The Cursed Ship

Chapter 25: sell fish


"Did you catch a yellowfin tuna? How big was it?"

After hearing Zheng Yang's words, Entes asked quickly.

"It's going to be my grandfather's birthday and we're having a big party and we need a big tuna!"

Such a coincidence

If he hadn't known that Entes's brain circuit was abnormal, Zheng Yang would have almost thought that the other party wanted to help him on purpose.

However, Zheng Yang called Entes at this time and told Ents that in addition to showing off, he also planned to sell two tunas with the help of the other party's connections, so that he would not be slaughtered too hard.

"Both of them are over a hundred catties. The total weight should be about two hundred and seventy catties. I'm towing them back to the port. Are you sure? By the way, it's the yellow fin!"

Zheng Yang said so.

Ents raised his voice twenty decibels in shock: "Two? Did you catch it alone? That's unbelievable... Wait, Yellowfin? Are you sure it's not Bluefin?"

"It's Yellow Fin!" Zheng Yang affirmed.

Entes was silent, and after a while he said:

"Sorry, Zheng, I want a blue fin, just a hundred catty blue fin!"

Zheng Yang was speechless with Entes' response of "It's not Bluefin, tell me about eggs".

This damn local tyrant really only buys expensive ones!

He then asked Entes if there was any way to help him sell the two tunas.

Entes was silent for a while, and told Zheng Yang that his family was not in this area. If he helped him handle two tunas, he would have to come from another place, and the cost would be relatively high.

Zheng Yang could tell what was going on inside the words. The other party didn't care about the benefits of the two yellowfin tunas at all, and didn't want to take over.

"Zheng, are you coming to my grandfather's birthday party? On Friday, seven days later, there will be many nobles and celebrities present. You can meet some people and build your own circle of contacts."

"Thank you for the invitation. If you want to participate, can I reply to you one day in advance?"

"Yes Zheng, welcome to Perthtown!"

After finishing the call, Zheng Yang recalled those online posts, how did they deal with the giant tuna they caught

The fish merchants who sell directly to the port, and then push it to the terminal through their relationships, the gap between the processing price and the terminal price is very huge.

If it is a bluefin, it can also be commissioned for auction.

"By the way, this guy Henry likes to be a broker the most. Ask him if he has a better channel than a fish merchant!"

Zheng Yang called the satellite phone again.

Henry has always answered the phone very quickly. He believes that even if the opposite side of the phone is an insurance salesman, as long as the opportunity is right and the operation is proper, it may bring him cooperation and benefits.

Hearing that Zheng Yang caught two giant yellow fins weighing more than 100 jin and was dragging them to the port, he quickly said, "I have a channel, Mr. Zheng, please believe me, I know a guy who owns a high-end chain restaurant, and he will definitely give it to you." Offer a reasonable price!"

"Sell it directly to the terminal. Of course it's best. I'll leave it to you, buddy. I will arrive at the port in about two and a half hours. Of course, I hope to deliver it as soon as I arrive at the port. I don't want to spend money on renting cold storage!"

"Don't worry, they have express refrigerated trucks to deliver seafood from here every day. Even if they want to be frozen, they will arrange for handling. They have a set of quality control procedures starting from the source, and it is impossible for you to intervene even if you want to."

After solving the buyer's problem, Zheng Yang adjusted the sails, corrected the course, and then observed the situation of the two tunas through perception.

Tuna can't breathe on their own, they have to swim fast all the time, letting seawater carry oxygen through their gills, getting oxygen in this passive way of filtering.

Therefore, tuna that has been swimming non-stop all its life will have such delicious meat.

Zheng Yang's two tunas were exhausted after they were caught. Although they were soaking in the sea, the speed of the sailboat was too slow to provide enough oxygen. Although they were not suffocated in a short time He died, but he was always in a state of oxygen deprivation, listless and unable to recover his physical strength.

This is just right, saving them from struggling and making trouble!

It's just that the speed of the sailboat is obviously affected by dragging two big fish in this way, and they cause a bit of resistance to the sailboat in the water.

Half an hour later, Henry replied to Zheng Yang that he had contacted the buyer and could guarantee the price of 380 gold shields per kilogram. And he himself has to take a tip of one thousand gold shields from Zheng Yang's income.

In the previous life, the price of this kind of big fish could almost double, but now Zheng Yang immediately agreed. This price is already 90 gold shields higher than selling it to a fish merchant.

Adding up the two tunas, Zheng Yang should be able to earn more than 50,000 gold shields. After deducting Henry's tips and taxes, he can also get about 45,000 gold shields.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, Zheng Yang returned to the port, directly entered the fishing boat wharf under Henry's guidance, and delivered two tunas to a medium-sized deep-sea fishing boat.

The two tunas weighed a total of 140 kilograms. After deducting taxes and tips, Zheng Yang earned a little over 48,000 gold shields.

With money in his account, Zheng Yang began to think about sailboat decoration. He sailed back to the sailing dock, settled for lunch, and then ordered various materials and ready-made furniture and equipment online.

The big decoration plan was designed on the first night of arriving at the harbor, and the material and equipment suppliers were also selected during the three days before when he was obsessed with the Internet. Zheng Yang just placed orders at this time.

But in the end, in terms of engine selection, Zheng Yang chose three 60V10 horsepower short-axis electric propellers to minimize the modification of the hull as much as possible.

Cooperating with extended solar panels and high-power battery packs, it can fully meet the sailing boat's daily power consumption and occasional mechanical power needs.

"In the future, charge solar energy during the day and spiritual energy at night, and neither side will fall!"

"If you still have a little money, buy a small set of on-board temperature difference fresh water collection and purifier, so you don't have to worry about fresh water in the future!"

After clicking Confirm for the last time, the funds in Zheng Yang's hand returned to single digits.

This time, he purchased 24 square meters of extended solar panels, a set of high-power batteries, and three high-power electric propellers in one step, and spent more than 40,000 gold shields. Then order foldable sofa beds and tea tables, several sets of floor cabinets, several benches, electric stoves, electric water heaters, electric water supply systems, tempered glass windows, curtains, lamps and necessary wiring and hardware materials, etc., and finally add Upper set of fresh water collectors.

The bed is no longer needed, and the folding sofa bed can solve the problem; there is no on-board satellite positioning and navigation system, no satellite TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, etc., which is very simple.

After all, the boat is still too small.

After spending the money, Zheng Yang looked at the time and it was past four o'clock in the afternoon. Remembering that I haven’t gone to the Alima clinic for an examination today, and I told Wei Ya yesterday that I will send two more sea fish to the clinic today, so I took a small net bag and fished a big maha from the fish warehouse, and another dried cod , then left the pier and walked to the clinic.