The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 114: Five bodies (for subscription)


Gao Yiyuan looked at Zhang Qingyu, who was frightened around him, and suddenly understood Xu Lang's strategy.

"It turns out that he wanted to use me to rescue Zhang Qingyu. Once we meet, no matter whether his strategy is seen through by me or not, I can only try my best to escape by birth!"

Gao Yiyuan hated in her heart, what a sinister Xu Lang.

Compared to Mo Ye's open and upright conspiracy, he disliked Xu Lang's vicious conspiracy even more.

It's a sigh that he is not as skilled as others and was fooled.

At this time, he was in danger and there was nowhere to go.

This feeling of being forced to be controlled by others is uncomfortable,

But Gao Yiyuan has more urgent things at this time.

Because the evil spirits had already focused on him at this time.

If at this time, he still didn't understand why the evil spirit caught Zhang Qingyu and didn't kill him, then he wouldn't be worthy to live so long.

This evil spirit obviously felt that it was not enough to kill Zhang Qingyu, and used her as a bait to hook himself.

Unexpectedly, under Xu Lang's urging, he actually fell into the mouth of a tiger.

By now, I have come here anyway.

It is better to rescue Zhang Qingyu as much as possible, even though he resents Xu Lang's actions.

But he has a deeper understanding of his mind.

This is a pretty terrible person, very scheming.

Since Xu Lang can use him, then why can't he survive with Xu Lang's resourcefulness

If Zhang Qingyu can be rescued, Xu Lang will try his best to help himself in the mission.

Although they have created gaps directly because of this, who would be too long-lived

With the help of such a wise man, the chances of survival will be greater.

This is also the place where the high meaning is far different from ordinary people.

Others were so framed by Xu Lang, I'm afraid they would have been angry and lost their minds long ago.

However, due to his special personality and psychological illness, Gao Yiyuan was able to ignore the matter itself and figured out deeply,

The two can use this matter to establish a deeper connection.

But it is precisely because of this that he and Xu Lang will never be friends.

Gao Yiyuan shouted: "Follow me and run!"

Zhang Qingyu was already heartbroken, and was trapped in place at the time.

She wanted to come and rescue her from afar, but she also understood the mind of evil spirits.

Those who come to save her will inevitably be hunted down together.

For the sake of humanity, she didn't want to come forward with great intentions either.

Of course, remembering that he left himself silently before, he would not save him if he wanted to.

But unexpectedly, he really came.

Zhang Qingyu wondered, what kind of person is this Gao Yiyuan

In fact, she didn't know that Gao Yiyuan's move was also deceived by Xu Lang.

Zhang Qingyu's reaction speed is also very fast. Although she doesn't know if Gao Yiyuan wants to make a living, she seems to have some certainty by his appearance.

The two of them fled one after another.

But the little boy in the back lay on the eaves, looking at the two struggling and running, as if not in a hurry.

One step jumped off the eaves, and the next step shortened almost half the distance between them!

How dare Gao Yiyuan look back.

At this moment, he vaguely had a general conjecture in his mind.

Bus zero not far ahead!

It is definitely not a coincidence that it appears here.

While running, his brain is also running rapidly.

What Xu Lang said before clearly shows that he has certain guesses about avoiding evil spirits.

"This mission has close contact with the executor"

What exactly is this thing

Little boys will have fear...

A lightning bolt struck Gao Yiyuan's mind!

In this mission, only one thing is always closely related to the executors.

Bus zero!

All the clues we have now are basically related to this bus!

Reminiscent of before, Lotus's fear of Wu Erbin's photos.

I think again, Xu Lang said that the little boy has something very scary.

Well, in this analysis, there are only buses!

Because they all died in this car!

Gao Yiyuan only felt that his mind was clear and bright, and many details that hadn't been noticed before emerged.

The scream that I heard when I entered Chenghui Hutong just before.

It is clearly the cry of the little boy before his death, and if you understand it carefully.

The emotion contained in that cry was mixed with deep fear!

In Xu Lang's words, it must be the bus.

All the evil spirits in this mission died on the bus.

So as long as you board the car, you won't be attacked by evil spirits.

That night, the executors analyzed why these passengers were obviously evil spirits but looked like living people.

The first speculation was that they didn't know that they were dead.

But looking at it now, this is simply not true.

But if you think about it another way, these evil spirits, no matter how powerful they are, cannot be used on the bus.

Xu Lang probably observed the process of the little boy's transformation from human to evil after the little boy got out of the car.

I just reasoned out the guess that it is safe on the bus!

Then everything makes sense!

God helps me too!

Gao Yiyuan was overjoyed, he didn't know what the buses here are for!

Looking at it now, this is the way of life before the executors!

Just get in the car, just get in the car before being caught by the little boy, and he is safe!

