The Daily Record of Secretly Loving the Male Idol

Chapter 7: she says


Li Erqin, who was also considered a "Lone Ranger" a while ago, naturally joined the two-person group of Rong Si and Peng Zige. When it was the turn of the two boys, Li Erqin would stay in the classroom to do some homework or help with some simple things. When it was Li Erqin's turn to be on duty, Rong Si would know his duty range in advance, and then work with Peng Zige to help her complete it.

Occasionally, when Li Erqin is in a good mood, he will also go to the stadium to watch the boys play. When I come and go, I'm used to buying two bottles of iced drinks to bring with me before I go, which can be regarded as expressing my gratitude to them for helping them on duty.

It was Li Erqin's turn again that day, Rong Si stayed in the classroom to do the final finishing work, and Li Erqin followed Peng Zige to take out the garbage. When the two walked back down the stairs, they heard a girl chatting from top to bottom and walking down. The topic had obviously been going on for a while, but it did not hinder Li Erqin's understanding.

"If you're as cheeky as she is, you'll definitely have a good relationship with Rong Si!"

"Yes! You also deliver water and drinks every day!"

"But it's a bit of a scheming bitch to see that she doesn't care about others."

"Well, I heard that she has a strange temper and is not easy to get along with! So there are no girls in their class with her."

"She's not uncommon! Who among you can be bound to Rong Si and Peng Zige every day?"

"I heard that Rong Si and Peng Zige even help her on duty!"

"What a lady!"

"Yeah! I just saw Peng Zige helping her take out the trash..."

The voices suddenly stopped, and several people looked embarrassedly at Li Erqin and Peng Zige who were standing at the corner listening to their conversation.

They were all girls from other classes who had never met. Compared to Peng Zige's angry face, Li Erqin's expression was calm.

Peng Zige wanted to say something for Li Erqin, but Li Erqin just glanced at them lightly, then walked upstairs. Peng Zige could only follow up, but he felt too angry to walk like this, so when he passed the girls, he left a sentence: "It's ugly!"

The simple and straightforward three words caused a knowing blow to several girls. The red face that had been hit on the scene turned pale.

After a long time, someone exhaled: "Damn..."

Peng Zige followed Li Erqin silently until she was about to enter the classroom, then grabbed Li Erqin and asked, "Are you alright?"

"It's alright!"

"I do not believe."

Li Erqin didn't care and continued to walk into the classroom, only to be pulled out by Peng Zige.

"If you tease me again, there will be nothing to eat in the cafeteria."

Peng Zige looked at her silently.

"It's all right!"

"You won't alienate us because of these strange words, will you?"

Li Erqin was curious: "Why?"

Why? Asked by Li Erqin, Peng Zige felt a sense of powerlessness: "It's fine if you don't think so."

Thinking the conversation was over, Li Erqin turned around and entered the classroom again, but was pulled out by Peng Zige again. She looked at him inexplicably: "What the hell are you doing?"

"You're really not angry when they say that to you? I don't believe it."

Li Erqin lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at Peng Zige: "They're right."

Peng Zige looked at her in confusion.

"I have a good relationship with you, and I have less contact with the girls in the class. What else? Oh, yes, you are indeed helping me on duty."

Peng Zige actually thought that what she said was quite reasonable.

"However," she added, "I'm not ignoring others."

Peng Zige couldn't help poking her forehead: "That's not the point! Miss!"

"I'm not a lady either."

"Don't make fun of me with a serious face."

Li Erqin didn't change his expression and looked at him silently.

"… OK."

Because Li Erqin and Peng Zige wasted too much time, they had to go to the school gate for food if they missed the canteen dinner. When leaving the classroom, Peng Zige accidentally found that Su Zi was still in the classroom, and asked casually, "Why didn't Su Zi go to dinner?"

Hearing this, Su Zi looked up from the exercise book and looked at his watch: "I forgot the time."

"Let's go together then?" Li Erqin invited.

Su Zi didn't answer, but looked at Rong Si instead.

Rong Si: "Let's go together."

Su Zi immediately stood up with a smile: "Then I'll disturb you!"

"It's okay!" Peng Zige waved his hand indifferently: "It's so crowded!"

Su Zi tidied up the desk casually, and took the initiative to take Li Erqin's arm: "Let's go then?"

Li Erqin glanced at Su Zi holding his arm, and raised his eyebrows at Peng Zige a little proudly, and said to Su Zi, "Hey, boys are eating fast! You must not stop chewing food!"

Peng Zige immediately retorted: "It's you who eat slowly!"

Su Zi smiled in disapproval, slightly turned her head and asked Rong Si, "Do boys eat faster?"

"Er Qin eats slowly."

Li Erqin, who was about to answer, was stunned when he heard Rong Si's address to him. Peng Zige always called her "Er Qin" and "Er Qin", but Rong Si, who was always a little taciturn, always used the unfamiliar first and last name when calling her name.

She was so happy and nervous that she secretly glanced at Rong Si.

That night, after Peng Zige and Rong Si returned to the dormitory, Rong Si found that Peng Zige always followed behind him and hesitated.

After being followed by this spirit behind him all night, he finally put down the mouthwash cup in his hand: "Tell me, what's the matter."

Peng Zige still looked like he didn't know how to speak.

Rong Si reminded him, "Talk about the key points."

