The Daily Record of Secretly Loving the Male Idol

Chapter 25: rival


Li Erqin asked to look at Rong Si.

Ruan Ming laughed: "Why do you see Rong Si? Is he your guardian?"

Li Erqin glanced over lightly: "You interrupted our rehearsal, what do you think?"

"Go." Rong Si closed the piano cover and stood up: "Go back to the classroom after talking. I remember that Teacher Jiang has something to do with me."

"Oh." Li Erqin nodded.

Rong Si: "Let's talk first, I'll tidy up the classroom."

After Rong Si finished packing, he walked down the stairs and saw Ruan Mingxian and Li Erqin standing at the corner of the stairs on the upper floor. Ruan Ming leaned against the armrest as if he had no bones, and looked down at Li Erqin, who was a head shorter than him, with a smile at the end of his eyes: "So, I want to ask you if you are interested."

Rong Si kept walking and turned around another stairway. Now he couldn't hear what they were talking about.

At this moment, Li Erqin looked at Ruan Mingxian unexpectedly: "Let me be the host?"

"Yeah." Ruan Ming nodded first: "The senior sister I partnered with was unable to participate due to some personal reasons."

"Why did you choose me?"

Ruan Ming smiled first: "Because I think you are suitable."

Li Erqin looked at him, the water in his pupils was pale and clean.

"You are from a broadcasting agency, with standard Mandarin and a unique voice," Ruan Ming paused and smiled wickedly: "You're still pretty."

Li Erqin nodded: "I know."

Ruan Mingxian: …

"You agree?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Li Erqin hesitated after finishing speaking: "It won't take up a lot of time, will it?"

Ruan Ming first waited for her to let go, and then he would try harder. Now that he heard Li Erqin say this, he smiled happily: "With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Li Erqin gave him a vague look.

Ruan Ming raised his eyebrows first: "Don't believe me?"

Li Erqin shook his head, you are not Rong Si.

"Then I'll assume you agree?"

Li Erqin nodded.

Ruan Ming whistled first: "That's it, you come to 302 of the laboratory building during the evening self-study."

Li Erqin: "?"


Li Erqin returned to the classroom one second before the bell rang for the afternoon self-study. Only Su Zi was sleeping at his place, and neither Peng Zige nor Rong Si were there.

She took out her homework to write, but she didn't write a few words, and someone tapped her shoulder. At the same time, Peng Zige's voice came from above her head: "Er Qin."

She put down her pen and turned around, Peng Zige and Rong Si were both in their places.

"What's wrong?"

Peng Zige: "Why is Ruan Ming looking for you in the first place?"

Su Zi was awakened by Peng Zige and sat up in a daze.

"You said you wanted me to be the host."

Peng Zige: "Do you say it again?"

Li Erqin said a little louder: "Be the host."

Even the surrounding classmates heard this, and they turned their attention to it curiously.

"Is it the host of the New Year's Day show?" someone asked.

Li Erqin nodded.

"Why did I find you suddenly?" Peng Zige asked.

"Say that the senior sister who was supposed to host has something to do."

Another said: "Why is it your turn to do good things, Li Erqin."

Li Erqin looked over speechlessly: "Because I belong to the broadcasting company."

"All self-study." Rong Si said, ending everyone's small talk.

Everyone shut up obediently and started to do their homework.

Before turning around, Li Erqin couldn't help but look at Rong Si.

Rong Si: "What's wrong?"

"Ruan Ming asked me for this at noon first."


Li Erqin stared at Rong Si for a while and pursed his lips unconsciously.

She felt as if she… made a superfluous explanation


In a certain classroom in the second grade of high school, Ruan Ming leaned back on the chair and sat among the tall boys, looking stubbornly at the girl standing in front of him.

The girl has a long black head, thin eyebrows and big eyes, and she is straightforward: "Why?"

Ruan Ming asked back, "Why why?"

"I said it was me who recommended it, why did I suddenly change?"

"Who told you that?"

The girl was startled.

"Who is it?" Ruan Ming raised his eyes and asked, his left eyebrow raised slightly, and called her name: "Ju Xiaoyu."

Ju Xiaoyu couldn't speak, she just heard about it: "There is no new student to be the host as soon as she arrives."

"I am."

Ju Xiaoyu was speechless again.

Ruan Ming waved his hand first: "I have already told the teacher in charge about this. If you have any opinions, go and tell the teacher yourself."

The boy next to him laughed at him: "Why does Ah Xian speak to a beautiful woman with such an attitude!"

Ruan Ming turned his eyes to the side and said lazily, "Shut up."

The boy pouted.

Ju Xiaoyu glared at him and ran away with red eyes.

Ruan Ming continued chatting first, when someone bumped his waist with an elbow, he turned his head: "Why?"

"Are you really that good?"

"How about it?"

"I've been chasing it for a year, and I finally had the opportunity to be with you, but you actually gave the opportunity to others."

Ruan Ming first put his hands on the back of his head, leaned back a lot, and looked in a good mood: "Wrong, I gave myself the opportunity."

That person didn't understand.

Ruan Ming smiled first, then turned to talk to the others.

The man reacted for a while, and suddenly slapped his thigh: "Fuck! Ah Xian!"

Ruan Ming turned back first.

"Do you have a girl you like?"

