The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 116: An old cause


Grandpa Chang looked at the person in front of him. He was well dressed and looked rich or expensive. He didn't know him, nor did he have any impression. He nodded and replied, "My surname is Chang, who are you?"

Xue Jingfu looked surprised, and then asked, "Is your son Chang Wu?"

When Brother Le heard his father's name, he turned to look at Xue Jingfu curiously. This old man is Master Xue's companion, how could he know his father

Grandpa Chang looked surprised and said, "My eldest son's name is Chang Wu, how did you know?"

Xue Baishu also approached, washed his hands and stood beside his father, listening curiously. Has his father met an acquaintance

Hearing this, Xue Jingfu immediately took Grandpa Chang's hand and said excitedly, "Brother, you may not remember, we met nine years ago."

Did you see it nine years ago

Grandpa Chang was stunned and couldn't remember seeing this person at all.

"Dad, do you know each other?" Xue Baishu asked. The expression he looked at the old man didn't look like he knew his father at all. Don't his father admit the wrong person, right

Xue Jingfu turned his head and said to his son, "Don't you remember? Nine years ago, we came back to worship our ancestors during Qingming Festival. On the way back, the boat was hit by a driftwood on the Qinghe River, and a sharp wave threw us all into the water. , A lot of people can't swim. It was Uncle Chang Wu and Uncle Chang who rescued us at that time. This is Uncle Chang Wu's father. Didn't he see it before, why did you forget it? Call me Grandpa Chang."

When Xue Baishu heard it, he also remembered what happened nine years ago. He really didn't recognize Grandpa Chang if his father didn't say it. He was still young at that time. However, he still bowed respectfully and called, "Grandpa Chang."

Grandpa Chang didn't recognize them, but he knew what he said.

"You guys, were you on board at the time?" Grandpa Chang asked with a somewhat complicated expression.

Brother Le knew what was going on when he heard the words, his expression was a little sad and lonely, and his fingers unconsciously grabbed the hem of his clothes.

Xue Jingfu was a little excited when he saw the two of them, but now he calmed down when he saw the expressions of Grandpa Chang and Brother Le, and nodded: "We were on the boat, and it was Brother Chang Wu who rescued us. Brother, no , Uncle, I'm sorry, I was a little excited when I saw you, and I didn't intend to remind you of sad things."

Grandpa Chang shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, it's all over."

Xue Jingfu's expression was a little embarrassed for a while. Originally, I was very excited to see my benefactor's father, but now I feel completely guilty.

On the Qingming Festival that year, he took his husband and the youngest son back to their hometown to worship their ancestors. The wind and waves on the Qinghe River were a bit rough on the day of the return trip, but they were still within the range of travel, so they boarded the boat.

Because it had been raining a few days ago, the water in the river was faster than usual, and from time to time some branches were floating in the river. The boat they were in was a bit shabby. When they were in the middle of the river, they were accidentally hit by a tree that had drifted down from the upper reaches. The boatman had not had time to stabilize the boat, and a strong wave just happened to hit them, killing them all. All were thrown into the river.

At that time, there was a boat coming from the opposite side, not far from them. When the boat capsized, four or five people who could swim immediately jumped down to save people. Chang Wufufu was among them at that time.

There were more than 20 people in the boat that capsized, and not many people could swim. The scene was chaotic for a while. The people who jumped down to save people saved one and got them on the other boat. Everyone went back and forth many times, which was very exhausting.

The three members of Xue Jingfu's family were the first to be rescued. They were all frightened and watched as there were still people struggling in the river, and several others were directly swept away by the river and finally submerged.

Later, when Chang Wufu was saving a young brother, he was hugged by the brother. No matter how Chang Wufu shouted to let the brother let go, don't be afraid, the brother didn't let go and broke his hand. didn't work either.

The brother was frightened and was already dominated by fear. When he realized that someone was saving him, he subconsciously hugged Chang Wufu Lang desperately, unable to hear what the people around him said.

Chang Wufu was hugged and couldn't swim at all. He had saved so many people before that he didn't have much strength, but now he can't get rid of the brother, and can only watch the two of them drown in water in vain.

