The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 109: Find a substitute!


"I went to a friend's house in the city for a drink that day, and it was almost ten o'clock when I left.

I wandered down the street awkwardly, and while sobering up, I walked towards Jubei Community, but as I walked, a bus drove from the back.

Originally, I didn't plan to get on the bus, but the conductor kept yelling. I thought it would not be a problem to walk back like this in the middle of the night, so I got on the bus in a daze. "

Having said this, the security swallowed, as if the next thing was beyond his imagination, and now he was panicked in retrospect.

Gao Yiyuan pondered his words quietly, and didn't think he was talking nonsense.

Obviously, what he wants to say next is the deep secrets of the "hearing car" of bus zero.

It is also a clue to a major mission.

It can be heard that the security guard also got on the night of the accident on bus zero.

But why did he not die

The security guard glanced at Gao Yiyuan, and then continued: "I was already unconscious when I was drinking, but I could vaguely see how many passengers were on the bus."

I also didn't think about why there are buses going to the suburbs in the middle of the night.

I asked if I could not reach the Jubei District, the female conductor said with a throat, she didn't even ask for my money.

I had forgotten about it when I drank too much. Now that I think about it, it's strange that the conductor didn't want me to buy a ticket.

I found a place to sit down, and I started to feel a little dizzy. The car drove very slowly again, wobbly, and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

However, after I don't know how long it took, it seemed that someone was lying on my ear and was talking and woke me up.

I opened my eyes and saw that an old lady who could hardly tell that she was alive without speaking, lay on the side of my head and kept talking about letting me get off and let me get off.

Don’t you know, on the bus in the middle of the night, how crippled by the ears of such a sudden prostrate, his tone was as cold as ice! "

Ok? old lady

Gao Yiyuan frowned, took the stubbornly, "What kind of old lady?"

The security guard lowered his head and replied, "The old lady is too crippled, she is about 60 or 70 years old, her hair is white, her face is pleats, and her face is covered with maggots when she speaks. The same, those pleats twisted vigorously, and they almost spit out all the food and wine!"

"Oh yes, the most evil thing is that that old lady is wearing a dead man's shroud!"

I was holding an urn in my hand. Although I was drunk at the time, I woke up in shock the moment I saw her look!

Take a closer look, the urn in the old lady's hand is actually stuck with her own photo!

I looked at this bus again, and suddenly felt the wind and wind, and the passengers were lifeless, and Zhong Minhong was sitting not far in front of me!

I’m a little scared. Let’s take a look at the car. Isn’t this bus number zero? "

The security guard said with lingering fear: "Since the rumors about bus zero, I have never taken it again. Security guards like me who are on duty at night are the most taboo about this.

Unexpectedly, that night, I got in the car in a daze. "

"Originally I wanted to ask Zhong Minhong to get off the car, but I went to greet me several times, and she ignored me. I thought she would ask for her own blessings. I'll run away first."

Gao Yiyuan heard the security guard's words so far, and then asked: "Then you got out of the car?"

The security nodded dumbly.

Shouldn't it, Gao Yiyuan didn't believe that he would get off when he wanted to get off

It now appears that when the bus crashed, the woman in the red dress and others might not have died, or they might have died!

But even if he is not dead, I am afraid he can't be counted as a living person.

This state is the most suitable for ghosts.

So, maybe the cause of the accident on bus zero is the evil spirits!

But why did you choose this bus

What kind of role do these passengers play, such as women in red skirts, little boys, and middle-aged couples

Suddenly, a bold idea came to his mind.

Could it be a stand-in

Gao Yiyuan once watched an old movie about an office building where evil spirits kill seven people every year as a substitute.

The seven dead will become the evil spirits that will attack the living in the next year.

Isn't this just the same as what happened on the zero bus

But other people may be able to explain with this reason, the old lady in the shroud behaved abnormally in the security's words!

She is obviously the only evil spirit in the entire carriage who can speak, move freely, and even be a little bit human!

Then, she persuaded the security to get out of the car quickly, which obviously saved his life...

Gao Yiyuan only felt a headache. The several appearances of the old lady in the shroud were too weird, and she couldn't perceive the purpose of her at all.

Didn't kill people, even saved people!

This completely subverted Gao Yiyuan's impression of evil spirits.

Isn't this old lady in shroud an evil spirit

But she also has the power of evil spirits...

Gao Yiyuan faintly felt that some things were still not clear enough, and asked again: "Did there be any abnormalities when you got out of the car?"

The security guard's thoughts at this time have all been used in memories. He can see that this murderer is very interested in the zero bus, as if he wants to know something.

