The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 110: Hidden fifth


The security guard died and was sealed by Gao Yiyuan.

Before he died, he still couldn't believe it. Why did he clearly say everything and clearly he had reached the high-level requirements, and in the end he still refused to let him go!

Gao Yiyuan freed the security guard with his sleeves, took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from the knife, and put it back behind his waist.

When he realized that Zhang Qingyu was bad, he was about to rush over to stop Gao Yiyuan's killing, but in the end he was still a step too late.

"You... You killed him?"

Zhang Qingyu couldn't believe it either, she really didn't understand why Gao Yiyuan would do this!

Gao Yiyuan glanced at her coldly. He didn't want to explain, but after thinking about it, he said, "Once he is released, he will definitely call the police. Then we will be wanted or arrested. What about the next mission?"

Listening to this plausible excuse, Zhang Qingyu was choked into speechlessness.

I tried my mouth and couldn't say a word in the same place.

But the eyes that looked at Gao Yiyuan became more and more frightened. What kind of person is he

This kind of inhuman killing technique is so skillful. Remember URL

He is definitely not the first time he has killed!

In this situation, she could not imagine that Gao Yiyuan even helped a man facing a difficult situation not long ago.

In fact, he was right.

If security is released, he will definitely call the police.

Even if they do not delay their mission, I am afraid it will cause some obstacles.

However, she really couldn't accept this practice of unloading the grievance and killing the donkey.

Gao Yiyuan glanced at her, walked back on his own, and said as he walked: "Change your temperament, otherwise you won't survive the next task."

If this sentence had been said before, it would be a fantasy that a newcomer with his high intentions actually taught the performer of three mission experiences.

But now, Gao Yiyuan's performance is too dazzling, so experienced as a senior.

This is something no one expected.

Zhang Qingyu looked at the figure Gao Yi was moving away, and then at the security guard who was tied to a tree to death.

I'm sorry in my heart.

Turned and left.

Gao Yiyuan was already sitting in the car at this time, waiting for Zhang Qingyu, while sorting out the clues he had now.

In fact, the main line of the entire task has basically been cleared now.

Bus No. 0 deviated from the route and solicited without authorization.

But the car was cursed, and five evil spirits focused on it. Every year, five people were killed by various means and pulled as a stand-in.

Red skirt woman, little boy, Wu Erbin, lotus...

The four dead are basically determined, but there is another evil spirit, who is that

The conductor

But it's not like...


From the security's words and previous observations, it seems that this position is not fixed.

And behaved more like a living person with fear!

Shroud old lady

Her possibility is the highest!

Possessing the unpredictable evil spirit ability, it has indeed launched an attack on the executor.

But she was more like a shock, never really took action, and even helped the security guard escape...

So, who is this evil spirit that has always been hidden

At this time, Zhang Qingyu finally opened the car door and sat in the co-pilot.

Gao Yiyuan looked at her and could see that she was feeling a bit complicated now.

But at this moment, he didn't care about these, Gao Yiyuan told Zhang Qingyu of the clues he had arranged.

In fact, Zhang Qingyu has always been paying attention to the content of the dialogue between the security guard and Gao Yiyuan, and he also has some guesses in his mind.

But she didn't expect the evil spirit to catch a substitute.

Hearing this, I was a little surprised.

"You mean, we are destined to die five people?"

"No, it's not destined to die, otherwise this mission is too simple!

What I mean is, if you think of this bus as a curse, then the driver and conductor are a form of sustaining the spread of the curse.

It is unlikely that they will find a substitute.

So, what I can't figure out is whether the old lady in the shroud is the hidden fifth evil spirit? "

Zhang Qingyu had no time to discuss the life and death of security guards with him at this time, and his brain quickly began to think.

Yes, whether the driver is evil spirits or not, and the conductor who pulls people onto the bus, she is more like the host of this stand-in.

Therefore, she may not be involved in the murder.

Only five people died in the car accident, but the number is not right at all.

The most puzzling of these is the problem of the old lady in the shroud.

Since Zhang Qingyu had the closest contact with the old lady in Shouti, after all, they used to be in the same room.

So she might have some missing clues that she didn't point out...

At this time, Zhang Qingyu suddenly seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind, bringing with him an incredible idea.

She hurriedly said her thoughts: "Is there such a possibility that the old lady in the shroud is a soul who has always been trapped in the bus, but she is not completely dehumanized, she is a kind spirit!"

Gao Yiyuan recalled the various performances of the old lady in Shroud, "There are some possibilities for this, but it cannot explain the hidden fifth evil spirit."

Zhang Qingyu was a little surprised and explained: "Not bad, but let's not forget that there is an urn!"

"Evil spirits don't have to be human-shaped, the urn may be the hidden evil spirit!