Chang Wu was also saving people. When someone on the boat reminded him that his husband was entangled, his husband was already overwhelmed by the river. He immediately shouted and swam over and dived into the water to find someone, but because of the rain for a few days, the river was very turbid and in a hurry, he couldn't see it at all, so he could only grope in the water.

Everyone on the boat saw the situation over there, and they all shouted for help. But when someone found them in the distance, all three of them were out of breath.

Xue Jingfu didn't know what happened underwater. He guessed that it might be that Chang Wu finally found his husband, but he was pulled by the brother who was drowning before, and finally the three of them sank in the water together.

Finally, another ship passed by and transported them to the dock in Qingzhou, which is the closest to the shore. There happened to be someone on the boat from the village next to Niutou Village. He knew Chang Wu. Upon seeing this, he immediately returned to Niutou Village and brought Grandpa Chang over. Xue Jingfu and the others only met Grandpa Chang.

At that time, some of the rescued people still had some silver on them, so they wanted to collect some silver taels for Grandpa Chang together, but Grandpa Chang refused, so he went back with the bodies of his son and husband.

Thinking of the past, Xue Jingfu wiped his eyes. He would never forget that scene for the rest of his life. He was a little regretful and should not mention it, so that the old man would think of this sad thing again.

Xue Baishu still had a fresh memory of what happened nine years ago. Seeing that the scene was a little embarrassing, he looked at Brother Le and asked, "Grandpa Chang, who is this brother?"

Grandpa Chang replied, "This is my eldest grandson, Chang Wu's eldest son, Chang Le."

When Xue Baishu heard the words, Brother Chaole said, "It turned out to be Brother Le. I didn't know it was you before. I'm sorry for the rudeness."

Brother Le shook his head, saying that it doesn't matter, there is nothing rude.

Xue Baishu saw that he was making gestures, and only then did he know that he couldn't speak. No wonder it was another brother who was talking before.

"What, have you met before?" Xue Jingfu asked his son.

"Just..." Xue Baishu was about to speak, but was interrupted by a voice.

"Brother Le, Grandpa, Mr. Cai has passed... Hey, I'm sorry to disturb you, Grandpa, who are these two?" Yu Qingze came out of the kitchen and wanted Grandpa Chang to share some of the tomatoes he brought with Mr. Cai. Lang, but I didn't expect two strangers to be there.

"These two are..." Grandpa Chang got stuck halfway through his words. After talking for so long, he still didn't know what the two were called.

Xue Jingfu introduced himself: "Xue Jingfu, this is my son Xue Baishu. We just came back from the capital for a few days. Today we came to dinner with an acquaintance and happened to meet our benefactor."

benefactor? Yu Qingze glanced at them curiously and said hello, "Uncle Xue, Brother Xue."

"This is my grandson's husband, Yu Qingze." Grandpa Chang gave a brief introduction to the Xue family and his son, and then said to Yu Qingze, "I'll tell you about this later, Mr. Cai is here? Then I'll give you something, You take it."

Seeing that they had something to do, Xue Jingfu hurriedly said: "Then you are busy, I will visit you another day. I wonder where you guys live?"

Grandpa Chang said: "Chang Wufu's rescue is their voluntary choice. The matter has passed, and you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Seeing that Grandpa Chang didn't say his address, Xue Jingfu sighed secretly, knowing that Grandpa Chang didn't want to see them very much, but they had to repay their kindness. When they came back this time, they originally wanted to wait for the benefactor to settle down, but they didn't want to meet them unexpectedly today.

He said: "Uncle, the benefactor's life-saving grace is unforgettable. I learned a first-hand medical skill, and I will open a medicine hall in the city in the future. My family lives at No. 16 Changning Road in the south of the city. If you have any needs in the future , you can find us at home as much as possible, we will not delay."

Yu Qingze was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Not long after I came back from the capital, I was a doctor again, which is a bit like what Doctor Li said. But the doctor Li said was surnamed Ye, and the one in front of him was surnamed Xue. Is it not alone

Grandpa Chang said, "You don't have to do this."

