The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 4: Threshing corn


Changle's family is in the east of the village, the paddy field is in the west of the village, and a small stream separates the paddy field from the village.

Chang Le walked in front with a threshing machine on his back, very manly!

It is said to be a threshing machine, but it is actually an open empty box made of several large wooden boards. Yu Qingze was a little curious about how they would thresh at that time.

Grandpa Chang followed behind with a basket, which contained a jar of water and a shaoji. The baskets are also specially made oversized ones, which were prepared for Changle at first glance.

Yu Qingze couldn't walk fast due to his foot injury, he walked slowly behind with a wooden crutch, and the young boy Chang Hao accompanied him. Yu Qingze took the opportunity to observe the situation in the village. With Chang Hao present, he learned a lot more.

For example, the name Niutou Village is because the back mountain looks like a bull's head. Yu Qingze glanced sideways, it was indeed a bit similar.

There are two surnames in the village, Yu and Chang. There are more than 30 households with the surname Yu, and most of them live near the stream. Over the years, the Yu family has long been familiar with accepting more than a dozen families with the Chang family name.

Most of the houses are still thatched huts. There are only two mud-brick houses and a large blue-brick house, which is considered a wealthy household in the village.

Yu Qingze was a little curious and asked.

Chang Hao explained to him: "The big blue-brick house belongs to Yu Wei's house, and his father is Master Xiucai." When the young man spoke of Master Xiucai, his face was respectful and yearning.

Yu Qingze's thoughts moved and he asked, "Xiaohao, do you want to go to the school?"

Chang Hao didn't hide it, and replied: "I think, there is a primary school in the village. Master Xiucai is a gentleman. People in the nearby village who want to study come here to learn. But I have to pay 200 yuan a month. I will go. Sorry."

Hearing this, Yu Qingze was silent for a while, then said, "If you want to read, I can teach you."

Chang Hao immediately turned his head to stare at him, and said in surprise, "You can read? Can you teach me?!"

Yu Qingze nodded, very sure: "Yes."

"Okay, I want to learn!" A flower bloomed on Chang Hao's face, which was very bright.

After a while, he asked again, "Brother Yu, can my brother learn to read with you? My brother is very smart and has a good memory!"

Basically no one in the village can go to school, and all those who go to school are men. For fear that Yu Qingze would not agree, Chang Hao praised his brother again.

"Okay!" Yu Qingze laughed, these two brothers have a really good relationship, they think of each other for any benefit, and they are very envious.

The two also said that the double robbing will start after they are busy in the past few days. When this matter was finalized, Chang Hao was very happy, and he knew everything about Yu Qingze's other questions.

"The tile-roofed house belongs to the village chief. He can do carpentry, and his son can also do carpentry. Some furniture needed by the nearby villages is basically made by his family. Our big wooden barrels are also made by him. My brother went to the mountains to chop up the best wood and carry it with him. The other tile-roofed house belongs to the hunter's house, and his family specializes in delivering game to the restaurants in the town... "

Yu Qingze caught a key point and asked, "Can the village chief do carpentry? How are their families?"

Chang Hao replied: "The village chief is very good, and the elder brother of the village chief's family is also very good. My brother carried a very large piece of wood in our pair of big wooden barrels, and the village chief confiscated our family's money. He gave us a wooden tub to wash the vegetables."

Hearing this, Yu Qingze had a bottom line in his heart, and secretly thought of a plan.

The two of them passed through the village, and their eyes suddenly brightened.

A piece of golden.

The yellow rice grains seem to have covered the ground with a golden carpet. The breeze blows, and the rice ears rise and fall with the waves, rustling and singing the hymn of the harvest happily.

This season's early rice harvest is okay, and the villagers are happily rushing to harvest the rice. Although the weather was hot, people were sweating as soon as they went out, as if they had just been soaked in hot water, but the joy of the harvest completely covered the fatigue.

Thinking of the harvested millet, there is endless energy.

By the time the two of them got to the field, Chang Le and Grandpa Chang had already cut the grass some distance away.

Chang Hao picked up the cutting knife and went to cut the grass. Yu Qingze couldn't squat down and cut grass like them because of his foot injury, but he could stand beside the threshing machine and do threshing.

But the problem was that he didn't know how to operate the empty threshing machine. He turned his head and looked at the other villagers not far away, but it seemed that everyone was reaping the grass, and no one was threshing, and the threshing machines at other people's homes were also in front of him.

In the end, Chang Le took a large bundle of rice and put it next to him, and Yu Qingze asked for advice by the way. He saw Chang Le pick up a hand of paddy, and he raised his hands above his head and smashed it against the inner wall of the threshing machine.

clap la la-

"..." Yu Qingze heard the sound of millet falling off to the bottom of the box.

Afterwards, Chang Le shook his hands again, shaking off the loose grains in the rice ears, and when they stopped falling, he lifted them up and smashed them hard!

In this way, after smashing it four or five times, it is basically clean, and the rest can be removed by hand.

Yu Qingze: "..." No wonder it's called threshing, it couldn't be more appropriate!

It was very raw and rough, and it looked very tired. This made him even more determined in his heart to make sure that they would not be so tired from harvesting in the future.

