The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 75: Silently learned to show affection, brother Le


The next morning, that young master Shi really came again, and this time he came alone, without the landlord's brother.

As soon as he entered the store, he took a look around. He didn't see anyone he wanted to see, so he picked up the plate on one side and ordered two snacks, and then asked Brother Chang, "Little Er, is your boss there?"

Brother Chang rolled his eyes and said with a smile on his face: "This guest, our boss is very busy, do you have anything to do with our boss? Do you have business matters to talk to our boss?"

Master Shi raised his brows and said, "Can't you find your boss if you don't have business matters?"

Brother Chang smiled and said, "No, it's just that our boss is with his fiancé all the time except for business."

"Fiancé?" Master Shi sneered and said contemptuously, "Are you talking about that dumb guy?"

Seeing the contemptuous smile on this brother's face, and hearing the disdain in his words, Brother Chang's heart aroused, and he replied coldly: "This young master, although Brother Le can't speak, but compared to those who look A person who is elegant and decent, but who often spit feces in his mouth, is not sure how much better, do you think it is?"

"You!" I didn't expect this little second to be so sharp and sharp, Young Master Shi was so angry that he raised his brows, but when he saw a few more people coming in outside the door, he held back his attack and sneered: "Hmph, you Little Er, you have to be wide!"

Brother Chang replied with a smile: "No way, it's not easy to find a good boss. Those of us who work as helpers all hope that their husbands will be loving, their families will be happy, and they will be happy. We can also be happy working here. But Well, there are always some unknown people who know that our boss has a fiancé, and want to attack our boss, so we can only share his worries for him."

Young Master Shi naturally understood the meaning of Brother Chang's words, and was choked for a moment, he snorted coldly, and walked to the dining area angrily. Why does he need to have the same knowledge as a junior, his target is the owner of this snack bar.

"Hey, this customer, we will check out first and then eat in our store. The checkout is at the counter over there. Please check out first." Brother Chang shouted loudly from behind.

Master Shi paused, glared at Brother Chang, and went to the counter with a blushing face.

Seeing this, Brother Chang immediately went into the kitchen, got close to Brother Le, and said, "Brother Le, that young master Shi is here again. As soon as he came in, he asked if Boss Yu was there, and I told him to go back."

Brother Le stared and gestured: Is this person really here again

"Yeah, I told him that Boss Yu is engaged and has a fiancé. He is so arrogant, which is really annoying."

Brother Le frowned, this young master Shi looks like a well-born young master, why is this...

"Brother Le, Boss Yu should buy flour and come back later, then Master Shi will definitely come over to find Boss Yu again. You should think about how to do it first. There are many guests outside, so I'll go out first." Brother Chang Specially warned, and then went out to greet the guests.

Brother Le kneaded the dough, frowning tightly.

He believed that Big Brother Yu was one thing, but there were always people who came to pester his people, which made people very upset. Moreover, that person knew that Big Brother Yu was still engaged, and the purpose was very sinister.

But no brother wants to see a group of wild bees and butterflies around his fiancé.

Not long after, Yu Qingze came back. He and the guy from the flour shop came in through the back door and moved the flour to his room to keep it. Then he went to the front counter to get money for the guy to take back. He bought a little more this time, and he was a little short of money.

That young master Shi had been paying attention to the hall. When he saw Yu Qingze, he immediately walked over and called, "Boss Yu, are you back?"

Yu Qingze turned his head and saw that it was this brother. He suddenly had a headache. He sneered and said, "Young Master Shi, I came over for snacks today, thank you for your patronage."

Having said that, Yu Qingze took the money from Jiabao and went to the backyard to give money to the guy.

"Hey, Boss Yu..." Master Shi saw that Yu Qingze turned around and left. After two steps, he saw someone in the backyard waiting for Yu Qingze in the corridor, so he retreated and stood still in front of the counter, waiting.

Jiabao looked at this young master Shi and said, "I'm sorry, this guest, you stopped us from checking out, can you please stand aside?"

Master Shi glanced at Jiabao, then took a step forward and stood beside the counter.

After Yu Qingze gave the flour shop clerk the flour money and sent the clerk away, he went back to the counter and made a note.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the counter, he saw Master Shi still there.

Yu Qingze: …

"Hey, Boss Yu, I have something to do with you." Master Shi saw Yu Qingze, his eyes lit up, afraid that Yu Qingze would leave again, he said quickly.

It was too late to turn around, so Yu Qingze had no choice but to walk over and ask, "I don't know what Master Shi has done with Yu?"

