The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 83: Laba Festival and Doctor He


It was confirmed that everyone in the village had no problems and could make finished products smoothly. Early the next morning, Yu Qingze went back to the store with Jiabao and the others.

They dragged a truckload of sweet potato noodles, some made by Yu Qingze himself, and some made by villagers who were quick learners.

The price of sweet potato flour that Yu Qingze bought from the villagers was 18 cents per pound. In a snack bar, a pound of dry sweet potato flour can make 6-8 bowls of hot and sour flour. The price of each bowl of hot and sour flour is ten cents. According to the recent sales volume, an average of more than 20 catties can be used a day, and the sales volume is still rising. , this month is still relatively profitable.

For the villagers, raw sweet potatoes in the market are about three cents or two catties. Most of them go to other villages to buy them, and some can even buy them for one cent a catty. If done well, less than six catties of sweet potatoes can produce one catty of sweet potato flour. Some with low flour yield require eight or nine catties of sweet potatoes to produce one catty of vermicelli. Generally speaking, it is about seven catties to produce one catty of vermicelli.

No matter what, Yu Qingze has given them enough profit margins. Good craftsmanship makes more money, and bad craftsmanship makes less money, which is fair.

The first batch of villagers who sold vermicelli saw the copper plates in their hands, they were very happy, and they became more motivated. Others saw that someone had already sold the money, and they were doing things with all their might.

Because the whole village was making sweet potato flour, the sweet potatoes of the nearby villages were all swept away by the villagers, and the distance they bought sweet potatoes was getting farther and farther, and some even went to the village to the east of Tongshan City to buy them. People simply set up a special point in the market in the east of the city to promote the acquisition. This is for later.

After entering the twelfth lunar month, the weather is getting colder and colder every day, the north wind is blowing, and the dawn is late. The snack bar's working time is now delayed by half an hour, but when the village workers go out, it is still very early to see the sky.

When he arrived at the store, he unloaded everything. Yu Qingze went to the kitchen and said to Brother Chang, "Uncle, your bunk bed has already been sent to the village head for installation. Uncle asked me to tell you."

"So fast?" Brother Chang asked in surprise.

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "I have already made two of them, and they are already proficient. In addition, tomorrow Laba, our snack bar will have a day off, and my uncle told you to buy some paper candles when you go back."

"Okay, I remember it." Brother Chang responded and turned around to make hot and sour noodles.

Seeing this, Yu Qingze leaned over to Brother Le and secretly kissed him on the face.

Brother Le stared: !

Yu Qingze smiled, washed and dried his hands, stood next to Le Ge'er, then grabbed Le Ge'er's hand on the desk, squeezed it again, and said, "I'll make noodles, you go make dumplings. "

Brother Le pulled out his hands, the tips of his ears were a little red, he bumped Yu Qingze lightly, then took a step away, took the dumpling wrappers and started wrapping them.

"Brother Le, Grandpa has been coughing these days. He is drinking the medicine according to the previous prescription. I may not come to the store for a while and wait until Grandpa's health is better." Yu Qingze said.

When Brother Le heard the words, he quickly gestured and asked how grandpa was

Yu Qingze nodded and replied, "Grandpa said it's similar to previous years, so you don't have to worry."

Brother Le felt a little down. Grandpa Chang has had this problem for more than ten years, and every year he takes medicines that have little effect, but if he doesn't drink them, it will be even worse.

Yu Qingze comforted him and said, "If you are worried, after Laba, I will take Grandpa to the city and invite Doctor Li to take a look."

Brother Le nodded, finally feeling a little more at ease.

A busy day passed. After closing the stalls in the afternoon, Yu Qingze told everyone to take a day off tomorrow, and then clean up. The helpers all left first. They wanted to buy some things while some stalls had not yet been closed.

Yu Qingze, Le Geer, and Jiabao checked it again at last, locked the door, bought some incense paper money on West Street, and went back.

Laba Festival the next day.

In the morning, Brother Le and Grandpa Chang were preparing lunch at home, and Yu Qingze took the two teenagers to chop wood in the mountains.

In the past few months, he and Le Geer have been busy in the snack bar, and everything at home has been piled up on Grandpa Chang. Grandpa Chang didn't have much time to chop wood. Chop more firewood before it snows to survive the winter.

The three entered the mountain, and under the leadership of Chang Hao, they reached a mountainside with many dead branches.

Jiabao came here to chop wood for the first time, and he was very excited. He ran here and there, and had a lot of fun picking up dry wood.

Chang Hao didn't pick up what was on the ground. He had a hatchet behind his back. When he saw a tree with that kind of big dead branches, he was like a little monkey, crawling up and chopping it.

