant them. Because there are not many seed potatoes this time, we can only grow them at home first.

Four days have passed, most of the people's rice has almost been harvested, and the rest of the family can also be harvested. The two vegetable cutters invited other villagers who have finished harvesting to help collect the last bit of rice. On the fifth day, I arrived at the store on time for work.

After harvesting the rice, the villagers started digging sweet potatoes and making sweet potato flour. After a while, the temperature will be lower, and when Yu Qingze said that he can start making bacon, he can start making bacon again.

The previous leisurely winter has now become the busiest season of the year, but because of the money, everyone is happy.

In the city, snack bars and restaurants opened at the same time, and everyone was busy again.

After entering October, the temperature dropped suddenly, and the weather that felt cool before began to feel cold.

When he got up in the morning, Brother Le felt nausea in his stomach when he brushed his teeth. He frowned and pressed his stomach.

Poor brother Le didn't eat anything when he woke up in the morning, his stomach was empty, and there was nothing to spit out. All he spit out was the acid water in his stomach.

"What's the matter? Why did you vomit? Is your stomach upset?" Yu Qingze came out of the room and heard Brother Le's vomiting sound, so he hurried over to give him a back.

Brother Le shook his head, reached out and handed the toothbrush in his hand to Yu Qingze to signal him to hold it, then bent down and vomited again, this time even the yellow bile came out.

"Have you caught a cold in the past two days? Or did you eat a bad stomach?" Yu Qingze took the toothbrush and put it on the stool on the side, and then continued to run it down his back for Brother Le.

After a while, Brother Le finished vomiting, drank water and rinsed his mouth, raised his head, his eyes were red, and tears were forced out of the corners of his eyes, looking pitiful. He didn't know why he vomited, and it felt like he didn't catch a cold and didn't eat the wrong thing.

Yu Qingze wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the doctor."

Brother Le shook his head and gestured, "No, I just vomited because I had chest tightness and nausea, and now I feel much better after vomiting. "

Yu Qingze said worriedly: "It's better to go and have a look."

No, it's all right now. Brother Le gestured twice, slowed down, and then took the toothbrush on the stool to brush his teeth.

Seeing that he seemed to be all right, Yu Qingze also went to wash up, but he kept his mind and paid attention to Brother Le, thinking that if this happened again, he would take him to Doctor Li's place to see.

After the two of them washed up, they closed the store and went to the snack bar for breakfast.

Yu Qingze specially brought a bowl of light porridge to Brother Le, and then he went to get some snacks. But after a while, before he started eating, Brother Le covered his mouth again and ran to the backyard.

When Yu Qingze saw it, he quickly put down his plate and ran over.

Brother Chang was taken aback for a while, and followed to the backyard.

When he got to the backyard, he saw Brother Le leaning against the wall with one hand and covering his stomach with one hand and retching, but he didn't see him spit out anything.

Brother Chang asked, "Brother Le, what happened?"

Yu Qingze shook his head and said, "I don't know. I vomited once when I woke up this morning. Maybe I caught a cold. I'll take him to see the doctor later."

"Oh. Be sure to remember to go." Brother Chang urged.

"Well, go get busy." Yu Qingze said.

Brother Chang walked to the kitchen door and happened to meet him.

Brother Chang pulled him and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Brother Chang replied: "Brother Le vomited, but couldn't spit out anything. He retched and felt uncomfortable watching. Boss Yu said he would take him to see the doctor later."

"Spit up? Retch?" Brother Chang was startled for a moment, and then he laughed.

Brother Chang frowned and asked, "Ah, why are you so happy when Brother Le is sick?"

Brother Chang did not smile.

When Brother Le finished vomiting, Brother Chang found an excuse to drag Brother Le to his and Brother Chang's room. When Brother Chang saw it, he also squeezed in.

Brother Le looked at the two of them suspiciously and gestured: What's the matter

Brother Chang shook his head and looked at him too.

Brother Chang asked, "Brother Le, do you have any other symptoms besides retching?"

Brother Le gestured: I have a little chest tightness.

Brother Chang explained.