What's the matter with Young Master Shi? His eyes flickered, he thought for a moment in a hurry, suddenly his mind moved, and then he made an excuse and said, "It's like this, my youngest is not in good health, so I can't go out and walk around often, I can't Let him taste the taste of your dessert, especially the taste of white fungus soup, it's a pity, I just want to say, I don't know, is it possible, that is, please invite Boss Yu to my house as a guest and make a white fungus soup at home?"

The little boy Jiabao at the counter was stunned.

This young master Shi, how could Big Brother Yu be a guest at his house just to make a tremella soup? It's not that Cai Mansion and Zhao Mansion have such a good relationship, they are not familiar with each other!

Yu Qingze: There is no groove to spit.

"Master Shi, I'm really sorry. There are so many things in Yu's small shop, and I really can't get out of it. In fact, you can pack it back and give him a taste."

"Then why don't you teach me?" Master Shi's eyes lit up, he taught alone and spent more time together.

Yu Qingze: "..."

At this moment, Brother Le came over with a tray of dim sum. He walked over to Yu Qingze, glanced at the young master Shi, then picked up a piece of dim sum and took a bite, then fed it to Yu Qingze's mouth.

Yu Qingze glanced at Brother Le, smiled at him with his lips hooked, and opened his mouth to eat the other half of the snack.

Master Shi:…

Jiabao covered his mouth and snickered.

Brother Chang, who was watching secretly here, couldn't help but burst into laughter, and he quickly turned his back. Unexpectedly, when Brother Le was so bad, this young master Shi couldn't even die of anger when he saw it.

Le Ge'er put the chopsticks on the plate and gestured: How does it taste

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "It's delicious, everything you make is delicious."

Brother Le nodded with satisfaction, and didn't leave after feeding snacks.

That young master Shi glanced at Brother Le and knew that he was Yu Qingze's dumb fiancé, his eyes narrowed slightly, then he took out a handkerchief from his arms with a smile, and said, "Boss Yu, you're sweating, I'll wipe it for you. wipe."

As he said that, he reached out his hand and wanted to wipe Yu Qingze's sweat.

Yu Qingze quickly took a step back, dodged, and said, "Master Shi, please respect yourself!"

At the same time, Master Shi's outstretched arm was grabbed by a hand.

The two looked over and found that it was Brother Le who was holding Master Shi's arm.

Brother Le was so angry that he glared at Master Shi, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

That young master Shi let out an 'ouch', screaming in pain, and a tear came out of his eyes, "It hurts, this brother, why are you so aggressive, like a man."

Brother Le didn't exert any strength just now, he just grabbed it. Now, seeing Young Master Shi's pretentious appearance, he increased his strength as he wished.

"Ouch, it hurts!" The pain at this moment was really painful, Master Shi blinked, frowned, and deliberately said to Yu Qingze: "Boss Yu, how does this little Er treat the guests like this, he is still so strong! It hurts to death, Just let him go."

Brother Le can't speak, so naturally he can't answer him.

"This is not Xiao Er, it's Brother Le, my fiancé." Yu Qingze stepped forward, put his hand on Brother Le's waist, brought him to his side, and said, "Master Shi, if it's not important Our husband is still busy, so please do it yourself."

Saying that, he hugged Brother Le and walked to the backyard.

Brother Le shook off that brother's hand, glared at him, and followed Yu Qingze back to the backyard.

Master Shi bit his lip and rubbed his pinched wrist. He was very dissatisfied. Yu Qingze was too ignorant. He had to look good, and he had to have a figure. With such good conditions, he couldn't compare to a mute.

Seeing the scene just now, many guests shook their heads one after another, and some people who knew each other started to discuss, how could this guy be so shameless, Boss Yu has a fiancé, isn't this seducing Boss Yu...

When Young Master Shi heard this, he glared at the guests angrily, and then left.

It's not easy to find a good husband. This Yu Qingze has such a good relationship with the Cai Mansion and the Zhao Mansion, and he has the ability to make a lot of money in the future. He will not just give up. Moreover, if he wants to leave that house, he has to catch this Yu Qingze, which is already his best choice at the moment.

In the backyard, Brother Le twisted a wet towel and wiped Yu Qingze's face angrily.

Yu Qingze looked at him with a funny look, and said, "I thought you would just kiss me when you came up, and I was looking forward to it."

Brother Le glared at him, threw the wet towel in his face, and went into the kitchen.

Well, wipe it yourself!