The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 105: Fiasco!


Mo Ye only felt hot and painful on his face, and then he lost consciousness on the top of his face.

There is darkness ahead, but it feels completely different from the dark night of previous years.

It was like falling into a bottomless abyss, and all the surrounding light sources had been swallowed.

Mo Ye's face twitched, but every time he got hurt, it caused a wound in his eyes.

The facial features are distorted and his face is full of blood.

Mo Ye stepped back two steps, the sharp knife could not be held due to the severe pain, and it fell to the ground.

But the puppets who were still whistling around suddenly disappeared in Mo Ye's ears.

The middle-aged woman stared at Mo Ye, but couldn't do anything at all.

For the red skirt woman, Mo Ye used this way of self-mutilation.

Finally passed it by luck!

The price is permanent blindness!

Mo Ye simply couldn't stay in this world to heal his eyes.

Moreover, the task process is chasing him like a reminder, although returning to the newspaper can be repaired instantly.

However, he must survive the three-day mission time!

How could Mo Ye suffer after losing his eyesight

Mo Ye leaned against the wall. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel Ran Qizhi's deadly eyes looking at him.

In the end, although he escaped, the price was almost unacceptable.

In this case, how big is the difference between blindness and death

Mo Ye panted heavily, and didn't know what time it was.

But it can probably be estimated that it should have come around 9 o'clock in the morning.

After resting for a while, Mo Ye struggled to get up, groping to retract the sharp knife behind his waist.

He didn't know what danger he would encounter, it would be better to have a weapon.

The sharp pain in his eyes gave him a clear head at the moment.

Following the memory, he fumbled forward to the gate of Jubei Community.

As he walked, Mo Ye was sad.

Not long ago, the three of them came here on a vow.

But now, only himself is left on the way out.

And he also lost his eyes...

Never imagined that a simple solution to search for clues would pay such a painful price.

What he couldn't accept the most was that after all this tossing, there was nothing at all!

Seeing that he no longer had the ability to stay any longer, Mo Ye also began to feel a little bit ashamed.

Now he can struggle to move forward, entirely with a single breath.

The courage to stick to the end!

No one knows when he will faint.

At that time, who else could save him

I don't know how long it has been, Mo Ye didn't have the concept of time in his mind.

As he walked like this, Mo Ye only felt his head dizzy, and his steps had begun to float.

I can feel that I am on the verge of extinction.

However, he still didn't know if he had walked out of Jubei District.

Because he knew he hadn't fumbled for the iron door!

He had lost his vision, and he didn't know if he opened the iron gate at this time and would open the loop again.

But a dead horse can only be a living horse doctor, and only when he finds the iron gate does it mean that he is about to leave here.

However, now he can't walk.

The loss of physical strength was too serious, and Mo Ye persisted to the end.

give up... ...

Once this kind of thought appeared in his mind, the breath that Mo Ye had been hanging down loosened.

Mo Ye fell, his tired body could no longer move forward.

At the moment when Mo Ye's consciousness fainted, two voices suddenly reached his ears.

"Is this your friend?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I am in this community. Why is this place abandoned for so long, and there are still people here? I haven't seen how he got in?"

"Your friend seems to be injured all over, please get beaten up and go to the hospital!"

On the verge of unconsciousness, Mo Ye heard this conversation.

It sounds like one is the security guard of Jubei Community, and the other... The voice is a bit like Gao Yiyuan

Did he survive

"Jubei Community...Lost abandoned for a long time...and didn't see me come in..."

Mo Ye felt a chill in his heart, "Does it mean that the moment I got off the car, I had already entered into the illusion of a woman in a red dress?"

He felt his arm being framed, and he helped him to move forward.

But he couldn't use his strength, and the man carried himself up again.

"Unexpectedly, after such a short time, you are the only one left. If you are so miserable, then the two of them will die?"

Sure enough, it is high and far-reaching!

Mo Ye was overjoyed, but as the big head rushed down and was carried, the feeling of coma came again.

Mo Ye gritted his teeth, said the last word to Gao Yiyuan, and passed out completely.

"Take the security guard away! The clues..."

This security guard, who has never appeared, and suddenly appeared at the end of the matter, must be familiar with this place.

Mo Ye could finally confirm at the last moment.

The interior of Jubei Community is basically the home of evil spirits!

As long as you see Jubei District, you have fallen into a trap.

In fact, in the eyes of the security guard and Gao Yiyuan, the Jubei District is overgrown with weeds and no humans, and it is simply pieces of old houses.

There is not a single figure.

The security guard, a person who guards the community, is the only clue that the mission gives to the executors.

But from the moment they entered the door, Mo Ye, Wang Yuquan, and Ran Qizhi focused on the interior of the community, ignoring the security.