Brother Chang asked again: "I haven't caught a cold recently, haven't I eaten anything wrong?"

Brother Le thought that he had been eating the same as usual these days. He had a cold. The temperature had dropped recently, and he had put on clothes, so he didn't feel cold.

He shook his head.

When Brother Chang saw it, he laughed, then looked at the red mole between Brother Le's eyebrows, reached out to touch it, and asked, "Have you felt itchy on the mole between your eyebrows these days?"

Brother Le touched his eyebrows and shook his head, no.

Brother Chang looked at the two suspiciously, and when he saw him touching Brother Le's pregnant mole, his heart moved, he asked him in surprise, "Ah, what do you mean, Brother Le is pregnant and has a baby? already?"

Brother Chang nodded and said, "I think so, they have been married for more than half a year, and they should have. But his pregnancy mole doesn't feel itchy."

When my brother is pregnant, the moles on the eyebrows will be itchy in the first three months when the fetus is still unstable. The brighter the mole is, the more itchy it is. After three months, the fetus is stable and will not itch any more, which is a very obvious feature when my brother is pregnant.

When Brother Le heard the words, he was startled, and he looked at his abdomen subconsciously.

Have a baby

He involuntarily reached out and touched it. It was flat and flat, no different from before.

Is there a baby in here? He and her husband's baby

Thinking of this, Brother Le was overjoyed.

However, isn't your pregnancy mole too dim to get pregnant? And my pregnancy mole doesn't feel itchy, it should, right

I've never seen a brother's mole as dark as his, but I know someone with a mole that's darker than his, but can't give birth to a child.

Thinking of this, Brother Le's hand touching his abdomen curled up slightly and quietly put it down.

Brother Chang thought for a while, and then reached out and touched Brother Le's eyebrows, and said, "Brother Le's pregnancy mole is light in color. Maybe it hasn't been shown yet? Or did Brother Le not feel it?"

Brother Chang heard it, and felt reasonable, and said, "It's also possible. When your uncle was pregnant, you didn't feel the itching of your mole at all. It's been three months."

"Yes, this is also possible." Brother Chang said.

When Brother Le heard the words, his heart jumped, and his anticipation rose again.

"It's useless for us to think about it here, hurry up to see the doctor and let the doctor diagnose it, then we'll know." Brother Chang said.

Brother Chang nodded and said, "Yes, yes, let's stop guessing, and let Boss Yu take you to see the doctor."

Saying that, Brother Chang turned around to open the door, but Brother Le grabbed him.

"What's wrong?" Brother Chang asked.

Brother Le gestured a few times.

Brother Chang said in surprise: "Do you want me to accompany you to see the doctor?"

Brother Le nodded and gestured: "You go with me, don't tell Brother Yu about it."

Brother Chang looked at Brother Le, grabbed his hand, and said hesitantly, "Aren't you worried?"

Brother Le's eyes flashed and he nodded lightly.

He didn't want Brother Yu to be disappointed. If you never know about it, that's all. If you know it, you're happy, and later proves it's not true, then Big Brother Yu will definitely be disappointed. When there is hope and disappointment, even myself, I feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Brother Chang nodded and said, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

The three went out.

Yu Qingze was waiting under the osmanthus tree, talking to Jiabao about something, and seeing them coming out, he quickly said, "Let's go, let's see the doctor."

Brother Le shook his head and gestured: "You have breakfast and go to the restaurant. We can't all leave. If we have to wait for a long time, someone has to cook."

Yu Qingze replied: "It's still early, and it's still too late to come back after seeing the doctor. Besides, how can your health be important in a restaurant."

When Brother Le heard this, his face blushed.

Brother Chang and Brother Chang looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

Le Ge'er gestured, "Just let Brother Chang accompany me, and let Jiabao check out at the snack bar first.

Yu Qingze frowned.

Brother Chang also said: "Boss Yu, let me accompany Brother Le, without delay on both sides, I promise to take him to Dr. Li and bring him back safely!"

Yu Qingze looked at the two of them, nodded and said, "Well, what the doctor said, tell me everything when you come back."

Brother Le.