The Cursed Ship

Chapter 87: Underground Killing (3)


On the ground, psychic energy was vibrating under Vinal's feet, and Luo Funi also used her natural ability to detect the earth, and they found the lift platform and the underground driveway next to it.

"Rich, blast it!"


Richie's superpower is psionic explosion.

At this moment, Ritchie output psionic energy along the edge of the lifting platform to the bottom of it.

These psychic energies are not slowly dissipated in the air after being output like ordinary people. On the contrary, as the output increases, it will be compressed to the limit, and then it will explode within 0-15 seconds according to Rich's setting.

But this time, Rich only needed to blow off the supporting device under the lifting platform in order to expose the side corridor. So in less than five seconds, Rich completed the arrangement, and everyone retreated more than ten meters away.

In the underground plaza, after Zheng Yang was taken to the lower space, the extraordinary people here resumed their actions.

Some of them study their own power source structures, or study meditation practice methods and spells that suit them, or meditation practice.

Some also conduct in-depth analysis on a large amount of experimental data.

But more people get together to communicate.

Not all of them actually live here.

After reaching the second level, as long as the fused genes are stabilized and the signs of mutation can be restrained autonomously, they can move freely outside without worrying about being recognized.

Today is Sunday, a day for regular exchanges, so almost all members are back. Another day, there will only be those who need to carry out research and first-level transcendents here, there won't be so many people...

Five consecutive gunshots came from the lower space, making them stunned.

How can there be battles in the lower space? Who brought the guns in

The interval between the five gunshots was very short, and together with the vibrating echoes below, it was almost a long sound that came up continuously.

When they reacted and were about to rush down to check the situation, there was another muffled sound above their heads.

The sound of the explosion was repeatedly reflected and absorbed by the circling driveway, and when it reached the square, it became so small that it could only be barely heard.

But this is enough, they understand that this is an invasion by outsiders.

These superhumans react quickly...

Zheng Yang fired the fifth shot, and the owl also forcibly endured the five shots, and it was easier for the projectile of the fifth shot to break through his protective force field, leaving enough power to squeeze into the muscles.

Because it is in the unstable stage of integrating new genes, the strength that the owl can exert is greatly reduced. It needs to output all its spiritual energy to resist bullets. After the owl regains its ability to move, it is too late to fight back.

His mind was always in a daze, and he didn't understand how the damn werewolf on the opposite side could bring the gun in, just like the little girl who suddenly appeared.

The other extraordinary beings of the Holy Spirit Society finally rushed forward and completed their transformation.

The battle just now was too fast, they rushed out when they heard the movement, and after seeing the situation clearly, the most powerful owl had been beaten to the point where it had no power to fight back.


The magazine capacity of this pump-action nozzle is only 5 rounds. After firing, Alice just finished charging. After Zheng Yang read aloud, Alice shot lightning tacitly, and Zheng Yang also filled an enchanted shotgun in an instant.

Owl's pupils suddenly contracted to the size of a pinhead. He had a premonition of a fatal crisis, and he knew that the next shot would definitely not be easy.

Damn it, if he wasn't in the process of fusing new genes, his strength was unstable, and the protective force field could only come in waves, how could he be struck by lightning

The cooperation between the two people on the opposite side was too tacit, a series of attacks followed without the slightest interruption, and at this time he was struck by lightning again.

This lightning strike caused far more serious injuries than the previous three, because under the accumulation of a series of attacks, the defense and vitality of the owl's white coat had already been severely lost. So after being struck by lightning, his vision went dark, and his consciousness was a little blurred.

Putting on a shotgun with an enchanted shotgun gave the superhumans a very strong sense of crisis. In addition, Alice suddenly released an ultrasonic attack at this time, which made the superhumans rushing in front of them instinctively pause.

"Crack... Boom~"

The enchanted bullet roared like a cannon.

The stunned owl had no way to create a protective force field, and a ball of fire exploded at the owl's heart, forming a blood hole the size of a bowl.

Moreover, the blood hole burst into flames.

Steady, the breath of the owl dropped rapidly, and he was dead.

Zheng Yang put away the shotgun, replaced it with a finely forged patterned steel long sword, and dragged a ten-foot-long flaming blade to sweep across the Transcendent in the first pass. The hard wall of the corridor was also cut with scorched slits, with traces of flame remaining on it.

kill kill kill!

At this moment, Zheng Yang seemed to be possessed by a god, and he swung his sword several times in a row, and the superman who had just rushed over was cut into sections of burning monsters.

Furious, he rushed out of the laboratory, and the next moment he tripped over his pants and fell to the ground.

The baggy clothes that he put on after the transformation before, fell directly to the ground after the transformation was released, and Zheng Yang was completely focused on the battle without moving, and he didn't notice it at all.

Alice clapped her little hands and giggled coquettishly.

Zheng Yang blushed, and Chuan Nian told her to kill him with a sword, and brought his pants and jacket to change quickly.

Alice is stronger than Zheng Yang. She swung a long sword that was almost as tall as her and rushed out with higher efficiency than Zheng Yang. Those extraordinary people who had worked in the laboratory before were caught up and killed by Alice one by one at this time, even the second-level extraordinary people were no exception.

Wherever it passed, blood flowed, and pieces of life energy were absorbed and converged on Alice.

This little guy is simply a real devil.

At this time, Zheng Yang came to the owl and the corpses burned by the flames. The burning thorns moved and drew power from the flames, and the burning flames were extinguished immediately.

This is a new technique that Zheng Yang has pondered recently. He can not only set fire, but also put it out.

Afterwards, Zheng Yang sent the corpses back to the boat to devour them.

After accidentally devouring the white fox masked man of the Dark Council last time, Zheng Yang realized that he didn't have too many psychological obstacles, so he no longer hesitated.

He told himself that the Holy Spirit would know that these lunatics are no longer human, and the spirit ship needs psionic material savings.

The corpses of extraordinary creatures can provide more spiritual energy materials than low-level evil spirits like ghost-eyed monkeys.

Alice slashed all the way, killing all the superhumans in the lower space, and no one could escape. Who wants to run, a lightning strike.

Zheng Yang stopped her from going to the upper space. He guessed that such a large base should have more than one third-level transcendence, and there might be a third-level superhuman on the upper level. And at this time, there are still no extraordinary people from the upper level to come down to support, Luo Funi and the others should have arrived.

So Zheng Yang ignored Alice's protest, sent her back to the ship, and then killed Desimai with a sword without any hesitation, and sent him and the corpses of the transcendents killed by Alice away one by one.

More than 20 corpses of superhumans, none of them were second-level, and there was even a third-level owl. After devouring all of them, the material accumulation progress required to evolve the third-level spirit ship has been pushed from 20% to 86%.

In the upper underground plaza, the Holy Spirit organized all the extraordinary people to block Luo Funi and others at the entrance of the driveway.

Sure enough, they still had a third-level transcendent, and there were two of them, which happened to stop Luo Funi and Schnott. So until the battle in the lower space was over, Luo Funi and the others hadn't broken through the blockade and entered the square.

Neither Lovni nor Schnott expected that the Holy Spirit would deploy so many forces in Yingjili and build such a large underground base.

They realized that they had been careless. They originally thought that the other party would have at most ten or twenty people, and they would be sure of winning if they had two third-level superhumans.