The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 41: The moon cake market is cold


The next day, several people found Chang Le's dark circles again, but he was in good spirits, not as listless as last time.

When I asked him, he himself said that he was in good spirits and was fine.

When eating breakfast, Chang Hao glanced at his brother as soon as he took a bite, laughed while eating, and was in a very good mood.

Yu Qingze and Grandpa Chang are also in a good mood, but they don't always stare at people like Chang Hao, but the corners of their mouths are always raised.

The old haze finally has a way to clear it, and the initial test has been successful, how can it not make people happy? !

Chang Le blushed when he was seen. Although he was a family member, he was thin-skinned and embarrassed.

Yu Qingze saw Brother Le's unnatural look, patted Chang Hao, and said, "Look at what your brother is doing, eat quickly, and go to school early after eating."

Chang Hao smiled and said: "I just think, my brother is so good-looking! The more you look, the better! What do you think, Big Brother Yu?"

Hearing this, Chang Le's hand holding the little bun shook, and the little bun fell back into the cage. He hurriedly picked it up again and secretly glanced at Yu Qingze, but he didn't want to meet Yu Qingze's gaze.

Chang Le: …

Yu Qingze smiled slightly, looked into Brother Le's eyes, and said, "Brother Le is already pretty."

Hearing this, Chang Le blushed to the point of dripping blood, and quickly turned his eyes away, but his pursed lips were pulled away unconsciously.

Seeing that Chang Le's face was getting more and more red, Yu Qingze turned his eyes away, turned his head, and said to Chang Hao: "Eat quickly, eat more, you will grow taller!"

"Yeah! Brother Yu, can I still grow to be as tall as you?" Speaking of height, Chang Hao hurriedly started eating, not forgetting to ask about his potential to grow taller.

The issue of height is a big problem for him. There are several boys who are two years younger than him in the school. Several are as tall as him, and there are two who are much taller than him. He dreams of growing taller, preferably as tall as Brother Yu.

Yu Qingze can understand the boy's concern about height. He nodded and said with certainty: "Yes, you just haven't reached the heights yet, you will definitely be taller than me in a few years."

Keep up with nutrition, exercise, you will not have to worry about being mentally clear, and you will naturally grow up well.

Hearing this, Chang Hao ate more buns!

Get taller, get taller, get taller!

After breakfast, Brother Chang and his father came over to push the cart and were ready to go.

Putting the newly made moon cakes yesterday in the car, Yu Qingze explained to Brother Chang, "Brother Chang, these are the moon cakes made by the Cai family. They are used to give and return gifts. This morning, Mi Ge'er and Cai's residence The housekeeper will bring someone to pick it up. According to their requirements, there are two kinds of packaging, one is more expensive and the other is cheaper. Please tell Miguel they want to send to Yunzhou as much as possible to choose roasted ones. Also, tell The rest of them won't be done until tomorrow, and they'll be settled together at that time."

Brother Chang nodded and replied, "Okay Boss Yu, don't worry."

After another explanation, the three of them set off in a cart.

Just after going out for a while, Chang Le and the others met a middle-aged brother.

"Brother Chang, are you going to open the stall? Yo, you, this, is this Brother Le?" The middle-aged brother saw three people pushing the snack cart and trolley. He knew that it was Brother Le and the others who went to the stall, but he When I saw the person walking in the middle, I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that this was Brother Le.

After watching the person for more than ten years, he suddenly cut off his long bangs to reveal his eyebrows and eyes, and he didn't recognize it for a while.

Brother Chang replied, "Yes, Uncle Amin, it's Brother Le."

Chang Le suddenly saw the people in the village, he was habitually wanting to lower his head, but just lowered his head, and remembered what he had promised Yu Qingze yesterday, he gritted his teeth, summoned up his courage, looked at Uncle Amin, raised the corners of his mouth, showing a shy expression. smile.

The middle-aged brother named Amin was stunned for a while, but then he reacted and said in surprise, "It's really brother Le, I almost thought I'd recognized the wrong person!"

Chang Le nodded and smiled a little embarrassedly.

Brother Chang smiled and said, "Uncle Amin, how is it, isn't it beautiful?"

Uncle Amin nodded again and again, and said with emotion: "It's very beautiful. Before, the bangs were too long, and I couldn't see the eyebrows and eyes. It's really a big brother, eighteen changes."

Hearing this, Chang Le's restless heart, which was hanging in the air, finally fell back into his chest.

"That's not it, but, Brother Le is already very good-looking." Brother Chang saw the fungus and white fungus in Uncle Amin's back basket, and said with a smile, "Uncle Amin, are you here to pick up the fungus? ?"

"Yes, Grandpa Le Ge'er said before that they collect fungi and white fungus, but I went to the mountains in the morning and found a lot." Uncle Amin said with a smile.

Brother Chang replied with a smile: "Then go ahead, Boss Yu and Brother Le's grandfather are both at home."

"Okay, then you can go to the stall. I gave them the fungus and they have to go back to work. The grass in the field has not been picked up yet."

Ever since he started making oden, Grandpa Chang has been going around the mountains every day to pick up mushrooms. In the past, the mushrooms used for oden were all picked up by Grandpa Chang from the mountains, but sometimes there was no rain, and there was not much hair, and the daily amount was variable, and sometimes the mushrooms were sold out in the morning.

Seeing this, Yu Qingze asked Grandpa Chang to tell the villagers to buy mushrooms and white fungus.