"Xiao Hao, be careful, that branch is so thin, can it hold you?" Seeing Chang Hao standing on a branch as thin as his arm, Jiabao looked terrified below and quickly reminded him.

When Yu Qingze saw it, he shouted, "Skin monkey, be careful!"

"It's okay, Brother Jiabao, Brother Yu, I'm very light. I used to chop wood like this." Chang Hao replied nonchalantly, standing on tiptoe, clinging to the tree trunk with his left hand, holding a hatchet in his right hand, and waving his arm to start chopping .

Bang Bang Bang!

The branches that are half withered are easy to cut. Chang Hao probably cut it eight or nine times, and the big dead branch was cut off and fell down.

Jiabao quickly dragged away the dead branches below.

The three of them chopped down for half the morning, and the sun gradually turned to mid-day. Seeing that they had chopped up a lot, Yu Qingze shouted, "Xiaohao, Jiabao! It's almost time, we can go back!"

"Oh! Got it! Wait until I finish cutting this one." Chang Hao replied.

The two teenagers are now under a big tree, looking up. This tree is very tall and has a very large dead branch on it. The branches next to it are also very thick and easy to cut, but it is not easy to climb up, because the bottom is very long and there is no protruding place to allow people step on.

"It's so high, can you climb up? Otherwise, don't cut it." Jiabao asked.

Chang Hao nodded: "Yes."

Pinning the hatchet, Chang Hao hugged the tree with both hands, and clamped his feet against the tree trunk. After the clamp was steady, he moved his hands up a bit and pulled his body up...

The little monkey climbed the tree smoothly. After climbing the initial tree trunk, there are tree trunks behind for Chang Hao to take advantage of, and it doesn't take much trouble.

After a while, he chopped off the dead branch that was thicker than his thigh.

"Hahaha, what about Brother Jiabao, I'll say I can cut it!" Chang Hao proudly stood on the branch and showed off to Jiabao.

"Well, it's amazing! You're coming down, you're going home."

"When I have a rest, I will throw the knife down, please move away."

Chang Hao threw the hatchet down, wiped his sweat, rested against the tree trunk, and looked into the distance. After the dead branches fall, a space is left there, and you can see the mountains on the opposite side, and the scenery is very good.

Looking at it, Chang Hao blinked and rubbed his eyes again. How could he see a person lying motionless in an open space on the opposite mountain.

"Brother Jiabao, there is someone on the opposite mountain." Chang Hao shouted.

"Is someone chopping wood?"

"No, the man lay motionless on the ground."

"Is that taking a rest in the sun?"

"I don't know." As soon as Chang Hao finished speaking, he saw the man get up, and Chang Hao said, "Hey, I'm really basking in the sun, he got up... Oops, he fell... It seems like he can't get up."

"What's wrong?" Yu Qingze came over and asked.

Seeing Yu Qingze coming, Chang Hao quickly said, "Brother Yu, I see someone on the opposite mountain. It seems that he can't get up after a fall."

Yu Qingze frowned and looked where he was looking, but they could only see the dense forest. He asked, "Really? Are you injured? Look carefully, where is it?"

Chang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at it for a while, and then said: "There is a big rock next to it, I know where it is. It seems that the man took a tree branch and tied a few branches to his right calf... "

"A branch is tied to his leg?" Yu Qingze said in surprise: "Then he has a broken bone. Come down quickly and take me to see it."

"Okay." Chang Hao quickly descended the tree.

"Jiabao, you are looking at the firewood here, Xiaohao and I will go to the opposite side to see." Yu Qingze said quickly.

Jiabao nodded, "Okay."

Yu Qingze followed Chang Hao up the opposite mountainside, and in the open space near a big rock, he really saw a man with a branch tied to his leg. The man was an old man, about fifty or sixty years old, with a basket next to him and a cane made of a tree branch.

"Master, are you okay, did you fall on your leg?" The two hurriedly approached.

When the old man saw someone coming, he was pleasantly surprised: "Oh, young man, it's great to meet you. I was collecting medicine on the mountain, and when I rolled off the stone, my leg was broken. Could you please help me down the mountain?"

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "Come on, I'll carry you. My brother saw that you fell down and couldn't get up on the opposite side of the mountain, so let's come and have a look."

"That's it, thank you so much, little guy." The old man looked at Chang Hao and thanked him.

Chang Hao helped the old man pick up the basket and the cane, shook his head and said, "No thanks, grandpa."

Yu Qingze carried the old man down the mountain, and when he reached the path at the foot of the mountain, he said to Chang Hao, "Xiao Hao, run fast, go back first and let your brother go to the mountain to pick up the treasure and pick up firewood."

