The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 49: Great river


Liao Mi went to Le Ge'er's house to propose marriage and had lunch. When he went back, many villagers saw it. After inquiring, it turned out that it was Yu Qingze who invited him to come to propose marriage to Brother Le, and he had already made a decision.

As a result, the news that Yu Qingze and Le Ge'er were engaged quickly spread in Niutou Village.

The villagers were surprised, some were happy for Brother Le, like the Chang family, and some felt sorry for Yu Qingze. These were because they felt that with Yu Qingze's current conditions, they could find a better and healthier brother. At least in the future, the children would have Guarantee; some are very envious of Brother Le. Those brothers who had taken a fancy to Yu Qingze before, originally had hope, but now they can only put away their own thoughts and find another good son-in-law.

When Brother Chang heard the news, he came to see Brother Le in the afternoon.

In the room, the two brothers sat on the edge of the bed and whispered.

"Brother Le, congratulations, you have gotten married to your sweetheart! It's really great!" Brother Chang smiled and congratulated.

Chang Le gave a gesture of thanks, and his face turned red, but he was very happy.

"I thought why Boss Yu didn't show up today. It turned out to be coming to propose marriage to you! Hahaha, it's so good to hide it!"

Speaking of this matter, Chang Le remembered the embarrassment he had made in the morning, he quickly shook his head, don't think about it, it's so embarrassing, don't think about it in the future!

Seeing him like this, Brother Chang asked, "What's wrong? His face is so red."

Chang Le quickly shook his head, indicating that there was nothing.

Brother Chang looked at him with a small look, which was obviously what it looked like.

Chang Le held on strong, and even if he was killed, he couldn't tell Brother Chang about such an embarrassing thing.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Brother Chang changed the subject and asked, "Hey, Brother Le, what kind of engagement gift did Boss Yu give?"

Chang Le gestured: Food, snacks, cloth, a silver hairpin and a gold ring.

"And the silver hairpin and the golden ring?" Brother Chang's eyes widened, and then he smiled: "Brother Le, Boss Yu values you very much! I'm so happy for you! Seeing those people in the village still talking nonsense! I don't want to slap their faces." The engagement gifts in the village were not so expensive, and of course, it was also because Boss Yu made money.

Brother Chang touched Brother Le's shoulder again and asked, "Are you dead happy?"

Chang Le blushed and nodded, very happy, especially happy!

He was engaged, and the other party was still the eldest brother Yu, who was in love with each other. The heavy stone that had been in his heart for so many years was unloaded, and his heart was lighted up at once. The whole body seemed to be relaxed and felt warm.

He felt that it might be the taste of happiness.

"Hey, Brother Le, what did you give in return?"

Chang Le: New clothes and belts.

Brother Chang said in surprise: "You didn't prepare new cloth shoes?"

Chang Le shook his head and gestured: "I haven't had time to prepare yet."

Brother Chang nodded and said: "Yes, who knew that Boss Yu would come so suddenly. Hey, then tell me, should I make a pair of cloth shoes now, what if I have a partner one day and it's too late to prepare? "

Chang Le covered his mouth and snickered.

Brother Chang hammered him when he saw it, "What are you laughing at? Although I don't have a favorite person yet, what if I see the right eye one day!"

Chang Le hurriedly raised his hand to apologize, and then gestured: You don't even know how big that person's feet are, what should you do? Can't even wear it.

Brother Chang was discouraged again, and sighed: "That's right. Oh, I really want to meet that person soon."

Chang Le comforted him: he will meet.

Then, Brother Chang tried on the silver hairpin and gold ring that Yu Qingze gave to Brother Le, and the two brothers enjoyed themselves in the room for a while.

"Hey, why don't you see your grandfather and Boss Yu?" Brother Chang asked.

Chang Le gestured: Grandpa went to the mountain, and Brother Yu went to the foot of the mountain to herd cattle.

Brother Chang raised his eyebrows: "Boss Yu went to herd the cows?"

Brother Le nodded and gestured again: I'm going to chop some wood later, are you going

Brother Chang nodded and said, "Go, wait for me, I'll go home and get a hatchet."

Saying that, Brother Chang went home and prepared to go.

The two soon reunited and walked towards the mountains.

On the way, I met several villagers, all of them congratulated Brother Le, and some of them spoke sourly.

Brother Le thanked them one by one, and he thought he didn't hear those who spoke sourly. Anyway, can't let them affect his good mood.

