The Cursed Ship

Chapter 5: Complete the sail


Zheng Yang ran more than 200 meters in one breath, and even used 1 point of the spiritual energy of the spirit boat in the middle, but the effect was exhausted in less than a minute after running at full speed. This made Zheng Yang further understand that the effect of invoking psionic energy is measured rather than timed.

Moreover, Zheng Yang also discovered that the use of psychic energy not only increases strength by 50%, but also blesses other aspects of the body, including speed, agility, clear ears, clear eyes, and good brain... It is a comprehensive improvement.

Of course, it is a temporary improvement, the more quality items are improved, the greater the output and the faster the consumption.

Seeing a stone slightly higher than his waist in front of him, Zheng Yang hid behind the stone, gasped fiercely, and looked out of the forest just now. Immediately, his eyes narrowed, and he saw a huge black bear with a size of nearly two meters and two bear cubs, pacing out of the mountain forest, and slowly approaching the beach to fish.

"How can there be such a big black bear!"

Zheng Yang was afraid for a while, but fortunately he reacted quickly, otherwise he would be turned into a pile of bear dung tomorrow.

After breathing for a while, Zheng Yang left the hiding place and jogged back to the direction of landing. The black bear on the beach in the distance looked up at Zheng Yang's back, probably considering that there was an endless amount of plump sea fish around him, so he didn't have to work hard to chase after him, so he continued to concentrate on fishing.

It took two hours to go and only thirty or forty minutes to come back. Zheng Yang took out the leftover sea fish from the morning, devoured it regardless of the fishy smell, drank a few mouthfuls of fresh water to suppress his shock, and then continued to circle in the opposite direction.

His patience finally paid off when he walked about two kilometers this time and found a spider web on the edge of an offshore jungle. Because the spider web happened to catch a seabird, the bird's fierce struggle caught Zheng Yang's attention, which is good luck.

Zheng Yang raised his spirits, approached three meters away and observed more carefully, and found the spider on the branch above the spider web. This spider is the size of two fists combined, and its long hairy legs are gray and black, very scary.

After confirming that there were no other spiders within close range, Zheng Yang moved slowly and saw a little silver star on the spider's dark back.

It's the starback tarantula! That's right!

Suddenly, Zheng Yang's body froze. From this angle, he saw another starback tarantula that was a size smaller on a branch about 20 to 30 centimeters above the starback tarantula.

What a cunning guy, husband and wife

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Zheng Yang's forehead, and he almost fell for it.

The bird on the spider web was still struggling desperately. The spider web shook violently, but it never broke, showing excellent resilience. Two starback tarantulas lie dormant, patiently waiting for their prey to exhaust themselves before going up to enjoy their feast.

Already found the target, how to hunt it down

Zheng Yang took out a pair of powerful slingshots and a small bag of small iron beads from his backpack. In order to facilitate quick reloading, he picked up a few grains and held them in his palm, then reloaded and aimed at a target seven or eight meters away to try the bow, and then aimed at one of the starback tarantulas.

However, Zheng Yang didn't launch it for a long time. He felt that after shooting one, the other would definitely run away. And the spider sacs needed to activate Lingfan happened to be two, and he didn't want to have to look for them again later.

"The little bird's struggle is getting weaker and weaker. The tarantula should be about to eat... Will they eat together? Can the spider web bear the weight of the two starback tarantulas and the little bird? If not, they should eat separately!"

Sure enough, Zheng Yang relaxed his slingshot and was thinking like this, when he saw the starback tarantula, which was in a high position and one size smaller, slowly crawled down and entered the spider web first.

After the tarantula bit the bird on the net, Zheng Yang decisively pulled out the slingshot to aim at the large tarantula above, and as soon as he let go of his finger, the iron ball accurately shot through the huge head of the tarantula. Before he had time to see the reaction of the tarantula, he quickly reloaded, keeping his eyes on the smaller tarantula on the web.

Out of the corner of Zheng Yang's eye, he saw that the tarantula that was hit fell down, and the tarantula on the web paused and was about to give up its prey and run away. It's a pity that Zheng Yang had already fired again, and it pierced the tarantula's head with the same precision.

