The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 103: Weird recovery


Zhang Qingyu exhausted all his strength and finally tucked Xu Lang's body into the closet, and he went in after him.

But after I got in, I discovered that the size of this cabinet was too small!

And he couldn't adjust Xu Lang's position at all, so he had to keep fine-tuning his posture.

The right arm took Xu Lang into his arms, and at this time he did not care about the issue of intimacy between men and women.

Fortunately, Xu Lang fell into a coma at this time, otherwise Zhang Qingyu would be even more embarrassed.

Xu Lang's body rests on Zhang Qingyu's body, her head weakly resting on her shoulders, and Zhang Qingyu not only has to support her body, but also bear Xu Lang's weight.

The right arm was bent in the narrow closet, forcing it to keep silent.

At this moment, the old lady in the shroud floated her body, with two toes on the ground from time to time, making the sound of stepping on the ground.

Zhang Qingyu hugged Xu Lang and did not dare to breathe in the wardrobe.

It can be seen that the old lady in the shroud has been floating back and forth in the room, but it seems to have some purpose.

It seems to be looking for something.

This makes Zhang Qingyu a little strange, what do they have that will attract evil spirits...

Suddenly a black box appeared in Zhang Qingyu's mind!


The only thing they can relate to the old lady in the shroud is the urn that is suspected to be the old lady's own ashes.

At this time, the urn, together with the blue cloth bag, was under the bed and at the corner of the bedside table.

Packed in Xu Lang's backpack!

After a stalemate for so long, Zhang Qingyu was already sweating on his forehead, and if the old lady in the shroud did not find the urn, she would probably not leave.


She is a blind man!

Although she is obviously an evil spirit, she can't see it at all!

How can I find the urn and leave

Zhang Qingyu's right arm had cramped, and the severe pain made her a little unbearable, and every part of her body became weaker and weaker.

Especially Xu Lang's right shoulder resting on his head, he almost lost consciousness.

My whole body is numb and painful!

Just when she was about to be unable to hold on, Jinglingling~

The ringtone of the call suddenly rang in the silent room!

This clear, light and agile music like a stone smashing onto the lake surface, at this time, sounded the death knell in Zhang Qingyu's heart!

Her head buzzed, it's over!

The figure of the old lady in the shroud outside the closet who was about to leave the room suddenly stopped.

The left half of his face keenly turned to the direction of the wardrobe!

Zhang Qingyu suddenly reacted in a daze, thinking that since he could not hide, he might as well just rush out!

She hugged Xu Lang without letting go, and pointed her left shoulder outward.

Staggered and fell out of the closet, but her body leaned forward almost uncontrollably, and she exhausted all her strength to be able to stand still.

She gritted her teeth, her right hand was firmly holding Xu Lang's collar, while her left hand threw the phone that was still ringing toward the old lady in the shroud!

This series of actions seems to be very slow, but it actually happened in the blink of an eye.

Almost the moment the old lady in Shroud turned her head to look at the closet, Zhang Qingyu had already made a move!

The phone whirled in the air and flew towards the ear of the old lady wiping the shroud, while the ringing of the ring still remained.

In this way, he flew to the living room.

Zhang Qingyu was betting, and the invisible old lady in Shroud faced two sound sources.

She is chasing the one who keeps moving, or she has to come back to check the direction of the wardrobe!

Zhang Qingyu's heart thumped and thumped, clutching Xu Lang's collar firmly with her right hand, holding him, trying not to make any movement.

She had never been so calm in her entire life, staring closely at the figure of the old lady in the shroud.

As long as she has any action, Zhang Qingyu will immediately make corresponding countermeasures!

She didn't feel any fear at all in her heart, and her super concentration gave her no time to imagine fear at all!

At this time, her heart was as peaceful as water, because she was holding onto Xu Lang's collar tightly, and she had captured the life of her sweetheart!

She did not dare to be afraid, nor could she be afraid!

In the next second, the old lady in Shroud froze her figure for a long time and started to move.

He turned his head slightly, disappeared in place, and reappeared in the next second, and he grabbed the mobile phone spinning in the air.

This pinch directly squeezed the phone into pieces.


Zhang Qingyu's mobile phone was completely destroyed.

Almost the moment the old lady in the shroud disappeared in place, Zhang Qingyu had already moved.

At this time, the last trace of her right arm was squeezed out, her right hand was holding Xu Lang's arm, her left hand was gripping Xu Lang's belt, and she began to drag Xu Lang's body and rushed towards the window!

That's right, she was thinking about breaking the glass and jumping directly from the window!

Zhang Qingyu has already performed three missions anyway, and is still very cautious about the choice of residence in the mission.

She deliberately selected a private house without an anti-theft net, and the height of the second floor is not high.

For an ordinary person, jumping from the second floor, at most, sprained his foot because of improper focus.

And this is the era of twenty years ago, and the height of the floor is a little lower than the current building.

Although Zhang Qingyu didn't expect everything that would happen now, she still prepared for prevention.