It was almost ten o'clock at this time.

Gao Yiyuan escaped from Yuanlu Village before.

After he got out, he had to rush to the little boy's drop-off point, Chenghui Hutong.

However, out of caution, he still sent a text message to both Mo Ye and Zhang Qingyu in advance.

Ask Mo Ye about the progress and Zhang Qingyu about the address.

But the two text messages fell to the ground without any reply!

This made Gao Yiyuan feel that something was wrong, and he thought of his previous experience in Yuanlu Village.

It is very likely that they have also encountered accidents.

So Gao Yiyuan grabbed a car and rushed to Jubei Community without stopping, looking for Mo Ye and others.

But as soon as I arrived here, I found that Jubei Community was completely dilapidated, and it was impossible to live in it.

So he talked to the uncle in the security room.

If Mo Ye could be more careful, he would find that the security room and Jubei Community are completely separate entities.

The security rooms of normal communities are built inside the gates of the community.

The security room here was built outside the walls of the community!

Push the door open to get to the door of the security room.

Gao Yiyuan chatted with the security guards like this, and it didn't take long to see Mo Ye's face covered in blood, and he couldn't see where he was injured and stumbled outside the corner.

At that time, Mo Ye was already at the end of the crossbow, using his hands and feet together, and was extremely embarrassed.

This was the conversation between Gao Yiyuan and the security guard.

Gao Yiyuan carried Mo Ye out and heard the last words Mo Yelin said before he fell into a coma.

His eyes flashed, and he looked at the security guard aside.

"It turns out that they didn't find a clue after entering the community... Then the security guard must be a breakthrough.

Now I can't delay, I can only send Mo Ye to the hospital first, then this security guard..."

Gao Yiyuan is courageous, after a little thought, he has a plan.

With an annoyed look in his eyes, he smiled apologetically at the security guard: "Brother, my friend is a little heavy, can you help me to lift me up into the car?"

The security guard looked at it and was not impatient.

He is alone here every day, and now it's hard to see a few people, it's okay to help pass the time.

Without thinking about it, they helped Gao Yiyuan lift Mo Ye onto the back seat.

When grabbing the car, Gao Yiyuan deliberately chose a car with a lot of space.

The rear seat space is huge, and Mo Ye can lie flat on the rear seat.

After setting up Mo Ye, Gao Yiyuan clapped his hands, "Thank you, big brother."

"No thanks, this should be..."

But before the security had finished speaking, the smile on Gao Yiyuan's face disappeared instantly.

With cold eyes, he directly drew an electric baton from his back and stabbed the security guard in the chest!


An electric light flashed by, and the security guard's eyes rounded. Before he could finish speaking, he was stunned directly.

In Gao Yiyuan's backpack, he carried a variety of lethal weapons. Unlike the others, he also specially prepared an electric baton.

It was brought for the purpose of capturing alive, and now it comes in handy.

Gao Yiyuan looked around, drew the hemp rope from the trunk, tied the security guard, and stuffed it into the trunk, then found a piece of cloth to block his mouth.

This series of operations went smoothly and without delay.

It seems that he is not doing this kind of thing for the first time.

Gao Yiyuan returned to the car and called Zhang Qingyu again, but it was only a mechanical female voice prompting "The phone you dialed is turned off."

This makes Gao Yiyuan's mood even worse.

Hu Zhen, Wang Yuquan, and Ran Qizhi were dead, and Mo Ye was seriously injured and unconscious.

Zhang Qingyu and Xu Lang lost contact again.

But after such a long time, if the trouble can be solved, it is definitely time to reply now.

Then there is only one possibility... Zhang Qingyu and Xu Lang are also dead!

This is the result that Gao Yiyuan doesn't want to see!

Xu Lang was a fainted person, Zhang Qingyu was already stretched to take care of herself, and once encountered an evil spirit.

That is the result of waiting to die.

Gao Yiyuan had already expected Zhang Qingyu when he didn't get through when he called Zhang Qingyu.

Only after seeing the fiasco of Jubei Community, he had a fluke.

But at this time, the phone is still unavailable, that is, if I want to be optimistic, I am not optimistic.

Gao Yiyuan drove the car expressionlessly and drove forward quickly, sending Mo Ye to the hospital for treatment.

Because Mo Ye's face was covered with blood, Gao Yiyuan didn't know that Mo Ye's eyes were blind at this time.

If you learn about this, then the mission this time will be more ill-advised.

Gao Yiyuan had already thought about it at this time.

The original seven executors are now falling apart, dead and scattered.

Mo Ye might also wake up.

Now that he still has the ability to perform tasks, he is the only one left!

There are still 14 hours before the next boarding at midnight.

And he, there is another place to go.

The little boy’s drop-off point is Chenghui Hutong! (End of this chapter)