The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 78: Mad dog, house


On this day, it was just dawn, but it wasn't clear yet. Brother Le, Brother Chang, and his Ah Mo were making snacks in the kitchen.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door outside the store.

The pat pat pat is directly patted with the palm of the hand, which is urgent and heavy, making people panic.

"Who is it so early? It's just dawn." Brother Chang looked up at the door suspiciously, packed a bun, and was ready to go out to have a look.

Brother Chang grabbed him and said, "Wait, it's so early, there are not many people on the street outside, and I don't know who they are, let's ask first."

Brother Le also nodded and gestured: We have never encountered someone knocking on the door so early in our long stay.

Three, you look at me, I look at you. This feeling is a little wrong.

Outside the house, the clap on the door became more and more urgent.

Finally, Brother Chang said, "I'll go take a look."

Brother Le grabbed him and gestured: I'll go with you.

The two walked to the door, and Brother Chang asked across the door, "Who is it?"

The clap of the door stopped, and then an anxious voice sounded outside: "Boss Yu? Is Boss Yu there?"

Looking for Big Brother Yu (Boss Yu)

"Boss Yu is not here, come back in two days." Brother Chang replied.

The two of them heard the voice a little familiar, Brother Chang pointed to the crack of the door and motioned to take a look through the crack of the door.

Brother Le nodded. The two of them leaned on the crack of the door and looked out. After watching for a while, the two straightened their waists.

Brother Le frowned and said, "Is it Master Shi?"

Brother Chang nodded and said in an airy voice, "I look at him too, his hair is disheveled, and he seems to be very embarrassed."

"He's here, he's definitely there, doesn't he live here? Open the door and let me see him, I want to see him." Outside the door, Shi Sheng looked at the street anxiously, looking worried.

Brother Chang replied: "I'm sorry, Boss Yu is not here these days. If you have something to do, come back in a few days. No, you'd better not come."

With that said, the two looked into the crack of the door again.

I saw Shi Sheng paused, bit his lip and looked back again, then said, "What about that mute brother, the one called Chang Le, let him come out, I want to see him, but I want to see where he compares. I'm good, why do you dominate Yu Qingze, who doesn't look as good as me, can't speak, can you read..."

Behind the door, the two frowned and straightened up. Brother Le opened the door and stared at the brother who coveted his fiancé with a dark face.

When Shi Sheng saw the door opened, he wanted to run inside, and he stepped forward and said, "Where's Boss Yu? Did you deliberately prevent him from seeing me? Let me talk to him again, I have some money saved, I can Help him open a store, open a bigger store, just let him marry me, only he can help me, I... ah... "

Before he could finish speaking, a force suddenly pushed him from his chest, and he was pushed back and fell to the ground.

"Chang Le! What are you doing?" Shi Sheng angrily looked at the person who pushed him down and cursed.

Brother Le looked at him with a sullen face. Brother Chang snorted coldly and said, "Master Shi, Boss Yu has already told you that he will only marry Brother Le. As far as your virtue is concerned, haven't you taken a good look in the mirror?"

Shi Sheng got up, glared at the two of them angrily, and said, "Hmph, what do I look like? No matter what I look like, I'm always better than this mute! Why does he?!"

Brother Chang said, "I'll tell you what you look like! You're already engaged and you come out to seduce other people's fiancés in public. This is shameless! Disrespectful! Shameless!"

Shi Sheng gritted his teeth and said, "I have no choice but to! My family wants to marry me to an inhuman ill child. Only Yu Qingze can help me. He has a good relationship with Zhao's house and Cai's house, so the Zeng family dare not embarrass him. ,I… "

Brother Chang interrupted him and choked: "Who cares if you have to force it, won't you go to those men who didn't say kisses? In short, don't seduce other people's fiancés!"

At this time, there were some noisy sounds from a nearby alley, and it seemed that a group of people came over. Shi Sheng became anxious when he heard it, and he didn't care about the rift between him and the two brothers, he squeezed over and said, "I, I'll talk about this later, let me go in first. Let's go in and then..."

Brother Le stretched out his hand to stop him from entering.

Brother Chang also pushed him out and said, "Boss Yu said, we don't welcome you in the snack bar. You go!"

Shi Sheng cried anxiously and said, "Let me in, I, I, I beg you, they will find me soon, I don't want to marry a sick seedling, please help me, let me in, just help me This time, I promise not to pester Boss Yu in the future..."

Brother Le listened to Yu Qingze talking about Shi Sheng. Although he was pitiful, he had bad intentions and always pestered Brother Yu, so he wouldn't let him in.

Not far from the street, a group of people turned around, looking around, as if they were anxiously looking for something. Because they were blocked by the shelf at the door of the store next door, they didn't see the situation here, but Brother Le and the others could see them from the gap.

When Shi Sheng saw the group of people, he didn't care to tell Brother Chang and Brother Le any more, he wanted to run away as soon as he turned his head.

When Brother Le saw it, he quickly reached out to grab his arm and pulled him back.

Shi Sheng turned his head in surprise, "Are you willing to help me?"

