The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 21: Treasures of the Mountains and Business Opportunities


The scientific name of jelly fruit is Xueli fruit. It is the fruit of the climbing plant Xueli. It can be used as medicine in itself, but it is actually a very good food.

Yu Qingze looked at a large piece of jelly fruit climbing on the stones and the surrounding small trees in front of him, and was very happy. This is an excellent food to relieve heat and dryness in summer!

He still remembered that when he was a child at his grandfather's house, every midsummer, a few trees in the village were covered with this kind of jelly fruit. The villagers would pick it up and make it into jelly, adding honey or sugar to it, making it cool and refreshing. Like jelly, it's especially delicious.

The production method is also very simple, he still remembers.

After discovering this good thing, Yu Qingze didn't care about washing away his crippled name, so he picked up a big, plump jelly fruit.

His left shoulder was injured, and he could not lift his left arm, so he could only pick it with one hand. Fortunately, the trees that the vines of the jelly were climbing were not high, and some were on the rocks next to him. can be picked from the ground.

Not far away, the same crippled young boy Chang Hao found another fungus. He picked it excitedly and wanted to show it again. Who would have thought that when he turned his head, he found that Yu Qingze was already 'doing his job' and was not looking for the fungus at all, but was picking it. what.

"Brother Yu, what are you doing? I found another fungus, there are two!" If you don't hurry up, you won't be able to catch up with me. Chang Hao walked over to Yu Qingze with the two fungi he had found, and looked curiously at the small pile of fruits lying on the ground.

"You can't eat this fruit, what are you picking it for?"

"You can eat it, I'll make it for you in the afternoon, I'm sure you like it!" Yu Qingze didn't turn his head, and tiptoed to pull the jelly fruit on the branches above his head. The color was green, plump and huge, and there must be a lot of pectin in it. !

"Is this edible? Isn't it medicine?" Chang Hao was surprised. He had known this fruit for several years, and he never knew it was still edible, but he had seen Doctor Yu pick it for medicine.

Yu Qingze finally picked the top fruit and explained with a smile, "Many medicinal herbs are edible by themselves."

"Oh, is it delicious?" Chang Hao is most concerned about this question, "Will it smell like medicine?"

Yu Qingze poked his forehead and scolded with a smile: "Snack, you won't eat it if it smells like medicine?"

Chang Hao touched his forehead with a smile, and said cheekily, "If it's delicious, a little medicinal smell can still be tolerated!"

Yu Qingze smiled, turned around and continued to pick fruit.

Chang Hao didn't look for fungus anymore. Anyway, if he couldn't find it, he might as well pick this wild fruit. It was full of them, so he didn't have to search hard.

The two picked a bunch of them, Yu Qingze saw that it was almost the same, and went with Chang Hao to find Grandpa Chang and Chang Le with Chang Hao in their pockets.

Grandpa Chang and Chang Le also looked surprised when they picked the fruit, but since Yu Qingze said that he could eat it, he probably could eat it. Anyway, Yu Qingze pointed at the grass on the ground and said that he could make delicious food, and they wouldn't either. Doubt it, and eat it with a smile.

Grandpa Chang and Chang Le picked up a lot of fungus, which together could weigh three or four kilograms, and dumped them in one dung pan. Yu Qingze and Chang Hao put the jelly fruit they picked in another dung pan.

Several people returned home full of harvest.

There is no taboo on the Mid-Yuan Festival here. There is also a custom that you must eat duck, which is the homonym of 'pressing', which means to suppress ghosts.

Yesterday my grandfather bought a duck from the house of the same village.

After returning, it was almost noon, and the family started to cook.

Chang Hao cooks, and Grandpa Chang kills ducks.

Yu Qingze first asked Chang Le to cut the chicken into pieces and blanch it in water, then put it into a large casserole together with the fir tree fungus, add ginger and garlic, and put it on a small stove for Chang Hao to simmer. Then Chang Le went to wash the vegetables, and Yu Qingze began to pluck duck feathers with Grandpa Chang.

After the duck has been processed, cut it open, save half of it to eat at night, and prepare the remaining half to make braised duck with ginger according to Yu Qingze's arrangement.

"Brother Le, do it today." Yu Qingze said.

Chang Le looked at him and waved his hand, saying that he had never made braised duck with ginger, he had never even heard the name of the dish, and he had never seen Yu Qingze make it once, and couldn't make it.

Yu Qingze pulled down his wrist and said, "It's okay, I'll teach you, just do as I say."

Chang Le hesitated for a moment.

Yu Qingze pointed to his left hand and said, "I can't lift my arm yet."

