The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 120: Fortune


Yu Qingze asked Boss Kang about the return time of the seafood boat, and learned that the seafood boat basically returned once every three days, and it was shipped in the morning, but he was not sure of the exact time.

Yu Qingze chatted with him about the wharf again, and then returned to the restaurant.

Brother Le and Jiabao saw him coming back and asked him how he was doing.

Yu Qingze explained the situation.

Both of them fell silent. Not optimistic.

After a while, Yu Qingze said, "I'll go to the pier tomorrow to take a look. Don't worry, there will always be a way."

After a while, Da Song came back.

"Have you bought it?" Yu Qingze asked.

Da Song nodded, gave the remaining silver taels to Yu Qingze, and said, "I bought it from the boss Luo you mentioned, and I put it where I live."

"Okay, Dazhi, you can buy from another store later. Then tomorrow, Dasong will buy from another store." Yu Qingze said.

"Okay." "Okay."

In the afternoon, Brother Chang came over and said that Tie Zhu had bought the flour at the usual price.

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "Tomorrow, let Erniu go and change stores. Let's buy those stores one by one. Tell Tie Zhu and the others not to go to the store they bought, and repeat after the round."

Brother Le and Brother Chang both looked at him and didn't understand.

Brother Chang said, "Aren't other stores more expensive than Boss Kang's?"

Yu Qingze explained to them: "It's okay, don't be afraid at all. After two or three days, the other party sees that we are still opening a store, and the quality has not deteriorated, so they will definitely check it. If they are concentrated in one shop, the risk is too great, and they will also give Boss Kang is causing trouble. We spread out, and everyone bought it. Even if the other party knows about it, it is impossible for them all to not get the goods for Boss Kang and Boss Luo. "

"They have to make money by transporting flour and seafood all the way back. There are only a few seafood sellers in the city, and there are only a few who buy flour from them. If they don't get the goods, the others don't sell seafood. Yes, other flour shops also have a fixed supply of goods. If they don't ship the goods as soon as possible, they will suffer losses. Unless they go to the market to sell them themselves."

When a few people heard it, it made sense, and they immediately felt relieved.

After dark, Brother Chang and Tie Zhu Er Niu brought flour, shrimp and clams to the snack bar. After the restaurant is closed, the seafood is transferred to the restaurant.

The next day, after the cock crows three times, Yu Qingze got up.

Boss Kang didn't know when the seafood ship would return, but only knew that they shipped it early in the morning. On the other side of the seafood stall, Boss Luo refused to tell him more. There was no other way, so Yu Qingze had to go to the pier to stay and guard.

Brother Le also remembered to follow him and was held down by Yu Qingze.

"It's still early, you can sleep a little longer, it's cold outside, I can go. You have a good rest, I'll be back before noon, I don't know how many days I'll be there, and the kitchen will depend on you and Jiabao to watch. Dazhi will come to the store after buying seafood, and you and Jiabao will arrange some things ahead."

When Brother Le heard the words, he nodded and lay down again.

"Go to sleep." Yu Qingze kissed Brother Le's forehead, tucked him in the quilt, and then went out through the back door. He was afraid that someone would come in, so he locked the backyard door from the outside.

It was already November, and the north wind was blowing. Yu Qingze deliberately wore a thicker padded jacket and walked towards the pier with his hands in the pockets of the padded jacket.

The wind by the river will only be stronger, don't wear more clothes, and it is estimated that you will catch a cold soon.

It's just dawning on this day, there are no people on the street, and a few are heading towards the pier.

When we arrived at the North City Gate, the City Gate was open. Because of the loading and unloading of many goods on the wharf, the North City Gate opened earlier than the other city gates.

Yu Qingze seldom came to the wharf. He only came here when the river lanterns were put on during the festivals and New Years. He only knew the location and general layout of the wharf, but he didn't know the specifics.

He was still chatting with Boss Kang yesterday, and only then did he know that the wharf is divided into seven berthing areas and loading and unloading areas. The three on the west are for boats coming back from the north, and the three on the east are for boats coming back from the south.

There are seven large fleets in the city, basically all of them have their own sites in the loading and unloading areas, both in the east and west loading and unloading areas, and there are other small fleets, adding up to a dozen or three fleets.

Yu Qingze thought that fortunately, he had a chat with Boss Kang first, otherwise he would not know which of the six parking areas he was looking at.

Hongyun's seafood boat came back from the north, so he walked to the berthing area to the west, watching as he walked.

There are boats parked on the three berthing areas, and there is a small distance between each berthing area, where empty ships that have been unloaded and have not yet set off are parked.

On the open space not far from the berthing area, there are many wooden houses with signs that say 'MRT', 'Huihai', 'Hongyun', 'Jinsheng'... There are about ten wooden houses in total. is the name of each fleet.

These wooden houses are the storage houses for the various fleets after unloading. After the cargo on the ship is unloaded, it will be placed in the wooden house, and the guests will come here to deliver the cargo. And ships like Hongyun, which ship their own goods, also use this place as a wholesale point, and customers who need them come directly to do business here.

When Yu Qingze saw 'Fortune', he was overjoyed and found his target. It is quite convenient to have such a fixed-point loading and unloading area.

He did not stare directly at the door of other people's good luck, but separated the wooden houses of two fleets, and then stopped behind a tree.

It was still early, there were not many people on the pier, and none of those wooden houses were open. Only some shops who needed to wholesale goods waited early in the open space in front of the wooden houses, lined up in a row, wanting to wait for the first wholesale goods.

