The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 13: 'Fufu stall' plan


That evening, Yu Qingze came back from the city with a large bag of things. As soon as he entered the yard, he said to Chang Le, who was pounding rice, "Brother Le, you don't have to cook at night, I'll make noodles."

After four or five days of inspection, combined with the current high summer weather and the situation in the county, based on his existing funds, he decided to make Liangpi cold noodles at the first food stall.

Tonight, let's do it first and see the feedback from the Changle family after eating it.

Hearing Yu Qingze's voice, Chang Hao, who was writing on the sand wooden plate, ran over at once. "Brother Yu, you came back so early today! What did you buy, such a big bag?"

These past few days, Yu Qingze only came back after dark. At first glance today, when he came back at this time, the young boy Chang Hao was very happy, and he could eat Yu Qingze's food at night.

A few days ago, Yu Qingze came back late, and Chang Le was cooking. Chang Le was very eager to try, and rolled up his sleeves to prepare a new dish.

However, although I learned with Yu Qingze for a few days, the level of cooking can be improved by just looking at it, and it can be improved in a day or two, and it takes continuous practice.

So these days, Chang Hao and the others often eat test items. Chang Hao doesn't want to recollect the taste. Anyway, in the end, they all rely on sour beans, pickled cucumbers and green vegetables to deliver their meals.

That is, my grandfather and my younger brother, and they comforted him that it was delicious, otherwise he would definitely be disgusted and suspicious of the chef!

Now that Yu Qingze came back so early, how could the young boy Chang Hao not be excited.

Just moved to cry!

"Here, it's flour and some seasonings for making noodles at night." Yu Qingze carried the big bag into the kitchen and put the big bag on the table. In order to buy all these seasonings, he went to many places, and some of the seasonings were bought from the drug store.

Chang Le also followed into the kitchen and was very interested when he saw the things on the table. Some of them were not used for cooking.

After washing his hands, Yu Qingze first washed a small piece of ginger, an appropriate amount of star anise, cinnamon, and peppercorns and dried them, and then began to knead the noodles.

Pour an appropriate amount of flour into the basin, add some salt, pour in water, stir with chopsticks to form a floc, then knead into a smooth dough, cover with a damp cloth and let the noodles rest.

Afterwards, Yu Qingze asked Changle to set the fire and started making chili oil.

After heating the pot, pour in the vegetable oil. When the oil temperature is 70% to 80% hot, add the ginger slices and various spices. When the ginger slices start to turn yellow, take them out. Bring the other spices to a boil over a low heat. Come down to cool. Cool until the surface of the oil is calm, then pour the chili powder, white sesame seeds and a small amount of peanuts into the pot and stir well. Finally, put it back on the stove and simmer on a low heat, add a little salt, and wait until the chili oil turns bright red, and you're done.

Once the chili oil is boiled, let it cool and then pour into a bowl for later use. Then Yu Qingze chopped ginger and garlic into a bowl, added soy sauce, vinegar, and a little pepper to make a sauce. Many condiments are not available here, and they can only be made.

At this time, the dough over there has also woken up.

Yu Qingze continued to knead the dough, and let Chang Le start boiling water on the other side.

When the water boiled, Yu Qingze started to pull noodles. After the noodles are cooked, go through the cold water and put them in a large bowl, then add shredded cucumbers, sour beans and chopped green onions, drizzle with chili oil and sauce, stir well, and the cold noodles are ready.

The four bowls of cold noodles were on the table, and Yu Qingze said, "This is cold noodles, eat and see, how does it taste?"

Chang Hao was the first to start.

The handmade noodles have a strong aroma, the taste is smooth but not lost, the sauce is just right salty and sour, and the chili oil enhances the aroma and color and stimulates the appetite. In this heavy mouth, the sour beans and cucumbers bring a refreshing taste. Greasy and appetizing.

In this hot summer, it is really suitable to eat a bowl of sour, spicy, appetizing and refreshing cold noodles.

"Delicious!" Chang Hao took a sip, only said two words, then stopped talking and just ate.

Grandpa Chang and Chang Le also said that it was delicious and appetizing after eating, and they would not sweat profusely like eating soup noodles.

The four of them ate all the cold noodles.

Then, Yu Qingze released his plan to make money.

"Grandpa, I'm going to open a food stall, so I'll make cold noodles first, and Liangpi. Oh, Liangpi is another way to eat. I'll make it for you tomorrow to see how it tastes."

