The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 126: rely


Jufulou launched a drunk duck

This is impossible!

Jia Xiaoren didn't believe that Jufulou would make his restaurant's signature dish. He rushed out the door and rushed to the entrance of Jufulou. He saw that Jufulou was placed on the publicity board at the door. : Drunk duck. 20% discount, welcome to try!

The word 'drunk duck' is still in the middle, it's very big, occupying at least half of the whole paper, it's impossible to pretend not to see it.

Jia Xiaoren stared straight at the two words, just wanting to shoot a fire in his eyes and burn the two words directly.

What made him even more angry was that not only did the drunk duck come out, but also a 20% discount!

His signature dish of Xiangmanlou, he Jufulou actually launched it and sold it at a discount!

Jia Xiaoren's face was as black as the bottom of the pot that had been burning for ten or eight years.

"Oh, isn't this Boss Jia? Are you here, do you want to try our new drunk duck?" At the door, Xiaoshu saw Jia Xiaoren, and was furious.

These days, because of the abnormal behavior of Tie Zhu and Er Niu, and they often see flour and seafood at their residence, Xiaoshu and the others all know what happened to the snack bar and restaurant, and they are all angry.

How could the boss of this Xiangmanlou be so wicked, to cut off the supply of goods directly. Now they dare to run to their door.

But when Xiaoshu saw that he was looking at the propaganda board, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

Hmph, if you can't compete with others, you will do your best to play villainous tricks and insidious tricks. It's like their boss Yu, who does business in an upright manner, and has never been afraid of legitimate competition from others!

When Jia Xiaoren heard Xiao Er's words, he turned his head and glanced, seeing the mockery and disdain in that Xiao Er's eyes.

Seeing that Jia Xiaoren's figure was drowning in the crowd, Xiaoshu immediately ran to the kitchen and said to a few people, "Boss Yu, the boss of Xiangmanlou came over just now and watched at our door for a while."

"Oh?" Yu Qingze heard the words, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did he say or do?"

Xiaoshu shook his head and said, "He left without saying anything. Before leaving, he kept staring at our propaganda board. I saw fire in his eyes, and his face was as black as a piece of charcoal. like this."

Saying that, Xiaoshu's whole face changed suddenly, his face fell down, his eyes stared fiercely at the plate of drunk duck in front of him, as if Jia Xiaoren was on his upper body, not to mention he really looked like him.

A few people were happy to see it.

Jiabao was marinating the ribs, and when he saw Xiaoshu's appearance, he smiled and said, "Brother Xiaoshu, you are too exaggerated."

Xiaoshu stretched out his index finger and shook it, and said, "It's not an exaggeration at all, maybe he hasn't fully learned it yet. His face is definitely much darker than what I learned just now."

Da Song laughed, and then scolded viciously: "He definitely wants to come and see our drunk duck! It's him! Son of a bitch!"

"That's right, why is this person so wicked!" The uncle who burned the fire was also angry.

Everyone in the kitchen laughed while scolding, and Brother Le also laughed for a while, and then gestured to Yu Qingze: Will he play tricks on us again in a fit of anger

Yu Qingze shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I'm sure I'm unwilling. The day before yesterday, Mr. Hu asked someone to give us a message, and Hongyun will handle it. As long as there is no problem with the ingredients, we won't be afraid of him. Let's pay more attention, Just be careful."

Brother Le nodded, if he compared his craftsmanship, Xiangmanlou would definitely not be as good as his husband.

But this kind of thing is unavoidable. When others want to slander you, they can always find various ways. They can only do their own thing well first, so that others can’t find faults and reduce the chance of others finding faults.

On the other side, after Jia Xiaoren returned to Xiangmanyuan, he called Xiao Er over and asked him to pack a drunk duck.

After Xiao Er left, he called out another cook and said, "Master Zhang, there is a new dish in Jufu Lou, do you know what it is?"

"I don't know, what is the boss?" Master Zhang shook his head. He had been working in the kitchen and hadn't heard the news yet.

Jia Xiaoren looked at the slightly bloated middle-aged man in front of him, stared at his eyes tightly, and said word by word, "Drunken, duck."

Master Zhang widened his eyes and mouth in surprise, and said, "Drunk duck? Someone in Jufu Building can make drunk duck? Impossible?! This method was invented by my master, and it was only passed on to me, how could others do it? of?"

"I thought it was impossible, so I went to their door just to see it." Jia Xiaoren looked at Master Zhang and said slowly.

Master Zhang looked at Jia Xiaoren, frowned and said, "Boss, don't you think I gave out the method?"

