The Daily Record of Secretly Loving the Male Idol

Chapter 49


Li Erqin shook his head reflexively.

"So you agreed?" he asked again.

Li Erqin felt that his mind was in chaos, and he couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of this moment.

The voice of Peng Zige talking to Su Zi came from the back door: "I asked if you can bring your brain next time you go out, and ask you to rub the corners of my clothes for me, not to give me a bath."

Su Zi was dissatisfied: "Then why are you looking for me, looking for Erqin!"

Rong Si turned back and asked again, "Agree?"

Li Erqin nodded.

Rong Si looked straight at her, smiled, and stood up from Su Zi's seat.

At the same time, Li Erqin lowered his head with a blushing face.

Peng Zige's voice was approaching: "Do you know the difference between looking for Li Erqin and looking for you?"


"I thought you would be more reliable than you, Li Erqin."

Su Zi walked up to Li Erqin and complained, "Er Qin, Peng Zige said you were unreliable."

Peng Zige stared in anger.

However, at this moment, Li Erqin was completely unable to think, and his mind was full of—

who I am

where am i from

Where am I going

Li Erqin's unresponsiveness made Su Zi puzzled: "Er Qin?"

"Huh?" Li Erqin's response was very timely, but his thoughts still didn't keep up, and his face was blank.

Su Zi wanted to touch Li Erqin's forehead to make sure she had a fever: "What's the matter with you?"

Li Erqin: "Nothing."

Peng Zige also noticed that Li Erqin was wrong: "What's wrong with you?"

Li Erqin: "..."

I can't answer, I can only go to see Rong Si.

Rong Si held his chin and smiled.

Also not right.

Peng Zige reacted for a while, then suddenly whispered to Rong Si: "Are you making trouble with Erqin again?"

Rong Si: "No."

No wonder.

This thought was in Peng Zige's mind until the evening self-study. Because the strange behavior of Li Erqin and Rong Si has continued to this day.

Rong Si, who has always been expressionless, has been wearing a "faint smile" today, while Li Erqin, the queen of facial paralysis, refuses to look at anyone all day, and it takes a long time to respond to anyone who talks to her.

It's not that it's weird.

In the second evening self-study class, Rong Si went to the training camp again. Li Erqin was lying on the table and doing homework, and Su Zi occasionally turned back to check the answer to a question with him.

After Su Zi turned back to check the answer with him for the third time, Peng Zige kept her.

"Do you think Rong Si and Li Erqin are quarreling?"

Su Zi shook her head and said in a low voice, "I don't know. I feel that Rong Si's attitude towards Er Qin has changed since school started."

Peng Zige said sadly: "Every time they get angry, it's just like no one else, but it's the two of us who suffer."

Su Zi laughed: "Where are you suffering?"

Peng Zige: "I was so worried that I didn't eat much dinner, and now I'm starving to death."

Su Zi: " have eaten a lot of dinner."


The topic was diverted by an inexplicable focus, but the two of them were still arguing.

At the same time, Li Erqin received a text message from Rong Si.

Li Erqin had an illusion, she felt her hands trembling when she took out her phone, looking forward to what Rong Si would say.

Swiping off the lock screen, Rong Si's message came into view:

[My question-solving steps for the second major question in the physics volume are wrong, you keep it for now, and I will explain it to you again when I come back. ]



Li Erqin put the phone back on the table, and pulled out the physics test paper that Rong Si revised for him at noon. The first time I found the comment that Rong Si made to myself.

I feel the same handwriting, clean and beautiful, with a handsome pen.

The more he said that he made a mistake, the more curious she became, and she simply started to calculate. Originally, it was because I was not familiar with the knowledge points that I did the wrong questions. I could only take out the textbook to find the corresponding knowledge points, and then look for similar examples.

After repeated calculations several times, the answer was always the same as what Rong Si gave.

Obviously she felt that she had conquered a knowledge point with her own ability, but she was sweating profusely.

Li Erqin painted out the answer and started a new round of calculations, wondering while calculating.

- The answer is this, right

- But Rong Si said he wrote it wrong.

- That must have been a mistake somewhere.

A minute later, Li Erqin got the same answer again.

She frowned in confusion, and the phone vibrated again on the table.

She pouted and took out her mobile phone, still Rong Si's text message:

[To lie to you, that question is correct. ]

What? !

Li Erqin's eyes widened exaggeratedly. It took her half an hour to calculate and calculate, and now he told her that he was lying to her

So what is the purpose

Rong Si's next text message came in.

Li Erqin looked down.

[Because I want to talk to you. ]

Li Erqin once again felt that he was in the clouds, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but keep rising. Realizing that it was evening self-study time, she suddenly smirked at her phone, and she would definitely be suspected. She tried to control her expression and pursed her lips.