"This is not bad. It's hot now, and I don't have any appetite. This cold noodle is very appetizing, and we don't have it here. It will definitely sell well!" Hearing this, Grandpa Chang agreed.

Chang Le and Chang Hao also nodded wildly, thinking it was great.

Yu Qingze has been investigating for a few days, and naturally he believes that this can make money.

"I have already ordered a stove and briquettes in the city, and then I went to the village chief's house to order a small cart and two small tables, and then I bought a pot, tableware, a bucket, a basin, and some other small things. It's basically enough. It's open." Then Yu Qingze turned to Chang Le and said, "Brother Le, I must be too busy by myself, I want to ask you for help, okay?"

Chang Le was startled and pointed at himself in disbelief, me

"Yes." Yu Qingze nodded, "I didn't know how it would sell at first. I'll pay you fifty cents a day first. If the business is good, I'll process the money."

Brother Le is diligent, energetic, and has a good character. It is right to ask him for help.

Because he had such an indescribable thought about Chang Le in his heart, Yu Qingze pondered that after a while, he would bring Chang Le in and turn the food stall into a 'hufufu stall'!

A partnership relationship sounds more intimate than an employment relationship, isn't it, and it's easier to remove the quotation marks from 'hufufutan' and turn it into a veritable husbandfutan!

Moreover, this family is so kind to him, and there is a life-saving grace. Even if he and Chang Le can't get together, he still wants to take this family to make some money and let them live better.

Originally, he wanted to directly propose cooperation with Chang Le, but he knew how difficult it was for a farmer to make some money. Chang Le's character was relatively conservative, and they would not make a decision easily if he did not let them see that he could make money. Moreover, most of the money Changle makes from selling vegetables must be saved. In winter, Grandpa Chang is not in good health, and he often needs to take medicine, so he can't easily use those savings.

Let them see the prospect of making money, so that they can follow him with confidence.

Fifty cents a day? This is much more than a day's work in the county seat! There is a man in the village next to them who works in the city, and only 800 pennies a month!

Chang Le quickly waved his hand and made gestures. Chang Hao translated.

Chang Le said that he was very willing to help, but he couldn't speak. The business of this kind of food stall must be able to speak, and it is better to greet guests. And fifty cents a day was too much, he felt that he was not worth the price.

Yu Qingze shook his head and said, "Brother Le, it's not much at all, believe me, your labor is totally worth the price, and it's a very hard job, you have to serve the dishes, close the dishes, wash the dishes, carry water, and collect money. If you want to help make noodles, you have to know everything, and I am afraid that I will wrong you."

The little boy Chang Hao also has some unspeakable secrets in his heart, but he knows his brother better. If he talks to his brother directly, his brother will probably still look after him. So, he persuaded Chang Le to say, "Brother, it sounds like a lot of hard work. Otherwise, don't go."

Yu Qingze was worried, "Brother Le, I don't know other people here, I don't know the details, and I don't dare to trust others easily, I can only trust you."

Where is Chang Le afraid of hard work? He is afraid that he can't do anything and still feel sorry for taking so much money. Of course it is good to be able to make money. If he can really earn fifty cents a day, he can send his younger brother to the school! In winter, grandpa's medicine expenses can also be earned!

Chang Le glanced at Grandpa, and Grandpa Chang said 'you decide for yourself', then looked at him with a smile.

Both the younger brother and Yu Qingze said so, Chang Le thought about it for a while, then nodded.

Chang Hao lowered his head and smirked. Although his brother looks kind and docile on the face, he is actually very unconvinced in his heart. Sometimes it has to be the other way around.

So it's settled. Yu Qingze felt at ease.

After he drew the drawings, he went to the village chief's house to ask him to help him make a cart and two sets of tables and stools.

The village chief's family is now doing their best to make rice beds, but for Yu Qingze's list, the village chief still gives him priority.

The table that Yu Qingze wanted to make was a folding table. Da Jian saw the drawings and immediately became interested, pulling Yu Qingze to discuss it. Yu Qingze told him all the principles. Dajian eagerly went to study how to do it.

The village chief and the others have done a good job for three or four days. During this period, Yu Qingze still has some preparatory work.

Early the next morning, Yu Qingze led the young boy Chang Hao in the yard.

