The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 120: The most dangerous action


Now of the four surviving performers, three of them trigger a dead end!

Xu Lang asserted: "Complete this mission tonight!"

Hearing this, the other three were refreshed.

Although the task time is three days, anyone who has experience knows that the more you delay, the more difficult the task will increase.

The success rate of completing the task will also be greatly shortened.

Since Xu Lang entered the newspaper office, the chance of completing the task ahead of schedule has also reached 100%.

Of course, this is not only because the pace of the mission has increased, but also because Xu Lang has participated in it again and again.

No one will stay too much in a mission full of evil spirits and perilous.

Being able to complete the task means that they can survive for a longer period of time.

For the precarious executors, it is best to be able to complete the task ahead of schedule.

The clues and intelligence of this yin-yang road mission are now almost gathered.

The most critical clue has also been found.

It will change later!

Zhang Qingyu nodded, her eyes a little expectant.

Then she opened the mouth to inform Xu Lang and Mo Ye of the information she and Gao Yiyuan had found before.

During this period, Gao Yiyuan did not speak or stop.

Before Xu Lang was in a coma and Mo Ye was seriously injured, he was the one who provoke the main beam.

Now that the two seniors have recovered their ability to act, this kind of thing naturally does not need him to worry about.

After all, if you want to lead a team, you must first risk greater risks and severe responsibilities.

Although he doesn't have a good impression of Xu Lang, he still relies heavily on his abilities.

Xu Lang listened to Zhang Qingyu's clue report and fell into thinking from time to time, and then nodded.

From Yuanlu Village to Baoan, and then to Chenghui Hutong, Zhang Qingyu gave a full account of what happened.

This took almost half an hour.

A huge amount of information emerged in Xu Lang's mind, and gradually formed a rough structure.

A weird route connected by bus No. 0, five evil spirits acting in lieu of action.

Xu Lang also knew the identity of these five evil spirits.

After Zhang Qingyu finished speaking, she felt thirsty and unbearable, so she opened a bottle of water and took a few sips to rest.

"These are the clues we currently have."

Xu Lang nodded.

From these clues, he has roughly understood the context.

But there are still some doubts, such as the route of the bus.

Since both the old man and the security guard of Yuanlu Village mentioned this point, it shows that this is the key to this mission.

As for the location of Yin-Yang Road, I am afraid it is also closely related to this point.

In other words, it is very likely that after they get the driving route, they will find Yinyang Road!

The only problem now is this.

Xu Lang pushed his glasses and said, "Do you have any opinions about the driving route?"

Zhang Qingyu fell into deep thought, and said somewhat vaguely.

"I found a black box on the bus, which is very different from the bad situation inside the car.

It should be a reminder of the way left by the newspaper deliberately, but I don't know whether it corresponds to the driving route. "

Xu Lang nodded, he had simply checked the inside of the bus before entering the hospital.

But the black box mentioned by Zhang Qingyu was a bit secretive, and he didn't pay attention to it.

Don't look at him now fully aware of all clues.

But listening is one thing, personal experience is another.

Now he can simply understand the general progress of the task, and he can't integrate some detailed and scattered clues.

So, he set his sights on Gao Yiyuan.

"Gao Yiyuan, do you have any opinion?"

This man is bold and careful, with superb wisdom, and is a newcomer with a deep concealment.

At first, it was silent, but after going deep into the mission, it showed the strategy and courage no weaker than the seniors.

Before entering the mission, he had already noticed the newcomer.

Regarding the driving route, he was the first to obtain clues, and he also presided over the interrogation of the security guard.

If he has no clue right now, it is impossible.

Gao Yiyuan lowered his head for a moment when he heard Xu Lang point to him.

In the end, there was no concealment, after all, at this time, the mission had already entered the final chapter, and then calculating each other, wasting time was a way to survive.

"The driving route, on the bus that appears at zero.

The location is the same as the bus in our hand, which is placed in the small box beside the driver. "

Gao Yiyuan's words are very decisive and precise.

Xu Lang heard what he said, combined with the current clues, of course, it is very simple to judge, the greatest possibility is like this.

As Zhang Qingyu saw that the conversation between the two was over, at this moment, she said something that she had been unable to figure out.

"Brother Xu, I have a doubt."

"We know from the security guards that bus zero has never changed its driver.

Until after the accident, the hearse took the place of the bus, and the security guard found that the driver was no longer the original one that night.

According to the security guard, the driver looked a little frightened. He didn't know if he was nervous or scared. He looked like a novice on the road.

How to explain this difference? "

Xu Lang didn't think too much when he heard this.

This point was actually explained as early as the last mission "The Place of Confinement".