In short, Yu Qingze knows how to thresh.

Chang Le was afraid that his legs and feet would be inconvenient, so he moved all the rice to the threshing machine for him very considerately, and then went on to cut the crops again.

This field is quite big, maybe seven or eight points. Chang Le and Grandpa Chang have already cut half of it in the morning.

Chang Le cut grass quickly, and his movements were very neat and skillful.

He squatted in front of the rice, with his feet slightly wider than his shoulders, cutting the knife with his right hand, holding the wort with his left hand, shhhhh, his body moved from right to left with the movements of his hands, and cut from right to left in a few seconds. Yi Yang shakes the rice ears, and then arranges one hand neatly on the left, and then turns back to continue cutting...

In the past, he and his party could probably cut eight or nine weeds.

After two hours, the entire field was cut, and Yu Qingze didn't even see him rest.

Grandpa Chang and Chang Hao would stand up and move around when their feet were numb, and rest for a while, but Chang Le never stood up at all. After cutting one side, he turned around and cut the other side straight, and then cut it on the other side.

Yu Qingze has no doubt that if he were to cut it all by himself, the entire field could be placed in a circle of mosquito coils, or a dragon.

After cutting, they went back to the threshing machine to sit down and rest for a while, and Yu Qingze also rested for a while.

After more than two hours, even if he was strong, his arms were sore, and he was sweating profusely.

He also deeply realized that cutting the grass is a little easier, and threshing is the highlight! Especially in the midsummer when the scorching sun is in the sky, it is like a salt water bath! Salt is self-produced!

He especially misses modern harvesters.

When he was a child, his grandfather's family had a threshing machine driven by a diesel engine. At that time, he was the only one in the village who did not use the threshing machine to thresh crops. The villagers were always envious.

Now let alone the harvester and diesel threshing machine, even if there is a threshing machine with a foot, he can be moved!

In his mind, he quickly recalled the structure of the threshing machine, as well as several commonly used agricultural tools, as well as some ancient simple and useful agricultural tools that he had seen when he visited the Agricultural Museum. !

Although tired, the results of his efforts are also very gratifying. There are already a lot of grass behind him, and there is already a thick layer of millet at the bottom of the threshing machine.

"Wow, Big Brother Yu, you're amazing, you've beaten so much!" Chang Hao came over to see the millet in the threshing machine, and exclaimed in surprise.

Grandpa Chang also praised: "Yes, it's a good hand!"

Chang Le held the water jar, poured a bowl of water for Grandpa first, and then poured another bowl for Yu Qingze, and gave him a thumbs up as a compliment.

Yu Qingze felt embarrassed after being praised by their family in a fancy way, his handsome face turned red, he waved his hand and said, "If you praise me again, I will float up, and the clouds in the sky can be plucked off. !"

Several people laughed and the atmosphere was warm and happy.

After resting for a while, several people began to threw weed.

Near noon, seeing that the time is about the same, and the millet is almost enough for a load, they stopped and prepared to go home to rest for lunch, and come back in the afternoon.

The sun was scorching hot, and after a busy morning, it was still such a laborious job that several people's clothes were soaked through and their hair was wet.

At this time, Chang Hao was very envious of Yu Qingze's short hair. Not only was it easy to clean, but it was also super cool!

Regarding Yu Qingze's short hair, Chang Hao and the others had asked curiously before, and Yu Qingze made an excuse, saying that before he came to the south, he followed the horse team to the north to buy fur. Lost.

Justified, very reasonable.

So they believed it and comforted him, making Yu Qingze dumbfounded.

Just because it was too hot, when Chang Le used a shaoji to pick up the millet in the bucket, Yu Qingze discovered the secret behind Chang Le's thick and long bangs.

Sweat wetted his forehead, and Chang Le's bangs clumped together, revealing a four- or five-centimeter-long scar on his fair forehead, extending from the middle of his left eyebrow all the way up into his forehead. If you take a closer look, you can also find that the middle of his left eyebrow is broken, but the front eyebrow is long and covered, so it is not so conspicuous.

Yu Qingze was stunned for a moment. There was such a long scar with eyes underneath. He didn't know how he was injured, but he could imagine how dangerous it was when he was injured.

The scar actually looks a long time ago, and the color has faded, but it protrudes slightly. At first glance, the long line is creeping on the fair skin, and it still looks a bit hideous.

No wonder Chang Le has such thick and long bangs.

It's no wonder that his uncle said that he has broken his appearance, he is really broken, otherwise, Chang Le is really very good-looking.

A healthy complexion, a delicate face, moderately thick lips, and a pair of smart eyes are very charming. The skin is also very good and the pores are not visible at all.

Yu Qingze felt a little sorry for Chang Le. This scar is estimated to scare away a lot of marriageable objects.

Although he hasn't even woken up for 24 hours, Chang Le has left a very good impression in his heart.

Diligent, gentle, kind, loving his family, he can be gentle with a stranger like him.

Such a good boy deserves to be happy.