He had promised Chang Hao to teach him some self-defense skills before. He was busy with inspections and only had time at night. But there was not much time in the evening. Chang Hao had to write for an hour first, and then in the free time, Yu Qingze asked him to sprint and practice the next plate first.

The ten-year-old boy had a dream in his heart. He was very interested in practicing kung fu and studied it very seriously. Zamabu is really boring and requires perseverance, but he finds it interesting.

Chang Hao was half-squatting, his feet were slightly wider than his shoulders, his hands were clenched to his sides, his eyes were level, and he breathed as long as possible according to Yu Qingze's instructions.

On the first day, he could only hold on to a cup of tea before taking a break, and now he can hold on for almost half an hour!

Just as he was teaching Chang Hao to sprint, Yu Qingze saw several brothers looking out of their yard. When Yu Qingze looked over, those people disappeared again.

Yu Qingze:…

When Yu Qingze saw the figure of a little brother flashing past the fence in the yard again, Yu Qingze frowned and asked Chang Hao, "Xiao Hao, are those brothers coming to see you and are embarrassed to come in when they saw me there?"

Chang Hao glanced outside and said, "They've been like this for several days, and they're here to see you. I come to see you every day. You went out early a few days ago, I don't know, and there are several people who have changed their ways to ask. been."

Yu Qingze was confused, "Look at me? Look at what I do?" Could it be because I look handsome

The young man was quite well informed and snickered: "You don't know, you are famous in the village now. They were busy a while ago, and they didn't have time to pay attention. Now that they're all busy, they have nothing to do, so they have time to inquire. Now, everyone We all know that you are twenty-eight and have yet to get married, so we all want to come and see if this man has any reason to say."

"... What's the reason for not being able to tell?" Yu Qingze frowned, always feeling that the answer gave him a very bad feeling, not what he wanted to hear.

The little boy couldn't stop laughing, and said, "How do I know what it is? They don't tell me, they just keep asking. If you want to know, ask yourself."

"...No, I don't want to know at all." Should, not what I thought

"Oh, someone else asked if you wanted to find a husband." After Chang Hao finished speaking, he carefully glanced at Yu Qingze's expression.

Yu Qingze thought in his heart that there was another good candidate, but he shook his head and said, "I don't want it now. I can't even get enough to eat. Can I find a husband to endure hardship with me?"

Yu Qingze could hardly laugh or cry. The country people have no entertainment, and they gather together to chat when they are busy.

Hearing this, Chang Hao snorted with satisfaction. As long as Brother Yu has no interest in others, then there is hope for his brother!

When they are together every day, slowly, Big Brother Yu will be able to see his brother! Isn't there a sentence, love for a long time, and he is helping, Big Brother Yu will definitely become his brother-in-law!

Yu Qingze still doesn't know that he already has a hidden helper to chase her husband, and he still wants to make money first, get a household registration, build a house, and when his life is stable, he can propose a marriage!

In the morning, Yu Qingze made Liangpi again.

The method of this cold skin is a little more complicated, the taste is different from the noodles, and the feeling is more refreshing and refreshing, and it has also been praised by Changle.

Taking advantage of the fact that the stall cart and tables and stools are not ready, Yu Qingze has been making noodles and cold skin these days, ready to dry for later use.

Therefore, people who passed by Changle's house in the past few days saw noodles and cold skins dried on a bamboo pole in the yard. Fortunately, some people wanted to buy them, but Yu Qingze rejected them.

He also borrowed the ox cart from the village chief's house, went to the city to buy all the condiments he needed, such as oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, etc., and brought back the stove and briquettes that were made.

Cucumbers, sour beans and shallots are bought directly from Changle's house, and buckets and wooden basins are bought from the village chief's house.

He also bought a guise, and asked Yu Xiucai to write five big characters on it—Yu Ji Yi Xian, which became the sign of his food stall.

After buying these things, Yu Qingze's 27 taels of silver were not much left.

Three days later, the village chief's family completed the cart and table stool.

Everything is ready, the food stall can finally open!

The author has something to say: Chang Hao: Brother Yu, as long as you are with my brother every day and develop love over time, you will definitely have feelings!

Yu Qingze: ... It's true that 'Sun' is in love for a long time. First of all, you have to agree with your brother.

Chang Le: →_→ Don't you have an unspeakable reason

Yu Qingze: This question is too complicated, you have to try it yourself!

Changle: →_→

Chang Hao: (⊙_⊙) What are they talking about, I don’t understand…