The Cursed Ship

Chapter 99: Ross Sea


The spirit ship has evolved to level three, and before Zheng Yang had time to carefully perceive the changes, he noticed a terrifying trend—the suppression of the cross's curse on the spirit ship became less powerful.

The more evil spirits devoured by the spirit ship, the higher the level of evolution, and the stronger the power of the curse.

It is worthy of the cursed ship.

This means that Zheng Yang needs more sacred objects, the more the better...

"I'll go, the materials for the evolution level 4 spirit ship have been increased by gold and silver, and it's still calculated in kilograms!"

Zheng Yang then noticed the evolutionary conditions of the next level and was dumbfounded. At this time, he was full of expectations for the trip to the pyramid.

Pyramids, mummies, and gold are all key words.

As the psionic driving method played an increasingly important role, it was indeed included in the main driving method. Moreover, the power bonus information no longer exists, and the speed description is changed to the speed composition of various driving modes.

Although the maximum speed can reach 27 knots, Zheng Yang understands that it is a theoretical speed, because it is also affected by factors such as load, ocean currents, wind force and wind speed.

"This evolution, whether it is the upper limit of the spiritual energy reserve, the speed of the spiritual energy driving method, or the bonus of attack and defense, has increased to five times."

"According to this multiple, when the spirit ship evolves to level four, it can run at a speed of 70 knots without sailing, which is faster than a destroyer! When it evolves to level five, it will have a speed of 350 knots, more than four times faster than an aircraft carrier... At level nine, isn't it faster than an airplane?"

"Perhaps, this is the only way to be worthy of its status as a cursed ship!"

Now that the evolution is complete, the hull can be remodeled next!

Zheng Yang began to design the renovation plan while driving the building ship to continue sailing.

The speed of the third-level spirit boat reached 14 knots driven by the spiritual power alone. At this time, it was sailing against the wind, and with the help of the triangular sail and the electric oar engine, the speed of the boat reached 25 knots, far exceeding that of ordinary fishing boats.

The rest of the journey is more than 500 nautical miles, and it is estimated that it will take more than 20 hours of continuous sailing.

After entering the Ross Sea range, navigation will be disabled. At that time, Zheng Yang doesn't know how long it will take to find the island. Anyway, he will definitely sail overnight tonight.

Half an hour later, Seyulali entered the cab, lay on Zheng Yang's back and looked at it for a while, and said, "Go to sleep, I will drive for a while, and you will drive again at night."

In the past two days, she also learned to steer the boat, of course with Alice's secret assistance.


Zheng Yang didn't insist, and after giving her the seat, he told Alice to watch secretly, and went back to the bedroom to rest by himself.

Tonight is going to be tested by the sea.

Although I did not go out to sea often before, it is actually not far from the coastline. This time, it went directly into the sea for more than 500 nautical miles. Whether it was the weather or the increasingly frequent weirdness, it would bring a major test to Zheng Yang and this ten-meter-long boat.

The weather was fine and there was no trouble until the coords were booked.

This coordinate is the bottom coordinate of the nautical chart obtained by Zheng Yang, which saved Zheng Yang a lot of trouble, otherwise he might not know that the nautical chart represents the Ross Sea.

There is no reference at all on the periphery of that nautical chart, and the coordinates can be marked by someone, which means that they have other information that clearly points to the Ross Sea. And someone should have already explored here, so I don't know if they will go deep into the Ross Sea to reach their destination.

At noon the next day, there was a level five storm. The wind speed is close to ten meters per second, and the wave height exceeds two meters, which can hit the deck directly.

The satellite signal display on the phone turned into an X, and even the compass wobbled and completely lost its function. Zheng Yang understood that from this moment on, they had already entered Ross Sea.

The compass fails, which is terrible at sea. It is tantamount to losing direction. Zheng Yang can only try to grasp the general course according to the sky.

But the sky here is covered with clouds, the sky is not as bright as before, and it is a bit cooler. The hot sun just now can only transmit a small amount of light from the gaps and weak points of the clouds, illuminating the clouds of varying thickness like countless monsters and ghosts.