When Chang Le heard this, he immediately nodded. It was also his own carelessness. Brother Yu is now a patient. How could he still cook vegetables? His face was a little embarrassed.

Yu Qingze smiled. In fact, his right hand was fine, and cooking with one hand was completely fine, but he just wanted to see Chang Le do it once.

Moreover, if you want to have good cooking skills, you must practice more often, but with the material conditions in this world, there is no way for Chang Le to use food to practice on his own, so Yu Qingze can only teach him to do it step by step. Learning is also practice, killing two birds with one stone.

Yu Qingze didn't do anything from the beginning of the duck meat cutting, he just dictated the command and let Chang Le do it.

Over there, the chicken stewed in front of the stove has begun to smell its fragrance, murmur, mixed with the rich aroma of fir tree mushrooms, and the smell makes you want to drool.

"It's really fragrant!" Chang Hao put his head close to the casserole while burning the fire and inhaled the aroma, which was delicious and sweet.

Chang Le smacking his lips, hungry.

"Xiao Hao, the fire is too big, make it smaller, or the soup will be dry in a while." Yu Qingze saw that the soup over there had lifted the lid, and quickly reminded Chang Hao.

"Oh, good." Chang Hao quickly pulled out two firewoods. His brother likes to drink soup very much. If there is no soup, he will not have to drink it.

Here, Chang Le, under the guidance of Yu Qingze, first cut the duck meat into pieces, sliced ginger and red pepper. Then boil the water, blanch the duck pieces, rinse off the blood and drain the water. Take another oil pan, sauté the ginger and garlic slices until fragrant, then pour the duck pieces into the pot and stir-fry until golden brown, add the ginger slices and stir well, then add soy sauce, white vinegar, wine and stir well, and finally put the water to cover the duck meat , after boiling, turn to medium-low heat and simmer. Finally, when there is a little soup left, add salt and red pepper flakes, stir fry to collect the juice, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and it's done.

After setting up the plate, Changle looked at the braised duck with ginger in the bowl. The duck meat was golden and buttery, the ginger was soaked in the soup, and the bright red pepper flakes and green chopped green onion enriched the color, and it looked very appetizing.

I did this myself. With a smile on Chang Le's face, he took a pair of chopsticks and handed them to Yu Qingze to give him a taste.

Yu Qingze took the chopsticks, put a small piece of duck meat in his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, then stretched out his thumb and said, "Well, it tastes good."

In fact, the taste is different from what he made, but for the person who made this dish for the first time, it was very good. He was also happy to see Chang Le's happy expression and wanted to make him happy.

Chang Le heard the words, his eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth curved up, and he put the bowl of vegetables on the desk on the other side with satisfaction.

Happy to be recognized by Master.

"You also eat a piece." Yu Qingze changed his chopsticks, picked up another piece of duck meat, and naturally handed it to Chang Le's mouth.

Chang Le looked at the chopsticks beside his mouth and was stunned for a moment, why did Brother Yu feed himself? Some are hesitant to eat.

"What's the matter? Eat it, you made it yourself. Ah—" Yu Qingze urged and coaxed.

Chang Le's face became hot, and he didn't want to think about it anymore. He opened his mouth quickly, leaned forward and took the piece of meat away.

"How is it? Does it taste good?" Yu Qingze said with a smile.

Chang Le lowered his head and nodded, his ears were all red, and he didn't know what the duck meat in his mouth was like. He only knew that his face was hot, his ears were hot, and he was a little ashamed.

Looking at his reaction, Yu Qingze pursed his lips and smiled.

The young boy Chang Hao lowered his head and covered his mouth secretly and smiled.

When the duck meat was ready, the chicken stewed with fir tree mushrooms was almost ready. Yu Qingze put a little salt to adjust the taste, and then let Chang Hao draw out the firewood.

Chang Le fried another green vegetable, and lunch was ready.

There are chickens and ducks. The taste is light and sweet with fir tree mushroom stewed chicken, and there is also ginger braised duck with heavy meals. Plus a plate of green vegetables, it is also a very hearty meal for farmers.

Everyone drank a small bowl of chicken soup first. This soup perfectly combines the fragrant flavor of chicken and the sweetness of fir tree mushrooms, making several people linger in the aftertaste. A pot of chicken has not started yet, and the blanching has reached the bottom.

And then ate.

Chang Le paid special attention to the reaction of his grandfather and younger brother to the duck meat. Seeing that they all said it was delicious, his heart blossomed and he was very satisfied.

After a lunch, several people were very full, and their stomachs were round.

However, for the foodie, he still misses the wild fruits he picked in the morning. Yu Qingze said that he wants to give him something delicious.

After taking a nap, he went to the kitchen to find Yu Qingze, and began to read, "Brother Yu, when are we going to make that jelly?"

