The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 45: Buy land


After the lunch break, Yu Qingze was frying meatballs and tofu puffs in the kitchen, preparing the ingredients for tomorrow's Oden, and Chang Hao was making a fire for him.

Grandpa Chang was sober after resting for half an hour. He is making moon cakes, which will be sold at the food stall tomorrow. Here, moon cakes are not a special snack for the Mid-Autumn Festival, so they can be sold as snacks.

After Yu Qingze's meatballs were ready, and the tofu puffs were ready, Chang Le was not there yet. He looked at the sky, he had slept for three hours, and he could prepare dinner later.

Are you so drunk? Next time, don't let him drink so much, at most two small glasses. Yu Qingze secretly set a drinking limit for Chang Le.

Is Chang Le still sleeping

He woke up early, just too embarrassed to go out.

As soon as he woke up, his dizziness after being drunk was relieved a lot, and he became sober. Then, the scene before going to bed gradually recalled.

He drank too much during lunch, and was helped by Big Brother Yu to go back to the room to lie down; then Big Brother Yu fed him water and was pulled by him when he was about to go out; and then, what did he seem to say to Big Brother Yu

- I'm sleeping, are you leaving

-Wait until I fall asleep.

Chang Le covered his face, how could he say such bold words? !

Isn't this asking Big Brother Yu to sleep with him? !

shameful. What a shame.


He remembered that after saying that, Brother Yu bit himself, biting... lip


Chang Le stared at the top of the account with wide eyes, and reached out to touch his lower lip. He still vaguely remembers the slight pain when his lower lip was sucked...

His face immediately turned red.

It wasn't a bite, it was a kiss.

Brother Yu kissed him, not on the forehead like before, but on his lips.

The first kiss.

Chang Le's face was about to burst red. She covered her face in shame and turned sideways into a ball. She wanted to make herself a ball and stop seeing people.

It was like a little tortoise that was frightened by tourists, so scared that it retracted its head into its shell, and did not dare to look out for a long time.

After a while, Chang Le opened his hands and moved down slowly. He stroked his index finger on his lower lip, and slowly rubbed it. The corners of his mouth twitched again, and he smiled foolishly.

He kissed Big Brother Yu.

hey hey hey hey hey...

The next moment, he frowned again. It's a pity, I was dizzy at that time, and I wasn't very awake, I only remembered a little bit.

Then, he suddenly remembered the question he had asked stupidly.

-Why did you bite me

- not biting you.

Ahhh, I'm going crazy!

Chang Le's heart collapsed, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to go back to that time and strangle himself to death for asking such a stupid question.

How can I see Big Brother Yu again

Afraid not to be ashamed to death!

After a long time, Chang Le just didn't have the courage to open the door and step out. He felt a urgency to urinate, so he couldn't go out.

At this moment, the door was knocked, and Chang Hao's voice sounded outside.

"Brother, brother? Are you awake? It's time to get up. Are you still dizzy? Brother Yu said that if you are still dizzy, get up and drink some sober soup and take a walk."

Chang Le: ... Is it okay to pretend to be asleep

When Chang Hao saw that his brother didn't come to open the door for a long time, he knocked again, be sure to call his brother up. "Brother, get up soon, we'll go see the lanterns after dinner. Are you not feeling well? If you don't open the door again, I'll go in, okay?"

Afraid that his brother would not be able to get out of bed and open the door when he was not feeling well, that his brother would make no sound again, and that he could not call for help even if he was not feeling well, Chang Hao was a little anxious.

Hearing that his brother was about to come in, Chang Le quickly got up, put on his shoes, and went to open the door.

Seeing the door open, Chang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at his brother. Except for his blushing, everything was fine, so he asked, "Brother, are you still dizzy when you get up?"

Chang Le gestured: There is still a little bit.

Chang Hao said: "You drink too much. Looking at you, your face is still so red. Brother Yu has made a hangover soup for you to drink. Come and drink it."

Chang Le nodded and asked his younger brother to go first, and he combed his hair.

After dawdling for a long time, Chang Le first went to the lower hut to solve his inner urgency, and finally went to the kitchen bravely.