The attack you received in the dense forest was done by the evil spirits in the urn, and the old lady in the shroud has been guarding the urn, perhaps one of the reasons is to guard it! "

Gao Yiyuan was amazed by this incredible idea. If he thought of a normal person, he would never have thought of this idea!

The more he listened, the more he felt it was possible, and motioned to Zhang Qingyu to continue.

"Let’s think about it, the urn is obviously a unique clue to the old lady in the shroud.

But that photo misled us at the very beginning.

We all think that the old lady in the shroud is in the picture, but what if it is not

Perhaps the owner of the photo is the older sister of the shroud lady? Or younger sister

You know, two people who look similar, if they have loose skin and wrinkles all over them because of their old age, they will look more and more similar! "

Zhang Qingyu speaks faster and faster, obviously because he has more and more ideas.

And once this idea occurs, it will become more and more fluent, as if it should be!

"If it is said that the owner of the urn is really related to the old lady of the shroud, then it can also explain why she has been guarding the urn!"

"So, the owner of the urn is the fifth evil spirit hidden on the bus!

While the appearance of the old lady in the shroud brought us clues, it also set up obstacles for us and made us make preconceived mistakes! "

Gao Yiyuan took a breath. The clues of the old lady in the shroud were always in front of them, and they had been informed to the executors since Mo Ye brought the ashes back.

But no one thought deeply about it.

Up to now, Zhang Qingyu's inference is the most possible!

It is also the most perfect explanation for all these weird inferences!

Gao Yiyuan thought that this was my shortcoming. The time to enter the newspaper office was too short, and the perspective of seeing things stayed in the past, and he had not fully substituted himself into the task.

In this regard, he is inferior to Zhang Qingyu.

This allowed him to eliminate the idea of sacrificing Zhang Qingyu and testing his life.

Having such a helper with more experience than yourself may bring unexpected benefits.

Gao Yiyuan nodded heavily.

So now everything is basically clear.

Gao Yiyuan quickly expressed his conjecture about the way of life:

"The route is a major route for health.

The unauthorized change of the route of bus zero caused the beginning of the curse, so we need to find out the original route!

Maybe the clues of Yin Yang Road will automatically surface! "

Having said that, Gao Yiyuan paused.

"However, I now have a puzzle, why Xu Lang had to say that we weren't doing anything on the bus before he fell into a coma.

On what basis did he make this inference? "

This inference basically means that Xu Lang believes that as long as he is on the bus, he will not be in danger!

But he was sober for only a few hours, how did he come to this conclusion

The key to whether this inference can be established is to predict the fate of Gao Yiyuan tonight.

He thought for a long time, but never found a way to avoid Wu Erbin's attack tonight.

That's why he thought of this thing that was forgotten by everyone.

Xu Lang's inference.

Perhaps this is a way to avoid it, but Gao Yiyuan still couldn't believe whether what Xu Lang said was useful.

After all, with one sentence alone, if he did it, it would undoubtedly be a gambling.

Zhang Qingyu was also a little puzzled, "Perhaps... he saw a clue that we didn't notice. Brother Xu has never been aimless, nor will he say anything that is unsure.

He must have his reason to say this. "

Gao Yiyuan rolled his eyes secretly. This is a complete nonsense. No one in the newspaper knows that Zhang Qingyu has unconditional trust in Xu Lang.

But with this sentence, how could he believe it.

However, Zhang Qingyu's "a clue that I didn't notice" gave Gao Yiyuan a wake-up call.

He began to think about Xu Lang's various performances in the car.

Because Xu Lang's name was too big, he had to pay attention after he entered the mission.

So he still has impressions of Xu Lang's behavior.

But after thinking about it for a while, he never thought of what Xu Lang did differently.

At this time, he began to speculate from another angle.

Xu Lang went into a coma from the time he stepped on the bus.

Only one passenger got out of the car!

And only this one passenger may be able to give Xu Lang some cryptic clues.

The little boy in Chenghui Hutong!

This is the first to attack the executor, and also the first evil spirit to get out of the car!

Since Zhang Qingyu went to tutor the little boy's homework, a series of things happened that caused everyone's attention to be placed elsewhere.

However, Xu Lang must pay too much attention to the little boy because he has to take care of Zhang Qingyu's situation.

Especially Gao Yiyuan had the impression that the little boy even said a word when he got out of the car.

"I hope I can see you again!"

Thinking about it now, this sentence seems to have some deep meaning.

They didn't think about it at the time, but would Xu Lang take this sentence to heart, and would he watch the little boy's movements after getting out of the car

So, based on these, Xu Lang said that he should not do anything on the bus

Gao Yiyuan looked at the rows of bungalows across the street through the car window, his eyes Ling Ran.

It seems that there is a small, cute-looking boy there, waving to the performers, whispering quietly:

"I said, we will see you again!" (End of this chapter)