Brother Le and Brother Chang looked at each other.

Afterwards, Brother Chang walked out of the road and shouted to the group of people, "Hey, are you looking for Master Shi Sheng? He's here!"

Shi Sheng: …

The group of people heard the words and ran towards them immediately.

"You, you! Let go of me! Let go of me!" Shi Sheng struggled hard, but how could he possibly beat Brother Le with his kitten strength.

So, when the group of people came over, he cursed desperately, "Remember me, I won't let you go!"

Brother Chang suggested pertinently: "You should stay at home and get married, and don't run out and harm others."

In Shi Sheng's shouting and scolding, the group of people took Shi Sheng away.

When the person was far away, Brother Le and Brother Chang looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Chill out!

Close the door, fasten it!

"Who is it? I heard you yelling?" Brother Chang was watching the fire, but he didn't go out. He only heard the voice of a little brother. He didn't think there was any danger, so he didn't go out.

"Hmph, a mad dog ran out of the cage and was caught by his family!" Brother Chang replied.

Brother Le smiled, washed his hands, and continued to do his work.

Because of what happened in the morning, the two brothers were in a good mood.

Other helpers arrived one after another, and everyone was skillfully preparing to open the store. When it was time to open the store, everyone found that Jiabao, which had always arrived early, had not arrived yet.

"Did you oversleep? It's the time for a boy of his age to be lethargic." Uncle Zhen said.

"It's possible that my brother couldn't wake up every day. I woke him up a moment ago, turned his head, and he fell asleep again." Brother Qing shook his head and smiled.

Brother Chang said: "Then I'll collect the money first, there are usually more regular customers in the morning."

Jiabao wasn't there, and Yu Qingze wasn't there either, so Brother Chang and Brother Le's arithmetic was better in the store. Brother Le wanted to make snacks, and Brother Chang bravely went to the cashier on his own.

Although the speed is a little slower, it can be counted in the end.

However, after half an hour, Jiabao still didn't come, and they felt a little strange.

Brother Le came out to take a look. Before Jiabao arrived, he frowned and gestured to Brother Chang: I'm going to see Jiabao, don't be sick, then it will be troublesome if no one knows about it.

Brother Chang nodded and said, "Let Zhu Zi go with you? What if something happened to me if I wasn't sick?"

Brother Le nodded.

"Zhuzi, you accompany Brother Le to Jiabao's house, and Tie Sheng will come to work on the pillar later." Brother Chang said to Tie Zhu and Tie Sheng. Tiezhu is tall and suitable for guarding.

"Okay." "Okay."

Brother Le took Tie Zhu through several alleys and came to the alley of Jiabao's house.

Before he got to Jiabao's house, from a distance, Le Geer saw someone moving in and out of Jiabao's house moving things.

He quickly ran over, entered the room, and saw Jiabao with his hands open to block the door, loudly shouting to a person: "Don't touch the things inside, these are mine!"

Brother Le saw that those people were moving Jiabao's things out of the house, and the pots and pans in the kitchen had been removed, and now the two men were preparing to enter the room.

He hurried over, stood in front of Jiabao, and gestured to ask what happened to Jiabao.

When Tie Zhu saw the situation, he frowned and quickly ran over and asked, "What's going on?"

Jiabao saw Brother Le and Tie Zhu coming, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth: "Brother Chang Le, Brother Tie Zhu, the landlord said that he sold it to others, and these people were sent by the person who bought it to clean up the house."

When Brother Le heard this, his heart sank, and he gestured, "How long have you paid the rent?" expired

After thinking about it, Jiabao didn't quite understand his gestures, so he quickly took Jiabao's palm and wrote in his palm: "It's seven?"

Before the word period was learned, Brother Le wrote the number seven instead.

Jiabao understood, shook his head and said, "There are ten days left."

Hearing this, Brother Le got angry, staring at the leader, making crazy gestures.

The man who took the lead looked at Brother Le with a dumbfounded expression.

Tie Zhu probably knew what Brother Le wanted to say, so he asked Jiabao, "When did the landlord tell you that the house was sold?"

Jiabao replied, "I came back last night."

Brother Le and Tie Zhu both frowned, what happened to the landlord, who told others the day before, sold them the next day and drove them away, and didn't even leave time for others to find a house, would he work

Tie Zhu asked the man, "Where's the landlord? The house hasn't expired yet, how could you just drive the tenant away? Do you think a child in Jiabao is easy to bully?"

The man who took the lead said: "Brother, we just follow orders. If there is a problem, you can go to the buyer and seller."

"where are they?"

The man who took the lead said, "I should have gone to Yuji Snack Bar for breakfast. I've been gone for a while."

Jiabao: …

Brother Le:…

Iron Pillar:…

Brother Le pointed to Tiezhu, then to the house, then to himself and Jiabao, and then to the direction of the shop.

Tie Zhu understood, nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Le, I'll take a good look at it. You and Jiabao hurry back to find the landlord and buyer."

Brother Le nodded, grabbed Jiabao's wrist and rushed to the store.