However, it's easy to think of, but it's really a crisis.

Zhang Qingyu found that it was almost impossible for her to jump down with Xu Lang in her arms.

Because she herself is much lighter than Xu Lang!

It is not easy to be able to hold Xu Lang to act. It is simply impossible to maintain sufficient speed and strength to smash the glass!

So now, there is only one way.

That is to throw Xu Lang down!

Regarding Xu Lang as a heavy object, use him to smash the glass.

It wasn't that Zhang Qingyu was cruel, on the contrary, if her body broke the glass, Xu Lang would not be able to leave.

If they want to find something else beforehand, they will definitely not have time to jump down.

Jumping to death and being killed by evil spirits, obviously, the former is more comfortable.

Zhang Qingyu's choice is already leaving Xu Lang to make a good choice!

She didn't think deeply, just after realizing that the method was different, she changed the plan instantly.

Holding Xu Lang's upper body with one hand, and pulling Xu Lang's belt with his right hand, it was extremely difficult for her to lift Xu Lang's body due to the loss of physical energy over time.

But for the evil spirits that will appear in the rear at any time, Zhang Qingyu has no way out at all!

A force exploded from being forced into desperation, Zhang Qingyu really lifted Xu Lang into the air. At this time, she didn't care about hiding her voice.

Shout out and release your strength for yourself.

With Zhang Qingyu's angry shout, the sound of glass cracking suddenly came, and Xu Lang planted himself from the window.

Zhang Qingyu couldn't even see how Xu Lang was doing, because she had already heard footsteps coming from behind.

If you don't jump, you will die here!

Zhang Qingyu grasped the window sill full of sharp broken glass with both hands, and the tender palm of her hand was pierced in an instant.

But she couldn't pay attention to it, and jumped off the second floor!


Zhang Qingyu's jumping posture was good, with her legs on the ground, which reduced her strength a lot.

She just felt that her two calves were a little numb, and there was not much discomfort, but Xu Lang next to her had a hole in the top of her head!

At this time, the blood had left his face, and there was still some broken glass stuck in his face.

Zhang Qingyu was shocked, could it be that the head fell from the building!

She hugged Xu Lang and dragged it to the van.

After getting out of the car, she put the key in the pocket of her sweatpants and left here quickly.

During this period, she did not dare to look up to see if something happened upstairs, where was the old lady in the shroud at this time, did she chase him down

Because she knew that if Xu Lang didn't go to the hospital again, she would definitely not be able to hold it!

Zhang Qingyu stepped on the accelerator after getting in the car and left the place directly.

And on the broken window on the second floor, the old face of the old lady in Shroud, her eyes that had been closed, slowly opened at this time.

He watched Zhang Qingyu drive away, but he couldn't tell from his face that he was too fierce.

in contrast!

Behind her, a cloud of black mist suddenly rose up out of thin air, and a figure was faintly wrapped in it.

That is a completely different temperament from the old lady in the shroud.

Vicious and gloomy, all negative energy things are slowly recovering...

Jubei District.

At this moment, Mo Ye was holding his mobile phone and rushing towards the gate of the community at his fastest speed.

He never thought that a series of things would happen to Zhang Qingyu.

It's just that the secret voice is strange, so I won't go into it.

Because the situation he is currently facing is also extremely nervous!

If he can't catch up with Ran Qizhi within 3 minutes, then everything will be in vain.

The cycle of death is activated again, next time no one can say whether he can have such good luck and wake up at the last moment before triggering the dead end!

However, after running for almost 3 minutes, the gate of Jubei Community still disappeared.

According to the previous speed, he still needs at least 5 minutes!

But, that's all too late!

Mo Ye ran hard while praying that Ran Qizhi would realize the seriousness of the matter sooner.

But as he ran, Mo Ye began to feel that the environment around him had changed.

The environment is still that environment, but the surroundings are surprisingly quiet!

There used to be some screams from morning shifts and stallholders, but suddenly all of this disappeared!

Mo Ye was surprised!

Could it be that Ran Qizhi has reached the gate and pushed open the iron door to restart the cycle again

But now it doesn't look like everything has gone to zero...

The memory in my mind has not been erased!

not good!

Mo Ye thought of something in an instant. Could someone get a clue to a key mission, and the newspaper has solved some of the limitations of the evil spirits' ability!

He went to the situation of Gao Yiyuan the first time, and Gao Yiyuan went to the first place to explore, and also the one with the longest time.

It must be him, somehow got the key mission clues!

So... .. This also means that from this moment on, the difficulty of the task has increased again!

Sure enough, Mo Ye saw the figure of Ran Qizhi in front of him stumbling towards him!

She didn't run to the gate to restart the cycle, but ran back in the opposite direction.

Mo Ye hurried over to join him.

Ran Qizhi saw Mo Ye as if she saw a family member. At this time, she also forgot the doubts she had before, crying bitterly, and tremblingly raised her finger to her back, "So...everyone has become an evil spirit!" (End of this chapter)