"Do you know when the zero bus accident happened?"

Zhang Qingyu and Gao Yiyuan were shocked at the same time, neither of them got a reasonable explanation.

Because this mission is related to buses, and the content of the mission clearly mentions the driver.

But until now, the driver has not played any role or prompt in the task.

Xu Lang's words seemed a little inexplicable, and made them a little suspicious.


Is it critical

Zhang Qingyu thought for a while and said, "I don't know the exact time, but it should be not far from now."

Xu Lang nodded.

"There is one thing that you are wrong about the substitute that Gao Yiyuan speculated."

"Bus zero does not kill five people every year.

But starting this year, the evil spirits began to kill people!

specific reason... ...

It is because the newspaper assigned the task to these five evil spirits! "

Zhang Qingyu and Gao Yiyuan took a breath after listening.

Xu Lang said astonishingly, "The newspaper assigned the task to the evil spirit?"

This is something that has never been heard before.

Seeing the doubt in the eyes of both of them, Xu Lang further explained: "Since the last mission, we have come to a conclusion."

"The mission does not just act on the executor, the evil spirits are also the people involved in the mission.

Their task is to kill our executors, and our task is to escape the pursuit.

The newspaper mission is like a game, and the rules are set by the newspaper.

Both we and the evil spirits must obey, otherwise they will be obliterated. "

This is a deeper exploration of newspapers.

When Zhang Qingyu heard this, they still didn't understand, "But what does this have to do with the driver?"

Xu Lang shook his head and said, "It's very relevant."

"Let me tell you this, maybe a long time ago, there were five evil spirits in the zero bus.

But they didn't have the ability to kill living people, they just caused some supernatural phenomena.

Until, the time for this mission is approaching.

The newspaper set the game scene on this bus.

Given the powerful abilities of the five evil spirits, they finally have the opportunity to catch a substitute!

The driver is one of these five stand-ins.

But for the integrity of the task, a person must be selected to drive the car.

This is also the reason why two drivers were changed before and after! "

Zhang Qingyu and Gao Yiyuan suddenly realized that they couldn't help but think of the mission of "The Confinement Place".

It was also first put forward by Xu Lang that the newspaper gave the power of evil spirits.

The evil spirit old man at that time did not have the ability to fully cover the entire castle with a mirror.

It was the newspaper office that improved its capabilities that created the scene at that time.

This is the difference between Xu Lang and other executives.

Others only regarded themselves as participants in the task, but Xu Lang tried his best to spy on the rules.

Yan Yan did the same.

Gao Yiyuan bowed his head in thought, chewing Xu Lang's words.

Secretly sighed that there is still a big gap between him and the senior.

Xu Lang then said: "This is the weirdness of the newspaper's mission."

"For example, why can you drive a bus full of corpses at will, and stop at will, but there is no one to stop you.

In a normal world, how can a vehicle that does not fit the operation of a bus stop at the hospital door at will

This is the interference of newspapers in this world. "

Although these words were addressed to Zhang Qingyu, they were for Gao Yiyuan to listen to.

Mo Ye had told him before that Gao Yiyuan would join Yan Yan's team to assist him.

Yan Yan is a very powerful ally in Xu Lang's heart, and the relationship between the two is relatively delicate.

This time Hu Zhen has been abandoned by them, so Wu Cheng will definitely ask Yan Yan and Xu Lang for an explanation.

The break between them has become inevitable.

No matter from the perspective of personality or behavior, Gao Yiyuan is the most suitable choice to join Yan Yan.

It will also help Yan Yan a little bit more.

Xu Lang intentionally or unintentionally revealed the mission experience and some secret rules to Gao Yiyuan, hoping that he could assist Yan Yan more effectively.

This can be regarded as a favor to Yan Yan.

After saying these words, Xu Lang glanced at Gao Yiyuan, who was sitting in the corner.


Gao Yiyuan's face was as usual, but he was suspicious, not sure what Xu Lang meant when he digressed to say these words.

Xu Lang retracted his gaze, looked around and said in a gloomy tone: "Now it seems that we have everything ready."

"However, the final question now is, who boarded the hearse tonight and fetched the driving route?"

The atmosphere of the few people present began to dull.

Now that the truth about the evil spirit and the mission is known, the danger of facing that hearse is too great.

Moreover, once the driving route is obtained, it means that all clues have been revealed.

The restrictions on evil spirits will be further increased, and there is no guarantee whether they are safe on the bus.

And the person in the car will be even more dangerous!

Four performers, who wants to go

PS: Thanks to all readers for their rewards, recommendations, subscriptions and monthly ticket support, thank you everyone! (End of this chapter)