The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 84: Big sausages for sale


After Yu Qingze returned, he sent the ox cart back to the village chief's house and went to Brother Chang's house.

Hearing his intention, Brother Chang said immediately, "Okay, I'll go over here."

It was just half-afternoon, and it was almost time to prepare dinner in the past. Brother Chang said, "Then I'll go there too. I have to make snacks tomorrow morning. Xiao Chang, go and pack some Laba porridge, and bring some for Brother Le to eat together."

Brother Chang nodded.

After Yu Qingze listened to it, he remembered that he didn't bring Laba porridge to Brother Le when he went to the city just now. Although he had eaten it at noon, there was still a lot at home. Try what I make and eat in exchange."

The Laba porridge here is not the same as what he knew, but Grandpa Chang and the others believed in his craftsmanship, so they asked him to make it according to his method. Sure enough, it is much more delicious than the local traditional one, and they all like to eat it.

"Boss Yu, did you make it? It must be delicious. Decorate it more." Brother Chang shouted in the kitchen.

Yu Qingze replied with a smile, and went back to pack a lot of food boxes, enough for the three of them to eat, and asked Brother Chang and the others to take them to the store.

After arranging someone to accompany Brother Le, Yu Qingze returned home with confidence and took a hoe to find Grandpa Chang and the others. They are digging in the back ground, and they are going to plant lettuce seedlings today.

When Yu Qingze arrived, they had already dug two-thirds of the small piece of land. Yu Qingze went over, smashed the soil and leveled it, and said to Grandpa Chang, "Grandpa, I didn't go to get the medicine, I think After thinking about it, let's go to see Doctor Li tomorrow, can you take a look?"

Grandpa Chang nodded and said, "Okay. I want to show Dr. Li."

"Then you can come with me tomorrow, and let Dr. Li take the pulse, so he can judge better." Yu Qingze said.

Grandpa Chang hesitated and said, "I'm going too? I still want to plant the onions over there tomorrow."

Yu Qingze persuaded: "If you don't go, Dr. Li doesn't know your symptoms, and it's hard to judge whether the recipe is good or not."

Grandpa Chang thought for a while and said, "Well, let's do it."

In the evening, after dinner, Chang Hao was writing his homework as usual. Yu Qingze was teaching Jiabao arithmetic. Now, they have already started to learn multiplication. Yu Qingze asked Jiabao to memorize the ninety-nine multiplication table before teaching him.

Seeing the young man earnestly calculating on the sand table, Yu Qingze asked him, "Jiabao, have all those debts been paid off?"

Jiabao shook his head and said, "There's still five hundred and sixty cents left to pay off."

"I'll go with you tomorrow, and we'll pay back all the money. Besides," Yu Qingze glanced at Chang Hao, then looked at Jiabao and asked, "Jiabao, do you want to go to school?"

During this period of time, he was too busy, and sometimes he was called by the villagers to deal with problems at night, so he never cared about his family treasure. Now it's finally a little more relaxed. Seeing Chang Hao writing the Master's homework, he suddenly remembered that if Jiabao went to study, he would definitely be a good student, maybe he could even get a job title or something. If Jiabao wanted to study, he would send him to study.

Hearing this, Jiabao was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Yu Qingze, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Why do you ask that?"

Chang Hao also looked up at Yu Qingze, if Brother Jiabao could go to school with him, that would be great too!

"You are so smart and have a foundation. If you go to study, you will definitely be able to get famous in the future, and you will have some achievements." Yu Qingze replied.

Chang Hao nodded, agreeing with this sentence very much.

Jiabao looked at the sand table and remained silent without answering. After a while, he raised his head, shook his head at Yu Qingze, and said, "Brother, I'm not going to study, I want to learn from you to settle accounts, learn how to cook, and learn how to open a shop and do business."

Yu Qingze frowned, thinking that Jiabao was worried about the snack bar and money, so he said: "You don't have to worry about the snack bar, I can find someone else to train it, and I don't need to think about the money issue. With the money we make from the snack bar, I will send you to study. No problem. You just need to consider whether you want to go or not. If you want to go, I will send you to the school."