There were only Yu Qingze and Chang Hao in the kitchen. Chang Hao cooked rice and stewed beef brisket in front of the stove. Grandpa Chang went to the field to see the water.

Yu Qingze was preparing dinner when he saw Chang Le, smiled and asked, "Awake? Are you still dizzy? There is kelp soup in the pot, drink some hangover."

Seeing that Yu Qingze didn't mention the previous matter, Chang Le breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, washed his hands, and then filled a bowl of kelp soup and drank it. However, he still didn't dare to look at Yu Qingze, and took it to the door to drink.

When Yu Qingze saw it, the corner of his mouth twitched, Brother Le was shy, he must have remembered it. However, he naturally won't mention it now. There is still some emotional intelligence. If he mentions it, Brother Le will not kiss him after being shy, but what should he do

Although shy, there are also new dishes to learn tonight. After Chang Le finished drinking the soup, he bravely went to Yu Qingze to learn how to cook.

Because there are a lot of dishes to cook at noon, and there are still some leftovers, I only cook beef brisket with radish and stir-fried wild boar at night, plus green vegetables.

Because the beef brisket has to be stewed for a long time, Yu Qingze has already cooked it. During the time when Chang Le was tangled in the room, the beef brisket was about to be stewed. He asked Chang Le to make the rest of the stir-fried wild boar.

After entering the cooking state, Chang Le's whole expression changed obviously, he became focused, and his previous shyness disappeared.

After dinner, a few people set off to the city to see the lanterns.

Because of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the lantern festival on this day is more lively than the previous ones on the Brothers Festival, and there are people everywhere.

The last lantern festival was when the two confessed to each other, and they didn't have such a good time afterwards. On this day, together with Grandpa Chang and Chang Hao, they strolled the east and west, north and south streets of the entire lantern festival. They also went to the river to put lanterns together and had a good time.

When they got home, they sat in the yard together again, enjoying the moon and eating moon cakes, reunion cakes and grapefruit.

The breeze is breezy, and the bright moon is in the sky.

They had a warm and happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Yu Qingze looked at Chang Le beside him, and looked at Grandpa Chang and Chang Hao. He was very happy. Since Grandpa passed away, he hadn't had such a satisfying festival for more than ten years. Although the material conditions here are poor, compared to the 12 years he has lived alone, this place obviously makes him feel more spiritually satisfied and moved.

The next day, Yu Qingze didn't go to the booth. He asked Brother Chang's father to help him, and let Chang Le and Brother Chang's father and son go.

He is going to go to the village chief to take him to Lizheng's house today to discuss the matter of buying farmland for naturalization.

After sending Chang Le and the others away, he brought some gifts and went to the village chief's house. When he came to give the boxing ceremony the day before yesterday, he had mentioned to the village chief that he would be invited to take him to run errands today, so the village chief also had an early meal and was waiting for him.

Lizheng's home is in a neighboring village, separated from Niutou Village by a mountain.

There was a man in his forties, and when Yu Qingze and the others arrived, he happened to be at home.

The village chief handed over the gift that Yu Qingze brought, and told Li Zheng about his intentions.

Li Zheng looked at the gift in his hand, smiled, put it on the table aside, then glanced at Yu Qingze and asked, "Where were you originally? How did you come to us?"

Yu Qingze casually said a very remote place in the north that he had heard from a businessman, and then repeated the reasons he had told Brother Le's family and the village chief before.

After Li Zheng heard him say that the household registration certificate was dropped along with the luggage on the road, he frowned and said, "Well, your household registration wooden sign is missing, this is a bit difficult to handle."

Yu Qingze asked, "Lizheng, what should I do about this situation?"

Li Zheng thought about it and said, "Originally, if you have a household registration certificate, you can buy a piece of land, and then record it in your hand. I will create a registration for you according to the hand, and then go to the county government to verify the registration, and finally handle the taxes. Register, and then the county government will apply for the household registration card for you. But now that you have lost your original wooden card, you will have to go to the county government to apply for it."