Ruan Mingxian took it for granted and didn't mean to hide it at all: "Well, yes."

Everyone was curious: "Who is it?"

"Li Erqin."


"A senior, Li Erqin."

A few people vaguely recalled the half-face swollen in the propaganda column.

"… Oh."

I didn't expect Ruan Ming to pick and choose such a "unique" one.

"come on… "

Ruan Mingxian wandered to Li Erqin's classroom after dinner and looked inside through the window. A few students were sitting in the classroom, doing homework, and talking with their heads together. The whispers were so light that they could not be heard, and there were still distances in twos and threes, which made the whole classroom seem more quiet and empty. At first glance, I could only see the books piled on the table, thick and tall.

Ruan Ming looked around first, but did not see Li Erqin. After waiting for a while, he took out his ears and walked to the laboratory building.

After taking two steps, he stopped, and looked at the oncoming person with a grin.

It's Rong Si. There was no one else around, not even Peng Zige, who was always inseparable.

Rong Si was always expressionless, and when he passed Ruan Mingxian, who had been waiting on the spot and planned to "chat" a few words, he just nodded lightly as a greeting. Then pass him by, and turn a corner into the classroom.

Ruan Ming tilted his head first: "Hey?"

With such an obvious expression that he was about to strike up a conversation, he could actually walk over without changing his face as if he hadn't seen it.

Have backbone!

He continued to walk towards the laboratory building, the smile on his face gradually faded away, he withdrew his left foot just before stepping down the stairs, then turned around and walked towards Li Erqin's classroom again.

It had only been a few minutes, and three girls were already waiting by Rong Si's desk, lining up with textbooks to ask questions.

Ruan Ming raised his eyebrows and knocked on the door frame.

Several people looked over at the same time.

"Hey!" He raised his chin at Rong Si: "Come out."

Rong Si looked at him and still couldn't read his emotions. He turned his head and said softly to the girl who was asking the question, "Wait a minute."

Then stand up and walk out.

At the same time, he grabbed his hands and closed the door, isolating the inquiring eyes from the classroom behind the door.

Ruan Ming first lowered his head and smiled, the smell of disdain was strong.

Rong Si watched quietly and asked, "What's the matter."

Ruan Ming leaned his back on the railing of the corridor and tilted his head in a serious manner: "Where's Li Erqin?"

Rong Si laughed this time, different from Ruan Mingxian's always a little ruffian smile, Rong Si's smile was the same as his people, lightly without much emotion.

Ruan Ming also looked at him first.

"You don't know?" he asked again.

"do not know."

"Okay!" Ruan Ming stood up first and patted Rong Si on the shoulder: "Then I'll look elsewhere."

Rong Si ignored him, pushed open the back door of the classroom and walked straight in.

Ruan Ming first walked back along the way he came, feeling even more unhappy than before. On the first day of the second year of high school, someone mentioned the name "Rong Si" to him. For a whole week, his name was ringing in his ears. It seems that one day a person like this suddenly appeared in the world, and everything was compared with you by others.

Prettier than you, taller than you, better grades than you.

Sports are not as good as you, easy to get along with, and popular without you.

Ruan Mingxian was so annoyed that he wanted to shoot all those broken thoughts into the ground.

What kind of person Rong Si is, he doesn't care at all.

Until he saw the eyes Li Erqin looked at him, and the fit when she was with him. From then on, while there is one more person in my heart, there is another imaginary enemy.

Or it can also be defined as a "rival in love".

Ruan Ming first walked downstairs to the laboratory and looked up. There was a familiar figure standing beside the railing in the corridor on the third floor, but it was too far away to see his expression.

Her head was hidden in the turned down padded jacket hat, revealing a small ponytail. The wind seemed to be strong, and Ruan Ming first felt that she was shaking.

After raising his head for a while, he couldn't help but let out a sigh before continuing to walk.

Climbing up the stairs step by step with his head down, he couldn't help laughing again.

A little boy is a little boy, do you think that you can cover up your emotions well with a blank face


Under the calmness of Rong Si's calmness, the hostility leaked out little by little. And he saw it clearly.

"Ruan Mingxian."

His thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

Ju Xiaoyu was sitting on the last step of the stairs, obviously waiting for him. She was obviously well-dressed, her pink lips were shiny and lip gloss was applied.

He stopped and looked up at her: "What's the matter?"

"I talked to the teacher in charge." Ju Xiaoyu stood up: "She is now talking to the girl you are looking for."


Ju Xiaoyu pouted and said nothing.

"Why did you ask the teacher to find her?"

"Is it useful to find you?"

Ruan Mingxian's whole face became cold, remembering that he had just seen Li Erqin's figure in the corridor downstairs, and asked, "Are they talking now?"

Ju Xiaoyu nodded.

Ruan Ming didn't want to waste time talking to her, so he stepped over to her side and glanced at her.

Ju Xiaoyu didn't know what he meant by this look, but she was angry and aggrieved: "She is someone who has never hosted experience, is it appropriate for her to suddenly host? And there is still more than a week left. Are you sure she is competent?"

"I said yes."

Ruan Ming didn't look at her again, and walked down the corridor towards Li Erqin in the distance. With her back to herself, she could only see the teacher in charge's mouth open and close.

Seeing Ruan Mingxian approaching, she patted Li Erqin on the shoulder and ended the conversation.