"Okay." Chang Hao quickly ran home with the basket on his back.

When Yu Qingze came out of the mountain with the old man on his back, he happened to meet Chang Hao and Brother Le who came over.

Brother Le gestured and asked if there was anything wrong.

Yu Qingze replied, "It's alright, you go and pick up the treasure first."

Brother Le nodded and followed Chang Hao into the mountain.

When he got home, Yu Qingze put the old man on the chair and asked Dr. Yu to come and see the old man's legs.

The old man waved his hand and said, "You don't need to ask for a doctor, I'm a doctor myself. You can just find me two pieces of wood that are flat and the right size."

Yu Qingze found two wooden boards, and the old man asked him to borrow a pen and paper, and asked him to go to Dr. Yu to get some herbs. Then he straightened his bones, applied medicine, and put on a splint.

"Young man, in the afternoon, I will write a letter. Could you please help me to take it to the Fulai Inn? I will have someone pick me up." After the old man had his legs fixed, he said to Yu Qingze.

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "We are going to the city in the afternoon. If you don't mind riding the ox cart, can we take you there?"

Hearing the words, the old man nodded and said, "Well, then I will trouble you."

At noon, the old man ate together at Changle's house, and greatly appreciated Changle's cooking skills, saying that this was the best meal he had ever eaten.

When the whole family heard this, they all laughed. The best food, you haven't eaten yet.

The old man said that his surname was He, he was a traveling doctor, and he liked to collect herbs everywhere. This time, he also heard that there is a rare herbal medicine on the top of the nearby hill, and he came here to look for it.

When Grandpa Chang heard it, he was surprised and asked, "What are rare herbs? I have lived here for more than ten years, and I have never heard of any rare herbs."

Uncle He replied: "It is said that there is an herbal medicine here. The medicinal properties are very strong. Just a little bit can make people instantly paralyzed and lose consciousness."

Grandpa Chang shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

Uncle He said disappointedly: "I've been searching for a few days in this area, but I can't find it."

After lunch, Yu Qingze went to the village chief's house to borrow an ox cart. Uncle He saw that Grandpa Chang had a cough, so he asked him what was going on.

"It's an old problem. As soon as winter comes, I have a bad cough, and the medicine doesn't work very well. It takes more than two months. It will be better when the weather warms up." Grandpa Chang replied.

After entering the twelfth lunar month, Grandpa Chang suffered from the old problem. He had to drink medicine every other day. If he didn't drink it, he would feel very uncomfortable.

Grandpa He took the pulse of Grandpa Chang, and then asked what medicine he was taking before. After asking clearly, he shook his head and said, "Don't drink that medicine, brother, if you can trust me, follow the prescription I gave you. Grab the medicine and drink it."

When Chang Le heard the words, he immediately gestured aside and asked if Grandpa Chang's old problem could be cured? Chang Hao translated.

Dr. He said: "It is impossible to completely cure it, but it can relieve it to a large extent, which is much better than the medicine you have taken before."

Chang Le and Chang Hao were very happy to hear the words, and hurriedly asked Doctor He to prescribe the prescription.

When Yu Qingze came back and heard about it, he was very happy.

While writing the recipe, Dr. He said, "This recipe is good, but it's a little expensive. There are some more expensive medicinal materials in it, so the burden may be heavier."

Hearing the famous and expensive medicinal materials, Yu Qingze said, "Doctor He, we have a ginseng. Can you see if this can be used by Grandpa?" After that, Yu Qingze asked Chang Le to get the ginseng, which was the one that Cai's house had sent. .

"Do you have ginseng?"


When Chang Le took it out, Doctor He said after reading it: "This is fine, the age is good. Brother, you can drink it with water, or you can take one tablet every morning, you don't need too much, just a thin one is enough. Okay, it can improve your physique."

After Doctor He had written the recipe, Yu Qingze took the recipe, and then, together with Brother Le, carried Uncle He in an ox cart and took him to the Fulai Inn in the city.

Afterwards, Yu Qingze sent Le Geer to the store again and said, "This recipe, I'll bring grandpa over tomorrow to ask Dr. Li to take a look at the medicine. Grandpa is not in good health, so I'll watch at home, go back and forth every day, and wait until I go back. , I'll let Brother Chang come to accompany you."

Brother Le shook his head and said that he was still at home.

"There are people in the store to take care of you. It's suitable for you and Brother Chang to live here. It's not convenient for me to live here with Brother Chang and the others. Besides, the weather is getting colder and colder, and I don't want you to run back and forth. Be good, it's okay, I He Jiabao can go back and forth with Xiaoshu and the others every day."

After explaining, Yu Qingze drove the ox cart back.