"Do it now!" Knowing that Chang Hao had been looking forward to it for a long time, Yu Qingze agreed.

He and Chang Le were making cold noodles in the kitchen, but when he saw that the snacks were getting up, he washed his hands and started making them.

Chang Le also paused to watch him make jelly.

First cut the jelly fruit, get the seeds out, wrap it in a clean cotton towel, and tie the opening. Then immerse the whole end with the seeds in the cold water prepared in advance.

Yu Qingze had a lot of fruit seeds, so he filled most of the water in the wooden tub they used to make cold noodles with cold water.

After a few minutes, Yu Qingze squeezed the cloth firmly, and let Chang Le wash his hands and rub and squeeze the bag of fruit seeds, squeezing out the milky white pectin inside. This whole process is done in water.

After kneading and squeezing until nothing came out, Yu Qingze took out the cloth bag, put it aside, took out the fruit seeds that had been accidentally put in the water, and then let the basin of water stand.

Chang Hao watched the whole process without blinking. At this moment, seeing Yu Qingze walking away, he asked, "Brother Yu, are you done?"

Yu Qingze nodded, "Yes, just leave it alone, you can eat it in a quarter of an hour."

Chang Hao pointed at the basin of water, stunned, "Just drink, drink this basin of water?"

Yu Qingze laughed and said, "It won't be water in a while. Hey, don't move it, just leave it there, it will surprise you later." Seeing that Chang Hao wanted to shake the water, Yu Qingze quickly stopped it. he.

There is no honey at home, but there is a small jar of sugar syrup. He scoops out some and adds a little water to dissolve it, and it will be ready for use later.

Chang Le stayed motionless by the basin of water, waiting to see something that would surprise him, but after watching it for a while, nothing changed. His legs were numb, and he stood up to help his brother make a fire. Make cold skin.

But after burning for a while, I couldn't help but run to take a look.

When he ran five or six times, he suddenly found that the water seemed to be different.

"Frozen, it's freezing! Brother, come and see, it's freezing!" Chang Hao was shocked and pointed to the basin and asked his brother to come and see.

Chang Le heard the words, and came over curiously to see that the water in the basin had disappeared, and it had frozen into a whole piece, and it was still transparent!

Yu Qingze came over to take a look and said, "You can eat it!"

He took four small bowls, filled four bowls one by one with a spoon, then put the melted sugar water into it, handed it to Chang Hao and Chang Le, and said, "Try it."

The two took the bowl, and the 'jelly' inside was crystal clear and looked like a gem, but as soon as the spoon was put on it, it could be cut open, and it was very tender.

Chang Hao scooped a piece with a spoon, put it in his mouth, the mouth was cool, and his whole body was shaken. The 'Jongjing' had a sweet taste. He was about to chew it, but the 'Jingjing' slipped into his throat. went.

Chang Hao: ... Oh, no need to chew!

"Delicious!" Chang Hao immediately scooped up another tablespoon of Hululu and 'drinked' it.

Chang Le took a sip, also with a surprised expression on his face. He began to think that jelly was like eating cold noodles and cold skin. It turned out to be like this, and it should be regarded as a dessert.

However, it's really delicious. It's cool and cool, smooth and tender. I was busy making cold skin and it was very hot, but now I feel more comfortable. He hasn't eaten dessert like this, 'frozen water'

Seeing their expressions, Yu Qingze smiled with satisfaction, then took a bowl of jelly to the main room to give to Grandpa Chang, who was repairing hoes.

After Grandpa Chang tasted it, he also greatly appreciated it. He stopped repairing the hoe. The weather is so hot, so go to the kitchen first and then eat two bowls of jelly!

"Brother Yu, can we also sell this jelly? There are so many fruits on the mountain, and they are so delicious. The method is also simple. It is not sold for nothing. Besides, it must be very easy to sell!" Forget about developing a business. He has been setting up a stall for a while, and he will think about whether he can sell anything and whether he can make money.

Grandpa Chang and Chang Le also nodded in agreement.

Yu Qingze said: "It can be sold. I also think that we will sell it in a few days. This is definitely more popular than mung bean soup. The method is also simple. Just buy some sugar. If there is honey, it will taste better."

After making up their minds, they will discuss going to the mountains to pick some more tomorrow.

Since picking jelly fruit and fir tree mushrooms in the mountains, Yu Qingze has become more interested in the mountains. There are many treasures in the mountains. If you go for a walk, maybe you will find something good

The next day, Yu Qingze followed Chang Le and Chang Hao into the mountains. Grandpa Chang was at home alone. When it was almost noon in the morning, the family welcomed two unexpected guests.