The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 64: Have a sweet treat for the Dragon Boat Festival


Yu Qingze came here comfortably once and collapsed on the bed. He felt that his whole body was relaxed, especially his mood became much clearer.

After breathing well and regaining his strength, he got up and put on his trousers, opened the door, stuck his head out and quietly looked at the door next door, pricked up his ears and listened, it was very quiet, thinking that Brother Le should fall asleep Now, he took the oil lamp and went out to wash in the yard.

He poured a bucket of clean water into the wooden basin. He washed his hands, wiped off the things on his abdomen and chest, poured out the water, poured another basin of water, washed his face, wiped his upper body, and then went back to sleep.

When he entered the house and closed the door, on the other side, Chang Le leaned against the door of his own house, finally heaving a sigh of relief and letting out a long sigh of relief.

He didn't dare to light the lamp, so he slowly returned to his bed in the dark, lay down gently, clutching his chest on his side, his heart beating so fast that he was almost scared out. When I touched my face again, it was very hot, and it felt like my face was getting burnt.

He was about to fall asleep before, and he heard a groan next door in a daze, as if he was enduring something. He was afraid that Brother Yu was sick and uncomfortable, so he quickly got up and put on his shoes, and was about to go over. have a look.

But when he walked to the door of Brother Yu's house, he heard the rustling inside. He was about to knock on the door when he heard a muffled groan, followed by a long sigh...

Because standing at the door, he could hear it a little more clearly than when he was in the room. At this moment, he suddenly felt blessed, and in his mind he thought about what happened to Big Brother Yu's voice.

Chang Le: …

He went back to his room in a panic, closed the door gently, leaning against the door and didn't dare to breathe.

He listened to the door opening next door, and heard Big Brother Yu walk out of the house, then fetched water, poured it twice, and then returned to the house.

How did this happen to happen

Chang Le was ashamed and embarrassed, the drowsiness had long since been frightened away, and now his eyes were wide open, and he was no longer sleepy.

Unconsciously, the voice of Big Brother Yu echoed in his mind. When he didn't notice it before, he thought it seemed to be a painful voice. Now that he knew what it was, it automatically became a people's voice. He blushed and moaned, and he even seemed to have imagined the picture of Big Brother Yu lying on the bed...

Oh, Chang Le, you are really not ashamed!

Chang Le doesn't do much of this kind of thing himself, and if it grows so big, he may be able to count it with both hands. One is ashamed, and the other is that he is very busy every day, and all his energy is used for work.

When he had this desire, his father had passed away at that time, he was the only brother in the family, and no one could teach him. The first time his little brother stood up because he didn't want to pee, he was scared to death when he couldn't get down, thinking that he had some kind of illness, but luckily it went away by itself after a while. He didn't dare to tell his grandfather, after all, the place was so private.

After that, he was frightened for a long time.

Until one time, Brother Chang took him to chop wood in the mountains, and when they came back, they happened to meet a pair of wild mandarin ducks. Chang Le was stunned, and Brother Chang quickly pulled him away.

Later, Brother Chang looked at him and looked back and guessed that he might not have time to teach him this. He didn't understand, so he asked him if he knew what he was doing.

Chang Le shook his head.

Brother Chang knew that no one in his family could teach him, so he stopped, pulled him, and taught him something like his own brother. Only then did he know that his little brother was not sick, but that he had grown up.

Ever since he fell in love with Big Brother Yu, Chang Le would sometimes think about it when he went to bed at night, but the content of his thoughts was quite pure. Mainly because he couldn't imagine anything hotter.

Now, because he heard Yu Qingze's voice just now, his mind was already full of the other party's voice and the pictures of his own brain, and his heart was beating wildly. Chang Le was surprised to find out that, at some point, Xiao Lele had already In good spirits.

Chang Le: …

He endured for a while, and finally buried his face in the pillow and held Xiao Lele.

So, after Yu Qingze opened the door - fetched the water - closed the door, Chang Le also quietly opened the door - fetched the water - closed the door once.

However, at that time, Yu Qingze had already fallen asleep comfortably and didn't hear him at all.

The next day, not long after the drum beat of the fifth watch, Yu Qingze got up.

Not long after he got up, Chang Le got up too.

The two met by the well.

"Brother Le, it's early. You can sleep a little longer, it's still early." Yu Qingze has slept well, and is very energetic now.