Jiabao still shook his head, and said with an inexplicable sad expression on his face: "I can read and write, there is no need to study. I don't want to get a title, the court is too complicated, and I don't want to go that way. I just want to live an ordinary life. I also said that I must not take the path of an official career."

Yu Qingze opened his mouth slightly, a little surprised by what the young man said, which made him have to reconsider Qijiabao's life experience.

Jiabao was only thirteen years old. According to what Mr. Huang said before, he followed him to Tongshan City when he was five years old. He has been living at the bottom of Tongshan City for seven or eight years, working hard every day to make ends meet.

He is literate, and he has also taught him literacy and arithmetic. It can be seen that his family background must have been good in the past, but he does not know why he ended up here.

Yu Qingze had always thought that Jiabao might be a big family that fell into the fold and fell to Tongshan City with him, but now, considering what he said, it was not necessarily so.

"...Is it related to your father?" Yu Qingze asked tentatively.

Jiabao looked up at Yu Qingze in shock, then lowered his head quickly, clenching his fists with both hands, and his knuckles were pinched white by him.

Seeing the young man like this, Yu Qingze couldn't bear it. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's fine, I won't ask if you don't want to tell me. Don't worry." Anyway, from his reaction, he knew that it was related to his father, but it was specific. What is it, I don't know.

Jiabao lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking. After a while, he raised his head again to answer the question.

After doing it for a while, Jia Baohong raised his eyes and said to Yu Qingze, "I'm sorry, brother, I didn't mean to hide it from you, yes, yes..."

Yu Qingze touched his head and said, "It doesn't matter, don't say anything you can't say. When you can say it, if you want to say it, just tell me."

"Big brother..." Jiabao burst into tears and couldn't hold back anymore.

"It's okay, don't cry, let Xiaohao see the joke." Yu Qingze patted his head and said.

"Well, I don't cry..." Jiabao wiped away his tears and gave Chang Hao a very embarrassed look.

Chang Hao was stunned when he saw Jiabao crying before, but when he saw him, he looked over, smiled at him, and said, "It doesn't matter, I used to cry a lot. Grandpa said that when you cry, it's like washing your eyes, but don't cry too long, Crying too long is also bad for your eyes."

Jiabao blushed and nodded, bowing his head in embarrassment to answer the question. Yu Qingze didn't mention the matter of letting him study.

The next day, Yu Qingze took Grandpa Chang to see Dr. Li first, and then showed him the prescription prescribed by Dr. He yesterday.

Doctor Li looked at the recipe, pondered for a long time, and then said with a look of surprise, "This recipe is wonderful! Which doctor wrote this, it's wonderful, it turns out that it can be matched like this!"

Yu Qingze and Grandpa Chang looked at each other. Yu Qingze asked, "Doctor Li, can this recipe be used?"

Dr. Li nodded and said, "It can be used and can be used. This recipe is very good. It can be said that it is the best recipe I have ever seen to deal with this disease."

Yu Qingze said: "Then let's take the medicine according to this formula, and first take ten pairs."

Dr. Li took the prescription to the man to get the medicine, and then asked, "Which doctor did you prescribe this prescription? I really want to get to know him and discuss it."

Yu Qingze replied, "It's a doctor we met yesterday by chance. His surname is He, and he lives at the Fulai Inn. I'm not sure if he is still here today."

"Okay, I'll try my luck." Dr. Li said happily. He likes to discuss medical issues with people the most.

After grabbing the medicine, Yu Qingze and the others returned to the store.

At noon, they accidentally saw a man in his thirties pushing Dr. He into the store for dim sum.

Doctor He was obviously surprised when he saw them, and said, "I heard my son say that the dim sum here is delicious, so I wanted to come and try it. Did you guys make it?"

Yu Qingze smiled and said, "Yes, Doctor He, let's see what you want to eat. I'll treat you."

Doctor He smiled and said, "Where can I always eat you for nothing, I haven't paid for that meal yesterday."

Yu Qingze smiled and said, "Doctor He is very polite. The prescription you gave Grandpa is too important to us, so you don't have to be polite to me. You can take whatever you want."