Xue Jingfu was a little disappointed when he heard it, but if the other party was unwilling to tell the address, he couldn't force others to say it.

Seeing the disappointment on his father's face, Xue Baishu whispered in his ear that Brother Le was working as a cook in this restaurant, you can find out.

Hearing this, Xue Jingfu said to Grandpa Chang, "Uncle, what a disturbance, we will visit the mansion another day."

Having said that, he took Xue Baishu and left the backyard.

After the father and son of the Xue family left, Grandpa Chang gave him a bag of vegetables for Laofu Cai, and then told Yu Qingze about what happened just now.

After listening to it, Yu Qingze was also very emotional. It turned out that Le Ge'er's father passed away like this.

"Xiao Le may be in a bad mood today, pay more attention."

"I see."

On the other side, Xue Baishu and his son returned to the elegant room upstairs, and their expressions were a little complicated.

Lover asked something strange when he saw it.

Xue Jingfu replied, "I was a little emotional when I met the family of my former benefactor."

When Luo Mingda heard it, he asked curiously, "Oh, so coincidentally, they also came to eat?"

Xue Baishu replied, "No, he seems to be working here. I see Brother Le cooking in the kitchen."

"Brother Le? You mean Brother Le who can't speak in the kitchen?" Luo Mingda asked.

Xue Baishu nodded.

Luo Mingda smiled and said, "He is the husband of the boss, Yu Qingze. The dishes in this store are all made by their husband and brother-in-law."

Xue Baishu was surprised: "Is this the restaurant they opened?"

Luo Mingda nodded and said, "Yes. Does it taste good?"

Xue Baishu nodded and looked at his father, not worrying about not finding them now.

Luo Mingda added: "Not only did they open this restaurant, but they also opened the Yu Ji Yi Xian snack bar a few dozen feet north. The dim sum inside is also delicious. You must try it when you have time."

Xue Baishu was even more surprised, "Then they made the dim sum in that store?" The dim sum that Brother Le and the others put at their door these days turned out to be made by themselves.

Luo Mingda said: "It's not over there anymore. It's all made by apprentices now. It is said that their husbands used to make snacks by themselves."

"Oh… "

On the way home, Xue Baishu has been entangled in the matter of Brother Le.

I didn't know that Brother Le was the benefactor's son, but now that I know it, I can't just ignore it as if I didn't see it.

When he got home, he thought about it and dragged his father to the study.

"What's the matter? What's the hurry?" Xue Jingfu asked.

Xue Baishu said: "Father, didn't two brothers come to ask Ah Ma for treatment these few mornings?"

"Yeah, you're not in good health, I asked Uncle Zheng to push him back, what's wrong?"

Xue Baishu looked at his father with a complicated expression, and said, "Dad, it's Brother Le who came to see a doctor."

"You mean Brother Le?" Xue Jingfu opened his eyes wide and asked, "The Brother Le you saw today? Brother Le, the son of our benefactor Chang Wu?"

Xue Baishu nodded and said, "Yes, I happened to be going out that day, and I saw them, it's Brother Le, and there is another brother with him, but that brother is younger, and the color of the pregnant mole is also bright, and he needs to see a doctor. It must be Brother Le, the color of his pregnant mole is very light, so he came to see Ah Me for medical treatment, and naturally he was looking at this aspect."

Xue Jingfu opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say for a while.

The two were silent for a while, and Xue Baishu asked, "Dad, what do you think about this? Ah's health is not good. Brother's illness will take a long time to heal, and acupuncture is needed, which is mind-consuming and time-consuming. Coke Brother is the son of our benefactor, this…”

Xue Jingfu was also worried. One side was the husband and the other was the benefactor's son. It was difficult.

The two were silent for a while.

Xue Baishu asked, "Father, do you want to hide this from you?"

"What are you hiding from me?" Before Xue Jingfu could answer, the door of the study was opened and Ye Man walked in.

