The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 62: sleep together?


Mr. Cai and the others didn't sit long after they finished eating. There were so many customers in the store that they couldn't keep occupying their seats. After saying hello to Yu Qingze, they were ready to go back.

Cai Yunwei didn't want to go back and wanted to play for a while, but seeing that Chang Hao and Jiabao were busy, it was impossible to play with him, so he looked at his brother eagerly, and wanted his brother to take him out to play.

Cai Chenxi also felt distressed that her brother had been bored at home for more than ten years, so she told his grandfather and youngest, and took her brother for a walk around before going back.

After seeing off Mr. Cai and the others, Yu Qingze found that the store was more lively than before.

Yu Qingze chuckled, presumably the guests knew Mrs. Cai and Mrs. Zhao. They sat in the same hall to eat and unconsciously lowered their voices for fear of disturbing their quietness.

Now that they are gone, the guests relax and the chatter grows louder.

Yu Qingze listened to it a few times, all of them were talking about Mrs. Cai and the others, and some people came here for breakfast after discussing the delicious food in the store.

The arrival of the two old men today really surprised Yu Qingze, but this is a good thing.

Not to mention the prestige of Cai Mansion in Tongshan City, Zhao Mansion is also a famous family in Tongshan City, many shops on the street belong to their family, not the richest man in Tongshan City, but also the second richest.

The two old men put the finishing touches on the shop's lion dance today and unveiled the shop's plaque. This is clearly supporting him. And there are two newly promoted masters, Cai Chenxi and Jiang Tianrui.

In the future, other aristocratic families in Tongshan City will look at the face of Cai Mansion and Zhao Mansion, and will give him three points. Even those who are dissatisfied with him and want to move his small shop have to weigh their weight carefully to see if they want to risk offending the two big families to get him.

It can be said that the two old men gave him an umbrella. Although he didn't know why the old man from Zhao's house also came here, it must be more than just making a birthday peach bag for him at the birthday banquet. Yu Qingze pondered, it probably has something to do with the Cai Mansion.

Just as I was thinking, a customer came to check out.

"Boss Yu, don't you want to make this cold skin?" A regular customer at the food stall asked Yu Qingze when he paid for the dim sum.

Yu Qingze shook his head and replied, "It's cold now, so don't do it for now, the store will be too busy."

It's late September, the weather is the same every day, and it's time to wear two clothes after a while.

The guest said regretfully, "I still like food."

Yu Qingze said with a smile: "The West Street vegetable market sells dried cold skin, you can buy it and make it yourself to satisfy your cravings."

Before, they recruited people, and Wen Li wanted to put Brother Yue in, but Yu Qingze firmly refused. Thinking that after the shop opened, he would not make Liangpi, afraid that Wenli would bother them every day, so he asked Wenli to make Liangpi and sell it in the city, but he was not allowed to sell the practice.

Wen Li was also worried. When he made Liangpi before, he promised to only supply it to Yu Qingze and not sell it in the city, and he did it. However, now, Yu Qingze's snack bar doesn't want Liangpi anymore, so don't they just go back to the prototype

Hearing that Yu Qingze allowed them to sell on the street, Wen Li stopped talking about Brother Yue and went home happily. If they can sell Liangpi, then they will still have income, so he won't be so stupid to sell it. When everyone knows about it, how will he make money

When the guest heard Yu Qingze say this, he suddenly asked in surprise, "Really? Is there a cold skin on the market?"

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "Yes, you should go and see tomorrow morning and you should be able to run into it."

"Okay." The guest checked out and happily went to find a seat.

The snack bar hits its peak at lunchtime.

Some businessmen passing by saw a lot of customers in this small shop and thought that the taste should be good, so they decided to eat here. They traveled south and north, and it was extremely hard. Every time they went to a city, the only thing that could comfort them was the delicious food from all over the world. You must treat your stomach well, so that you have the motivation to continue your hard journey.

Yu Ji Yi Xian did not live up to their expectations, and the taste was indeed delicious. They have traveled so many places, and the dim sum and snacks at this store are arguably the best dim sum they have ever eaten.

So, after they finished eating, they all looked at the weather and packed snacks for the next two meals. One more meal and the dim sum will go bad.

It's a long road, only food can solve your worries.

As for the people in this city, some people who didn't enter the store in the morning because they were not hungry, and those who were still watching, did not hesitate after hearing the feedback from people who had eaten it, and they all came to try the early adopters for lunch.

After eating it, they are full of praise. Boss Yu produced it, and it never disappoints! They went to buy them again and took them home for their families to taste.

Compared with Yu Ji's previous meals, this snack has an advantage, that is, it can be packed. Before, whether it was cold noodles or cold noodles, or jelly oden, it was inconvenient to pack, so you had to bring a bowl. Now most of these are snacks. As long as you don’t pack porridge, Oden, etc., you don’t have to worry about it, just a pack of oiled paper.

The buns here are better than the ones outside, how can you not buy them back for your family to try!

So, Yu Qingze originally estimated that the oil paper that could be used for a day would be used up in the morning, so he had to go to the storage room to get it again.

On the side of the helpers, after a busy morning, they have basically become proficient at the things in their posts.

Although there have been rehearsals before, but there are still so many guests in the real face, the pressure and various situations are still very different from the rehearsal.

At the beginning, they were also a little nervous. Sometimes they got it wrong, or they were in a hurry. These are some problems that would inevitably arise at the beginning. Yu Qingze saw it in his eyes and didn't blame them. It doesn't matter, see clearly and then take the dim sum or bamboo card.

In the kitchen, it was too busy. Grandpa Chang, Brother Le, Brother Chang, and Ah Mo never stopped. They were making snacks all the time, and they took turns having lunch at noon.

