The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 36: The whole family is mobilized to make Le Geer confident


After putting down the lotus lanterns, it was not early, and the two started to walk slowly towards the West City Gate, strolling while walking, but at this time, their hearts were not on shopping, but on the people around them.

Just after the exchange of hearts, the two were both fresh and sweet and a little nervous.

Not to mention Chang Le, who is easily shy, and even Yu Qingze, his mood is completely unable to calm down.

From time to time, he turned his head to look at Brother Le's face, and then squeezed the back of Brother Le's hand, tightening the palm of his hand, and his mood was particularly high.

I have a boyfriend!

Still a boyfriend who presupposes marriage!

Still such a good boyfriend!

hey hey hey...

Thinking that the person holding him is a partner who can be with him for the rest of his life, Yu Qingze smirked.

Chang Le looked at the corners of Yu Qingze's mouth that rose all the way, and pursed his lips and smiled, and a small wave surged in his heart.

Brother Yu looks very happy, that's fine.

Not long after the two left the city, the candles in the lanterns burned out. The weather was good that day, there was moonlight at night, and there were many people on the road. The two walked slowly holding hands.

"Brother Le, can you see clearly? Do you want to put on a new candle?" Yu Qingze asked, afraid that Chang Le could not see the road clearly.

Chang Le shook his head, the moonlight was still bright, and he could see the road clearly, and they often walked on this road and were very familiar with it.

In this moonlight, the two of them holding hands as if they were walking.

After turning to the village road in the village, and seeing the villagers in front of him, Chang Le pulled out his hand, lowered his head and silently pulled the distance between the two of them, and looked back at Yu Qingze anxiously, gestured to indicate that there was someone in front of him. .

"It's alright, let's go." Yu Qingze shook his head gently, comforted him, and didn't take him back.

Seeing that he didn't mind, Chang Le moved forward with confidence.

Yu Qingze sighed in his heart.

This is an ancient and different world, not the open modern 21st century. People's views on love are still very conservative, especially this little turtle beside me, who has already received too many strange eyes before, and is still very afraid of people in the village gossip . Before in the city, it was okay for people I didn't know, but now that I entered the village, I started to shrink again.

He can understand.

Because of understanding, my heart is even more distressed.

He secretly calculated that at the current rate of making money, by the end of this month, he should have saved enough money to buy land, and he must ask the village chief to go through the naturalization procedures with him as soon as possible.

Get the household registration, and then propose a marriage first!

There is still about half a year between the marriage proposal and the marriage. We must open the snack bar, and then make more money, strive to build the house early next year, and then marry Le Geer!

When they got home, Grandpa Chang and Chang Hao still hadn't slept.

Seeing them coming back, the sleepy little boy who was lying on the table immediately recovered his energy. He quickly greeted them at the door, and helped Yu Qingze to carry the basket very enthusiastically: "Brother, Big Brother Yu, are you back? Is it fun? "

Chang Le nodded and handed him the lantern in his hand, indicating that it was bought for him.

"Wow, little lion, I like the little lion the most!" Chang Hao said happily, holding the basket in one hand and the lantern in his brother's hand in the other.

Yu Qingze laughed and teased Chang Hao: "Are you waiting for us or what's in the basket? The candles have been burnt out. There are replacement candles in the basket. You can replace them if you want to light them."

"Hey hey, of course I'm waiting for you. The things in the basket and the lanterns are just waiting for you." Chang Hao excitedly put the basket on the dining table, then pulled out the replacement candles inside, and moved the lanterns very skillfully. The candles were replaced and lit again.

"Wow, what a cute little lion!" Chang Hao looked at the two cute little lions under the candlelight and was very happy.

Yu Qingze smiled and said, "You just like it, it's your goth's choice for you."

Chang Hao turned his head with a smile and thanked his brother: "Thank you brother, you are the best!"

Chang Le rolled his eyes and smiled happily.

"This monkey, you have to wait for you to come back before you can sleep." Grandpa Chang said with a smile when he saw the two of them coming back, and then turned his head to teach his little grandson: "Now that you are back, why don't you go to bed soon? From tomorrow It's late for school, I'm late for school, let's see if the Master won't beat you!"

"Grandpa, good grandpa, let me eat a fried chestnut first, and then a hawthorn gourd. Oh, and my little candy man, if you don't eat it today, it will melt tomorrow! Don't waste it!"