Jia Xiaoren saw that Master Zhang didn't seem to be fake, his expression changed, and he immediately smiled: "Whatever Master Zhang said, of course I believe you. I asked Xiao Er to buy it, he will come back later, let's see See what happened to their drunk duck."

Hearing this, Master Zhang's expression improved a bit, and then he said, "Boss, don't worry, since I came here from Qingzhou with you, I will definitely not do that kind of thing, and I still rely on this method to eat. How can you tell anyone."

Jia Xiaoren nodded and said, "Of course I believe you, otherwise I wouldn't have brought you here."

After a while, Xiao Er bought the drunk duck from Jufulou.

Jia Xiaoren lifted the lid, a strong and sweet smell wafted out, and several people suddenly took a deep breath.

"It's so fragrant." Master Zhang said, and then looked at the half of the drunken duck with golden color in the bowl, and said, "This method is different from mine. Let me taste it. Why didn't you cut it?"

Xiao Er replied: "They were going to cut it, but I'm afraid that when you cut it, you won't be able to see how to do it, so I won't let them cut it."

"Oh, that's it." After saying that, Master Zhang took a pair of chopsticks and stretched out the wings of the drunk duck. He thought that such a whole duck would definitely not be easy to pinch open, but with just a little force with his chopsticks, the wing was separated from the duck.

He took it with a small bowl and smelled the smell first. It smelled of wine and a little sweetness, as well as the smell of mushrooms and red dates, as well as the smell of some other ingredients. Mixed together, the smell was tangy and very attractive.

He took a bite, and the meat was crispy with rotten bones. While retaining the taste of duck, the meat was also soaked in the aroma of other ingredients. The taste was unique and very delicious.

"Boss Jia, you can try it too. I think this is better than the drunk duck I made." Master Zhang, with the mentality of tasting delicious food and learning from his peers, was very realistic and directly stated his feelings.

When Jia Xiaoren heard this, he immediately lost his appetite, but he still took a chopstick and tasted it.

After only one bite, he knew that it was indeed different from what Master Zhang made. Not only was it different, it tasted much better than the drunk duck made by Master Zhang.

He silently swallowed the duck meat in his mouth, put down the tableware, and said with a very ugly face: "Master Zhang, think of a way to figure out how this dish is made, I'll leave first."

With that, he stood up and went to the storage room at the back.

As soon as he entered the storage room and closed the door, he kicked a stool into the wall with one foot, and then kicked a sack so hard that he knocked the sack down, and the rice inside spilled out, and he vented his anger again. He kicked a few feet, and then stopped moving on the ground.

The guys outside shrank their necks listening to the sound in the storage room. The boss's fire was terrible, and he had to stay far away.

Master Zhang glanced over there, put down the chopsticks in his hand, shook his head and sighed.

This boss Jia is young and energetic, and his family is rich and powerful. He has been a little bully since he was a child. But he is still very proud and arrogant. He must come out to do his own business. I don't know what happened to him, so he likes to open restaurants very much.

When he opened a restaurant in Qingzhou before, he closed all the restaurants that were better than him. Later, a young restaurant owner was forced to jump directly into the river. Everyone in the city knew that his family was dead. There was no way to give him a pocket, so he came to Tongshan to hide from the wind.

If he hadn't paid enough wages, Master Zhang wouldn't have come to work in his shop.

Master Zhang looked at the drunk duck on the table, shook his head and thought, should he make plans earlier

On the Jufulou side, in the middle of the afternoon, Dang Hu sent someone to ask Yu Qingze to come to his house, saying that he had something to tell him.

Yu Qingze thought that they might have found some news, and went to the Hu Mansion with the people.

When we got to the place, there were Dang Hu, Dang Liao, and Young Master Zhao, and there were two masters, who were also the ones who ate together that day.

Seeing Yu Qingze's arrival, Hu Dangjia said, "Boss Yu is here, Lao Liao, just talk about it."

Mr. Liao nodded and said to Yu Qingze, "Boss Yu, Jiabao told us what happened to Yu Ji recently, and we went to check it on our own initiative. I hope you don't mind."

Yu Qingze shook his head, and said sincerely to the heads of the family: "No. Jiabao told me about this later, and I can get the help of several heads. Don't be polite to Yu, just mention it."

Hearing this, Master Liao laughed and said, "Just make more delicious food."

The others also smiled and nodded.

Yu Qingze also smiled and said: "This is not easy, Yu Mou can't do anything else, so that's the advantage."

A few people laughed for a while, and the relationship between the two sides was suddenly closer.

