The Culinary Tycoon

Chapter 97: New county magistrate


After entering May, the snack bar launched the Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi.

People in this world do not have the custom of eating zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, but Yu Qingze does. As a special seasonal food of his country in his previous life, zongzi is very popular. If you don't eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, it always feels wrong and feels that something is missing.

Besides, zongzi itself is a very delicious food. People here have never eaten zongzi, so they can also try it to increase the income of the snack bar.

So, Yu Qingze did it.

On the first day he didn't do much, he just made a pot. Red dates and chestnuts, stuffed meat, red bean paste, and salted egg yolks, there may be fifty or sixty in total, and they are all sold out in one morning.

So over the next few days, they did more. Unlike the glutinous rice chicken that only has a salty mouth, the glutinous rice in the zongzi is firm, with a fresh aroma of bamboo leaves, and a little grass and wood. The taste is changeable, both salty and sweet, and the guests like it very much. It has become a popular snack in snack bars.

In particular, the salted egg yolk flavored dumplings are very popular among many guests.

The salted duck eggs were made by Yu Qingze when he got married. The method is very simple. Mix the yellow mud with salt and well water to make a paste. Then, wrap the washed duck eggs in the mud and put them in a jar. It can be cooked and eaten after a few days.

Yu Qingze took the opportunity to push out the salted duck eggs, washed them, boiled them, cut them open, and sold them well for two cents and a half.

The snack bar was doing well, and the two apprentices were also studying hard. Yu Qingze was thinking that when the two apprentices could graduate, he could almost think about the small restaurant.

Now, Brother Le's cooking skills have improved a lot. Jiabao is also cooking at home every night. He can learn while cooking, and he can cook a few dishes. It should be better after a while.

And then in what form it will be opened at that time, we have to think about it carefully.

On the third day of the fifth lunar month, in the middle of the morning, Tongshan City was overwhelmed by two great events from the capital.

The results of the palace examination in the capital have come out. Jiang Tianrui, the second young master of the Jiang family in the south of the city, is ranked eighth in the top two!

Cai Chenxi, the eldest young master of the Cai residence, is the champion of high school!

And both of them stayed in Beijing and entered the Hanlin Academy!

Tongshan City has two more capital officials, and there is also a champion, everyone is honored.

This is the hometown of the champion!

Knowing this good news, many merchants have taken action spontaneously - in order to celebrate this big happy event, discount! discount!

Yuji Snack Bar also closely followed the actions of the merchants and made a 20% discount to celebrate the three-day event.

At this time, the arithmetic knowledge Jiabao has learned during this period will come in handy. The abacus on the left and the sand-wood plate on the right are also fast. Yu Qingze took a few glances in the past and saw that he was right, so he went to work with confidence. We have to prepare gifts and send them to Cai Mansion and Liu Ji!

Because of the actions of the merchants, the city has become more lively than usual these few days, and everyone took advantage of the discounts these days to buy all the things that were fancy but not willing to buy before. Brother Le and Brother Chang also went to the cloth shop to sweep a batch of goods back.

Many businessmen saw that there were discounts and discounts everywhere in the city, and they asked curiously. Only then did they know that it was to celebrate the emergence of a champion and a jinshi. It was a rare opportunity, and they saw that they bought some of the things they needed.

Everyone happily spent a few days 'Shopping Festival' and the Dragon Boat Festival.

On the seventh day of the first day, early in the morning, just after the sun came out, there was a banging sound of gongs from North Street.

"Lord Luo, the new county magistrate, will take office in the city today, so please kneel down and greet you at that time!"

The person who knocked on the gong shouted while knocking, knocking all the way from the North City Gate to the East Street, then from the East Street to the South Street, and finally to the West Street.

"The new magistrate is here, I hope it won't be like the last magistrate!"

"The new county magistrate's surname is Luo. I don't know where he is from? How about being an official?"

"Tell us to kneel down to greet us. No county magistrate has come here before to notify us like this. Isn't it all that my family can go to the county office quietly?"

"Anyway, we're on the street, let's recognize our faces, so that we won't be offended if we don't recognize them later!"

"That's right."

"… "

Yu Qingze and the others were also at the door. Listening to the discussions of the guests next to him, Yu Qingze raised his eyebrows. He didn't know whether the matter was instigated by the new county magistrate or arranged by the county government. Either way, it's too high-profile.

After half an hour, the person who knocked the gong knocked again on North Street and East Street, reminding everyone that these are the two avenues of the new county magistrate's route, please don't collide.

