The Cursed Ship

Chapter 34: It was roasted and eaten by me


Following further communication with Ailima, Zheng Yang knew that to join the Secret Society, he only needed to prove that he had extraordinary abilities, and he could even keep his identity completely secret without registering any information.

However, if you do not register your identity information, you will not be able to obtain the confidential authority of the forum.

Without confidentiality level authority, one cannot enjoy the network convenience brought by the forum, and cannot timely learn about certain dynamics in the circle from the forum, such as insider information about events, tasks entrusted by people in the circle, invitations to some teams, and information about trading items. information and more.

Therefore, some official members who do not have classified permissions, or those who have classified permissions but do not intend to reveal their true identities, often use offline meetings and wear masks to participate in the exchange.

In fact, this kind of face-to-face meeting with masks on is the traditional communication method of esoteric societies. The forum is just another form that has emerged with the development of network applications. It is said that there is an official shadow in it, and it is the main penetration result of the official esoteric society.

After all, the government has a natural advantage in controlling the Internet.

"In addition to formal forums, there are also some relatively fixed circles established by small groups on the Internet, which exist in the form of secret websites or forums, and realize some functions of offline meetings in an anonymous way. However, outsiders from such small circles are rare. Know."

"So if your goal is the information in the encrypted channel of the forum, you must disclose your identity information to the management of the forum and obtain confidentiality permissions. But the management of the forum is not all official people. This kind of exposure is not only Those who represent the official forces in the secret society will also be informed by those unofficial management, thus increasing the possibility of leaking to other members."

"Do you still want to join them?"

With a mischievous teasing expression on Alima's face, she left Zheng Yang one last question and finished her cooking.

Eva is back too.

"What about you, Alima, do you have secret clearance?" Zheng Yang still took a chance to ask another question in a low voice.

Alima replied affirmatively: "Of course not!"

of course not!

Zheng Yang has some insight. It seems that protecting one's true identity information on the mysterious side is a basic awareness. It is even more noteworthy than showing extraordinary abilities in front of ordinary people, because it may attract extraordinary enemies.

"I have a more secure channel to obtain information, but I can't tell you!"

Alima quietly whispered in Zheng Yang's ear.

The hot air made Zheng Yang's heart beat faster...

It's too much, I already regard you as my own in my heart, but you still treat me as an outsider!

It wasn't until the afternoon that Zheng Yang understood Alima's information channel and why she didn't tell him.

The three strong guests from the Special Affairs Bureau are here again, and they are still warmly invited by Zheng Yang to board the newly renovated sailing boat.

"Hehe, I finally have a place to sit!"

Even if Luo Funi smiled, it made people feel indifferent. Her character is like this, so she said straight to the point: "Since you have the inheritance of the demon hunter and have mastered the power of the flame spell, are you interested in joining us?"

I never said that I have the inheritance of a witcher, it was Alima who guessed it herself!

Zheng Yang pretended to think about it, but he already agreed in his heart. He originally wanted to get close to Luo Funi, but now the other party took the initiative to invite her, which saved him a lot of thought.

Zheng Yang will not hypocritically refuse the official invitation for reasons such as liking freedom and vowing not to be a running dog, because he has demands for official resources.

It is beneficial to rush forward, keep a clear mind when in danger, and just stay behind!

Officials and soldiers are better than civilians, why are so many people desperately trying to get a job

What's more, the Special Affairs Bureau can be regarded as three visits to the dock, Zheng Yang feels that he is already very respectable!

So after a brief silence, Zheng Yang responded, "Do you have an enchanted pistol? Will you be reimbursed for the money you spent on buying the equipment?"

Luo Funi's smile seemed a little sincere this time, and she said: "After joining us, if you are good at using firearms, I can give you enchanted firearms. As long as it is a conventional weapon, it will be equipped by the bureau; if you order it yourself, you will be reimbursed within a limit." !"

Can't you use an enchanted pistol if you're not good at it? Superficial, a shot at close range is easier than beating life and death with a machete!

Just as Zheng Yang was about to agree, Luo Funi said again: "Alima said, you want to obtain the permission to browse the mysterious side information on the secret society forum. Our Secret Affairs Bureau has its own internal system, which includes task modules and information modules. In the information module, part of the information will be reprinted from the esoteric society's forum, and some official information obtained from other channels will also be published and shared, even internal information, which is no worse than the esoteric society's forum."

do not talk!

"I'm joining! How do I do it?"

Zheng Yang resolutely agreed, for fear that Luo Funi would change her mind after a while, and it would seem like she was suddenly not recruiting.

Thinking that Alima had informed Luo Funi of her situation so quickly, Zheng Yang finally understood what she meant by a safe information channel.

Alima obviously also belongs to the official people, and even belongs to the Secret Affairs Bureau, but acts in another capacity.

As expected, Luo Funi acted resolutely, stood up immediately and left: "Bring your ID card and follow me back to go through the formalities!"

The Special Affairs Bureau is a bit far from the port, and it took half an hour by car.

Luo Funi personally arranged for someone to enter the information for Zheng Yang, made a black book on the spot, and gave Zheng Yang an electronic authorization code to download the internal system of the Special Affairs Bureau with a satellite phone.

"You are currently in the internship period. If you perform well, you will become a full-time employee after one month; if your performance is average, you will become a full-time employee after three months."


It took less than an hour before and after, and Zheng Yang turned into a new recruit of the Special Affairs Bureau.

But after learning about it, Zheng Yang is also a little satisfied with the big tree of the Bureau of Special Affairs.

It is really a big tree, a very big one. It is an official organization of supernatural beings formed by the entire European Union, and its power on the mysterious side even surpasses the governments of European countries.

What Zheng Yang wondered was, why did Luo Funi absorb her so directly? It is very simple to know his identity information, and the origin of his extraordinary strength is also unclear.

"Maybe it was decided by intuition again!"

Zheng Yang looked at his black ID card several times, put it in his pocket carefully, and said seriously: "I have to work during the internship, right? I want to enchant a pistol, and I ordered a hand-forged one The patterned steel long sword you have now has to be reimbursed!"

"Hey, boss, he still needs a suit like me! I think it should be our uniform in the future!"

Rich said aside.

Luo Funi raised her eyebrows, ignored Rich's words, and said to Zheng Yang: "Yes, I will treat it as a gift bag for you! However, you must get into the mood as soon as possible, and find that damn dog with Rich. .”

Zheng Yang patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, I'm the best at finding dogs. People who call looking for dogs are referring to me!"

"...?" Luo Funi stared at him silently.

"..." Zheng Yang couldn't help feeling guilty, and was caught by her.

Luo Funi frowned: "What?"

"Actually, that magic dog has already been roasted and eaten by me!"


Not only the Three Musketeers, everyone present at the Special Affairs Bureau looked at Zheng Yang with an unfriendly expression.

God knows how many brain cells they lost and how many hairs they scratched in order to find that damn dog.