However, Brother Chang around him couldn't listen anymore. He was also very talkative, so he helped Brother Le to get back to him, choking those people speechless.

At the foot of the mountain, he happened to meet Yu Qingze who was herding cattle, and Brother Chang congratulated him.

Chang Le didn't dare to look at Yu Qingze yet, so he could only glance at it secretly, but he didn't want to be caught by Yu Qingze anyway.

He quickly walked a few steps and passed.

Yu Qingze smirked: Fiance is shy again, hehe, fiance...

After walking a distance, Brother Chang secretly laughed behind him.

Chang Le turned to look at him suspiciously.

Brother Chang smiled and said, "No, you two are both fiancés, why do you still feel the same as the first time you meet, obviously you can see it every day, why are you so shy?"

Hearing this, Chang Le's face flushed red, he became angry, and he would tickle him when he chased after him.

Brother Chang hurriedly told Rao and ran away, and the two went into the mountain making a fuss all the way, until they stopped cutting wood.

That night, there was a big quarrel in Yu Qiangsheng's house in the west end of Niutou Village. The people who were next to each other passed by, and asked the village chief to mediate.

Because the dozen or so households with the surname Chang in the east of the village were far away, they didn't even hear any quarrel.

The reason for the quarrel was that Yu Qiangsheng's eldest son, Yu Dahe, wanted to separate from his family and go out independently.

It was said to be a quarrel, but it was actually a unilateral scolding from Yu Qiangsheng and his husband. Da He did not return his mouth, but just knelt before his family's ancestral memorial tablet.

When the village chief arrived, all he saw was Da He kneeling in front of the tablet, Yu Qiangsheng hitting Da He with a stick, and his husband swearing at him.

The village chief quickly stepped forward to stop Yu Qiangsheng, and said angrily, "What are you doing? Are you going to kill him?!"

"It's better to kill him! Eat what's inside and out! Don't worry about the village chief, I'll kill him today!" Yu Qiangsheng cursed angrily, throwing off the village chief's hand and wanting to beat him again.

"You, you, stop him!" The village chief pointed at the two people and asked them to stand up to Yu Qiangsheng.

The village chief said angrily: "How many times a month! What's going on today?!"

Yu Qiangsheng pointed at Dahe, who was kneeling, and said, "You ask him, you bastard, I really thought that when I grew up, I wouldn't be able to control him!"

When the village chief saw him like this, he gave him a sideways glance and scolded, "Call him a bastard, what are you? A bastard's father!"

The village chief walked over to Da He, bent down and asked Da He Road softly, "Da He, what's going on? Tell the village chief Uncle."

Da He raised his head, which had been lowered, and said calmly, "Uncle, I want to split up the family and the household."

As soon as the village chief heard it, he understood what was going on. It must have been the child who couldn't stand Yu Qiang's husband and decided to do this.

The village chief sighed in his heart, Dahe, this child is also pitiful. He is obviously an honest and diligent good boy, yet he has such a father and queen.

Yu Qiangsheng used to be an alcoholic and had a bad temper. He beat his husband when he was drunk. He often beat his husband to pieces and even broke his arm once.

When Dahe was three years old, his Ah-Mei couldn't stand it anymore. Yu Qiangsheng was unwilling to reconcile with him. He Ah-Mei endured it for another half a year. After this incident, Yu Qiangsheng seemed to have learned a lesson, became better, and vowed not to drink again.

After another two years, Yu Qiangsheng found another husband. But this husband treated Dahe, the ex-husband's child, very badly. He treated him like a servant in the family, and asked him to do everything and beat him. When Da He was thirteen years old, he urged Yu Qiangsheng to ask Da He to go out to earn money, and all the money he earned would be collected by the husband and wife when he returned home, leaving him only a few pennies to buy steamed buns for lunch the next day.

However, Da He's younger brother, the child born to him later, is seventeen years old this year, and he does not do any work at home, and he has already started busy talking to him, Dahe is twenty-two, and his later It didn't even mention a word.

The two husbands completely regarded Dahe as a purse, and made money for them to spend.

Many people in the village are not used to the behavior of the two husbands, but other people's affairs are not easy to manage. Even the village chief can only persuade the two husbands to treat Dahe better.

However, it was useless.

The village chief sighed, lowered his head and said, "Dahe, you haven't gotten married yet, so you can't separate households, there is no such precedent."

When it comes to getting married, Dahe's eyes are a little red.

He has liked Brother Le for many years, but he knows the situation in his own family and can't give him happiness.