Doctor He laughed and said, "That's fine. I'm not welcome, the old man. I'm still reminiscing about the lunch I had at your place yesterday."

When the middle-aged man heard that Yu Qingze was his father's savior, he immediately clasped his fists and saluted, "My father was saved by Boss Yu, and I will never forget it. If you need it in the future, please let me know."

Yu Qingze said with a smile: "Brother He is very polite, we happened to see it too, folks in the village, don't worry about it."

The middle-aged man wanted to say something, but Dr. He interrupted him and said with a smile, "Okay, you two don't be polite. It's fate that you know each other. If I go on, I'm starving."

"Hahaha, Doctor He is right, come here, I'll bring you meals." They helped Doctor He, and Doctor He also helped them. It's hard to tell who owes whom, just like Doctor He said, It's good to know each other by fate.

Yu Qingze took the two to pick up the meal, and then said, "There were hot and sour noodles, but you can't eat because of your leg injury."

Hearing this, Dr. He was also a little regretful, and said, "My son also said that this hot and sour noodles is delicious. If only I would eat it the day I came, I don't have to eat it now if I want to."

Yu Qingze said with a smile: "Then you can come and eat later. Yunzhou is not far from here anyway." Yesterday, Dr. He told them that his family belonged to Yunzhou.

"That's right. When you come to Yunzhou, remember to visit my house and let me treat you well. I usually go out for two months each in spring and autumn, and stay at home the rest of the time."

"Okay, then thank you Doctor He first." Yu Qingze agreed with a smile.

Doctor He and his son returned to Yunzhou the next day. Doctor He originally had some places to go, but his leg was injured and he had no choice but to go home and recover from the injury. Before leaving, Yu Qingze also gave them some preserved meat for them to take back to taste.

Two days later, the villagers' first batch of bacon, sausage and other sausages were basically smoked. Yu Qingze checked them one by one, and then bought them at the price mentioned earlier.

When he bought it, he explained it to the villagers in advance: "Folks, let me make it clear in advance that you can earn 15-20 cents per pound for each type of sausage. When I sell it, it will definitely be higher than this, or I will I won't make any money, that's for sure. No matter how much I sell for a pound, if someone sees that I'm selling at a high price, they secretly go to the market and sell it on their own. He cooperated. I hope you all keep that in mind.”

The villagers said yes.

The first batch of preserved meat was sold, and the villagers were very happy with the money. In previous years, it was almost New Year's Eve, and they didn't have much to sell, and they didn't have much work in the fields, so they basically stayed at home. When the Chinese New Year is over, buying New Year's goods is all about spending money.

Now, every household of them makes sweet potato flour and preserved meat. The sweet potato flour is made faster and the money is sold. Some of them continue to buy sweet potatoes, and the other part continue to buy meat to make preserved meat. Basically, they can be sold every two days. Once the sweet potato flour is used, the second batch of bacon can be sold two or three days after the first batch of bacon.

All that comes into your hands is money, and once the money circulates, more money is produced. In previous years, the month of paying out has now become a month of receiving money. How can they be unhappy.

Everyone in the village can't wait to give Yu Qingze a gift, and they even praised Brother Le, saying that fortunately he rescued Yu Qingze back then, he really saved him right! Otherwise, how can there be such a good thing now!

It took one day to buy all the bacon and sausages in the whole village. Yu Qingze and the others classified them according to the ropes on the sausage that represented different tastes. Early the next morning, he went to borrow the ox cart and scooter from the village chief's family, and also borrowed the scooters from Brother Chang's family and Tie Zhu's family. Towed five pallets of bacon to the store.

He had already arranged things about price and sales.

When the store opened, they set up two large tables at the door, covered with clean straw mats, and then put all kinds of preserved meat on it, and put a price tag in front, and then they put out the stove and steamed it in public. From the bacon sausage.

On this day, all the helpers went to work, and Grandpa Chang also came to the store to help.

