The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 1: Wake up dreams


In the last five minutes before midnight, the two rows of street lights on the left and right of Villa No. 13 were dimmed from outside to inside. The light source was swallowed and attacked, and the whole street was suddenly quiet.

Finally, Villa 13 became the home of darkness.

There are still three living people in the villa.

The middle-aged man leaning on the corner of the stairs was holding a recorder tightly, panting quickly, his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Dead, all dead! This is just an ordinary task, how could this be? Life! Where is the life!"

And while he was thinking, a drop of sweat finally couldn't bear the gravity, and fell from the corner of his face, "tick" and smashed to the ground. The sound is not loud, but it is very clear in the quiet villa.

This sound seemed to the man to ring the death knell in his head. His body trembled and his complexion instantly bounced off the ground and rushed up the stairs, as if a sharp arrow was flying off the string, without looking back. The floor rushed away.

"It's coming"

"That evil spirit, if you don't kill us all, it will never give up!"

The man did not dare to look back, he knew that the evil spirit must be behind him, he could do nothing, he could do nothing but escape!

At the top of the stairs where the man was standing before, a thin figure nearly two and a half meters tall appeared in the darkness. He was slowly walking towards his slender legs and chasing him step by step. If you look closely, the proportions of the elongated figure are very strange. The upper body is very short, but the legs are as long as two adults.

In other words, although its actions are not fast, its one step is equivalent to two steps of a middle-aged man!

Although it is walking, its speed is about the same as that of a man. The distance between one person and one spirit is approaching, and it will be sooner or later to be overtaken.

The middle-aged man ran deeper and deeper in the corridor on the second floor. He didn't know when he ran to the end, but the current situation could only run wild. The gasp was extremely heavy, and he felt that his legs were getting heavier and heavier, and now he was completely supported by human survival instincts.

However, he ran desperately like this, only drinking poison to quench his thirst. He had seen the dark wall in front of him, his face was getting paler and paler, his legs began to tremble, and he finally ran to the end of the second floor, and his body ran into uncontrollably. The thick wall in front of me.

No retreat, no escape!

He glanced at his watch shiveringly, at 11:58:30, the last minute and a half before the end of the mission, the most desperate one and a half.

The cold and cold breath behind him approached step by step, and he knew that he was completely in despair.

The man turned and leaned against the wall and lost all his strength. His body fell a little bit, the light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and his face was full of unwillingness, dissatisfaction, and dissatisfaction.

"There is really no hope this time, or entering that place is a desperate thing. It is just a joke for me to abandon my human nature and struggle unscrupulously."

In the gloomy corridor less than five meters ahead, the elongated evil spirit has already appeared, and even the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, as if looking forward to the bloody scene that follows.

People are really just ants in front of evil spirits!

When the man sat on the ground and waited for his death, a slide appeared in front of him with a "crash". The man raised his head in amazement, and a hidden door appeared on the ceiling above the slide.

In the small door, there appeared a trembling woman with horror on her face, and a little boy tremblingly hiding behind the woman beside her.

"Quick... come up."

The man was overjoyed, grabbing the slide and climbing. This slide is like an escalator to heaven for him, and he can live on it! Because there is only one minute left until the end of the mission!

The evil spirit ahead realized that the lamb in front of him was about to escape from birth, and took a step to catch the slide, but it was still a step too late. In the end the slide was torn off, but the man had climbed into the secret door.

The man sat next to the secret door and locked the door. He waited for a while, and found that there was no sound below, and the feeling of abhorrent cold disappeared. He almost couldn't believe it when he escaped from birth in a blink of an eye. He tensed his nerves and got a chance to relax.

Above the secret door is the attic of this villa, filled with children’s toys. It is probably the secret base of this little boy. Although it is not big, it is enough for the man, because he is about to complete the task and leave this ghost place. .

He looked at the two mother and son curled up in front of him. The little boy trembled with his lips as if he was scared. The woman held the boy tightly, trembling, and asked the man in a low voice: "You, what about the rest of you, I What about the husband...?"

The man ignored her, but frowned and stared at the mother and son. He thought that the mother and son had died in the hands of evil spirits a long time ago. He didn't expect to save his life now. Could it be that... Immediately, he Suddenly his eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, just about to speak.


The three of them suddenly looked up, and saw that the evil spirit got in through the skylight of the attic and brought a large piece of broken glass.

The tall evil spirit can only bend over in this attic, but it is enough, it can completely kill the three people in front of it in a few seconds.

how come! How can it come in from outside the villa, the task is not written like this!

This time the man and the evil spirit got closer, and he could clearly see the evil spirit's expression, it was a cruel pleasure.

The middle-aged man clenched his teeth, looked at his watch, only the last half a minute was left, and fell into death again. There is nothing he can do in such a small room, he can't even delay time!

"Huh? Procrastinate for time..." He looked fiercely, and was so scared that he kept leaning on his mother and son, "Yes, my partner is dead, why are you alive!"

