The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 53: Zhao's birthday banquet


When he got home, Yu Qingze discussed with Grandpa Chang and Brother Le about what to do in the next few days.

Brother Chang's father and Ah Mei will definitely invite help. On the day of Zhao's birthday banquet, Brother Chang will also go there together, and whether these people are enough, whether to invite another person, they have some hesitate.

According to Butler Zhao, there were at least thirty-five tables that day, each with ten people, and each table was served with sauerkraut, crystal dumplings, and pumpkin pie. That is, for a luncheon alone, at least 350 of each would be served, plus In case there are one or two more tables, and afternoon tea, there will be more. As for the dim sum in return, there are 300 boxes in total.

A really big order.

"I can also make snacks in the afternoon. In the last four days at the end of the month, I will tell Dagen's family to change it with them, and let them herd cattle in those days. By the beginning of September, I will make up for four more days." Grandpa Chang said.

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "That's fine, then you don't need to invite another person. Grandpa, let's call Brother Chang and his father over to discuss it together."

"Okay, Xiaohao, go to Brother Chang's house and ask them to come over and talk about the next business."

"Okay, grandpa."

After Brother Chang and his father came over, they naturally agreed. Immediately decided to start learning how to make siumai at night, and then learn the same dim sum every night.

The practice of siomai is relatively simple, but there are actually many processes. Yu Qingze told them first, and then instructed them to do it. He didn't do it first.

While cooking the glutinous rice, let Brother Chang's father start making stuffing; on the other side, Brother Le is preparing to roll out the sauerkraut.

In the end, he asked everyone to roll out the sauerkraut, and finally found that Brother Chang, he was the fastest and the best, so he decided to let Brother Chang specialize in rolling the dough. At that time, the crystal dumplings would also be required. For dumpling wrappers, adding the two together requires at least seven or eight hundred sheets of dough.

He and Le Geer are both good at it, and they can do it when they get tired.

The next day, according to the amount Yu Qingze said, Grandpa Chang went to buy pumpkins and some glutinous rice from several households in the village, all of which were settled at the market price.

On the side of the food stall, when a few people arrived, they saw that Tian Jiabao had already arrived.

The little boy sat quietly on the big stone where they fixed the parasols, watching the people coming and going on the street. When he saw them coming, his eyes lit up, he quickly stood up, and tidied up his clothes. clothing.

"Boss Yu, Brother Chang Le, Brother Chang Chang."

"Jiabao, have you had breakfast yet?" Yu Qingze responded and asked.

Jiabao nodded and replied, "I ate two steamed buns." Then, he took out 16 cents of money and handed it to Yu Qingze, "Boss Yu, this is the rest of the money, I'll pay you back first."

Yu Qingze looked at the sixteen copper coins, frowned, and said, "Did you eat two steamed buns last night?" He gave the boy twenty copper coins yesterday, and now there are sixteen coins left, and he only spent four coins. The money can only buy four steamed buns.

Jiabao nodded and said, "I'm full."

Yu Qingze took the money from his hand, touched his head, and said, "In the future, if you have wages, you need to eat more nutritious food, you know? You are still growing, so be careful not to grow taller in the future."

Jiabao nodded and replied, "I know, thank you, Boss Yu." However, he still has to pay off the debt. After paying off the neighbor's money, he will eat better.

Brother Le brought over a food box, opened it, took out a plate of siomai, and an egg cake, and handed it to Jiabao. This is the siumai they practiced to make last night. For today's breakfast, Le Geer specially brought some for Jiabao to eat.

Jiabao looked at the dim sum and egg cake on the plate, looked at Chang Le, and asked, "Brother Chang Le, is this for me?"

Chang Le nodded and handed it forward, signaling him to hold it.

"Thank you, Brother Changle." The boy's eyes were a little red, and he was moved.

Yu Qingze touched his head and said, "You don't have to eat breakfast in the future, we'll bring it to you."

The teenager raised his head and panicked: "How can this work? Boss Yu, I am very grateful to you for being able to work here, no, no more..."

Yu Qingze interrupted him and said, "It doesn't matter, if you work hard, you should be rewarded in advance."

Hearing this, Jiabao paused, and then said seriously, "Thank you, Boss Yu, I will definitely do my best."

"Eat, go and learn from Brother Chang after eating, he will teach you how to do it."

"it is good."

Yu Qingze gave Jiabao directly to Brother Chang. On the one hand, Jiabao could be familiar with the work, and on the other hand, it was also a kind of training for Brother Chang.

Huang Laoyao was right, Jiabao is really smart and diligent, and he quickly wrote down all the work at the food stall.

To Yu Qingze's surprise, Jiabao's arithmetic was not bad.

Once a customer ordered oden, Yu Qingze forgot to tell Jiabao how much it was. Unexpectedly, when he looked up, he heard Jiabao tell the customer the correct price, and then took the money back.

"Jiabao, do you know arithmetic?"

Jiabao nodded, "I taught me that."

Yu Qingze thought for a while, and then he deliberately didn't say how much for the oden for the next few guests, wanting to see if Jiabao could be counted right.

In the end, it was confirmed that Jiabao was right.

Yu Qingze was very pleasantly surprised, and immediately said, "Jiabao, you are in charge of Oden, and you will also be responsible for the money."

Because Brother Chang’s speed calculation is relatively slow, now he is responsible for cold noodles and oden. Sometimes Le Ge’er has to come to help. When there are many guests, he is a bit busy. Now if Jiabao can count, it is simple. Well, when a customer orders oden, just let Jiabao be in charge.

Just found a treasure!

Yu Qingze was overjoyed.

Chang Le and Brother Chang were very happy to see each other. Jiabao really helped a lot.