Yu Qingze picked two helpers who were eloquent and would recognize arithmetic. When the bacon and sausage were almost finished, the smell had already come out, so he banged on the gong and shouted at the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Dear folks, take a look, take a look, we Yuji have freshly launched a variety of preserved meats, preserved meat, sausage, preserved chicken, preserved duck and preserved fish. The taste is unique, the articulation is fragrant, the aftertaste is endless, and the fragrance lingers in thousands of miles. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, everyone entertains guests, visits relatives and friends, and brings our sausages.

In fact, as early as in the process of their preparation, they had already attracted a lot of people to stop. Now, as soon as the smell of the bacon wafted away, people came over naturally without the need for the little Er to shout.

"What is it, it smells so good!"

"Boss Yu, what are you eating? It's delicious!"

"Yeah, I felt my stomach growling when I smelled this smell. I only had breakfast."

"… "

When Yu Qingze opened the lid of the pot, the aroma of the preserved meat became stronger.

Everyone sucked their noses fiercely, feeling the saliva in their mouths being secreted frantically, and swallowed hard.

So fragrant so fragrant...

"Folks, this is bacon, sausage, chicken, duck and fish. I've cut it, let's taste it." Yu Qingze and a helper cut the bacon into small pieces, and then Insert the bamboo sticks, and Brother Chang will bring it to everyone to taste.

This oily but not greasy, fragrant smell captured everyone's stomach at once!

"Boss Yu, how do you sell this bacon? And this sausage..."

"I like this spicy one. How can I sell this spicy one?"

"This preserved duck is delicious too!"

"… "

Yu Qingze was busy cutting the meat, and Brother Chang took over the conversation and replied, "Familiars, folks, please listen to me, this bacon and sausage are divided into three flavors, five-scented, spicy, and There are also spicy flavors, 70 cents a pound with five flavors, 80 cents a pound for spicy and spicy flavors, 60 cents a pound for cured chicken and cured duck, and fifty cents a pound for cured fish. "

The price Yu Qingze set was all twenty cents a pound higher than the purchase price.

"So expensive!"

"Yeah, so expensive!"

"However, the taste is really good! I'll buy some to go back and try!"

"Yes, then I'll buy some to go back."

"Little Er, can I buy half a catty?"

"You can buy half a catty. The sausage can also be bought piece by piece!"

"Give me half a catty of spicy bacon, and another piece of ordinary bacon!"

"Bring me a cured fish, I like to eat fish!"

"… "

The door of the snack bar became lively, people like you half a catty, I'll give you a piece, and the three of them couldn't take care of it at once, and Yu Qingze hurriedly sent a helper from the store to help.

In the morning, most of the local people buy a little bit and go back to taste it. After all, it is quite expensive. If the family doesn’t like to eat it, wouldn’t it be a waste

The ones who bought more were the merchants. After all, they were leaving soon. Who knows if they will come next time? Moreover, most of the traders who come and go at this time have to rush back to the New Year. It is also possible to buy some fresh and uncommon things back home, eat at home or bring them to relatives and friends.

After a noon, in the afternoon, the number of local people who came to buy suddenly increased, and the quantity also increased immediately. Instead of buying half a catty by a piece, it was a piece of two pieces, five pieces and ten pieces, and one or two pieces of one or two pieces. bought.

Yu Qingze and the others were so busy that they didn't even have time to go back to the restaurant to eat lunch. Brother Le asked someone to replace them with them, and they came back for lunch in turn.

Before closing the stall in the afternoon, the five-carriage bacon they pulled out had already been sold out, and the wooden box used to hold the money was already full of copper plates and broken silver.

Brother Le carried the big box containing the money into the room, and Yu Qingze asked Brother Chang to come in together again, arranging the copper plates into a consistent pattern, and separating the broken silver and putting them in a separate small bag.

Afterwards, Yu Qingze and Le Geer went to the bank with the big box, and exchanged the money for bank notes before the bank closed.

The bacon and sausages made by dozens of households in the village are more than five carts. The next day, Yu Qingze and the others dragged five carts to the store.

Before they could open the store, there were a lot of people waiting at their gate. All of them didn't buy bacon after yesterday. They came here to buy bacon this morning. Two of them said they came from across the river on a special trip. of.