"I bumped into another class girl today and said Li Erqin was right or wrong."

Can a person like Li Erqin be right or wrong

Rong Si obviously did not expect such a possibility, so he was a little surprised: "What did you say?"

"It's said that she was cheeky and scheming to be with us, and that we helped her make her look like a very big lady on duty."

After finishing speaking, Peng Zige praised his ability to highly generalize in his heart.

"Cheeky and tricky, Miss." Rong Si grabbed a few key words, and then smiled: "What's Li Erqin's reaction?"

"She, it's still like that, it doesn't matter."

Rong Si nodded and did not continue the conversation.

"I'm afraid that she will feel more concerned when she goes back and think about it, and then alienates us."

"No." Rong Si simply concluded: "Besides, Li Erqin is with us because you are cheeky and clinging to others."

Peng Zige blushed, but didn't deny it: "I just think she's pretty good."

In the girls' dormitory, Su Zizheng pulled Li Erqin and said, "Hey, you eat with them every day, don't you have to eat in a hurry every time?"

"I was in a hurry at first, but then I stopped." Li Erqin opened a packet of biscuits while talking, and handed them to Su Zi first: "Would you like it?"

Su Zi picked up a piece: "I didn't have enough to eat at night, you three lunatics eat too fast."

"I told you not to stop chewing." She picked a pattern she liked and stuffed it into her mouth: "You keep talking to them."

"Peng Zige keeps talking, you can't ignore him, how embarrassing!"

Li Erqin recalled: "He can complete all the topics by himself, we just need to be responsible for listening."

Su Zi was amused by this sentence for a long time.

"However," she asked again, "does Rong Si usually talk so little?"


"It's really the Iceberg God!"

Li Erqin continued to eat biscuits without commenting.

"Er Qin, you are with them every day, who do you like more?" The gossip finally came to the point.

"I like it better?" Li Erqin asked back, "They are all good."

"I mean the love between boys and girls! Didn't you notice that Rong Si received confessions every day? How many girls want to say a word to Rong Si and Peng Zige, you are with them every day, and you don't feel jealous Are your eyes burning?"

Li Erqin was startled, remembering the conversation he heard in the stairwell in the evening, and finally expressed his thoughts: "It's very annoying."


"Rong Si and Peng Zige are not difficult people to get along with. If you want to be friends with them, you can just go up and say hello. I can't make them friends with Rong Si when I am jealous."

Su Zi looked at Li Erqin who suddenly became a little unhappy: "What's wrong?"

Li Erqin shook his head, not wanting to talk, and added: "I won't stop being friends with them because of this."

Although he got Rong Si's answer, Peng Zige still felt uneasy. The next day, I woke up early and sent a text message to Li Erqin: Do you want to have breakfast together

Didn't get a reply.

Rong Si finished breakfast with him, but he couldn't resist Peng Zige, so he made a special detour to accompany him to Li Erqin's bedroom downstairs to wait for her. I didn't meet Li Erqin, not even the girls in the class. All I met was the whispers of passing girls to them.

In fact, after breakfast, what can I say even if I meet Li Erqin who just woke up


So how will Li Erqin respond

"It was a coincidence that you came around from the boys' dormitory." His face was expressionless.

Yes, it must be expressionless.

and then

Answer: "We just finished breakfast in the cafeteria."

"Oh, it's a coincidence that it was a detour from the cafeteria."

Peng Zige looked up at the girls' dormitory again and sighed, "Let's go back to the classroom."

Rong Si nodded: "Maybe I overslept."

Peng Zige was particularly frustrated because he didn't reach Li Erqin: "I think Li Erqin really wants to draw a clear line with us."

Rong Si calmly looked at the girls who hurried to the cafeteria because they got up late, raised his wrist and looked at the watch: "Let's go."

"That's not the direction of the classroom!"

"Go to the cafeteria."

Peng Zige simply didn't understand: "Just finished eating! Are you hungry so fast?"

Rong Si walked slowly in front, without any intention of answering him.

Rong Si guessed correctly.

When Li Erqin arrived at the classroom, the morning self-study was already halfway through. She slipped back into the chair from the back door of the classroom, so witty that she didn't disturb the head teacher at the podium table.

She exhaled: "Fortunately."

"Teacher has already registered." Rong Si's refreshing voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Huh?" Li Erqin sucked in a breath of air and turned his head cautiously: "What should I do? Will I be punished?"



Peng Zige followed and said, "Tell the teacher that you went to a public place to sweep the floor." Then he handed over the things in his hand: "The breakfast bought for you is the tea eggs that the local tyrants deserve!"

"Thank you." Li Erqin naturally took it: "Teacher actually believed it?"

Peng Zige: "Because Rong Si said it for you."

Li Erqin stared at Peng Zige for three seconds in disbelief before turning his adoring gaze to Rong Si: "Sure enough."

Rong Si had already focused his attention on the textbook in front of him. Hearing this, he raised his head and smiled warmly at her, holding his chin. It was the moment when the morning sun turned to dazzling, golden beams shrouded Rong Si's body through the window. When he laughed, his whole body seemed to be glowing.

Li Erqin instantly felt his brain heat up again, and hurriedly thanked him. He turned to lie on the desk and buried his face between his arms. He soon felt that his whole face became hot and hot.

This strange feeling that she had never had before made her heart beat fast and fast.