"Hey, Brother Le, shouldn't we also learn more arithmetic? I'm too slow, you see, like Boss Yu and Jiabao, you can see how much money at a glance. It's amazing. If Jiabao can learn, we I should be able to learn it too, right?" Brother Chang said to Brother Le when he was collecting the tableware.

Brother Le just happened to be thinking about this, so he nodded, saying that he also wanted to learn, and that he could help Brother Yu more in the future.

Brother Chang said, "When the busy days are over, let's ask Boss Yu to teach us how?"

Brother Le nodded.

The two brothers smiled at each other and reached a tacit agreement.

After a whole day, Jiabao has become very proficient at the food stalls.

When the stall was closed, Yu Qingze gave him 60 wen, and also brought him some dishes cooked in Kanto, and said, "Don't eat steamed buns at night, go home and cook, you know?"

Jiabao took the money, counted it, and said, "Boss Yu, you gave me ten cents more."

"Yes, this is the salary after passing the trial. Take it well and go back."

Jiabao was very happy, put the money in his pocket, then took the dishes from Yu Qingze, bowed to him, and went home.

Huang Laoyao next to him was also about to close the stall, and when he saw Jiabao was far away, he said to Boss Yu: "Boss Yu, it's really thanks to you doing things for him, otherwise he probably won't eat or drink at home now. Sad thing."

Yu Qingze sighed and replied, "I also want to keep him busy so that he can maintain a normal life as much as possible, so that he will not be immersed in sadness all the time."

"That's the truth. Those who are alive must continue to live." Huang Lao Yao said, picked up the stove and the pot and went home.

A few days passed peacefully, and Yu Qingze successively bought all the materials and packaging materials for making dim sum.

And Jiabao is also fixed at the food stall. Every morning, Changle brings breakfast to the boy. Jiabao is grateful, works extra hard, and sees his spirit getting better day by day.

On August 26th, when the stall was closed, Jiabao and Yu Qingze explained that he would take a half-day leave tomorrow.

Yu Qingze thought, oh, by the way, tomorrow is the top seven of Jiabao, he should be going to worship.

"Okay. Do you want me to accompany you?"

Jiabao shook his head and said, "No, I'm fine, thank you Boss Yu."

Yu Qingze touched the boy's head, patted his shoulder again, and said, "Okay, you are a strong little man, I believe in you. Be careful when going to the mountain, you know?"

"Well. Thank you." The boy bowed and went home.

For the next three days, Yu Qingze made dim sum at home, and replaced Brother Chang's father to help at the food stall.

At this time, the existence of Jiabao is particularly important. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yu Qingze also made dim sum at home. When Le Geer and the others sold oden, it was very slow to calculate the money. Now that they have Jiabao, they are basically the same as usual.

"This kid, Jiabao, is really capable." Brother Chang's father praised him.

Brother Le and Brother Chang also nodded in agreement.

Jiabao blushed a little, bowed his head slightly embarrassedly and continued to work, but he was very happy.

In the past two days on 278, Yu Qingze and the others were too busy to turn their heads. Finally, in the middle of the night on the 28th, all the snacks were made, and the rest were left to cool before packing.

The next morning, Yu Qingze and the others packed the unpackaged dim sum they made yesterday, stamped Yu Kee's name on it, and when the ink was dry, they loaded the truck. After the three-pan truck was fully loaded, only three hundred boxes of dim sum were put together. All installed.

In the afternoon, Yu Qingze, Brother Chang, and Grandpa Chang each dragged a scooter and delivered the snacks to Zhao Mansion in the south of the city. Zhao's house inspected the goods and settled this part of the account quickly.

By the way, Yu Qingze went to see the kitchen prepared for them to use tomorrow, figured out the layout and utensils inside, and then went home.

On the 30th day of the second day, the great master of Zhao's residence celebrated his birthday.

Yu Qingze and his party dragged ingredients and utensils early in the morning, dragged two carts, and went to Zhao's house. When they arrived at the gate of Xicheng, Tian Jiabao joined them and went over together.

When Chang Hao saw Jiabao, he began to use his familiar skills, calling each other 'Brother Jiabao' affectionately, and kept talking to others. Before arriving at Zhao's house, the two were already familiar with each other.

Teenage friendships always come unexpectedly fast. Thanks to Chang Hao's Xiaopapa's good skills, Jiabao also got closer to them.

They went in through the side door of Zhao's house, led by the person arranged by the housekeeper to the kitchen, and then began to prepare for work.

Yu Qingze assigned them different tasks according to their characteristics.

Brother Chang's father is in charge of making the pumpkin pie, which is easier and less meticulous; Brother Le is more powerful, so he is in charge of chopping the stuffing; Yu Qingze and Brother Chang's Ame knead the dough first, and then roll out the sauerkraut. Skins and dumpling skins; Brother Chang and Grandpa Chang wash the vegetables, and then wrap the siomai and dumplings; the two teenagers are responsible for burning the fire, then help wash the vegetables, and mash the pumpkin and red beans into puree.

Everyone is divided into the main work, very busy, but busy and orderly, methodical.

The luncheon started at noon. When it was just noon, they successfully wrapped the siomai and crystal dumplings that were needed for the banquet and waited to start steaming. They also made more, for fear that there would be an accident at that time, and in case the person serving the dim sum spilled it, it would be good to have a backup.

Looking at the time, Yu Qingze estimated that there would be more than half an hour before the banquet, so he put the siomai and crystal dumplings in the steamer, and let Chang Hao and the others start steaming.

At this moment, the housekeeper of Zhao's house rushed in, and when he saw Yu Qingze, he said, "Hey, Boss Yu, it's great to see you, please help!"