Maybe Yu Qingze's eyes were too focused, Chang Le noticed it, he turned his head in surprise and looked at him. After seeing the surprise and pity in his eyes, Chang Le was stunned for a moment, then turned around quickly, carrying Yu Qingze on his back, reached out to comb the bangs on his forehead, and then quickly left with a grain of rice.

Yu Qingze: ... I was accidentally embarrassed again, but fortunately Grandpa Chang and Chang Hao didn't find out.

Chang Hao accompanied Yu Qingze to move back slowly. Grandpa Chang went back to cook first, and Chang Le picked the millet and went back to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables. The division of labor was very clear.

When Yu Qingze and Chang Hao got home, Chang Le had already picked the beans, and the water spinach had been washed and ready to start cooking.

When Yu Qingze saw it, he hurriedly said, "Brother Le, you go to the rest party, I'll do it."

Chang Le was a little embarrassed to see him, for fear that his scar would scare him.

In the past, many people would be frightened when they saw the scar on his forehead. Children of the same age always laughed at him and called him ugly, so he had long bangs to cover the scar. It has been ten years.

However, Chang Le saw that Yu Qingze's demeanor seemed to be the same, so he was relieved a little and gave him a grateful glance.

Afterwards, he quickly gestured to answer Yu Qingze's words, and Chang Hao translated it beside him.

It meant that Yu Qingze was a guest, and he already cooked breakfast, so how could he be allowed to cook lunch. Although his dishes are delicious, they are not in line with the hospitality of his family.

Yu Qingze said with a smile: "Cooking is my hobby, and that's what I do. I live here for free. If you don't let me do some work, I'm embarrassed to live any longer."

Chang Le originally wanted to refuse, but Yu Qingze brought out his trump card, "Look, grandpa and Xiaohao also like to eat, so let me show it off."

Grandpa and younger brother are Chang Le's weak spots. Once he moves out of them, he will have nothing to do. Who makes himself bad at cooking? After hesitating for a moment, he nodded in agreement, and went to start the fire silently.

Chang Hao saw that his brother was a little disappointed, and hurriedly said: "Brother, I also like to eat your dishes!"

Hearing this, Chang Le patted his brother's shoulder deeply.

If you haven't eaten Yu Qingze's dishes, if you didn't want to lick the bowl of sweet potato stalks in the morning, I'll trust you.

Yu Qingze simply washed his face and hands, and then started cooking.

Although it is only the most common beans and water spinach and lacks other ingredients, the taste made by the chef is fundamentally different from that made by ordinary people.

If it is made by Changle, the beans will be cooked directly in water.

However, Chef Yu used it to stir fry. Without ginger, garlic, Chinese prickly ash and dried chili, and he had to consider saving fuel, he just cooked it for him. Although it is not as flavorful as the authentic dried beans, but compared to boiled, it is enough to distinguish the toad from the frog prince.

While burning the fire according to Yu Qingze's request, Chang Le raised his head and peeked at Yu Qingze's movements, trying to write down his cooking steps and the required heat.

The first step to improve your cooking skills, steal the teacher!

Yu Qingze hadn't found out that Chang Le was secretly studying at this meeting, he was just cooking with no distractions. It should be said that he is used to being watched by others while cooking. He has brought several apprentices before, and it is common for him to be watched while cooking.

His cooking speed was very fast, and the food was on the table in no time. The Changle family of three complimented and ate all the dishes.

After a tiring morning, a few people finished eating, and after a while to cool off, Chang Hao opened the back door of the main room, dragged out two bamboo mats to the floor of the main room, and greeted Yu Qingze to take a nap!

The midsummer sunlight is too poisonous, especially at noon, and it is not suitable to go out to work. Everyone is used to taking a nap, resting their bodies, and then going to work after noon.

The three men spread out two bamboo mats and lay on the ground in the main room. The front and back were ventilated and the ground was very cool. Yu Qingze, who had not slept well at night and worked all morning, fell asleep. When Chang Le went to the stream to wash his clothes and came back, he spread a straw mat on the kitchen floor, and it was very cool near the water tank.

Before half-time (about two o'clock in the afternoon), Chang Le got up and went to the fields with a basket.

Grandpa Chang also got up in the kitchen to chop pig grass and cook pig food. Chang Le did not let him go to the fields at noon, fearing that he would suffer from heat stroke, so he insisted that he could not go out until after the late hour (three in the afternoon).

Yu Qingze and Chang Hao overslept a bit. When they and Grandpa Chang went to the field together, they found that there was a large circle of people on their way to the head of the field, and Chang Le was surrounded by them, making a lot of noise, as if something had happened. thing.

When Chang Le and Grandpa Chang met, they rushed over.

Yu Qingze was stunned for a moment, but he didn't care about the sprain, he quickened his pace, stood on tiptoe a few steps and jumped a few steps back and forth, rushing back and forth.

The author has something to say: This chapter is very thick and long, with wood and wood!

Threshing at the Small Theater:

Author: Come on, raise your hands and wave them!

Chang Hao clenched his fist: I have used my great power!

Yu Qingze waved his arm: Please look at my unicorn arm!

Chang Le silently raised the threshing machine full of millet.

Chang Hao & Yu Qingze: ... boss, give you your knees_(:з"∠)_