Because the villagers do not know the value of white fungus, they charge super cheap, three cents per pound. However, in the eyes of the villagers, it doesn't feel cheap, they just think they are stupid, and they can't eat this thing, so what do they buy it for? But they don't have to deal with money. There are also many people who think that Yu Qingze must be of great use to buy it back, but they don't know, it is better to make some cash first.

Therefore, the villagers in Niutoushan now have more work to do. After the farm work is finished, they go to the mountains for a walk. Not only the Niutoushan at the back of the village, but some also go to other mountains to find it.

Because the villagers have joined the ranks of picking up the mushrooms, now the mushrooms of the Ottoman cooking in the food stall can be guaranteed to be available all day long, and many can be dried and stored, and can be used in winter when there are no mushrooms; and the white fungus is also not collected Less, wait until the fall can come in handy.

They have a supply of goods, and the villagers have also increased their income. The village has less gossip about them before, which can be regarded as an unexpected gain.

After saying goodbye to Uncle Amin, they met several villagers who went to the street to sell vegetables. When they saw Brother Le, they were all stunned. When they reacted, they all sighed with emotion. It turns out that Brother Le looks pretty good. Yes, what a pity.

They also met Dahe and Changshun who were going to the pier.

Chang Shun's reaction wasn't too big, but he was a little surprised, and said dumbly, "Brother Le."

Chang Le nodded to him.

As for Da He, seeing Chang Le's appearance, he originally walked faster than Chang Le and the others, but he took smaller steps behind him, and finally fell behind Chang Le and the others.

"Brother Dahe, why are you slowing down? Didn't you say you're going to arrive earlier today?" Chang Shun looked at Dahe's speed getting slower and slower with doubt. They rushed to the pier, but now, they have been walking behind Brother Le and the others.

Da He looked at Chang Le's back, shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, time is too late."

Chang Shun: …

When he got to the official road, Brother Chang deliberately pushed the cart to be parallel to Brother Le, and said to him, "Look, I said it looks good, right? It's not that difficult to change, right?"

Chang Le nodded lightly, the corners of his mouth raised a little.

Indeed, it was not as difficult as expected.

The ridicule and sarcasm that made him uncomfortable when he was young, seem to be less now, and there may be words of pity and regret, but it doesn't seem to make him so sad.

Brother Chang smiled, then approached him again and asked in a low voice, "Did your boss Yu praise you for your good looks?"

Hearing this, Chang Le couldn't help blushing, glared at Brother Chang, and refused to answer his words.

Brother Chang smiled and said, "I know if you don't tell me, hehe..."

The two laughed and made trouble all the way, and their mood was like the sun rising in the sky, getting brighter and brighter.

At the small booth, Mi Geer and the housekeeper were already waiting for them.

Mi Ge'er saw the change of the two at a glance, and he was surprised: "You look so good at your bangs, how did you think of cutting it like this? Can you teach me?"

Brother Chang blinked at Chang Le, and then said, "Okay, I still know several types. I'll draw them for you later. You can go back and pick the one you like best, and let someone cut it out for you."

"Really? That's great." Mi Ge'er said happily, "I've long seen my bangs not pleasing to the eye. Everyone is the same and has no special features at all."

Brother Chang nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, Mi Ge'er, you have a small face, I think there is one that is especially suitable for you, and I will draw it for you later."

"Good good!"

The three brothers laughed together.

After handing over all the moon cakes, and then telling Mi Ge'er and the housekeeper everything Yu Qingze had instructed, Chang Ge'er asked the housekeeper to borrow a pen and paper, and drew all the five bangs styles that Yu Qingze drew and gave them to Mi Ge'er.

Mi Ge'er took the piece of paper and went back happily.

After returning to the Cai Mansion, Mr. Cai arranged for someone to pick out some suitable moon cake gift boxes and send them to Yunzhou immediately, and then arranged for someone to send out the remaining moon cake gift boxes together with other gifts, some of which were gifts. , and some are gifts from others.

It's already the twelfth day of the eighth month, and the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in two days. The gifts should be sent out quickly.

A batch of moon cake gift boxes with the name of "Yu Ji" were sent to various famous families in Tongshan City, and some of them were sent to the prefect's mansion of Yunzhou.

On August 13th, the food stall officially launched mooncakes.

Because it was the first day to launch a new product, Yu Qingze also came to help, and Grandpa Chang and Brother Chang continued to work at home.

After the crowd gradually increased in the morning, as usual, they cut each type of moon cake into small portions for the guests to try.

However, although the guests all said that it was delicious, few people bought them, and they basically bought one or two, and they didn't buy more.

"It's delicious, but it's too expensive. The most famous store in the city can't sell it for that much."

"That's right, the most expensive dim sum over there is only five cents. This small mooncake costs eight cents, and the larger one costs sixteen cents. Those in boxes are even more affordable."

"Hey, I can only buy one or two back for the children to try and relieve their hunger."

"After they tasted it, shouldn't they be more greedy?"

"Ah, yes."

"… "

So, as the morning passed, very few moon cakes were sold. They were not welcomed as soon as they were launched like cold noodles and oden. Instead, they were received coldly.

Brother Chang and his father looked at Yu Qingze worriedly, but they didn't know how to comfort Boss Yu, so they could only do their jobs well.

Chang Le walked over to Yu Qingze and asked him: What should I do, it seems too expensive, and the guests can't afford it? Want to lower some prices

Yu Qingze shook his head and said, "We can't lower the price. If we lower it, we won't make any money. Don't worry, Brother Le, someone will buy it."

In fact, it's a little lower, to the same price as other people's dim sum, they can also make money, but they make less money, but Yu Qingze is betting in his heart.

Bet on the influence of the Cai family in Tongshan City!