Afterwards, Mr. Liao's complexion became clear and he said, "I have sent people to investigate these days. The matter of your flour and seafood price increases was done by Boss Yuan from Hongyun, and the person behind him was Jia, the boss of Xiangmanyuan. Xiaoren, you know this."

Yu Qingze nodded.

The head of Liao continued: "The reason why Jia Xiaoren did this, anyone with a discerning eye can understand it is simply because you Jufulou robbed his business. He couldn't see it, so he came to punish you."

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "I thought of this too. What I want to know is what is the origin of Jia Xiaoren? Generally, people in Tongshan City know that I have a good relationship with the Cai Mansion and Zhao Mansion, and everyone will look at them. In terms of face, give me some thin noodles, this Jia Xiaoren is obviously not afraid of Cai Mansion and Zhao Mansion, which makes me very concerned."

Master Zhao snorted coldly and said, "It's a big deal, I'll startle you when I say it."

Obviously, before he came, Mr. Liao had already told the others once. Yu Qingze asked directly, "Who is he?"

Liao Dangjia said: "His family belongs to Qingzhou, which is the city of Qingzhou on the other side of the river. It is the seat of the state capital. His family in Qingzhou is similar to Zhao's family in Tongshan, but his family is more than a simple family. "

Yu Qingze was surprised and asked, "What else is there to do?"

Master Liao replied: "His cousin is the prefect of Qingzhou. In addition, he has a little uncle who is an official in the capital, and his official position is not low."

"What official?" Yu Qingze asked.

Master Liao replied, "The Minister of Rites."

"Minister of Rites?" Yu Qingze was shocked, "No wonder Jia Xiaoren acted so boldly."

Master Liao nodded and said, "It's not as simple as being daring. My people went to the other side of the river to find out. Do you know why he came to Tongshan?"

"Why?" Yu Qingze asked.

The others hadn't heard of this just now, and they all looked at Master Liao curiously.

Liao Dang's family sold enough money, and then said: "He also opened a restaurant in Qingzhou City before, and he knocked down all the restaurants with better business than him, using all kinds of methods. What is the frame of the food is not clean, find someone Going to eat Bawang's meal, making gangsters to make troubles, oh, and cutting off the source of other people's ingredients like you, the worst time he let someone put medicine in a restaurant's soup, and then a little brother was poisoned after eating it. died."

"This meal killed people, forcing the owner of the restaurant to jump into the river to prove his innocence. The owner finally died. Two people died at once, and the person who prescribed the medicine was the guy in the restaurant. I was deceived into saying that it was just a laxative, and I ate the most diarrhea. Who knew that when someone died, he couldn't stand the pressure, and finally came out to testify against Jia Xiaoren, saying that he hired someone to do it. There was a lot of trouble over there. , caused public anger, and his family couldn't cover it up, so he let him come out to avoid the limelight, and then he came to our Tongshan."

Everyone was horrified when they heard it, especially Yu Qingze, whose heart was heavy.

The hearts of the other heads of the family also sank. Although they will use some means to do business, they have never done such a waste of life.

This Jia Xiaoren is good, in order to achieve the goal, he did not compromise on the means, and even committed his life.

"Master Liao, can we find out what kind of poison he has?" Yu Qingze asked.

Mr. Liao shook his head and said, "I don't know. According to what I heard, the other people just vomited and had diarrhea, but that little brother died directly. I don't know what happened. Anyway, it's gone."

The crowd fell silent for a while.

After a while, Master Zhao said: "If his uncle is the Minister of Rites, then we can't touch him? Minister of Rites, Master Cai is no bigger than him, and the magistrate is still here."

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank again.

The county magistrate Luo Mingda is the son of the Minister of Rites, Jia Xiaoren is the nephew of the Minister of Rites, and the Minister of Rites is a subordinate of the Minister of Rites, which is equivalent to Jia Xiaoren and the county magistrate being on one side.

"No wonder, when the magistrate of Luo arrived at Tongshan at that time, this Jia Xiaoren got on the line with the magistrate of Luo not long after, and they got together. That's what happened, and they still have such a relationship. What?" said one of the homeowners.

Another head of the family said: "But we can't just let this kind of person show off in Tongshan City, right? Do you think this is his Qingzhou? Today, he can't be afraid of the bosses of Cai Mansion and Zhao Mansion, maybe one day he will be stepped on our heads."

Master Liao slapped the table and said, "Yes, that's what I mean too. We must find a way to drive him out of Tongshan."

"Then this method is quite difficult to think of."

"There is always a way, think slowly."

After a long time, Master Hu raised his hand and said, "I think of a possibility."

"What is possible?" Everyone asked in unison.

Mr. Hu said slowly: "Unless, the county magistrate can stand on our side."