Gao Yiyuan had already noted the location of the bus in his mind.

At this moment, within two minutes, you can run there!

Already knowing the high meaning of life, the mood has long since ceased to be uneasy.

Zhang Qingyu, who was always fleeing with Gao Yi, was already a little weak at this time.

After being trapped there, I rested for a while.

But she had already had a trace of heatstroke, and at this time she only felt dizzy.

Being able to run is completely hanging her with a single breath.

Gao Yi turned his head and glanced at Zhang Qingyu, secretly crying bad.

She was already sweating profusely, and her footsteps were vacant, and she didn't know when she would fall down.

Looking back again, the little boy looked grim, and his steps were relaxed.

It seemed that he didn't have the slightest worry about the two people holding the front.

Taking another step, the outstretched hand almost grabbed Zhang Qingyu's shoulder.

With a high vision and vision, Zhang Qingyu subconsciously pulled Zhang Qingyu to his side, so that he could escape the attack.

His forehead also began to see Khan.

If they still escape like this, the little boy will catch them one by one in the next second.

And Zhang Qingyu seems to have not had much resistance!

The bus No. 0 ahead has revealed its body.

But it takes at least ten seconds to get in the car!

These ten seconds are enough for the two of them to die ten times!

Leave Zhang Qingyu behind again

The series of actions taken before that were completely overwhelming.

What's more, Zhang Qingyu has already been regarded by him as a big bargaining chip in the deal with Xu Lang.

Now that I have reached this point, how can I give up all my previous efforts

Gao Yiyuan struggled inwardly. He looked at Zhang Qingyu, who had already begun to pour his arrogance, and then at the bus not far ahead.

Soon, he made a decision.

Pushing Zhang Qingyu to the rear, he started to rush towards the bus at the highest speed!

Zhang Qingyu was already at the end of the battle.

She didn't even react to the little boy's attack just now.

Now Gao Yiyuan pushed back hard.

I fell directly to the ground and tried to get up, but after two attempts, I felt sore all over and I couldn't use any strength.

In the next second, the little boy's face suddenly appeared above her.

With eyes facing each other, the distorted face of the little boy and the temperament of evil spirits made Zhang Qingyu's hot body cool.

She was also refreshed a lot, and her hairs almost stood up in an instant.

She knew that this time, the little boy would never let her go!

Zhang Qingyu widened her eyes and let out a scream of exhaustion.

On the other side, Gao Yiyuan didn't even look back.

During the time when the little boy caught Zhang Qingyu, he bought time for him to board the bus!

With the help of inertia, Gao Yiyuan hit the door of the bus.

With a bang, the car door opened in response to the black ash.

Cough cough cough

Gao Yiyuan clutched his nose, the cabin was full of the smell of gasoline and soot, even accompanied by bursts of corpse smell.

There were flies everywhere, buzzing around the cabin.

This place seemed to be a purgatory on earth, and with a high wave of his hand, he discovered that there were five corpses!

Taking a general glance, there are four bodies lying in the carriage.

Three of the corpses have been connected to the seat of the car. Maggots and flies are wriggling back and forth on them, making the scalp numb at a glance.

There is also a small man's body, which looks like a child, with no trace of being burned by the fire, more like being suffocated by smoke.

The situation is urgent, and it is too late to take a closer look.

Holding his nose, he quickly walked to the driver's seat.

There was the fifth body, obviously the driver.

He is also a whole body, but his head has been recessed in a large area, and he should have been hit by a hard object and died.

Gao Yiyuan threw the driver's body down.

The key is still stuck in it.

Slightly twisted, the bus roared a few times, and immediately began to start!

Gao Yiyuan was overjoyed, and secretly said that it was so!

The role of this bus is certainly more than just shelter.

From the exterior bodywork, it looks like new, although the interior is messy, it is no different from when it crashed.

But the newspaper office really repaired the car with special abilities.

Because this car will play a pivotal role in the tasks that follow!

Enforcers, drive this car!

These are Gao Yiyuan's simple guesses, but they have now been verified.

Gao Yiyuan hurriedly turned the vehicle around, because this area has been razed to the ground, so there is no particular problem with normal driving.

The vehicle is straight ahead.

Zhang Qingyu has lost all her strength and cannot escape.

The little boy lifted her body and raised his right hand high.

Aiming at Zhang Qingyu's heart, it will be inserted fiercely in the next second, killing Zhang Qingyu.

But just as he moved his hands, the lights on the opposite side suddenly turned on.

Interrupted his movements.

In the zero bus, Yiyuan used all its horsepower and directly slammed into the little boy.

The little boy gave a strange cry and threw Zhang Qingyu aside.

His own figure dodged backwards quickly, and his eyes looked at the bus in extreme panic.

Gao Yiyuan is right! (End of this chapter)