The little skin monkey took out the snacks in the basket, took the fried chestnuts first, opened the oil paper bag, and grabbed a handful for grandpa, "Grandpa, you can eat it too."

Now in August, the chestnuts sold on the street are still the small-grained chestnuts that ripen first, and the large-grained ones a little later. But this kind of small chestnut is also quite flavorful, but it is more difficult to peel.

But this obviously can't be difficult for the little boy, because he didn't use peeling, he directly bit on the mouth. Click it, bite it open, and then use your teeth to tear open the thick outer shell. The inner skin has been fried a little and separated from the pulp, so it is very convenient to peel it off.

The yellow chestnut meat is thrown into the mouth, it is powdery, fragrant, and delicious.

After eating a few chestnuts, Chang Hao ate hawthorn gourd. The fried chestnuts can still be eaten tomorrow, but the hawthorn gourd and Xiaotangren can't be put into tomorrow, and they have to be eaten today.

"Hurry up and take a bath." Grandpa Chang said to the two of them.

Yu Qingze said to Chang Le, "Brother Le, go first."

Chang Le nodded and went.

When Chang Le went to take a bath, Chang Hao ate the hawthorn gourd and pulled Yu Qingze, and asked quietly, "Brother Yu, how are you? You and my brother?"

Yu Qingze touched his head and smiled: "Very good. Thanks to your help, thank you very much." At this time, the young man must be praised.

"Hey hey, you're welcome. Find me in the future, I will definitely help you."

"Okay, there is just one thing, and I want your cooperation."

"Huh? So soon? What's the matter?"

Yu Qingze pulled Chang Hao into the room, the two of them didn't light the lights, and talked quietly for a while.

When it was over, Chang Hao asked suspiciously, "Is this okay?"

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "It's definitely possible, and we have to try, otherwise your brother will never be able to gain self-confidence, and he will always feel that he is not good. You also think that your brother is the best, right?"

Chang Hao nodded, "My brother is the best!"

Yu Qingze: "So, we have to make him realize how good he is!"

Chang Hao nodded, "Okay, brother Yu, don't worry, I will do as you say."

"Okay, remember, act naturally, don't let him find out, you know?"


"Okay, let's cooperate well!"


Although the two were discussing quietly, their voices were not small, and the door was not closed. Grandpa Chang listened to the 'secret' of the two and happily ate chestnuts while laughing.

The next day, Yu Qingze and Chang Le met in the kitchen.

"Brother Le, good morning."

Chang Le nodded, blushed a little, and went out to wash his face with a basin of water.

Things went too fast last night, beyond his expectations. He was a little dizzy all night. He went home and quickly took a shower and fell asleep. He was so excited that he fell asleep very quickly and slept well.

Now that I have slept and my head has been awake a lot, I think back on what happened last night, it's so incredible, it's like a dream. When I saw Yu Qingze again, I felt very shy and embarrassed.

When Yu Qingze saw it, he couldn't help but chuckle. The thin-skinned, shy little turtle.

In the morning, Changle made breakfast.

This time, Yu Qingze deliberately didn't remind him the whole time, he made all of them by himself, egg pancakes and small wontons in seaweed soup.

Chang Hao first took a bite of the egg cake, and then praised: "Wow, brother, this egg cake is delicious and fragrant."

He ate another small wonton and drank the seaweed soup, "This small wonton is also delicious, delicious, and the soup is delicious. Except for Brother Yu, you must be able to make it in the whole village! It's delicious!"

Yu Qingze also praised: "Today is all made by Le Geer himself, I didn't say a word."

Chang Hao raised his head, looked at his brother, and said in surprise, "Really? Brother, you can graduate!"

Grandpa Chang also smiled and nodded: "Xiao Le's craftsmanship is indeed getting better and better."

Listening to the praise from the three, Chang Le smiled shyly, feeling a little embarrassed, but she was very happy and very satisfied.

He was determined to let Grandpa and Xiaohao eat delicious food every day!

Hearing this praise now gave him a sense of accomplishment, and his back straightened unconsciously.

Follow Big Brother Yu to continue to study hard, and one day, he will be able to master all the dishes without Big Brother Yu's guidance!

While eating breakfast, Wen Li came over to deliver Liangpi.