Now at least you can grasp the direction by judging the position of the sun. At night, you may be completely blind, and you can only grasp it according to your own sense of direction.

No wonder people have not been able to explore these mysterious seas so far.

The wind direction here is disordered, sometimes forward and sometimes reverse, sometimes left and sometimes right, Zheng Yang must adjust the wind angle of the triangle sail at any time based on the wind direction, coupled with the power of spiritual drive and paddle machine, the speed of the boat can basically be guaranteed at 23 up and down.

The power of the magic circle was fully displayed at this time. It creates a turbulent wave at the bottom of the ship, supporting the spirit ship to move forward firmly. No matter which direction the wave hits, the moment it touches the hull, it is caught by the power of the magic circle to the bottom of the boat and becomes a coolie.

Therefore, the building boat did not shake greatly or lean forward and backward, but only fluctuated up and down with the large-scale fluctuations of the waves, and the left and right shaking was also very slight.

Zheng Yang breathed a sigh of relief, at least in this level of wind and waves, the building boat is very safe. He sensed the reserves of psionic energy and batteries, and he was a little pessimistic.

After the third level of the spiritual ship's evolution, the spiritual energy driving speed increases by five times, and the corresponding spiritual energy consumption will also increase. Although the third-level lightning spiritual energy is of higher quality, the consumption will not increase by five times, but it will still be doubled. At this time, Lingfan's speed of collecting and transforming spiritual energy could no longer keep up with the output.

After sailing at full speed for more than 20 consecutive hours before, the total reserve of psionic energy plus the battery is only 40%.

"Seulali, do you have a way to sense the target's position?"

Zheng Yang looked for the first island with the telescope against the old nautical chart, but his field of vision was full of vast seas, and there were no shadows of any large islands within at least 50 nautical miles.

Seyulali was also watching with a telescope, and said at the same time: "That ceremony has been lost, we can only look for it one by one."

This difficulty is not ordinary.

"Where did you get this nautical chart? I didn't expect you to have a nautical chart for the Ross Sea!"

"I got it from a guy from the Holy Spirit Society a few days ago. Record the trajectory of the course change, sail in a straight line, and the speed is about 24 knots, and the time is one o'clock in the afternoon!"

Zheng Yang began to take out another technique taught by Old Hans, that is to first record his own trajectory, and finally draw his own trajectory map.

Affected by ocean currents, this technique may not be able to accurately grasp your own coordinates, but you can roughly grasp a range and heading. Then comparing it with that nautical chart, Zheng Yang can ensure that he will not get lost to the greatest extent.

After advancing for more than an hour, the wind became stronger, Seyulali suddenly exclaimed: "What is that?"

Zheng Yang looked in the direction she pointed, and saw a giant gray funnel standing at the end of his left field of vision.


Zheng Yang quickly picked up the binoculars, and quickly judged that the moving direction of the tornado crossed them.

At this time, it began to rain on the sea, and the rain came very fast and suddenly. The raindrops were heavy, pattering on the deck and glass, frantically and without rhythm.

"Record the course change trajectory, turn left 90 degrees, speed 22 knots, time 2:23 pm!"

Zheng Yang gave Seyulari instructions while turning the steering wheel.

Another hour later, the tornado disappeared to the right behind them, and the shower quickly stopped.

"Turn right ninety degrees, speed 23 knots, time 3:30 pm!" Zheng Yang pulled back to the original direction, deviated from the original course by about 22 nautical miles.

Affected by the tornado, the clouds and water vapor in the sky thickened, and the sky became much darker, as if night was about to fall.

Zheng Yang kept his course and advanced for another two hours, and finally saw the shadow of a small island about twenty nautical miles away.

Both Zheng Yang and Saiulali breathed a sigh of relief. In this sea area where it is impossible to accurately grasp the direction and there are various unknown dangers, it is the safest choice to spend the night on the shore.

"Do you feel tired?" Zheng Yang asked suddenly.

Seyulari was taken aback for a moment, then her expression became serious, and she said, "I thought it was only me, and it was because of the sequelae of fusing the blood of the demon snake!"

The two of them fell silent, and the environment here would make people more fatigued...