Then try your best to cooperate, there shouldn't be too much danger.

He pursed his somewhat chapped lips and muttered, "No..."

"Huh? If there is something wrong, there is indeed something wrong!"

Gao Yiyuan quickly took over: "What?"


"This driver is completely different from the previous bus driver of No. 0!"

Moreover, I had taken this bus before, and it was closed at 7 o'clock at the latest, and it was still running at nearly midnight that night.

The driver also changed. When I got off the car that day, I called the driver to stop and I wanted to get off.

But he didn't move at all. I walked forward and saw through the mirror. The driver's face was pale, and his hands holding the steering wheel were trembling, as if a newbie had just been on the road.

I don't know if he was scared or what happened.

Anyway, no matter how I called him, he just kept going. In the end, it was the female conductor talking before the car stopped.

I quickly got out of the car and ran back to the community.

When I closed my eyes that night, I dreamed that I was on bus zero, surrounded by all those things, and I didn't fall asleep all night!

Early the next morning, I heard the news that the night before, bus No. 0 drove illegally. At Jingcunkou, the car crashed and killed people. The most frightening thing was that only two people were killed and the remaining three people were all in car accidents. The burning fire burned alive! "

Gao Yiyuan hurriedly signaled him to stop, the amount of information in this passage was already too great!

"You mean, the news you heard said it was the night before, not last night?"

The security guard nodded his head heavily, "Yes! I was wondering at the time, I got on the bus last night, why the bus No. 0 had an accident the day before yesterday!"

"But I thought of the old lady's words all at once, I'm afraid... I really hit the evil yesterday!"

The security guard still has lingering fears when he speaks of this.

Gao Yiyuan nodded subconsciously. From this point of view, the conclusion of the substitute is actually valid.

The day before the security guard boarded the car, the stand-in had been found. If the security guard stayed in the car, he would have died long ago.

The description of this driver is similar to the driver Gao Yiyuan observed in the car today!

It is also nervous, scared, afraid to talk, and never communicates with anyone.

So is this driver a human or an evil spirit

Another point!

If you follow the bus in the early hours of this morning, if you count the driver and the conductor, and the five passengers, there should be seven people together. Why is there only 5 dead bodies in the news

Gao Yiyuan had a bold inference at this time.

Among these seven people, who are the special ones

There is no doubt that the old lady in the shroud and the driver.

Whether these two people are indistinguishable from one another.

The other five people almost determined the identity of the evil spirit.

In other words, the old lady in the shroud and the driver did not participate in the action of the evil spirit substitute.

The evil spirit only needs to find enough substitutes for five people.

Gao Yiyuan silently counted the executors in his heart...

Mo Ye, Hu Zhen, Xu Lang, Wang Yuquan, Ran Qizhi... These five people are either dead or useless at this time.

At this time, what he was thinking in his mind was that there were seven passengers on the bus... seven performers in the mission...

Is there any connection

If the stand-in theory is established and five people need to die, then can the seriously injured Mo Ye and Xu Lang be sent out now

Fate in exchange for fate, if five people are destined to die, why bother to do it yourself

From the seven executors, introduce five people to satisfy the evil spirits...

Is this a way of life

Gao Yiyuan's eyes became colder and colder, looking like a beast hidden in the dark, ready to explode.

But after a while, Ling Li's eyes gradually faded.

Gao Yiyuan calmed down. The speculation on his life just now made him dementia.

Don't say whether this kind of survival is established or not, even if it is true, Hu Zhen can't find it anymore. If he wants to reach the standard of five people, he can only harm Zhang Qingyu.

Once his life guesses are wrong, he will be left alone, and he is on the brink of desperation.

How does he come back

Gao Yiyuan looked back at Zhang Qingyu, who lowered his head thoughtfully, and once again set his sights on the security guard.

When the security guard was seen by him, he became nervous again.

"I..... If I'm done, you... should you let me go?"

Gao Yiyuan took two steps forward, approached him, and nodded blankly: "Yes."

But the next second, just as the security guard was about to leave with joy on his face, a cold light swept across in front of him, and then the throat seemed to be leaking, chilly.

Looking down, his throat had been cut open with a knife, and his collar was soaked with blood.

He couldn't believe it!

Staring round his eyes and looking forward, he looked cold, without a trace of expression, holding a dagger high and far.

The knife was dripping with his blood, and the security guard stubbornly pulled Gao Yiyuan’s sleeve.

" said you let me go..."

PS: The movie mentioned in this chapter is called "A Ghost in the Office", a classic Hong Kong-style horror movie. Interested friends can go and watch it. It is very scary! (End of this chapter)