The Cursed Ship

Chapter 98: Level 3 mutant spirit ship


Two days passed in a flash.

At this time, it was noon on Tuesday, and the boat arrived in the southwestern waters of Ireland.

In the past two days, Zheng Yang practiced the invisible hand non-stop every day. He has been able to move his fingers like an arm, and it is easy to thread a needle three meters away.

Picking up people and throwing them around like Rovni's is just child's play.

While practicing the invisible hand, Zheng Yang was also repeatedly charging and discharging the crystal ball, and today it finally reached the critical point of its upgrade.

"It's like the last breath, this time the battery is fully charged and then fully charged, the lightning pattern and crystal ball should evolve!"

Zheng Yang closed his eyes to sense the situation in the crystal ball, and couldn't help being excited.

The completion of the evolution of the crystal ball means that the spirit ship can also evolve to level three. If the materials are in place, Zheng Yang will soon be able to change to a bigger building boat.

The magic circle coverage reserved for the current level has not been used up yet, and the solar power panels that were originally planned to be added have not yet been purchased, and the result is that the third level will be ushered in so soon.

In the past few days, although Zheng Yang has been turning on the psionic drive and the electric propeller to increase the speed of the boat, the four sets of batteries are still slowly being fully charged. Because the lightning psionic energy collected and transformed by the sail alone can satisfy the two outputs, and the solar panels are not decorations.

The electricity consumption on the ship is not much, and the consumption cannot keep up with the speed of its collection and transformation.

With the last charge, the power of the battery slowly returned to the crystal ball and was converted into lightning power, the feeling that the crystal ball was going to evolve became stronger and stronger.

Finally, the spiritual energy reserve is full.

The crystal ball suddenly emitted dazzling light, and countless electric arcs flowed and shot on its surface.

The thunder and lightning pattern inside the crystal ball emerged, and some spells and magic patterns were adjusted and reorganized to obtain higher spiritual energy conversion ability and energy storage limit, and the quality of transformed spiritual energy will also be raised to a higher level.

When the lightning pattern evolved, the crystal ball, as a carrier, also began to evolve. It became more translucent and pure, and there were signs of jade inside.

The blazing white light bloomed in the bottom cabin, blocked by the airtight hull, without any leakage.

It only lasted for more than ten minutes, and both the lightning pattern and the crystal ball completed the evolution. The lightning streaks converged into the crystal ball, and turned into a lightning-like thunder streak again. Looking through the crystal ball, it looked like a natural crack.

The evolution of the lightning pattern and the crystal ball consumes 460 points of spiritual energy, but the remaining power of the battery is converted into spiritual energy at least 1500 points, and the crystal ball is slowly being charged at this time.

"With a bang, it's time for the spirit ship. This time, it will evolve in the deep sea area, so there is no need to hide!"

At this time, the sea breeze was a bit strong, close to the fourth-level wind force, and the wave height could exceed one meter.

Zheng Yang lowered the sails and let the building boat rise and fall with the waves, ready to start the evolution of the spirit boat.

In the scorching sun, when the spirit ship evolves here, even if the light is dazzling, it will not be as obvious as it is at night. Because its light can be mostly covered by sunlight, even if a ship sees it from a distance, it will only be regarded as the reflection of sunlight.

"Start to evolve!"

Zheng Yang looked at Seyulari who was taking a nap in his perception, and gave instructions.

It just so happened that I got two barrels of mercury from the Holy Spirit Church's stronghold last time, so I don't need to buy any more.

Following Zheng Yang's order, the magic circle of the spirit boat emerged first, and then the ritual map on the advanced scroll of the third-level magic circle was stripped out, integrated into the magic circle and began to dominate the advancement.

This time, Alice, the ship spirit, did not appear in the center of the circle, but stood beside Zheng Yang and watched the circle progress together. They were also shrouded in the light of the circle.

Except for Zheng Yang and Alice, no matter Seyulari or the fish in the fish barn, they are all fixed by the mysterious force, and they don't know anything about the changes around them.

Everything is the same as the last evolution, first the accumulated psionic materials emerged from nowhere, and together with mercury, turned into materials for constructing the magic circle. Then the array will be decomposed and reorganized by itself, and a larger and more complex array will be built under the guidance of the ritual diagram.

However, at this moment, another mutation occurred.

The magic circle of the spirit boat has been mutated under the intervention of the lightning pattern, and has deviated from the original system of the spirit boat.

However, the ritual chart of the advanced scroll of the magic circle is set according to the evolution direction of the original spirit ship system.

So at this point a disagreement arose.

The reorganization process of the spirit boat array was paused, just like a person who was confused at a fork in the road, and then had to correct the array under the guidance of the ritual diagram.

At this time, the lightning pattern finally jumped out of the crystal ball.

Already the leader of the third-level psionic energy core, the thunder and lightning pattern is extremely powerful at this moment. It blatantly seized the dominance of the magic circle's advancement, and used the advanced process that the ritual chart had already started to forcefully output its own formation patterns and spells.

During this process, the thunder and lightning patterns abandoned the old settings on the ritual diagram, which were contrary to the advanced variation, and prevented the spirit boat magic circle from correcting the formation diagram. It only received the useful advanced settings on the instrument chart, and continued to make advanced changes.

Then, the advanced mutation circle continued to spread to the sails, completing the advancement of the sub-array, ensuring that the effect of the sub-array's collection and transformation of spiritual energy was consistent with that of the third-level spirit ship.

Due to conflicts, the advancement of the magic circle lasted for almost three hours before it was completed.

During this process, Zheng Yang discovered a strange thing: the spirit ship, which was undulating with the waves before starting to advance, turned out to be stationary after starting to advance, completely unaffected by the one-meter-high waves.

Until then, the magic circle had completed its advancement and began to slowly integrate into the spirit ship, but it still did not fluctuate with the waves.

When the magic circle completely retracted into the hull, the entire spirit boat shone brightly, and then the spirit boat returned to its normal state when the light disappeared suddenly, and was thrown up and down with the waves.

The fish in the fish tank resumed swimming, Seyulari's eyebrows trembled, and she continued to maintain a light sleep.

At this time, the spirit ship was already level three.

"Basic Information:

Hull: Level 3 mutant spirit ship

Status: complete

Ship Spirit: Level 3 Bug Girl (Child)

Psionic Core: Level 3 Lightning Crystal Ball (Growable)

Psionic reserve: 1202500

Speed: 14 knots sail, 14 knots psionic, 2 engine knots

Attack Bonus: 1x

Defense bonus: 1 times

Equipment information:

Primary Drives: Klein, Bowsail, Psionic

Auxiliary drive: 60V10 horsepower electric paddle hanger*3

Head portrait: Two-headed dragon

Cape Skill: Lightning Strike

Level 4 Spirit Ship Evolution Conditions:

1. Conventional evolution conditions:

1. Level 4 magic circle advanced scroll (none)

2. Level 4 psionic core (none)

3. Advanced materials for magic circle: 3kg of gold (03), 8kg of silver (08), 60kg of mercury (2060), psionic materials (accumulation progress 4%,… )

4. Level 4 ship spirit (growth progress: 3-16%... )

2. Conditions for forced evolution: kill the higher-level spirit ship owner and forcibly devour its spirit ship, there is a very low possibility of evolution, the shape of the spirit ship is determined randomly...

Remark:… "