The Daily Record of Secretly Loving the Male Idol

Chapter 10: Let's go


The three of them lay side by side, only Li Erqin was sitting on the spot eating marshmallows, looking at the distant sky lightly.

The breeze blew after another, blowing the broken hair on the top of the head, and the Buddha passed his cheek.

Peng Zige closed his eyes, feeling so comfortable that he was about to fall asleep. Hearing Li Erqin's rustling voice, he opened one eye to peek.

Seeing Li Erqin walking to the rooftop, his hands resting on the handrail, he silently stared at the pedestrians downstairs.

He sat up.

Feeling the movement, Rong Si sat up and followed Peng Zige's eyes to see Li Erqin, frowning in disapproval.

Li Erqin suddenly stretched out his right hand, palm up, and shouted, "Aiqing's life!"

Peng Zige and Rong Si were stunned at the same time.

Su Zi also stood up in shock and looked over.

Li Erqin quickly lowered his body, bent over and walked back to his original position, only to see Rong Si and Peng Zige staring at her dumbfounded.

She blushed and smiled embarrassedly: "It was so loud that everyone downstairs looked up."

Peng Zige hadn't closed his mouth: "What are you doing?"

Li Erqin pouted and did not answer. Turning his head to see Rong Si, who still had doubts in his eyes, he took a sip of soda and explained, "The following group of people are squatting and don't know what they are doing."

Rong Si stood up and patted the dust on his body: "Let's go."

Li Erqin looked at him when he asked.

"The rooftop is not allowed to come in." Rong Si explained lightly: "It is estimated that a teacher will come to check in a while."

Li Erqin didn't ask any more questions, just shut up and sorted things out, and followed Rong Si downstairs.

"Peng Zige."

Su Zi stopped Peng Zige who was about to follow him downstairs.

"What's wrong?"

She smiled, the long hair behind her was blown to the front by the wind, she reached out and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear: "I like Rong Si, do you see any drama?"

When Peng Zige didn't express his opinion, Rong Si didn't care, and Li Erqin warmly welcomed him, Su Zi joined Li Erqin and others' threesome. When it was Su Zi's turn to be on duty, the three of them would stay and help her finish it together. Rong Si and Su Zi organized the classroom together, and Li Erqin followed Peng Zige downstairs to take out the trash. Su Zi and Li Erqin also began to appear frequently on the side of the basketball court. Every time Rong Si and Peng Zige took a break, they could see Su Zi handing ice water to Rong Si, while Li Erqin threw the drink far away. Peng Zi Singer.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women, if there is no Li Erqin, it will be fine.

Everyone said so.

Li Erqin came out of the broadcasting room at noon that day and heard such words.

She was holding the key and was about to lock the door. Hearing that, she put the key back in her pocket, reopened the door and walked in.

Half an hour after the afternoon self-study, Li Erqin still did not come back. Peng Zige bit his nails, feeling faintly irritable, and frequently looked up at Li Erqin's empty seat. The teacher on duty came to ask several times, and he and Su Zi made up the reasons at the beginning, but at the beginning, Su Zi blushed and fumbled, saying that Li Erqin had a special period and went back to the dormitory to change his clothes.

Until Rong Si's routine inspection was over, Li Erqin's seat was still empty. After a pause, he turned his head and asked, "Where's Li Erqin?"

"I don't know." Peng Zige raised his head: "It's her turn to broadcast today, and she left after lunch."

Rong Si nodded.

"Hey, are you saying she's all right?" Peng Zige asked.

Rong Si absentmindedly played with his pen and did not answer.

Peng Zige saw that Rong Si was not going to take care of him, so he was about to ask again.

Suddenly there was a burst of music on the radio.

Peng Zige was surprised: "What's going on?" After listening, he asked again, "What song is this?"

Su Zi turned her head: "An air-raid shelter."

"Isn't this what Li Erqin put?" he asked in a silly way.

"Probably." Su Zi shrugged, "She's the only one who can do this."

For some reason, Peng Zige smiled proudly, then lowered his head and continued his homework: "It sounds pretty good."

Then the singing stopped abruptly.

"Haha!" Peng Zige stuck out his tongue: "I must have been caught."

Without saying a word, Rong Si next to him got up and walked out of the classroom.

Rong Si walked along the long corridor to the broadcasting room, and saw Li Erqin wearing a wide sweater at the end of the corridor was training with his head bowed, and the grade director Teacher Qian was standing opposite.

He walked over with a blank expression and said politely, "Mr. Qian, our head teacher, Mr. Jiang, asked me to come to Li Erqin."

It just so happened that Teacher Qian had almost finished the lesson. Seeing that it was Rong Si, his brows and eyes widened immediately: "Rong Si, take her back. How could you make such a low-level mistake! This is not an example!"

"Yeah." The latter replied obediently.

When Teacher Qian was far away, Li Erqin looked up at Rong Si, his eyes were as transparent as lake water: "Why is Teacher Jiang looking for me?"

Rong Si looked at Li Erqin silently, stretched out his hand and pulled her into the broadcasting room.

"What's wrong?" Li Erqin asked.

"What's wrong with you?" Rong Si asked back.

Li Erqin pouted, but did not speak.

Rong Si waited for a while, but without waiting for Li Erqin's answer, he stood up and walked to the door: "Go back."

Li Erqin stood up and followed, and asked again worriedly, "Why is Teacher Jiang looking for me?"

"He didn't find you."

"Oh." She followed him out, not forgetting to turn her head and locked the door. After thinking for a while, she suddenly said to Rong Si's back, "You are looking for me."

Rong Si looked back at her.

She stood there and looked at Rong Si coolly.