Chang Le shook his head, he lived here to get up early to work. Besides, he slept pretty well last night, later on.

Thinking of last night, Chang Le lowered his head and hurried to wash up, not daring to look at Yu Qingze.

Yu Qingze didn't care, he went to work in the kitchen after washing up.

It was still dark outside, maybe it was four in the morning.

There were two oil lamps lit in the kitchen, Yu Qingze was mixing noodles, Chang Le was steaming glutinous rice and red beans, and setting up both stoves with firewood, he began to wash vegetables, chop stuffing, dumpling stuffing, and There is a little filling needed in the sauerkraut.

Both of them were busy with each other, and although they had no words, their actions were very tacit.

Waiting for Yu Qingze's side to reconcile, Changle's dumpling fillings are also chopped up. The two of them rolled out the dumpling skin and made the dumplings, and wrapped the dumplings first.

After wrapping the dumplings, the glutinous rice and red beans are already steamed. Out of the pot, one person makes red bean paste, one person frys the siomai stuffing, and then stirs it with glutinous rice...

Busy until dawn, they have already made almost the first batch of dim sum they need to open the door. They have already been steamed, and there are still a few side dishes and porridge left.

At this moment, Brother Chang and Brother Chang also arrived. They bought fresh pork ribs from the West Side Market on the way and helped to prepare them together.

After the publicity of the guests in the previous two days, the Yuji Snack Stall became a Yuji Snack Bar, and the news that the two grandfathers from the Cai Mansion and Zhao Mansion also came to participate in the opening was completely spread in the city.

On this day, Yu Qingze found that there were obviously many people who were not so ordinary among the guests. It is estimated that most of them came to have a look at the wind, and some of them came to eat the snacks he made specially.

On this day, Cai Chenxi and Cai Yunwei ran over again to have breakfast just like yesterday.

Some customers in the store were still a little surprised to see that they were so familiar with Yu Qingze. After all, Cai Chenxi knew Yuan from a family like Cai Mansion, and it was rare to get along with a snack bar owner like a friend regardless of identity.

Then, Grandpa Zhao also came with his two grandsons and housekeeper Zhao. Yu Qingze greeted them in person and took them to the small cubicle to eat. When they left, Yu Qingze brought them back the tremella that Grandpa Chang brought, and there was also a recipe for making tremella soup.

Those who haven't seen the opening day before, seeing that Mrs. Zhao and Boss Yu are also very familiar at this time, they really believe that the two families are really looking at Boss Yu with different eyes.

Everyone has different thoughts and calculations.

Before closing the stall, the village chief and Da Jian came to the snack bar.

Yu Qingze saw their smiling faces and smiled, "It seems that there is good news."

The village chief nodded with a smile: "Yes, all the rice beds that were pulled out today are sold out, and there are more than 80 rice beds sold. We got three trolleys and an ox cart to pull them out, but the ones that were pulled out in the morning were less than 80. It was sold out at noon, and we went back and dragged it again, and it was sold out. If the rice bed was not too big to drag too much at one time, I would like to get it all at once."

Yu Qingze smiled and said, "Congratulations. It will be harvested in a few days, and it will definitely be sold out by then."

The village chief nodded, with a smile that could not be concealed on his face: "It's all thanks to the way you told us, the three city gates are indeed the best sellers."

"Hahaha, I just mentioned my own thoughts. Come, sit down and have some snacks first, you've been busy all day."

Having said that, Yu Qingze asked people to serve a few dishes of dim sum.

The rice bed sold for a good price on the first day, and it sold well. The village chief and his family finally let go.

The village chief ate a bun and said, "Wait back, I'll send you your rice bed, which style do you want?"

Yu Qingze thought for a while and said, "Just use the one I painted for you at the beginning." The one that looks simple is actually the most effective.


After closing the stall, Yu Qingze and the others had dinner, Jiabao went to take a bath first, Yu Qingze and Chang Le cleaned up, soaked the red beans and kelp, and then the three sat on a table and began to learn arithmetic.

Yu Qingze took a wooden board, wrote a row of Arabic numerals on it, and then wrote the corresponding capital numbers below, and said to them: "The arithmetic method I taught you is to use this number to For calculation, you have to memorize these ten numbers first. Then I will teach the rest."

