The Cursed Ship

Chapter 74: lightning strike


After a frantic massage from his companion, Mika relieved the muscle twitching.

Facing Richard's painful confession, Mika returned to the room on the second floor indifferently without saying a word. In a dangerous moment, she has no right to ask Richard to die with her, and now she has no reason to convince herself to accept him again.

After returning to the room, Mika stared blankly at the sea outside the window in a daze.

The shark's body had long been left behind. At this moment, Mika's mind was full of the figure standing upside down on the shark and pulling himself out of the hand of death...

The boat docked and prepared to spend the night.

After this incident happened, Richard and Mika would definitely blow it up. The four of them were very silent, without any mood to play.

Zheng Yang believes that tomorrow they will not ask to stop the boat halfway for fishing, they will only wish to arrive at the port immediately and end the journey.

As the night deepened, after eleven o'clock, Zheng Yang stood by the huge window and looked down at the sea below.

This is not a port, but just a random coast, and the boats are anchored in shallow water about 30 to 40 meters away from the shore.

The moon is very round at night, and tomorrow night will be full moon again. Before I knew it, Zheng Yang had been in English Port for a month.

"No matter where you are, time always flies by..."

Zheng Yang didn't have time to finish his sigh, his eyes slowly widened.

Fog is slowly forming on the surface of the sea... This is not the point, the point is that Zheng Yang saw with his own eyes a ball of sea water slowly swelling up and getting higher and higher.

It seemed to be very slow, but in fact it was very fast. In a blink of an eye, the mass of sea water condensed into a water man more than three meters high, standing just like that in the water.

What the hell is this!

Last time it was a ghost-eyed monkey, this time it's a water demon

It was only when the water people began to condense that Zheng Yang sensed something appeared there. But how it condensed into the current human form, Zheng Yang couldn't detect the reason at all.

There is no creature control in the range of perception, no spirit body, only sea water automatically condenses.

There was a strange smell in the mist. In Zheng Yang's perception, the two girls in the guest room who were talking softly just now suddenly became quiet and fell into a deep sleep.

The same was true for Richard and his companions who were sleepless in the living room. They seemed to have lost their souls, staggered up, and were about to walk to the bow.

"Alice, use your lightning strike ability to try!"

Zheng Yang gave Chuan Ling an order.

As the ship spirit, Alice also discovered the mutation at the same time as Zheng Yang. At this time, after receiving the order, she suddenly appeared at the bow of the boat, raising her little hand...


It was as if a long silver whip was thrown out, and it hit the water man's head.

This is her new ability - Lightning Strike!

Zheng Yang and Alice vaguely heard a sharp scream, and the water man collapsed with a crash, and turned back into sea water and fell back to the surface.


The strange breath in the fog disappeared, and Richard and his companions fell down as soon as they reached the door of the living room. Mika and Jenny upstairs just got up, and then they fell back on the bed.

Zheng Yang frowned, checked the situation of the four people through perception, and found that they were just lethargic, so he moved them back to their respective positions with a thought.

"Alice, we have the holy cross to suppress the curse, why are there still evil spirits coming to the door?"

"I do not know!"

"Is it a coincidence?"

"I do not know!"

"...can you know something?"

Alice flattened her mouth: "It can be eaten!"

"..." Blame me for asking her to strike with lightning!

On the second day, the four passengers did not make any program requests, and played their mobile phones in silence to pass the time.

The past few days have been full of psychic energy. Zheng Yang turned his speed to full speed and returned to English Port at noon. He dropped off Richard and the others directly at the fishing port wharf.

After the final payment was received, Zheng Yang still drove the boat to berth to the sailing dock, because it was clean there.

Henry told Zheng Yang that the rent for a berth of this size was 90 gold shields per day, and asked Zheng Yang if he needed to register.

Zheng Yang now has the small black book of the Special Affairs Bureau, which is already a privilege among the privileged class, how can he still register for the ship

Alice in the form of a lace baby was sitting on the wooden sofa dangling her little feet, holding a bag of snacks in her hand and eating. Zheng Yang didn't stipulate what form she would appear in, since she was very eye-catching anyway.

This form of Alice is a rebellious personality, she will not be polite to Zheng Yang, she will not call him brother, she will puff up her mouth and stare at people at every turn, and she will never ask Zheng Yang for permission when she wants to eat snacks, just take it by herself.

Fortunately, she is not so greedy in this form, usually after two or three packs, she will stop.

"Alice, go and do the laundry quickly, and wash the bed covers, quilt covers, and pillowcases in the guest room too! Be careful not to let anyone see you while drying."

Immediately, the eldest Alice was unhappy, and stared at Zheng Yang like a hamster with her mouth full of snacks.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Zheng Yang was invited to the clinic with a one-meter-long hairtail.

"Zheng Yang!"

After not seeing each other for half a month, Eva yelled when she saw Zheng Yang, jumped up happily and hung it on Zheng Yang's neck.

Zheng Yang was also very happy, and hugged Eva for two laps before letting go.

Alima took the hairtail and returned to the kitchen: "Just add a pan-fried hairtail, it will be ready soon!"

During the meal, Alima said: "Zheng Yang, your identity card was registered in Yingjili, I remember that your birthplace is a small island nearby, why does it take half a month to go back?"

What Alima said was the identity information that Zheng Yang left when he went to the police station to make a statement because of Desimai's incident.

"My parents lived on that island for a long time, I was just born there, the family is actually far away."

Zheng Yang had already thought about how to explain it. In fact, he thought that this explanation should be very close to the truth, but he didn't know where the so-called family was.

"I've seen the photos you sent Eva. The sailboat is now a recreational vessel. It should be close to the limit to reach this size. You said before that you will often leave Yingjili in the future. What are your plans?"

"Go around! Alima, do you have any suggestions?"

I heard that the superhumans of the Special Affairs Bureau have a free sequence, which only belongs to the headquarters and not to any branch or sub-bureau. However, there is no fixed salary, and they can only be exchanged for resources with contribution points and the Special Affairs Bureau.

Even if Zheng Yang doesn't quit the Special Affairs Bureau, he still plans to apply for a transfer to the free sequence after he becomes a full-time member. It is impossible for him to stay in Yingjili forever.

Alima smiled and said: "No, I may need to take Eva to some places to find materials in a few days. If you don't have a predetermined plan, can you use your boat to take us there?"


The current evolution conditions for the third-level spirit ship are only short of psionic material savings and crystal ball upgrades. After completing the third-level evolution, the building ship should be able to be further expanded to 28 meters long.

"There is a piece of information that I must tell you first!" Alima's expression became serious.

"There are no less weirdness on the sea than on land, or even more. If you plan to go to sea often in the future, you must be prepared for this!"

"Especially when the sea is foggy and at night..."