"Hey, husband, why are you here?" Seeing Ye Man, Xue Jingfu gave his son a secret wink, motioning him to stop talking and think about it later.

"I can't come? What are you talking about behind my back? What are you hiding from me, let's hear it?" Ye Man sat on the chair and said slowly.

Xue Baishu received the hint from his father's eyes and said quickly, "Ah, I didn't hide anything from you, what can I hide from your discerning eyes? Do you think so?"

"That's right, are you feeling better? Let me tell you, the restaurant that I went to today tasted really good. We brought back two dishes, and I'll give you a taste later..."

Ye Man just sat there quietly, watching the father and son pretend to be dead.

Xue Jingfu looked at the husband's expression, and as he spoke, he automatically muted the sound. His own husband knows how stubborn he is, no one knows better than him.

He sighed, sat next to his husband, and said, "We were having dinner today, and we met our benefactor Chang Wu and his son-in-law who saved us nine years ago on the Qinghe River."

Ye Man was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: "Really?! This is a good thing, why are you hiding it from me? Are there other things?"

The husband is too smart and sometimes a headache.

Xue Jingfu held his hand and said, "Don't be angry when I say something."

When Ye Man heard what he said, he immediately nodded with a smile and said, "Don't get angry, anger affects your health, tell me, what are you hiding from me?"

As soon as Xue Jingfu saw his expression, he felt a little chill on the back of his neck, but he still bit his head and said, "In the past few days, two little brothers have come to see you."

Xue Baishu touched his nose, secretly thinking that he would prepare a washboard for his father later.

Ye Man raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh? Then what?"

Xue Jingfu paused and said, "... Then, I was afraid that you would be too tired, so I asked Uncle Zheng to reject them and let them go back."

Ye Man's forehead jumped and he said, "Oh, and then what?"

"... Then let's go. Those two little brothers have come every day these days, and they also delivered two boxes of snacks every day."

"Dim sum?" Ye Man looked up at his son slowly, and then said, "And then?"

Xue Baizhu burst into tears: ... I have to prepare a washboard for myself!

Xue Jingfu shrank his neck and said, "One of those two brothers is Chang Wu's son, Brother Le."

Hearing this, Ye Man couldn't bear it any longer, he pulled out his hand, stood up, pointed at Xue Jingfu, and said, "You, Xue Jingfu, Xue Jingfu, you are still a doctor. Was it eaten by your son?!"

Xue Baishu: …

Xue Jingfu was very aggrieved, "Father, don't be angry, I'm not worried that you are not in good health, I'm afraid that you are working too hard, and I only learned today that he is the son of my benefactor..."

"Whether it's the benefactor's son or not, you just shut out the patient who came to me for medical treatment, don't ask me, and you say it's for my good? We have an agreement before, you are not allowed Did you forget to interfere with me in seeing patients at will?"

Xue Jingfu: "...I didn't forget. I'm really worried about your body."

Ye Man was very heartbroken, and said, "I know you are worried about my body, but when you were not feeling well, did I stop you when you got up in the middle of the night to fix someone else's bones? I didn't, I will go with you. I married you at the age of sixteen, and I was infertile for many years. I know the pain of a brother who cannot conceive a child. Fortunately, my master has helped me to take care of my body and taught me that my medical skills can help others. You will come to me sincerely. The patients who see the doctor are turned away? Have you forgotten how excited you were when you found out that I was pregnant?"

Hearing this, Xue Jingfu fell silent.

Ye Man said, "The two of you are not allowed to eat tonight, so you should reflect in the study! They will come back tomorrow. If you still keep people out, don't eat with me in the future."

With that said, Ye Man turned around and went out.

The father and son looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Early the next morning, Xue Baishu was waiting by the door. He wanted to make up for his faults and personally bring Le Geer to A-Mei.

However, he waited for a long time until noon, but he didn't see Brother Le.

Xue Baishu: What about people? Why don't you come

The author has something to say: Lao Xue: Son, carry the pot with you.

Xiao Xue: …Daddy!

(I mentioned before that Le Geer's father had an accident when he returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors. I wonder if you still remember?)