With that said, Yu Qingze taught them Arabic numerals one by one, starting from the one digit, then the ten digit, and let them learn to write. Grandpa Chang brought the sand wooden tray used by Chang Le at home and another new sand wooden tray made by the village chief. Brother Le and Jia Bao each wrote one.

Let them write and write for half an hour, and Yu Qingze began to give them the dictation test.

The three of them studied and wrote and took the test. In less than an hour, Jiabao and Le Geer had successfully memorized ten Arabic numerals and could also write ten digits.

Jiabao learns faster than Le Geer because of his literacy and good memory. Fortunately, Brother Le also learned a lot of characters with Chang Hao at home before, and he knew all the capitalized numbers, so he could barely keep up with Jiabao's progress.

"It's okay, Brother Le, you are already great!" Yu Qingze comforted Brother Le on the way back after sending Jiabao back.

Chang Le nodded and gestured: "You give me a test now, and I'll study again."

"Okay, then I'll say it casually, seventy-eight."

Chang Le reached out and wrote two numbers in the air.

"Yes. Fifty-three." Yu Qingze walked to Chang Le's left, took his left hand, and said again.

He was used to holding hands, and Chang Le didn't care, and wrote two numbers with his right hand.

"right… "

After taking the number test again, Yu Qingze gave him a series of additions and subtractions to make him calculate quickly.

The two of them went home very studiously.

They went home and washed their hands. After a while, it was time to go to bed.

Before Brother Le entered the room, Yu Qingze held him back and said seriously, "Brother Le, in order to promote our relationship, from today onwards, we will give each other a good night kiss every night."

Chang Le blinked, good night kiss

Like when Ah Mei would kiss his forehead before going to bed when he was a child

He remembered that when he was drunk before, before he went to bed, Big Brother Yu seemed to kiss his forehead, and then let him sleep.

Thinking of this, he nodded.

He also wanted to have a better relationship with Big Brother Yu, even better.

Seeing him nodding, Yu Qingze raised the corners of his mouth, put the oil lamps in the two hands on the windowsill, then wrapped his arms around Le Ge'er's waist and clasped the back of his head with the other, bowed his head and kissed Le Ge'er's lips.

Chang Le: …

Unexpectedly, the kiss on the forehead turned into a kiss on the mouth. Chang Le was a little stunned and stared at Yu Qingze with wide eyes.

Yu Qingze was helpless, sucked a bit, then released his lips slightly, and said, "Brother Le, be good, close your eyes and open your mouth."

Chang Le blushed, and reflexively closed his eyes and opened his mouth slightly.

Seeing this, Yu Qingze kissed again. Afraid to frighten Brother Le, he moved very gently, sucking gently, and then tentatively probed his tongue, caught the shy tongue of the little turtle, and hooked it to dance together.

After the kiss, Brother Le raised his head and opened his eyes tremblingly. His eyes were moist and his face was blushing unbelievably.

Yu Qingze gently stroked his lips with his thumb, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Do you like it?"

Brother Le stared blankly at Yu Qingze. Brother Yu's eyes seemed to be on fire, and his voice was like a hook, hooking his soul away.

And the feeling of kissing just now, good.

So this is the kiss? He didn't remember the time he was drunk before. It turned out to be like this. It made people dizzy and felt sweet, as if soaked in warm water, or stepped on cotton. In Brother Yu's arms, let him hold him forever.

He blushed and nodded lightly.

This feeling made him feel very close to Brother Yu, and he liked it very much.

"Do you still want it?" Yu Qingze leaned closer, his forehead was against Brother Le's forehead, the tip of his nose touched the tip of Brother Le's nose affectionately, and asked softly.

Brother Le nodded unconsciously. Although a little shy, but I want.

The next moment, Yu Qingze's lips were printed.

The two of them tasted the wonderful taste of kissing, and they were both immersed in it.

It wasn't until Yu Qingze that he felt that he would transform into another kiss, so he quickly let go of Brother Le, "Well, I really want to eat you now."

Yu Qingze sighed lightly, bit Le Ge'er's ear lightly, then let go of him, kissed his forehead, and said, "Go to sleep. Good night." He couldn't help pushing Brother Le directly into his room.

Brother Le had already felt the change in Yu Qingze's body just now, and now he heard Yu Qingze's words, and hurriedly took the oil lamp and entered the room.

His little Lele is also awake, can't find out for Big Brother Yu...