Afterwards, the people on North Street saw that the county magistrate rushed to the pier with a group of officers from the county government office.

After about three quarters of an hour, a group of chariots and horses came from the direction of the North City Gate.

Walking in the forefront was a young man dressed in the official uniform of the county magistrate, riding a jujube red horse, led by a sergeant, and walked slowly towards this side. Behind him was a particularly gorgeous carriage, the curtains of which were pulled open, and inside sat a handsome brother dressed in brocade.

The young man on the horse is the new county magistrate, and the one in the carriage must be the magistrate's husband.

After the carriage, there were two ordinary carriages and horses, followed by several carriages of luggage and supplies and some servants.

Wherever the chariots and horses passed, people knelt down and greeted them.

With a smile on his face, the new county magistrate kept waving to the people on both sides.

When they were a little ahead of the snack bar, Yu Qingze took advantage of everyone's inattention, took Le Geer and Jiabao into the store, and went back to the room.

Brother Le looked at Yu Qingze strangely.

"Brother, do you have anything to say?" Jiabao also looked at him curiously, thinking he had something to do, otherwise he would pull them back.

What's wrong with Yu Qingze, he simply doesn't want his husband and brother to kneel.

He coughed lightly, thought for a while, and said with an excuse: "I suddenly remembered that we can make more desserts for the thank-you banquet in the Cai Mansion tomorrow."

Brother Le gestured, "What dessert

Yu Qingze said, "... the champion cake." For a while, he couldn't think of any other desserts.

"Zhuangyuan cake? Is there such a cake? Is it a cake that can only be eaten by the champion? Or can you make the champion after eating it?" Jiabao asked curiously.

Yu Qingze rubbed Xia Jiabao's head and said, "It's just a good idea to be the champion so easily."

Jiabao grinned and said, "Let's go back and let Xiaohao and Xiaowei eat more!"

"..." Yu Qingze said again: "In the afternoon, I will go to Cai Mansion to discuss with Mr. Cai. If he agrees, I will teach Brother Le that night. Tomorrow, Brother Chang will have to work hard in the store to settle the bill, and we all have to go. "

Jiabao nodded and asked, "Brother, or I'll be back after dinner tomorrow at noon?"

Yu Qingze shook his head and said, "No, you are now the adopted son of the Cai Mansion, and you are also half the master. You don't have to go to the kitchen with us tomorrow, you have to help the old husband and the others to receive guests together, you know?"

Jiabao smiled shyly, scratched his head, and said hesitantly, "But I'm stupid, and I'm not very good at greeting guests."

"It's okay, the old man told me the other day that you can go with Yun Wei. Just follow your usual way, don't think too much." Yu Qingze said. Jiabao is usually very polite when dealing with people and things, and he has taught him very well.

"Oh, good." Jiabao heard the words, nodded, and felt relieved.

By the time they finished speaking, the new magistrate's carriage had already passed.

Brother Chang knocked on the door and said at the door, "Why did you all come in? Did you see the new county magistrate? Jiabao, there is a customer outside who has settled the bill."

"Oh, alright, I'm here." Jiabao hurriedly went out when he heard that a customer was about to settle the bill.

"Let's go out too." Yu Qingze pulled Brother Le to stand up as well, went out, and explained to Brother Chang as he walked, "I suddenly remembered something about tomorrow. I'm afraid I'll forget it. Tell them both."

Brother Chang suddenly said, "Oh, I just said why I don't see you when I look back."

After a while, Boss Liu came over.

He took Yu Qingze to the backyard, and said to Yu Qingze mysteriously: "Someone from my brother-in-law's house passed on me some words, saying that this new county magistrate has a lot of background, so we should pay more attention when we meet, Stop colliding, and let people grab the grounds at that time."

Yu Qingze heard the words and asked curiously, "What's the reason?"

Boss Liu shook his head and replied, "I didn't say it explicitly, but said that he was the son of a high-ranking official in the capital. He came here to gain qualifications, and it is estimated that he will be transferred back to the capital in two years."

Yu Qingze snorted and said, "I see, I see, thank you, brother!"

"You're polite to me. By the way, you taught me that the sour bamboo shoots can be eaten. Can you introduce snail noodles and Guilin rice noodles?"

Yu Qingze nodded and said, "Let's push it out. Be careful not to mix the snails and noodles together, you'll get stomach upset if you eat it."

"Okay, I'll note it down."

"… "