Yu Qingze frowned and asked, "If you go to the county office, what else would you say?"

Li Zheng sighed, looked at the village chief, then lowered his voice and said, "Lao Yu is also from us, a villager in the village, so I'll just say it straight. Because you don't have a household registration card, the officials can treat you as a refugee at any time. It was arrested. So, if you go to the county office, you have to make some preparations to clear up the relationship."

Yu Qingze asked: "How much do you need to prepare? Is there any particularity in it? If they do this, do they need some name?"

Li Zheng glanced at him in surprise and said, "You are a smart person, I'll tell you straight. Originally, in addition to our villagers' own and some big households, there are many other fields in our field. It is in the hands of the government. The government has set the price for the farmland here at fifty taels for good fields, and thirty taels for the next one, Lao Yu should have told you?"

The village chief nodded, and Yu Qingze nodded, and said, "I know this, and I just came to Lizheng after I saved enough money to buy the land."

Li Zheng sighed and said, "If you only have fifty taels prepared, you don't have to go, just save another one."

Yu Qingze frowned and said, "How much is needed?"

Li Zheng reached out and made an eight gesture.


Li was nodding his head.

Yu Qingze asked, "What if I found a private landowner to buy the land?"

Li Zheng shook his head: "You can only buy land at the government. If you don't have a wooden sign, even if someone sells the land to you, you still need the household registration sign to go to the government to apply for a red deed. There is no way to apply for a land deed without a red deed. naturalized.”

Yu Qingze: … an infinite loop.

"How do those who do not have their own land and can only rent land get their household registration?"

"Those are the people who were originally here. Those who weren't here and couldn't buy land, are now not allowed to naturalize, and they have all been sent back to their places of origin."

Yu Qingze:…

Li Chang sighed and said: "Tongshan City is prosperous, and the naturalization conditions are much stricter than other places. Like Niutou Village, you know that there are more than a dozen households who moved here later, and the dozen households with the surname Chang are all just after the war. When it was restored, the imperial court issued a special decree to appease the refugees and resettle them, so that they could get free land to settle down here, or else they would have to be repatriated to their origins.”

Having said this, the village chief also sighed and said: "The price of this land is also getting more and more expensive. Five years ago, it was still 35.21 acres of fertile land. Now, alas..."

"Shh!" Li Zheng glared at the village chief and said, "Don't lie!"

The village chief immediately sat upright, nodded and said, "Yes, I'm sorry, I made a blunder."

Yu Qingze glanced at the two of them, and when he heard them say five years ago, he immediately understood.

If he remembered correctly, he remembered that eight years ago, Mr. Cai Wendong was the county magistrate. At that time, it was 35 taels of silver per mu of land. Later, it was mentioned 50 taels. This issue must be related to the current county magistrate.

However, regardless of the price, he still has to be naturalized.

Yu Qingze then said to Li Zheng, "Li Zheng, in addition to the 80 taels of land purchased, can you be naturalized? Do you need to prepare anything else?"

Li Zheng glanced at him and said, "If you bought land from the government, they will handle the land deed for you, and they won't care if you want the original household registration card, but you still need one for the red deed and the household registration card. Two silver coins. For the rest, if you have it, you can prepare a little more silver and give tea to the officials who do the work, and they will naturally take care of it for you."

After Yu Qingze heard the words, he asked again: "After the naturalization is completed, what will happen to the homestead?"

Li Zheng replied: "If you enter our country and have a household registration, you can allocate the homestead according to the number of people in your family. If you enter the city, you have to buy the homestead yourself. In our country, it is half an acre for five people or less, and five Eight people is one mu, and eight to ten people is one mu and a half. Then you can apply for the land with the villagers and get the consent of the villagers. How many people are in your family?"

Yu Qingze replied, "One person."

"That's half an acre. If you want to build a bigger house, you have to buy the extra land. One acre of land is 10 taels of silver. You don't need to go through the government. I can do it here. When the house is built, I will go to the government to handle it. A deed will do."

Hearing this, Yu Qingze said, "I see, Li Zheng, the village chief, please take me to the county government for naturalization."