Seeing their breakfast, I was surprised: "Do you still make wontons and egg pancakes by yourself?"

Farmers usually have white porridge and pickles for breakfast, such as wontons and egg cakes. The ingredients are expensive and time-consuming. They don’t know how to make them.

When Chang Hao saw his uncle, he wanted to scold him, but as soon as his eyes rolled, he replied proudly: "Yes, it's all made by my brother, but it's delicious, I like it very much."

Chang Le patted his brother on the shoulder dumbfoundedly.

Wen Li smiled and said, "Brother Le is so capable. Come on, this is today's Liangpi, Aze, you guys weigh in."

Yu Qingze checked the quality of Liangpi, then took the scale, calculated the money, and settled the bill directly to Wenli.

Wen Li took the money and left happily.

These days, since she started making Liangpi, Wenli has rarely come here with nothing to do. She has to take care of the work in the fields during the day and make Liangpi at night. She is busy all day.

He took the sun-dried Liangpi directly to Yu Qingze and the others, settled the bill on the spot, and made money, so he no longer had to mess around every day to get money, and he had a lot of peace of mind.

This made Yu Qingze and the others heave a sigh of relief.

I was busy doing business every day, and if I had to guard against coming and going every day, it wasn't enough to deal with Wen Li making trouble for them from time to time. Now it can be considered to let Wen Li's family work for them in disguise, making full use of Wen Li's labor force, so that he does not have the energy to do other things, which is also a relief.

After breakfast, they set off for a stall in the city.

Recently, Yu Qingze is also teaching Chang Le how to cook the Otto soup base, how to season it, and if he is not around, Chang Le can also make it well.

After all the ingredients for the soup base were put down and boiled, Boss Liu sent someone over to invite Yu Qingze.

Yu Qingze arrived at Liu Ji Noodle Restaurant. Boss Liu and his two sons were busy in the kitchen. Seeing him coming, Boss Liu opened the seven or eight plates of noodles on the table one by one and let Yu Qingze taste it.

On the table are two plates of fried noodles, two plates of mixed noodles, two plates of fried sauce noodles, and two plates of knife-cut noodles.

This is a new category that Yu Qingze taught Boss Liu and is about to launch.

Yu Qingze ate them one by one, then pointed to the knife-cut noodles and said, "This one is a little tougher, and the others can be sold."

Boss Liu and his two sons were very happy when they heard the words.

Boss Liu said: "Then we will first release these six types today. After mastering the noodles, we will introduce them. Boss Yu, what do you think?"

Yu Qingze nodded: "Yes, Boss Liu, you can decide this by yourself."

Boss Liu was very happy and said again: "Boss Yu, these noodles are all taught by you. I'm going to give you 40% of the money earned from these noodles. Do you think 40% is enough?"

Yu Qingze said in surprise: "I taught you this, I didn't want you to share the profits with me." I just wanted to piss off Boss Wang and rob him of his business. It's best to let him go out of business and declare bankruptcy.

Boss Liu nodded and said: "I know you haven't thought about it, but our ancestors in the Liu family all made noodles. My family's ancestors' teaching is like this. It taught us a new method, either you take the share, or we buy the method directly. However, this method is priceless, so I have to ask for a share, and I hope you can forgive me. "

Yu Qingze was stunned for a moment, this boss Liu is too upright. However, such a person is trustworthy and can be a lifelong business partner.

He thought for a while and said, "Forty percent is too much, it is not suitable. If you insist on giving, you will be fine if you give two." Taking advantage of people too much is inconvenient for long-term development in the future.

Boss Liu frowned, "Twenty percent is too little, we..."

Yu Qingze said: "Twenty percent, otherwise you will buy the goods directly."

Boss Liu stared at him, and Yu Qingze also looked at him.

The two stared at each other for a while. In the end, Boss Liu sighed and said, "Okay, let's make it 20%. Don't blame me if you lose money."

Yu Qingze smiled and said, "I can't lose."

Boss Liu turned around and said to his second son, "Second brother, bring a pen and paper, let's write a contract."

Soon, Boss Liu wrote a simple contract, the two of them pressed their fingerprints, and each received a copy.

Yu Qingze couldn't help laughing on the way back. Boss Liu is very interesting.

In addition, if you add 20% of the income from the newly launched noodles at Liu Ji Noodle Shop, the household registration problem should be solved earlier.

Good thing!