So he has it all planned. He has been working hard for the past few years, and the foreman gave him an increase in wages because of his hard work. He didn't tell his father, he quietly divided the wages in half, secretly hid the increased part outside, and took the rest home, just to save enough money to get married and then split up.

He had almost saved enough money to get married, and he was going to propose marriage to Brother Le in two months. After getting married, he would split up the household. At that time, he could borrow some money from the uncle foreman and then rent a house in the city. Let's go, and then have a good time with Le Geer.

However, as soon as he came back from work today, he heard that Brother Le and Yu Qingze were engaged.

As if struck by lightning, he immediately stood outside Brother Le's house for a long time. But seeing Yu Qingze and Le Geer in the yard joking and choosing dishes, he went home again in despair.

When he got home, he told his father and the queen that they would split up the family and the household.

"Uncle, I must split up the family. Otherwise, what will I do in the future?"

"This..." The village chief didn't know what to say. There are a lot of people who split up after getting married, and it is natural, but he has never met those who split up from home before they get married.

When Yu Qiangsheng heard it, he started scolding again, and he wanted to hit Dahe, but was blocked by those two men.

Dahe ignored his father and asked the village chief, "Uncle, is there no way to divide the households?"

The head of the village shook his head and said, "There is no such precedent." Unless you cut ties with your family, you can go to another place to stand on your own. However, the village chief could not say these words.

Da He listened, was silent for a while, kowtowed three times to his ancestors, then stood up, went into the room, packed some clothes, then came out and walked towards the door.

His actions made everyone dumbfounded.

"Little brat, what are you doing!" Yu Qiangsheng yelled.

Da He stopped, looked back at his father, and said calmly: "Since I can't divide the family, I will not come back to this family. The money I have earned over the years will be regarded as your upbringing for so many years. You should be You haven't given birth to my son, anyway, you don't have my son in your heart. From now on, we'll go our separate ways."

After speaking, Da Hetou walked out without looking back.

The villagers who were watching the excitement automatically made way for him, watching him go further and further, no one stepped forward to persuade him, no one stopped him, and even the village chief did not move.

Everyone thought that if he lived alone, no matter what, it would definitely be better than now.

Yu Qiangsheng chased to the door and yelled, "You bastard, don't come back if you have the seeds! I don't have a son like you!"

Yu Qiangsheng's husband rushed to the door and scolded Yu Qiangsheng: "Whatever you scold, don't chase after him! If he's gone, who will go out to make money!"

The village chief sighed. He was completely speechless to the couple, and he didn't want to care about them anymore. He walked to the door, waved his hand and said, "Everyone is gone, let's go back."

The villagers then dispersed, shook their heads and went home.

Early the next morning, when Chang Le and the others set up their stalls, they were shocked to hear the news.

No one thought that such a thing would happen.

Yu Qingze was thoughtful and did not speak.

Before, he didn't know much about the situation of the Dahe family, but now that he heard it, he only felt that Dahe was right in doing so. Such a father would be as good as his scum father.

When they were busy with their stall in the morning, they didn't expect Da He to come to their stall.

"Brother Yu, Brother Le." Da He called them while standing beside the stall with a burden on his back.

When Yu Qingze and Brother Le saw it was him, they hurried over.

Brother Le gestured, meaning to ask him how he was.

Dahe shook his head, looking at Brother Le's eyes full of nostalgia, he said softly, "Brother Le, I'm fine."

When Yu Qingze saw it, he immediately asked, "Da He, what are you going to do in the future?"

Dahe looked at Yu Qingze with complicated eyes, and said, "...I plan to follow the boss to run the boat. Now I'm looking for you to say goodbye to you."

Da He glanced at Brother Le again, gritted his teeth, and said, "Brother Yu, Brother Le, I wish you happiness."

After speaking, Da He resolutely turned around and walked towards the North City Gate.

Brother Le looked at his back and was very worried. When he was young, Da He was the only child of the same age in the village who would not laugh at him, and he always remembered his friendliness.

Yu Qingze looked at Da He's back and sighed in his heart. It's true that Da He likes Brother Le. It is estimated that yesterday, he also heard that he and Brother Le were engaged. After being stimulated, he finally decided to get rid of that family completely.

"He is diligent and hardworking, he will be better alone, it's fine, don't worry." Yu Qingze patted Brother Le's shoulder and comforted him.

When Brother Le heard the words, he could only nod his head, and glanced at the city gate again, and then he went to work.