With a distance of three meters and a target as big as a fist, there is no pressure at all for little Zheng Yang who has been playing with slingshots since he was a child. In the past two months since Zheng Yang inherited his body, he has been free to shoot birds, so he has already accumulated a lot of proficiency in this slingshot.

He observed vigilantly, quickly stuffed the slingshot into the backpack, pulled out the net bag and the machete, stepped forward to put the corpses of the two starback tarantulas into the pocket, then turned around, picked up the backpack and ran.

Zheng Yang remembered that starback tarantulas live in groups, so there must be no accidents at the last moment. Now that the materials have been obtained, it is natural to evacuate as quickly as possible.

He ran back to the spirit boat in one go, the intense exercise and the strong sunlight made Zheng Yang feel a little dizzy.

He looked back and saw that there were no tarantulas chasing him all over the mountains and plains, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and took out a few mouthfuls of fresh water.

Next, Zheng Yang pulled out a sharp knife and directly dissected the starback tarantula on the spot. Although he has never learned the physiological structure of starback tarantulas, Zheng Yang has hunted many small animals such as birds, insects, fish, and animals to satisfy his cravings since he was a child. His father also trained him some common sense of animal anatomy. The internal organs of the tarantula are still pretty much the same, so it didn't take much effort to find out the glands I needed and put them in glass bottles.

After burying the body of the tarantula in the sand, Zheng Yang packed up his things and dragged the spirit boat back into the water.

It was only noon at this time, and there were still about three hours before Hans came back. After careful consideration, Zheng Yang decided to wait until the night when he returned to activate Lingfan, because he was worried that the spiritual energy needed for activation would not be enough, and perhaps it could be done with the help of moonlight.

"Then, let's go fishing, and clear away the psychological barriers caused by some fish monsters!"

Zheng Yang rowed the boat out tens of meters, and it happened that there was no wind, so he set up the triangular sail to block the scorching sun, and started fishing leisurely.

"After the Lingfan is ready, we will continue to renovate and expand the spirit ship. At least we need to make a cabin so that we can set sail and go to sea normally, and then go to the nearest seaport to find a way to make money, and then carry out mechanization and automation transformation."

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the fishing boat of Hans' family came back early. They happened to meet a school of fish, and the harvest was very good. The fish warehouse was so full that it could no longer hold it.

Zheng Yang also caught a net full of sea fish, but he couldn't hold it anymore, and he didn't want to catch more and let him die in the sun on the boat.

After dragging the spirit boat to the side of the fishing boat again, Zheng Yang climbed into the fishing boat, borrowed the stove on board, cooked a yellow croaker, and tried his best to eat his lunch. Although Old Hans had already eaten, he still drove his son to sail, happily took out a bottle of wine and drank a glass of yellow croaker.

He was so satisfied with today's harvest, he was overjoyed, and warmly invited Zheng Yang to celebrate at home at night.

When the fishing boat returned, it deviated from the small island where they lived for a while, and sold the catch to a medium-sized transport ship of an aquatic product company specializing in harvesting seafood in this area, and then turned back to the small island.

At dusk, when they returned to the pier, Zheng Yang took home the fish he had caught, finished processing them, hung them in the yard to dry, and then was invited to Hans' house for dinner.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, he returned to the pier again, dragged his spirit boat onto the beach, hoisted the spinnaker, and poured several materials onto the boat one after another.

When the moonlight was bright, Zheng Yang activated the magic circle on the spirit ship with his mind, and issued the command to activate the sails.

The magic circle emerged from the hull, glowing with silver light, echoing the moon, pulling the moonlight to gather on the spirit ship. I saw that those materials melted quickly, penetrated into the spirit ship, spread to the jib along with the magic circle, and finally formed another relatively independent sub-formation on the jib automatically which was connected with the spirit boat magic circle.

By this time, the activation of the sails had been completed, and the magic circle shrank its silver light and disappeared into the hull and sails again. Zheng Yang felt that the moonlight from the sky was still being drawn and absorbed by the hull and sails.

This is so embarrassing, it is usually at anchor at night, who would hang all the sails? But if it doesn't have a sail, how can this spirit ship be charged