Totally out of control.

Even laughed out loud.



Rong Si returned to the classroom from training, but did not see Li Erqin in her seat, and asked Peng Zige, "Where's Li Erqin?"

As soon as Rong Si came back, he asked Li Erqin about this, which made Peng Zige feel good.

When asked if the relationship between the two can be eased, he quickly replied: "Li Erqin laughed inexplicably just now, and was sent out by the teacher to take out the trash."

Rong Si: "..."

Rong Si, who had just entered the classroom, turned around and went out again.

Peng Zige proudly asked Su Zi for credit: "Look at me, I saved the relationship between them that was on the verge of breaking up again."

Su Zi was too lazy to pay attention to him: "I've finished my homework, how about you?"

Peng Zige: "?"

Looking down at his remaining homework: "Why are you writing so fast?"

Su Zi glanced at Li Erqin's desk: "Er Qin seems to have finished writing it a long time ago and has been studying physics."

Peng Zige blinked stupidly: "Am I the slowest?"

Su Zi nodded: "I feel that at this pace, your grades will be the worst among the four of us."

Peng Zige said with disdain, "Impossible."

Su Zi: "Wait and see."

In the quiet corridor, Rong Si waited for Li Erqin, who was walking up with a trash can.

The first light in the hallway broke for no apparent reason a few days ago and has not been replaced with a new one. After the sky is completely dark, the light in this corner will become particularly hazy.

So Li Erqin didn't notice the people leaning against the wall waiting for her.

Dangling about to pass by, his arm was suddenly grabbed.

Li Erqin saw the person holding her before the exclamation came out of her mouth, and she suppressed the exclamation.

Rong Si was amused by the frightened expression on her face, and a muffled low laugh came out from his throat.

Li Erqin felt that the heat on his face extended to the back of his ears. His heart was beating fast, and he didn't know if he was embarrassed or frightened.

However, there could be other reasons as well.

No one speaks.

Li Erqin was busy calming his heartbeat and cooling his face.

And Rong Si looked at her calmly.

The atmosphere became more and more ambiguous. Maybe everyone who started a relationship is the same, Li Erqin didn't know where to put his hands.

Rong Si chuckled softly in his ears.

She mustered up the courage to look up at him.

His eyes caught Rong Si's eyes looking straight at her, Li Erqin immediately raised his gaze, turned around and looked at the ground.

From the beginning, Rong Si pulled her to the corner with the weakest light, a corner where no one would be found if he didn't look deliberately.

The distance between the two is very close, Li Erqin almost sticks to Rong Si's body.

Rong Si was silent for a while, then whispered, "Er Qin."

"Hmm." The tail of the voice was shaking.


Li Erqin looked up: "What?"

The next second, she felt herself being gently hugged into a warm chest, her left face pressed against his heart. Rong Si's left hand was placed on her back with just the right amount of force, while his right hand was gently placed on the back of her head, pressing her head towards him.

Li Erqin listened to his heartbeat.

Also fast, but still at a regular rhythm. Unlike his own heartbeat, it's chaotic.

"I can't help but want to hug you." Rong Si explained, his voice reaching Li Erqin's ears from his chest.

Li Erqin also stretched out his hand and wrapped his arms around Rong Si's thin waist.

Correspondingly, the temperature on the face became hotter.

She always felt that ever since Rong Si asked her if she would like to be his girlfriend, her reaction has been bad. At this moment, the time is right and the place is right, and she feels that it is time for her to perform well.

"Rong Si."


Li Erqin raised his head to look at him, poked his chin on his chest, and his eyes like a deer floated: "I like you."

Rong Si smiled, his eyes darkened.

She raised her hand to cover her eyes, and turned her head to clear her throat.

His voice was still slightly hoarse: "I know."

Li Erqin didn't understand why he covered his eyes, subconsciously bit his lower lip, and then pursed his lips.

It felt like Rong Si's heartbeat was completely chaotic for no apparent reason.

I heard him coughing again: "Go back to the classroom."

He let go of her and bent over to pick up the trash can that Li Erqin had just thrown on the ground.

Li Erqin took a look and felt that he had lost again.

Just now, she, Li Erqin, confessed beside the trash can, and hugged Rong Si's waist with the hand that had just emptied the trash.

Ha ha.


Li Erqin returned to normal.

This was Peng Zige's first feeling after Li Erqin returned to the classroom after taking out the trash.

The familiar Li Erqin is back.

Peng Zige drew a perfect full stop on the workbook, closed the exercise book, stretched, and began to stop again: "Er Qin."

Li Erqin turned back and said with an expressionless face, "Huh?"

"When did you finish your homework?"