The Cursed Ship

Chapter 57: The hole under the grave


By the time Tennok lit the fire at the entrance of the cave, Zheng Yang had cleaned up all the ghost-eyed monkey corpses outside the cave.

In the battle just now, both of them were sprayed with a lot of ghost-eyed monkey blood, which stinks badly. The exit of that dark river is on the other side of the valley mouth. Knowing that there are ghost-eyed monkeys living in the river, the two still went to clean it.

It's better than staying overnight comfortably with this smelly body.

And after beheading dozens of ghost-eyed monkeys in a row tonight, Zheng Yang now has a strong premonition that he will board the dreamland of the ghost ship when he sleeps tonight.

"A Bao, will your cursed item attract more powerful monsters?"

Back in the cave, Tennok took out the cushion and sleeping bag from the hanger of the bag, thought for a while and asked Zheng Yang this question before making the bed.

Zheng Yang said: "It is possible, as long as it is within 300 meters, it will definitely be attracted."

"Shit!" Tenok couldn't help cursing.

"But this time it did a good job. It lured out these damn monkeys and wiped them out in advance. We can save a lot of trouble after we enter the dark river."

Tennok put away the sleeping bag again, leaving only the cushions.

It seems that there is no need to sleep tonight!

Zheng Yang asked Tenok to take the two people's things out of the cave, and then activated the thorn burning spell, burning up and down the cave. Suddenly, the cave became warm and comfortable.

Tennok lifted his spirits and praised: "A Bao, you are such a good teammate!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Zheng Yang also took out a cushion and spread it on the ground so that he could sit on it conveniently.

Since they didn't intend to sleep, the two started bragging all over the world. The main thing was that Tennok was talking about his previous adventures, and Zheng Yang occasionally interjected a sentence or two, just to cooperate with each other.

Later, Taino also invited Zheng Yang to go to the south of the Mediterranean Sea after the expedition, where there are many mysterious relics waiting to be discovered on the African continent.

His words aroused Zheng Yang's idea of going to the East to see it.

"A Bao, I have a holy object in my hand, which can suppress your cursed item, you can give it to me for safekeeping temporarily."

Zheng Yang was taken aback: "Are you sure you're not joking?"

"Of course not!" Tennok said with a serious look, "I'm doing it for the smooth success of this operation, otherwise we may be in danger if some terrifying monsters are attracted."

"Don't worry, when this operation is over, I will return it to you!"

Zheng Yang shook his head and said, "Tennoq, why don't you lend me the holy object to suppress the curse, and I'll return it to you when this expedition is over?"

Tai Nuo widened his eyes and said, "Impossible. You took my crystal ball last time and didn't return it to me. It's a holy object. You should know how important it is to an explorer."

"You were going to sell that crystal ball, right? And I paid you, I'm a man of my word!"


How can Tylenol be trusted!

This topic will come to an end.

The too weak moonlight affected the speed of the spirit ship's recovery of spiritual energy. By midnight, the reserve of spiritual energy still could not meet the requirements of the spirit ship's evolution.

Until four o'clock in the morning, the spiritual energy reserve of the spirit ship was finally enough, but Zheng Yang did not dare to evolve the spirit ship at this time.

Because Zheng Yang remembered that when the spirit ship evolves, the entire magic circle will emerge from the hull, shining silver and very eye-catching.

The two really didn't sleep all night. After dawn, Zheng Yang walked out of the cave and looked out of the valley first. He found that he could see the mountain peaks outside, so he guessed that this would not be a barrier isolated from the outside world.

Maybe it doesn't need to rain, as long as it gets dark, the valley will appear. As for why the valley cannot be seen outside during the day, Zheng Yang can't understand now, it can only be attributed to the magic of the mysterious side method.

After finishing breakfast with the fresh water they brought in, canned food and compressed biscuits, Tenok and Zheng Yang found the exit of the dark river again.

This exit is under the mountain on the other side of the valley mouth, only more than two meters wide, and the water volume is very small. The clear mountain water is chilly, the visual depth is no more than knees, and the river bed is covered with pebbles.

There is a small raft that Tennok built last time by the river. It is made of dead wood and old vines. It is only half a meter wide and two meters long, and its buoyancy is very limited. It cannot bear two people and their backpacks.

They decided to tie another one.

In less than an hour, the two found enough dead wood and tied it with old rattan to form a raft. Then two rafts were combined side by side to form one, which could bear the weight of two people at the same time.

After a while, the two of them entered the dark river with the wooden raft supported by the shaved wooden poles, and went upstream. Zheng Yang supported at the back, while Tenok held a sword in front to guard.

As the raft deepened, the chill grew heavier.

Zheng Yang found that although the underground river was curved, it flowed roughly from the depth of the valley.

However, the dark river does not have a large drop like the valley outside. It is relatively gentle and deep, and its relative vertical position is lower than the valley as it goes deeper.

The river water is sometimes deep and sometimes shallow, the distance between the top of the river and the top of the head is sometimes high and sometimes low, and the sides are also sometimes wide and sometimes narrow. Due to the different mineral compositions of the mountain soil and rocks, they show different colors under the reflection of light.

This is a cave that is forming.

"There are holes in there!"

Tenok's headlight illuminated the left side of the front, and some holes larger than the washbasin were randomly distributed on the top and side, and it was unknown where they led.

When they got closer, they could clearly see the smoothness of the openings, as if something used to crawl in and out.

Is it the cave of those ghost-eyed monkeys

As we continued to go deeper for twenty or thirty meters, more and more caves of that kind were distributed, and lights were often used to shine into one of the caves, and light scattered inside could also be seen in other surrounding caves.

All of these holes are connected.

Zheng Yang's heart moved, and he said, "Tennoq, there should be that grave above here, right?"

Tenok was startled, and said thoughtfully, "You mean, these caves lead to those graves?"

"Isn't it? After you go out, dig one and have a look. I guess, there are no bones in those tombs!"

"I didn't even make it this far last time, you know, I only have one arm, and those goddamn monkeys keep harassing me, and I'm tired of coping."

"Fortunately, your cursed item lured them out in advance this time, so we can enter smoothly."

The raft slowly penetrated, passed the range of the cemetery, and did not know how far down the mountain, Zheng Yang felt a little nervous.

"Tennok, lend me your holy object. I think there may be a big horror ahead, so I must make sure that it will not be attracted!"

"No, why didn't you give the cursed item to me for safekeeping?"

"Because it's in my body, I can't take it out!"

"Shit, dare you promise God?"

"I swear to God, what I just said is true!"

"What the hell. Bao, you must promise to return it to me as soon as this operation is over, or I will fight you!"

Tenok didn't inquire about the specific circumstances of Zheng Yang's curse. He inserted the long sword into the gap in the raft and took it out of his pocket with one hand.