The two returned to the classroom one after the other. Peng Zige was already used to the rhythm of the two of them, so he didn't ask anything. He had a more concerned question: "Hey, Er Qin, why didn't you come back for self-study at noon?"

Li Erqin took out the history exercises from the drawer and didn't look back: "I overslept."

Peng Zige was amused by this answer and laughed.

Su Zi was dissatisfied: "Is it so funny? It's so noisy!"

Peng Zige stopped laughing and glared at her: "You know a ball of wool."

"Just how much you know!"

Peng Zige, hehe, didn't care about the little girl, turned his head and asked Rong Si in a low voice, "What happened to Li Erqin?"

Rong Si ignored him.


Rong Si took out his earphones and put them on.

"Ah Si!" Peng Zige, who could not get an answer, simply hit Rong Si's elbow with his elbow.

Rong Si finally took off his headphones and looked at Peng Zige coldly: "Shut up."

Peng Zige was frightened by Rong Si's black face and stopped for three seconds. He looked at Li Erqin, who had never looked back, in doubt, and then at Rong Si, who had headphones on and didn't know what he was listening to, and realized a problem.

It seemed that something was wrong with them.

Something even worse happened after the bell rang for the last get out of class. Almost as soon as the bell rang, Li Erqin said to Su Zi, "I have to leave beforehand tonight", and walked out of the classroom with his head down.

Everything happened too fast, and Li Erqin disappeared around the corner before Peng Zige could react. He turned his head innocently and asked Rong Si, "A Si..."

Rong Si was silent after finishing the table, as if nothing had happened, and got up: "Let's go."

"Er Qin she..."

Rong Si ignored him and walked towards the door of the classroom. Peng Zige and Su Zi could only keep up with depression.

The three walked quietly on the way to the cafeteria, Peng Zige finally summoned up the courage to ask, "A Si, did you quarrel with Er Qin?"


"Then why are you weird with him?"

Rong Si looked straight ahead, as usual, and replied, "You are too sensitive."

"But… "

Rong Si interrupted him: "She may have her own affairs."

Peng Zige shut up, exchanged glances with Su Zi, and both chose to remain silent.

After eating, Peng Zige took Rong Si to buy a drink. After hesitating for a long time, he still pulled Rong Si to stop: "A Si, you and Li Erqin must have a problem. Just tell me, you know I'm in a hurry."

Rong Si looked at him silently for a long time, then said lightly: "Nothing happened between me and Li Erqin."

"Then why are you and her not normal? Erqin is obviously avoiding us tonight."

"That's her business."

Peng Zige didn't expect Rong Si to say such a thing, and immediately felt a little dissatisfied: "We are good friends with her! It's right to care about her!"

"What if she doesn't want us to care?" Rong Si asked rhetorically.

This was an even more unexpected answer from Peng Zige. He couldn't turn around for a while, and stood there for a long time without finding a response.

Rong Si continued to move forward.

"But," Peng Zige pulled him again: "Why doesn't Erqin want us to care? In this school, no one else has a better relationship with her than us, right?"

"She doesn't want to."

Rong Si said. Calm tone. This time it is not a question, but a statement.

That night, Li Erqin did not come to study at night. It should have been a leave of absence from the teacher, because the teacher did not seem to be surprised by Li Erqin's absence and did not come to ask.

Rong Si went out to check as usual.

Peng Zige sat alone in the last row by the window, shivering a little by the sudden cooling of the night wind, causing goosebumps all over his body.

Su Zi occasionally turned around to ask him some homework questions, and the two of them wrote and drew on the scratch paper with their heads lowered.

The teacher in front of the podium was attracted by the small sound of discussion. Seeing that it was Peng Zige and Su Zi, instead of stopping, they lowered their heads and continued to grade the homework. When a good student is whispering to a good student, the teacher is always indulgent. How can a good student desert in class and chat in the evening.

Finally, after Su Zi said "thank you", she turned around.

The little whispers that remained in the classroom also disappeared, and it was so quiet that only the rustling of the pen tip on the paper and the occasional sound of turning pages.

Peng Zige's left hand, which had been placed under the table before the evening self-study started, felt a tightness involuntarily, and felt the hard texture of the paper poking into the palm of his hand. It hurts a little bit too tight.

He withdrew his left hand and put it on the desk, and slowly spread out the note, which was a little wet.

[Er Qin, what happened?]

It was just five simple words, but Peng Zige made his palms sweat.

While Peng Zige stared at the note in a daze, the seat next to him was pulled open, and there was a refreshing smell of shower gel, and then Rong Si sat down.

When he sat down, his eyes naturally swept to the note that was flat on the table, paused for a moment, opened the exercise book and started writing.


Peng Zige called him softly.

Rong Si turned his head.

"Is it something you don't care about?"

Rong Si looked at him puzzled.

"There was a problem with Li Erqin, and you never cared about it from the beginning to the end." Peng Zige said in a dull tone, "For you, a friend means you don't refuse when you come, and you don't keep it when you leave?"

Rong Si lowered his head and continued to answer the question: "Well."

Such a bland and almost indifferent answer made Peng Zige's nerves suddenly tense. From Li Erqin's deliberate alienation from noon to Rong Si's indifferent attitude, it seemed that he was the only one who cared about him from beginning to end. His nervousness immediately turned into anger, and he shouted: "Is that still a friend!"

The sudden shouting stopped the entire class for a few seconds, and some timid girls even frightened the pen in their hands. Everyone looked back at the initiator in amazement.

Peng Zige stood up, kicked over his chair, and walked out through the back door of the classroom.

The teacher didn't react at all. Peng Zige walked for a long time before asking Rong Si, "What's wrong?"

Rong Si quickly scribbled on the scratch paper without answering.

The teacher didn't ask any further questions.