"The opportunity is not waiting for me. When they are frightened and stupid, throw out a substitute for the dead. I may still have a chance to complete the task."

The man opened his bloodshot eyes, grabbed the woman beside him, and pushed it to the feet of the evil spirit. At the same time grabbing the boy's arm to prepare for future troubles.

The woman never expected that the man she rescued by herself would push her out. Unsuspectingly, she was trampled underfoot by the evil spirit. This step squashed her head, and all the red and white sprayed out and splashed. The man and the little boy are together.

The spray of blood stimulated the nature of the evil spirit, and began to bow his head to kill the woman, ignoring the two people close to it for a while.

The little boy watched his mother fall into the hands of the evil spirits, struggling madly. Now, at a young age, he understands some things. His father should have been fierce. He and his mother have lived here until now. He can no longer lose his mother. Up.

He wanted to rush to the evil spirit to protect his mother, but Naihe couldn't break free from the bondage of the man, tears flowed in anxiously, and screamed loudly, but he could only watch his mother be killed by the evil spirit.

Seeing that it was really effective, the man excitedly took the recorder that had not been put down to his mouth, murmured non-stop, midnight finally arrived, and a white light jetted out from the man’s body from the inside out, and suddenly the whole person disappeared. In the attic.

And what happened before him was beyond the psychological endurance of the 9-year-old boy. He was still calling "Mom" a second before he passed out!


Boom, a loud thunder blew out of the window, and Xu Lang was awakened instantly, sweating all over his head.

"Dreaming about that again..."

Seeing the heavy rain outside the window, Xu Lang had no intention of falling asleep again. He grabbed his glasses from the bedside and put them on, put on his shoes and walked into the bathroom.

With water from the faucet, Xu Lang's eyes were bloodshot, staring blankly at the mirror in front of him.

In the mirror, he has a medium to thin body, a sickly white complexion, a pair of black-rimmed glasses that do not match the proportions of his face, and a long, unregulated hair, making him look exceptionally desolate. He looks like a drug addict. no difference.

Xu Lang put his hair together, sat down at the window after a change of washing, lit a cigarette, and returned his thoughts to the dream.

It was actually not a dream, but an experience he had when he was 9 years old, and he was still torturing him when he dreamed back at midnight 18 years later.

After he was in a coma that year, he woke up to find his aunt sitting beside him in the hospital.

Seeing that he was awake, his aunt came up to teach him: "When I was young, I would be fooling around. I didn't go home after school and caused trouble outside."

At that time, Xu Lang was frightened but not stupid. He didn't understand that he was always at home

After crying and screaming, his aunt told him that Xu Lang’s parents had died a long time ago. He had lived in his aunt’s house since he was a child. He was not found after school yesterday, and he was sent to the hospital before contacting his aunt. .

Xu Lang certainly didn't believe this argument. When he was arguing about what happened last night, there was a trace of boredom in his aunt's eyes, accusing him of being a weird thing. How could there be such a thing in the world

Xu Lang, who was not a believer in evil, later verified that the villa was not the home he remembered. He even tried to dig out the toys that he had buried when he was a child on the lawn of the villa, but found nothing. His parents also died in a car accident a few years ago. His aunt adopted him.

Xu Lang grew up a little bit, and his aunt’s family felt weird towards Xu Lang, as if he had changed people since that time in the hospital. He became taciturn, stubborn and extreme. In the eyes of his aunt, Xu Lang seemed to be a problem boy. Three views are not right. If Xu Lang's father left a large fortune before his death, she would never want to care about the child.

Xu Lang's changes originated from shock, confusion, doubt... and some faint fears.

Everything in reality is in great contrast with memory. Since the age of 9 he has been looking to verify what went wrong in his memory.

Nine years of illusory affection, that shocking evil spirit, and the middle-aged man who killed his mother, everything is like a huge maze, and Xu Lang is like a lost person who is obsessed with finding an exit, unable to extricate himself. .

Growing up, Xu Lang still can’t let go. He has no friends or relatives. He doesn’t trust anything. He only believes that his memory is right. He wants to find out the truth about the murder of his parents and prove that there really is something in this world. That kind of horrible existence.

So he chose to be a private investigator, not investigating extramarital affairs or helping people find cats and dogs, but specializing in investigating supernatural incidents.

But at the age of 27, he has been in the industry for almost three years. He has investigated many cases, large and small. As a result, all cases can finally be explained by science. The supernatural phenomenon seems to have disappeared from this world.

The smoke burned out, and Xu Lang's thoughts were pulled back to reality.

The sky was already bright, and when Xu Lang was about to make a cup of coffee and study the case at hand, his mobile phone emitted a dazzling light in the dimly lit room.

Xu Lang picked up the phone, and the moment he saw the content, he stood in front of the window as if he was electrocuted.

Unknown number, a text message was sent: "The time is up, Xu Lang. Give you a chance to find the evil spirit, are you coming?" (End of this chapter)

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