There were also a few people waiting at the door of Hongyun, dragging a wheelbarrow and a trolley.

Looking at these, Yu Qingze knew that they were not here to buy seafood, but he was not sure that there would be a boat coming back, so he could only continue to wait.

The sky gradually brightened, and when it was bright, the wooden doors of various ships opened one after another from the inside. The loading and unloading area is busy, some are busy with shipments, and some porters are coming to transport the goods on board.

Hongyun also opened the door, and Yu Qingze stared at it. The few waiting people lined up at the door, and after a while, the first person left with three sacks of goods.

Yu Qingze looked at the sack, then got a little closer, mixed in the crowd and walked past the door of Hongyun. There were many sacks on the floor on one side, and many large wooden barrels on the other side, but the barrels were all stacked, so you could see No seafood.

He circled a group and changed positions to continue waiting.

When the sun came out, a man in his forties arrived at the wooden house. The people inside were very respectful when they saw him, and he seemed to have an unusual identity.

Yu Qingze slipped past the door of Hongyun again, and took a closer look at the man's appearance, with a round face and double chin, small eyes and big ears.

The man stayed for about half an hour and left, and after that, there was nothing else to do. Yu Qingze waited until it was almost noon, and after confirming that there was no ship coming back, he went back angrily.

The first morning, nothing.

When Yu Qingze returned to the restaurant, Brother Le asked him how he was, and he shook his head.

"There is flour coming back at You Shi in the afternoon, I'll go take a look."

In the afternoon, Yu Qingze arrived at the pier two quarters ahead of time. He deliberately changed into his old clothes, darkened his face a little, and dragged a scooter, pretending to be coming to buy goods, separated by two wooden houses, not far from Squat and wait.

There are many people dressed like him. This is also the conclusion he came to after observing all morning.

It didn't take long for him to see Boss Kang and the owners of several other grain and oil stores coming over with people dragging their vehicles, and basically each of them dragged two scooters.

He quietly lowered his head and pulled up his collar to hide his face, for fear of being recognized.

After a while, the round-faced middle-aged man I had seen in the morning also came along with a few porters.

After about two or three quarters of an hour, it started to get dark, and the lanterns in front of the shipping cabins were all lit, and some people also lit lanterns along the road in the berthing area and the loading and unloading area. Yu Qingze finally saw the round-faced middle-aged man and the porter dragging the car towards the parking area.

The ship has arrived.

Yu Qingze followed and walked towards the berthing area, wanting to see the person in charge of the boat.

Over there, the person talking to the round-faced middle-aged man was a young man in his twenties who looked a bit like the middle-aged man, probably his son.

On the ship, someone instructed the porters and the helpers on the ship to unload all the goods on the ship and transport them to the wooden house. After the report, someone registered. Afterwards, the owner of a grain and oil store opened it directly, checked the quality, fastened his pockets, and loaded it directly into his scooter.

While unloading and shipping, Hongyun and the others shipped very quickly. When all the flour and other grains on the ship were unloaded, the owners of the grain and oil store also bought them all.

There were only a few sacks left in the store.

Yu Qingze thought for a while, and saw that the middle-aged man was still on the boat and did not come back, he also passed by dragging a scooter.

Try your luck, maybe you can buy it? Even if he couldn't buy it, and he was recognized, he could just numb the other party and make them think they were at the end of the road.

"Man in charge, how do you sell your flour?" Yu Qingze asked while pinching his throat.

The little steward in charge of registration replied, "Four cents and a half pound."

Yu Qingze asked again, "How many kilograms is this bag?"

"About a hundred pounds. Some are one or two pounds more and some are less than one or two pounds." After writing the numbers in his hand, the steward looked up at him and asked, "Do you want to buy it? If you want to buy it, you must hurry up, tomorrow morning. Gone."

"How much do you have? Can I take a look?" Yu Qingze asked.

"Okay, look, there are, one or two... eight packs, and they're almost sold out. Here, the first eight packs tied with cyan cloth strips are flour."

Yu Qingze went over to open the flour one by one and looked at it. It was indeed the same as what Boss Kang bought. He said, "I'll take it all." Boss Kang in the city sells at least six cents a pound.

"Okay. Dude, it's on the scale." The steward replied, and then asked the guy in the back to re-weigh the flour. Then he looked up at Yu Qingze and smiled, "I don't seem to have seen you much. "

Yu Qingze smiled and replied: "I'm going to open a grain and oil store. I heard that your flour is good, so I came here."

The steward laughed when he heard the words, and said, "Good vision, in the entire Tongshan City, our luck's flour is the best!"

"Yeah, I just know that, so I came here." Yu Qingze nodded in agreement.

The eight packets of flour were quickly weighed and the money was calculated. Yu Qingze paid the bill, and the guy helped him get the flour onto the trolley and tie it up.

"Thank you." Yu Qingze thanked the man and the steward with a smile, then dragged the scooter and walked back.

Just after walking a few steps, I happened to meet the round-faced middle-aged man and the young man who came back.

Yu Qingze nodded at them, then dragged the scooter and hurried away.

The round-faced man looked at him as his guest, and nodded with a smile. After the person walked over, he looked at his back, and suddenly felt that the person seemed a little familiar, where did he meet him

where is it

The round-faced middle-aged man frowned and thought. He returned to the wooden house. As soon as he entered the door, he patted his thigh and finally remembered.

Isn't that person Yu Qingze, the boss of Yu Ji!

Alas, this is all precautions. If you don't buy flour for others, they will buy it at your own door, but they don't recognize it!