The Daily Life of the Immortal King

Chapter 47: Once upon a time, there was an opportunity placed in front of you


Odd Zhuo couldn't help but tremble every time he heard the topic about the monster craze six years ago. Every year at the annual meeting, those drunken leaders would drag him to perform air swordsmanship. Zhuo Yi's current psychological shadow has long been higher than the sky and deeper than the sea...

So when he heard Sun Dakang mention the old story again, Zhuo Yi could almost think of what Secretary Dakang was going to say next.

As expected, the old leader with quite a personality glanced at Zhuo Yi, and a smile appeared on his lips: "I heard that Deputy Zhuo's air-breaking sword is a unique skill. On the day of the spirit sword exchange meeting, you might as well get it Come out and show off?"


For a long time, Odd Zhuo remained silent and did not speak.

In the past, the drunken senior leaders at annual meetings wanted to perform by themselves. If you wanted to shirk it, it was easy to find excuses. It was a bunch of delirious drunks after all. But now that the person sitting in front of him made such a request to him, Zhuo Oi really couldn't find a reason to refuse...

First, he didn't dare.

Secondly, he really doesn't know how to... Zhuo Yi has been studying the air sword in private over the years. But no results have been found so far...

"What, are you having trouble?"

Seeing that Zhuo Odd didn't speak, Sun Dakang showed a hint of a smile: "If there is really any inconvenience, just pretend that I didn't say it. It was just a whim. I originally thought that as you, the No. 60 Middle School If the seniors of the previous class, who are now the role models in the minds of most young people, can show off their abilities and talents in such a public place, it will definitely have a very good motivating effect!"

"...Old leader, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it this way. I..."

"Oh, that's not what I meant." Sun Dakang responded quickly, blocking the second half of Zhuo Yi's unspoken words directly in his throat.

Originally, Zhuo Yi wanted to ask for permission in the second half of the sentence, if he could change his performance... instead of using the air sword. Even if it means a big stone is broken in the chest!

But Sun Dakang's unquestionable resolute attitude had completely given up on this idea.

… Now, I can’t run away at all!

Zhuo Yi sighed secretly in his heart and felt his balls hurt from the bottom of his heart.

Now, his situation is considered very difficult, and it is difficult to get off the tiger. If he can do this well, and Secretary Sun Dakang will be happy, he may be promoted, bid farewell to the position of Deputy General Administration where he has been responsible for receiving guests for many years, and move towards a new life. But if he didn't do it well, Zhuo Yi knew very well that he would really have to say goodbye to this position...

"It's really not easy to sit in this position at such a young age."


While saying this, Sun Dakang suddenly stood up and patted Zhuo Oi's shoulder solemnly, which scared Zhuo Oi and almost fell off his chair.

"I know you may have your concerns. You must feel that you are too young and don't want to be a master of your own craft. You want to keep a low profile so as not to attract trouble, right?"


"Let me tell you a story, a story originating from the ancient battlefield of cultivation." Sun Dakang said.

Zhuo Oi raised his head, his brows and eyes were a little more lively,

"Back then...the last battle before the founding of our country, the Battle of Shimen..."

Regarding the ancient battlefield of cultivation, most young people now hear only legends. This period of history has been covered in dust for many years and cannot be touched in the history textbooks of middle and high schools. Only in college can we have a preliminary understanding of it. Zhuo Yi was not a history major in college, but he had a basic understanding of the "Battle of Shimen".

That battle... was so famous.

Secretary Dakang spoke eloquently, with tears welling up in his eyes, as if he remembered a lot of things: "In that battle back then, the seven demon gods of the gate to the alien world were overwhelming, and their power was overwhelming. Shi Yuliang, the current minister of the Ministry of National Defense, and I Fight every step of the way and stick to the stone gate of Daguling."

Zhuo Yi stared and listened quietly, able to hear the oral history of the person involved in person. This is by no means an opportunity for everyone.

"That's a demon god... He's so strong. His divine power reaches the sky, and he unleashes countless laws. The sky and the earth are eclipsed, and the visions are astonishing. Even the sun is pressed down, and you can see the extremely blazing laws above the stone gate hundreds of miles away. the fire… "

"The leader of the demon god is quite powerful. He moves his hands and feet, and his whole body is dazzling. When he waves, even the heaven and earth resonate with him. Minister Shi Yuliang tried his best with one person, but he was unable to compete in the end. But this battle is already the last one. ! In the Battle of Shimen, the task given to us by Shangfeng is to hold on to the pass. Even if we can't win, we must never give in even half a cent!"

Zhuo Oi listened with rapt attention, his thoughts following the old secretary's dictation. He could already think of the ancient battlefield of cultivation, the terrifying scenes of war raging into the sky and overwhelming divine power.

But now, standing in front of him and telling him stories, the old secretary, who looked only middle-aged, was already a living fossil through the ages. He had stepped step by step from that era, witnessed the development of the times, scientific progress, and sat on the present day. People in this position…

This conversation revealed a full sense of the times. Zhuo Yi felt like he was in another world.

"In the end, we were all exhausted and fell at the stone gate. Only Minister Yuliang stood up. He burned his own divine blood, and at the cost of sacrificing the supreme bone in his body, he summoned the artifact Gao Xiaoqin and played a divine song to make up for it. Not only did he surpass everyone's power! He also raised his own potential to the limit... In the end, he killed seven gods in a row and defended the stone gate! Laying the foundation for the establishment of Hua Xiuguo... "

"But Minister Shi survived in the end..." Zhuo Yi said.

The old secretary smiled: "Yes! He survived. At that time, even the tombstone was erected and the whole person was buried in it. Who knows, this guy's pet bird Xiaohong dropped a piece of sacred grass on his grave, so that His vitality was nourished again, and in the end he crawled out of the tomb again. You think it's funny or not... "

Zhuo Yi: "..."

In this world, there are really only a handful of people who can turn this old minister into "this guy".

"After listening to the story, what did you understand?" Sun Dakang looked at Zhuo Oi and asked.

The story of the old secretary is not told in vain, and the summary of the story is very important. After hearing this story, Zhuo Yi felt a lot of emotion in his heart: "The old secretary used this story to tell me that I must have perseverance and perseverance in doing things, and never give up until the last moment. I must learn more from Minister Shi Yuliang and learn from Minister Shi Yuliang." Tribute to his tenacious vitality, right?"

"… You think too much."

Secretary Sun rolled his eyes: "I want to tell you, if you have any talent, show it off as soon as possible. Don't hide it... Don't be like Minister Shi, who has a big move but waits until the last minute to use it. . In the end, I almost paid for it! You are not Ultraman! Once upon a time, there was an opportunity to show off in front of you. If you can show off, show off! Don't wait until you lose it before you regret it!"

Zhuo Yi: "..."

(End of chapter)