It wasn't until Yu Qingze looked at the time that it was about 3:30 in the afternoon that he told them not to do it any more. By then, the existing ones and those that were steaming would be sold out, and it would be almost time to close.

Grandpa Chang and the others just took a rest. After a short rest, Brother Le and the others went outside to help clear the table, get meals, and wash the dishes.

After a busy day, they sold out all the dim sum in the afternoon, and the sun hadn't gone down when the shop closed.

After seeing off the last guest, Yu Qingze gathered everyone together, ate the reserved snacks to fill his stomach, and Yu Qingze began to hold a meeting for them.

"It's the first day of the opening today, thank you for your hard work! There are more guests than I expected, which is a good thing. Everyone performed well today, although there were some small problems at the beginning, but by noon it was much smoother."

Everyone was very happy to hear it, but today was really busy, and the nerves that had been tense all day were finally relaxed.

Seeing that everyone was in a good mood, Yu Qingze said, "In order for us to do things more smoothly in the future, now, everyone should summarize their own feelings and talk about their feelings today, where they performed well, where there are still problems, and how to solve the problems. Talk about it and see."

No one has the experience of expressing their thoughts and problems in front of others, and they all feel a little embarrassed, and no one speaks for a while.

Yu Qingze expected that the transformation of a person's mind is not so easy.

He encouraged them: "Don't be embarrassed, everyone, this is work, only if we find a problem, and then we can find a way to help you solve it together, and we won't make the same mistakes and have the same problems in the future. You say yes?"

Having said that, everyone feels right.

Yu Qingze said again, "Let me take the lead."

Hearing this, everyone looked at him curiously and expectantly. Boss Yu is a big boss, will there be problems

Yu Qingze cleared his throat and said, "On the first day of the opening today, I didn't expect so many people, especially at noon, and it was my mistake that everyone didn't have lunch until late. After that, we'll have lunch. You have to take turns to eat, you can't ruin your stomach."

Hearing this, everyone was a little moved. The first thing that Boss Yu thought of was their meal.

After Yu Qingze finished speaking, Brother Le gathered up the courage to conclude the second one, he wanted to support Brother Yu.

Under Yu Qingze's encouraging eyes, Brother Le finished his gestures, and Yu Qingze translated what he said to everyone.

The problem that Brother Le said was that when they made dim sum in the kitchen, they did not properly connect with the outside world. Sometimes this kind of dim sum is gone, but the kitchen has not yet started to steam. Another kind of dessert is still not sold out and more are made. . In the end, it is said that tomorrow, we must carefully observe the sales of dim sum outside, and make adjustments in time to ensure that they can be supplied in time, and there will be no situation that the dim sum is not available in the middle.

After Brother Le finished speaking, Brother Chang followed up with his problem of welcoming guests and the remedies he thought of.

With someone taking the lead, everyone started talking one by one, and even Chang Hao talked about his own problems.

Yu Qingze listened, very pleased. After everyone thought about it, the problem that he said was also the real problem he observed today.

Finally, Yu Qingze made a summary for everyone, and optimized it based on the solutions they proposed, giving them a more effective way to solve the problem.

After hearing this, everyone agreed, and even more convinced Boss Yu, and decided to work hard to correct the problems that existed today and make the work smoother tomorrow.

After the meeting, everyone packed up, locked the door, and went home together.

Yu Qingze and Chang Le sent Jiabao home as usual, and then they walked back slowly.

When he walked out of the city gate, Yu Qingze said to Chang Le, "Brother Le, starting tomorrow, I plan to live in the store. It just so happens that there is a rest room in the store where people can live."

Chang Le had a meal and looked at him in surprise.

Yu Qingze turned back, looked at him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chang Le gestured hesitantly: Why? Are you uncomfortable living at home

For so long, Yu Qingze has been sleeping on the wooden bed, and has never changed it.

Yu Qingze walked back, poked his forehead, took his hand, and said, "What are you thinking? I mean, if I live in the store, you and Brother Chang can't use it so early in the morning. , I'd better get up early in the morning and make a snack."

The shop opened at 7:30, and Brother Chang and the others had to come to work around 7:00 in the morning. If they want to sell breakfast, they have to prepare snacks at least two or three hours in advance, and they have to rush for an hour. They have to get up in the middle of the night every day, otherwise they will not be in time. Yu Qingze thought about it, but he still lived in the store so that he could work earlier.

And tomorrow, when the afternoon snacks are finished, let Brother Chang and Brother Le go back to rest, otherwise, the body will not be able to withstand it after a long time. It's very reasonable to leave work early if you get off work in the morning.

Hearing this, Chang Le pursed her lips and thought for a while, then gestured: Well, then I will also live in the store and make snacks together.

Yu Qingze listened, blinked, and said to Chang Le, "Brother Le, there is only one rest room and one bed in the store. Are you here, do you want to sleep with me?"

One, sleep together...

Chang Le blushed when he heard this, and hurriedly pulled his hand back and walked forward.

He didn't think about sleeping together or something. Not married yet, how shy...

Thinking about it, Chang Le groaned in his heart: Could it be that Brother Yu has been thinking about that for a long time? But they haven't got married yet, and they can't, so what...

Yu Qingze chuckled softly, caught up with him in a few steps, and reached out to tease him again.

Brother Le blushed and opened his hand and walked forward quickly, for fear that he would find out what he was thinking about.

After walking a distance, Chang Le suddenly stopped and turned to look at Yu Qingze.

"What's wrong?" Yu Qingze asked when he suddenly stopped.

Chang Le gestured: There is also a storage room! Just add an extra bed!

Yu Qingze: Why are you suddenly so smart? Not fun.