The Cursed Ship

Chapter 14: Evil big dog


There are many sailboats moored in this pier, but they are all modern sailboats, big and small.

According to Ents, this place belongs to a certain sailing club contract management, and he even knows a guy in the club management.

It's not that Entes has never been in touch with sailing boats, but he doesn't like the modern crafted sailing boats around him, but he has a soft spot for Zheng Yang's old-style sailing boat made of logs. He stubbornly believes that such a sailboat has an artistic atmosphere and a sense of history.

The sailboat had just entered the berth by inertia, and a motorboat carried two people to the yacht behind. They were engineers who Entes had appointed to overhaul the yacht, and they were already waiting at the port.

When Entes went to negotiate, Zheng Yang was also talking with the berth management personnel. The other party told Zheng Yang that the fee for his sailboat to berth for one day was 60 gold shields, and he sold maintenance packages and replenishment services to him.

When he learned that Zheng Yang’s sailing boat needs to be registered, the middle-aged staff member started to sell the agency service of the club. He even claimed that he could help Zheng Yang to get the sailing license, employment certificate and other documents as an agent, as long as he is willing. Pay a certain amount of tip. If Zheng Yang is willing to join the sailing club, there will be a 10% discount on the agency fee.

At this time, Entes arranged the maintenance of the yacht. After the two engineers went to the yacht for a brief inspection, they towed the yacht away with a motorboat, and it seemed that it was going to be overhauled.

Ents and Bailin walked over with their backpacks, just in time to hear the club staff invite Zheng Yang to join the club. Entes immediately reminded Zheng Yang that membership fees are required to join the club, and the staff member who successfully invites new members will also get a commission.

Zheng Yang took a berth short-term rental card and his business card from the staff, looked at the information on the business card, and said: "Okay, Mr. Henry, if I decide to need your agency service, I will take the initiative to contact you your!"

Henry watched with regret that Zheng Yang closed the doors and windows of the cabin, and left the dock with Entes and others.

The temporary lights on the berth were bright, and Henry could clearly see that the sailboat in front of him was not simple. Just like private tailor-made master-level hand-sewn clothing, can it be compared with machine-made mass-produced clothing

In Henry's understanding, this sailboat represents rarity, nobility, art, and the added value of inheritance of ancient skills. Just like those classic cars, which one is not a sky-high collectible

In fact, most of the sailing boats around are owned by clubs, and only a few belong to individuals. Most members of the club do not have their own sailing boats, because representatives of private sailing boats have to pay expensive berth rental fees and maintenance fees every year. The middle-class members only need to rent the club’s sailing boats when they want to play.

The wooden sailboat in front of me looks like an ancient artwork, its maintenance fee will only be more expensive than those modern sailboats around, and it will definitely not drop in price because it is made of wood.

And Zheng Yang, who brought this sailboat to register, and those companions who are obviously rich second-generation, can this boy's identity be simple? Those who can play this kind of sailboat are definitely the masters of the rich and young, can they be short of money

Henry: How I hope to draw him into the club as a VVIP customer and provide him with various services!

A wonderful misunderstanding just happened.

The trip to sea this time was pretty much over. The girls went back to the hotel first, and Bailin also said that he had to leave first.

Entes took Zheng Yang to buy a satellite phone, and Jordan accompanied him enthusiastically, talking non-stop along the way. From his words, Zheng Yang knew that they were not natives of English Harbor, but from a more inland town. large city called Perthtown.

The three of them took a car, and it took less than half an hour to buy a satellite phone and apply for an exclusive number for Zheng Yang.

The satellite phone that Zheng Yang bought is a smart phone, which has the functions of an ordinary smart phone and a satellite phone, and it cost 5,000 gold shields. Originally, Ents recommended Zheng Yang to buy the high-end machine with 12,000 gold shields, but Zheng Yang flatly rejected it.

Zheng Yang has an identity card. Shortly after the birth of little Zheng Yang, his parents brought him to English Port to apply for an identity card.

After coming out of the communication business hall, Entes instructed Zheng Yang to apply for a bank account with his smartphone and ID card, and activate the mobile banking function. Then, transfer the remaining 25,000 gold shields to Zheng Yang's account.

With the mobile phone and the money in the account, none of the three suggested having dinner together, so they said goodbye on the spot.

Zheng Yang returned to the pier and bought some street cooked food and snacks for dinner on the way.

The sailboat dock is under closed management, but Zheng Yang has a berth short-term rental card and Henry's business card, so naturally he returned to his sailboat smoothly.

After putting down the things at hand, Zheng Yang hesitated, took out the satellite phone and dialed a number. After a while, he silently pressed the stop dial key.

The number he dialed just now is the satellite phone number used by Xiao Zhengyang's father. This year, he would ask Hans to try to dial every ten days and a half months, but every time he reported that he could not get through. After Zheng Yang inherited his body, this was the first time he tried to make a call.

This time is no exception, and it still cannot be connected.

Zheng Yang started dialing Hans' number again, and after a few breaths, Hans' voice came from the opposite side.

"Uncle Hans, it's me, Zheng Yang!"

Zheng Yang tried his best to sound excited. After all, he also has a satellite phone and has a deposit of 25,000 gold shields.

"Xiao Zhengyang? Hiss... Where did you go, you bastard? We thought you went to sea and got lost!" Hans' voice suddenly rose.

Zheng Yang explained: "I came to Port English and met some friends here. This is my satellite phone, and Uncle Hans, please tell me the account information, and I will return the money to you first!"

"Hey, you're actually rich? Don't tell me you found the treasure ship?"

"No, Uncle Hans, you are thinking too much. I just unintentionally did someone a favor and got paid!"

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you do something bad!"

Hans didn't refuse. Neglecting those favors, Zheng Yang did owe him money, although it was not much, only less than two hundred gold, but he also wanted to support his family, just to feed his family.

So Hans happily reported the account information and happily accepted Zheng Yang's debt repayment.

Zheng Yang reported his safety and paid off his debts, and then he sat on the deck and ate with ease, and at the same time began to design the decoration plan of the spirit ship.

... ... ...

On the street 600 meters away from the pier, two figures ran quickly.

The one running in front was a big dog. It was obviously running away, but its eyes were red with a fierce light, and there was even a trace of black air emanating from its body.

Chasing behind was a tall and thin young man with an abnormally pale complexion. His eye sockets were sunken, and his body looked hollowed out by excessive drinking. But his speed was not slower than the big dog in front, holding a dog leash in his hand, with a collar attached to the dog leash, and he chased the big dog aggressively.

"Ah... mad dog, get out of the way!"

"Damn it, kill it quickly, it will spread the disease!"

"Whose dog is this? Oh hell, I'm going to have to complain to City Hall tomorrow about those people who keep pet dogs!"

"Get out of the way, it's going over there!"

Pedestrians on the street exclaimed again and again, but one person and one dog turned a blind eye, chasing what should be chased and running away, making that chicken fly like a dog.

Suddenly, when passing an intersection leading directly to the sailing boat pier, the big dog in front braked suddenly, turned its head suspiciously, sniffed in the direction of the pier, then turned around and rushed towards the pier crazily.